Why media attack Mrs Trump

Trump doesn't need your desperate troll opinions, you need to be more concerned about your criminal establishment candidate Hill Billy Clit.
Trump does not need anything from me. And he is not getting anything from me.

I live in California. California will vote for Hillary not The Donald.

This election is a choice between the lesser of two weevils. The last time that an election was this bad between two weevils like this was Nixon vs McGovern.

Hillary could not ask for a better opponent than The Donald.

The Donald makes Hillary looks beautiful by comparison -- makes her look smart by comparison -- makes her look judicious and diplomatic by comparison -- makes her look presidential by comparison.

God must love Hillary and must have already chosen her to be our next POTUS.

It's all in God's hands.

This does not however explain how Nixon ever got re-elected however.

Nixon is the worst president the USA has ever had. Tied with Buchanan. Tied with Hoover too.
god doesn't vote.
Trump says that America is not a great country, and won't be unless he's made president.

That's pride in America?
There goes the neighborhood when Hussein and Michelle Obama moved into the White house from the hood Chiraq south side. It's not a great country when Hussein Obama the Muslim Trojan horse keeps saying it's not by apologizing for America.
Thankfully Clinton and Obama always write their own speeches. Not to speak of their relatives.
Trump says that America is not a great country, and won't be unless he's made president.

That's pride in America?
There goes the neighborhood when Hussein and Michelle Obama moved into the White house from the hood Chiraq south side. It's not a great country when Hussein Obama the Muslim Trojan horse keeps saying it's not by apologizing for America.
could you make any less sense ? I think not.
Trump says that America is not a great country, and won't be unless he's made president.

That's pride in America?
There goes the neighborhood when Hussein and Michelle Obama moved into the White house from the hood Chiraq south side. It's not a great country when Hussein Obama the Muslim Trojan horse keeps saying it's not by apologizing for America.

Make the argument that America has never done anything wrong.

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