Why JFKs Roman Catholic faith is ns not the same as Romneys Mormanism

The US Roman Catholic Church and theEpiscopals have been trying to merge for over a decade.

Virually no dif between the 2 faiths -
And? This equates to Romney's beliefs as an individual...?

My point is that JFKsfaith was a non-issue.

America was a Christian nation

Are you going to tell me that Catholic is not Christian????

JFK's faith was a very big issue back then. He was the first Catholic to run for President.
Many believed that if he got elected he would give the Pope and the Catholic Church carte Blanche in his decision making.
He assured the people convincingly that his faith would not rule his decision making.
Teachers are underpaid/under-compensated in America by every reasonable measure, whether it be by their own education, by the importance and value of their work, etc., etc.

If you don't value educators, you don't value education. If you don't value education, then don't complain when the nations who do kick your ass in the global economy.

By far, the biggest problem with our educational system is that there is zero accountability for bad government teachers. Yeah, there are good ones. But they have to chose to be good. If you don't know that, you either don't have children in government schools or you're just a dogmite who will subjugate any fact to your political views.

That's not true. That would be the reason I don't believe it.
Teachers are underpaid/under-compensated in America by every reasonable measure, whether it be by their own education, by the importance and value of their work, etc., etc.

If you don't value educators, you don't value education. If you don't value education, then don't complain when the nations who do kick your ass in the global economy.

By far, the biggest problem with our educational system is that there is zero accountability for bad government teachers. Yeah, there are good ones. But they have to chose to be good. If you don't know that, you either don't have children in government schools or you're just a dogmite who will subjugate any fact to your political views.

Why do you suppose the northeast - New England/Middle Atlantic states - produce the best educated kids, overall, of any region in the country? Is it because they under-pay their teachers, bust their unions, underfund education? No. It's because they don't.
Why do you suppose the northeast - New England/Middle Atlantic states - produce the best educated kids, overall, of any region in the country? Is it because they under-pay their teachers, bust their unions, underfund education? No. It's because they don't.

My kids spent six years in those schools in Connecticut. So you speak of that which I know. They also went to schools in New York, Michigan, California, Virginia, Maryland, Georgia and North Carolina, so I know what their competition is.

The biggest difference in New England is parental involvement. At the class open houses at the schools in Connecticut, 90% plus of my kids classmates were represent by at least one parent and over half by both. It dwarfs anywhere else we lived. You may want to study how towns are run there as well, which is far more participatory then anywhere else. Teacher pay pretty much everywhere is far better then you acknowledge when you consider benefits and vacation.

On the other hand, the teachers there were every bit as unaccountable and they are still practically impossible to fire and raises like everywhere else are based on seniority. Sorry to let the facts get in your way.
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If parents are involved on a daily basis, supervising homework and taking direction from and offering suggestions to teachers, the kids will do very well.
General claim without evidence, JoeB, means nothing. Try again. Be specific. Give unbiased evidence with documentation. Otherwise, you are nuttering.
Why do you suppose the northeast - New England/Middle Atlantic states - produce the best educated kids, overall, of any region in the country? Is it because they under-pay their teachers, bust their unions, underfund education? No. It's because they don't.

My kids spent six years in those schools in Connecticut. So you speak of that which I know. They also went to schools in New York, Michigan, California, Virginia, Maryland, Georgia and North Carolina, so I know what their competition is.

The biggest difference in New England is parental involvement. At the class open houses at the schools in Connecticut, 90% plus of my kids classmates were represent by at least one parent and over half by both. It dwarfs anywhere else we lived. You may want to study how towns are run there as well, which is far more participatory then anywhere else. Teacher pay pretty much everywhere is far better then you acknowledge when you consider benefits and vacation.

On the other hand, the teachers there were every bit as unaccountable and they are still practically impossible to fire and raises like everywhere else are based on seniority. Sorry to let the facts get in your way.

You just acknowledged that factors external to the teaching profession were the cause of educational inadequacies,

and yet you persist in irrationally trying to scapegoat the teachers.
Why do you suppose the northeast - New England/Middle Atlantic states - produce the best educated kids, overall, of any region in the country? Is it because they under-pay their teachers, bust their unions, underfund education? No. It's because they don't.

My kids spent six years in those schools in Connecticut. So you speak of that which I know. They also went to schools in New York, Michigan, California, Virginia, Maryland, Georgia and North Carolina, so I know what their competition is.

The biggest difference in New England is parental involvement. At the class open houses at the schools in Connecticut, 90% plus of my kids classmates were represent by at least one parent and over half by both. It dwarfs anywhere else we lived. You may want to study how towns are run there as well, which is far more participatory then anywhere else. Teacher pay pretty much everywhere is far better then you acknowledge when you consider benefits and vacation.

On the other hand, the teachers there were every bit as unaccountable and they are still practically impossible to fire and raises like everywhere else are based on seniority. Sorry to let the facts get in your way.

You just acknowledged that factors external to the teaching profession were the cause of educational inadequacies,

and yet you persist in irrationally trying to scapegoat the teachers.

Thank heavens for the teachers, and even to an extent for the Kazes because they are at least involved if not quite comprehending the problem.
General claim without evidence, JoeB, means nothing. Try again. Be specific. Give unbiased evidence with documentation. Otherwise, you are nuttering.

I have lots of times before, Jake the Fake...

Really, you sounding like an NEA union thug is kind of amusing.

Child Molesting Teacher Can’t Be Fired Thanks to Union

In 1997 a Brooklyn teacher was accused of attempting to molest a sixth-grade girl at PS 138. As it happened, he admitted the behavior, but no criminal charges were filed when all was said and done. Still one would think the fact that he inappropriately fondled a teen should be enough to get him fired from his teaching position. But then again, in New York you can’t even fire a child molester if he happens to be a teachers union member.

Thanks to the fact that it is nearly impossible to fire a teacher, this lowlife has been drawing his almost $100,000-a-year salary to do nothing. You heard that right, to do nothing.

You see, even as the union agrees that this pedophile isn’t fit for a classroom, the union still won’t agree to his being fired. So, teacher Roland Pierre sits in a “rubber room” five days a week and does nothing and he’s paid $97,101yearly to do so. And that doesn’t include benefits.

There are extremes to everything. One one extreme, you have the guy who loses his good paying job because a vulture capitalist like Romney figures it's easier to loot the assets than to build the company. This is the other extreme, a system were they make it impossible to fire the worst of the worst.

Why not a happy medium? Workers have some protections, but are held accountable when they do wrong?
JoeBigot uses one example from 1997? Then tries to somehow tie it to Romney? And I sound like a union thug?

:lol: fail
JoeBigot has no point is the point. :lol:

And, son, you won't ignore me because you have a man crush on me.
On the other hand, the teachers there were every bit as unaccountable and they are still practically impossible to fire and raises like everywhere else are based on seniority. Sorry to let the facts get in your way.

You just acknowledged that factors external to the teaching profession were the cause of educational inadequacies,

and yet you persist in irrationally trying to scapegoat the teachers.

You crack me up. Your logical ability is of the level of 7 + 4 = banana.
Thank heavens for the teachers, and even to an extent for the Kazes because they are at least involved if not quite comprehending the problem.

So I don't comprehend that we need to throw more money at the problem, which is the only solution Democrats can ever come up with. And when it doesn't work, you then say it's because we didn't throw enough money at the problem and we need to throw more. Without accountability, the only thing that raising teacher paychecks will accomplish is they will take home more money. You may have noticed that we can't exactly afford that right now without getting more for it. Maybe you didn't...
Thank heavens for the teachers, and even to an extent for the Kazes because they are at least involved if not quite comprehending the problem.

So I don't comprehend that we need to throw more money at the problem, which is the only solution Democrats can ever come up with. And when it doesn't work, you then say it's because we didn't throw enough money at the problem and we need to throw more. Without accountability, the only thing that raising teacher paychecks will accomplish is they will take home more money. You may have noticed that we can't exactly afford that right now without getting more for it. Maybe you didn't...

Dont, Kaz. Don't say I said things or I said something that I have never said or that I am a Democrat.

Such inference is unethical and a lie.

What we need is PARENTS ACCOUNTABLE to make STUDENTS ACCOUNTABLE. Parents have to be involved nightly and on week ends with their students' school work. If we could get parents to do this, we could cut school administrators by 30 to 40%, pay teachers fairly, and save boodles of money.
How could I be anti worker Joe?
I am going to work NOW.
I R a worker.
While all your union buddies get Monday off as a paid Holiday I GO TO WORK.
I, unlike the union cry babies, do not seek sympathy.
Explain how I am not a worker Joe. Back it up.
This ought to be rich.

Well, I wouldn't want to keep you from your all important job of snooping into other people's business...

But it seems to me that you are angry that workers got together and negotiated better terms for themselves. Oh, the shock and horror of it all.

I mean, I suppose you miss the good old days of child labor and people toiling in workhouses. I frankly have no desire to go back there, and no desire to vote for someone like Romney who wants to take us there.

I do not work domestic cases Joe.
I do civil and criminal litigation.
Explain how I am not a worker Joe.
Try again.
How could I be anti worker Joe?
I am going to work NOW.
I R a worker.
While all your union buddies get Monday off as a paid Holiday I GO TO WORK.
I, unlike the union cry babies, do not seek sympathy.
Explain how I am not a worker Joe. Back it up.
This ought to be rich.

Well, I wouldn't want to keep you from your all important job of snooping into other people's business...

But it seems to me that you are angry that workers got together and negotiated better terms for themselves. Oh, the shock and horror of it all.

I mean, I suppose you miss the good old days of child labor and people toiling in workhouses. I frankly have no desire to go back there, and no desire to vote for someone like Romney who wants to take us there.

I do not work domestic cases Joe.
I do civil and criminal litigation.
Explain how I am not a worker Joe.
Try again.

Well, uh, no, you said you are an owner. Not the same thing.

I just think the workers should have as many rights as the owners... I know that's a crazy concept and stuff, but there it is...
Well, I wouldn't want to keep you from your all important job of snooping into other people's business...

But it seems to me that you are angry that workers got together and negotiated better terms for themselves. Oh, the shock and horror of it all.

I mean, I suppose you miss the good old days of child labor and people toiling in workhouses. I frankly have no desire to go back there, and no desire to vote for someone like Romney who wants to take us there.

I do not work domestic cases Joe.
I do civil and criminal litigation.
Explain how I am not a worker Joe.
Try again.

Well, uh, no, you said you are an owner. Not the same thing.

I just think the workers should have as many rights as the owners... I know that's a crazy concept and stuff, but there it is...

You are about as dumb as a box of rocks.
You bring nothing to the table, contribute nothing as capital to the business, take no risk whatsoever, work a set number of hours each and every week, demand extra pay for a second over 40 hours a week, extort benefit packages, threaten-intimidate and assault any other worker that dare work when you won't and then want the same rights as the owners.
You already have all the damn rights the spoiled brats you are. No wonder you are bitching.

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