Why media attack Mrs Trump

Being a gold digging foreigner with a funny Russian accent is more than enough reason to be made fun of

She's Slovenian you rube...

And you wanna talk about make fun of, what about Clinton? Lesbian from Chicago marries hick lawyer, moves to bumfuck Arkansas and manages his sexual dalliances for decades in hope she can ride his coattails into the highest office on planet Earth.? Yeah, there's some character for you.
That utterly ridiculous stupid plagiarized speech by Melania was useless and it is the job of the Media to bring the plagiarism to our attention. That's what they are paid to do.

Exactly. Pity that you are too stupid to understand what you just wrote.
Being a gold digging foreigner with a funny Russian accent is more than enough reason to be made fun of

She's Slovenian you rube...

And you wanna talk about make fun of, what about Clinton? Lesbian from Chicago marries hick lawyer, moves to bumfuck Arkansas and manages his sexual dalliances for decades in hope she can ride his coattails into the highest office on planet Earth.? Yeah, there's some character for you.
You gotta admire Hillary for ascending to the precipice of The Oval Office.

One more step and she is in.

A girl's got to do what a girl's got to do.

The media librat whores was waiting for anything to spin about the RNC convention. They actually scrutinized everything they could cherry pick to spin in order to sabatog Trump. CNN-CLINTON NEWS NETWORK is Trump enemy.

They went out of their way to hire a plagiarize checker where they could pull out catchphrases anybody would use, which was so called owned by Michelle Hussein Obama.

Michelle hood rat from the ghetto South side Chicago is not even in the same league or class as Mrs. Trump. She is not proud of America.
That utterly ridiculous stupid plagiarized speech by Melania was useless and it is the job of the Media to bring the plagiarism to our attention. That's what they are paid to do. That is their role in a free democratic republic where the public must become informed in order to vote intelligently.

Did you just want everybody to vote for The Donald because of his beautiful blonde comb-over hair style ?!

Did blacks vote for Hussein Obama because Michelle is a hood rat from the south side Chiraq ghetto?
Being a gold digging foreigner with a funny Russian accent is more than enough reason to be made fun of

She's Slovenian you rube...

And you wanna talk about make fun of, what about Clinton? Lesbian from Chicago marries hick lawyer, moves to bumfuck Arkansas and manages his sexual dalliances for decades in hope she can ride his coattails into the highest office on planet Earth.? Yeah, there's some character for you.
You gotta admire Hillary for ascending to the precipice of The Oval Office.

One more step and she is in.

A girl's got to do what a girl's got to do.


I don't admire her for anything.... if anything, her husband is far more accomplished. We wouldn't even be talking about her if she weren't a Clinton.
Being a gold digging foreigner with a funny Russian accent is more than enough reason to be made fun of

She's Slovenian you rube...

And you wanna talk about make fun of, what about Clinton? Lesbian from Chicago marries hick lawyer, moves to bumfuck Arkansas and manages his sexual dalliances for decades in hope she can ride his coattails into the highest office on planet Earth.? Yeah, there's some character for you.
You gotta admire Hillary for ascending to the precipice of The Oval Office.

One more step and she is in.

A girl's got to do what a girl's got to do.


I don't admire her for anything.... if anything, her husband is far more accomplished. We wouldn't even be talking about her if she weren't a Clinton.
I listened to Melania's speech from start to finish.

This was a huge task for me since I stopped listening to Trump himself long ago.

I thought she gave a good speech. It was touching.

When I found out about the blatant plagiarisms the next day courtesy of the Media's analysis of entire phrases copied word for word, I simply concluded that this b!tch of a whore is simply just more Euro-trash indeed.

And yet another gaff !!!
showing the two speeches side by side is cherry picking?

you're an idiot.
Showing a graceful classy lady and a South side Chicago hood rat from the ghetto and comparing the two side by side makes you a moron for buying it.
Where do you get the idea that dump's latest wife is gracefully or classy?
She was a model and dump basically bought her.
She sure as fuck ain't Russian royalty.
You're gonna need more lipstick for that pig.

She probably speaks more languages than you, and she's most likely made more money on her own than you, and she legally emigrated and became a citizen because she chose to live here. So, personally dissing her probably isn't something you should engage in, even if it was somehow acceptable.

And yes RWers do it too.
My languages are:

German, English, Latin, Greek, Hebrew, some Spanish, some French.

Hopefully I pass your litmus test.

Please tell me why in the fokk Melania chose Michelle's speech to plagiarize?

And if she did not do it herself, why did she then lie and say she wrote the speech herself?

There is no question there was plagiarism.

What is relevant is who did it and why?

The speech was plagerized. She is an intelligent and beautiful woman, and why she chose to marry the Donald should have been her story. There's no reason to demean her personally, anymore than there is anyone else.

I'd guess she did put in the general points she wanted to make, and someone with better English skills put in the particulars .. and was dumb enough to plagerize Michelle .. of all people.

I made a joke of her English useage.
They (the GOP) are being weighed in the balance.

So far they have been found wanting.

So many gaffs so far.


They (the GOP) are being weighed in the balance.

So far they have been found wanting.

So many gaffs so far.

Trump doesn't need your desperate troll opinions, you need to be more concerned about your criminal establishment candidate Hill Billy Clit.
Being a gold digging foreigner with a funny Russian accent is more than enough reason to be made fun of

She's Slovenian you rube...

And you wanna talk about make fun of, what about Clinton? Lesbian from Chicago marries hick lawyer, moves to bumfuck Arkansas and manages his sexual dalliances for decades in hope she can ride his coattails into the highest office on planet Earth.? Yeah, there's some character for you.
You gotta admire Hillary for ascending to the precipice of The Oval Office.

One more step and she is in.

A girl's got to do what a girl's got to do.


I don't admire her for anything.... if anything, her husband is far more accomplished. We wouldn't even be talking about her if she weren't a Clinton.
Speaking of Hillary -- which you are -- which you started -- it will be interesting to see if her efforts at creating a Clinton dynasty will afterwards continue with her puppy-cute butt-ugly daughter?

My guess is that it will not, same as the Bush dynasty was squelched (squelched is the word for the day after the GOP's last most recent gaff) -- squelched by W. and his claims of rail guns and yellow cake in Iraq.
The media librat whores was waiting for anything to spin about the RNC convention. They actually scrutinized everything they could cherry pick to spin in order to sabatog Trump. CNN-CLINTON NEWS NETWORK is Trump enemy.

They went out of their way to hire a plagiarize checker where they could pull out catchphrases anybody would use, which was so called owned by Michelle Hussein Obama.

Michelle hood rat from the ghetto South side Chicago is not even in the same league or class as Mrs. Trump. She is not proud of America.
That utterly ridiculous stupid plagiarized speech by Melania was useless and it is the job of the Media to bring the plagiarism to our attention. That's what they are paid to do. That is their role in a free democratic republic where the public must become informed in order to vote intelligently.

Did you just want everybody to vote for The Donald because of his beautiful blonde comb-over hair style ?!

Did blacks vote for Hussein Obama because Michelle is a hood rat from the south side Chiraq ghetto?
The media librat whores was waiting for anything to spin about the RNC convention. They actually scrutinized everything they could cherry pick to spin in order to sabatog Trump. CNN-CLINTON NEWS NETWORK is Trump enemy.

They went out of their way to hire a plagiarize checker where they could pull out catchphrases anybody would use, which was so called owned by Michelle Hussein Obama.

Michelle hood rat from the ghetto South side Chicago is not even in the same league or class as Mrs. Trump. She is not proud of America.

Trump says that America is not a great country, and won't be unless he's made president.

That's pride in America?
Trump doesn't need your desperate troll opinions, you need to be more concerned about your criminal establishment candidate Hill Billy Clit.
Trump does not need anything from me. And he is not getting anything from me.

I live in California. California will vote for Hillary not The Donald.

This election is a choice between the lesser of two weevils. The last time that an election was this bad between two weevils like this was Nixon vs McGovern.

Hillary could not ask for a better opponent than The Donald.

The Donald makes Hillary looks beautiful by comparison -- makes her look smart by comparison -- makes her look judicious and diplomatic by comparison -- makes her look presidential by comparison.

God must love Hillary and must have already chosen her to be our next POTUS.

It's all in God's hands.

This metaphysical view does not explain how Nixon ever got re-elected however.

Nixon is the worst president the USA has ever had. Tied with Buchanan. Tied with Hoover too.

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