Willie Robertson & Scott Baio


Gold Member
Feb 10, 2016
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What a lineup!

Donald Trump’s first two speakers showed what this convention is really about

"Let’s make America great again, and lets make America America again."

Is there anything more insidious than this phrase? What's that mean, exactly? Too many of those fags and minorities receiving recognition as human beings like "the rest of us"?

It must really really suck to be a Republican. Your party is done. DONE.
as the RW's fight for front row seats in the losers section ...

Scott Baio's only qualification for speaking is that he called Hillary a c*nt on the internet. That's where the level of discourse is in today's GOP.

Not true. He did a wonderful job of looking after his charges in that 80's documentary.
I'm sure the Dem convention will be a sure fire brain trust.

ALF, Lenny and Squiggy all declined they had to get someone.
What a lineup!

Donald Trump’s first two speakers showed what this convention is really about

"Let’s make America great again, and lets make America America again."

Is there anything more insidious than this phrase? What's that mean, exactly? Too many of those fags and minorities receiving recognition as human beings like "the rest of us"?

It must really really suck to be a Republican. Your party is done. DONE.

You are the party of Soros. If Hitlery Soros gets elected, your country is DONE.
One things about democrats is that they can't stand success stories. You can bet your ass(ets) that the DNC will have a lineup of speakers who are mostly angry victims or pretend victims or wannabe victims.
"Let’s make America great again, and lets make America America again."

Is there anything more insidious than this phrase? What's that mean, exactly?

Let me explain it to you: Once upon a time, America was a much more polite place where people took pride in themselves, regardless of race or economic status. Now it is a seething cauldron of resentment and victimhood, with our inner cities turned into chaotic shitholes.

Is there anything more insidious than this road to hell paved with "good" intentions?
"Let’s make America great again, and lets make America America again."

Is there anything more insidious than this phrase? What's that mean, exactly?

Let me explain it to you: Once upon a time, America was a much more polite place where people took pride in themselves, regardless of race or economic status. Now it is a seething cauldron of resentment and victimhood, with our inner cities turned into chaotic shitholes.

Is there anything more insidious than this road to hell paved with "good" intentions?

Is there anything more insidious than this road to hell paved with "good" intentions


"Let’s make America great again, and lets make America America again."

Is there anything more insidious than this phrase? What's that mean, exactly?

Let me explain it to you: Once upon a time, America was a much more polite place where people took pride in themselves, regardless of race or economic status. Now it is a seething cauldron of resentment and victimhood, with our inner cities turned into chaotic shitholes.

Is there anything more insidious than this road to hell paved with "good" intentions?

According to that one Duck Dynasty racists, America was a happier place when blacks were put in their place.
One things about democrats is that they can't stand success stories. You can bet your ass(ets) that the DNC will have a lineup of speakers who are mostly angry victims or pretend victims or wannabe victims.

True, we hate success. It's why Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, et al, have been lifelong democrats.
Scott Baio's only qualification for speaking is that he called Hillary a c*nt on the internet. That's where the level of discourse is in today's GOP.
Yeah and Brown's mom will be speaking at the democrat convention next week. A thugs mother. Think she will keep the hands up lie going?
Scott Baio's only qualification for speaking is that he called Hillary a c*nt on the internet. That's where the level of discourse is in today's GOP.
Yeah and Brown's mom will be speaking at the democrat convention next week. A thugs mother. Think she will keep the hands up lie going?
Yes. Hillary uses it all,the time.

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