Why it’s Islam vs rest of the world

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Excellent commentary on the Islamic Jihad against modern civilization.

Net-net: Fundamental Islam is a medieval belief system which blames more advanced cultures for it's lack of progress.

Until moderate Muslims take back there countries and develop economic systems based upon human capital instead of oil, this problem will persist.

In Davos this year there was much talk of Islam and its differences with the West. The emphasis was on trying to understand why rather than on dismissing the whole issue as that clash of civilisations Samuel Huntington wrote so prophetically about nearly ten years before 9/11. A whole gamut of Muslim intellectuals were invited to address sessions with subjects as diverse as religion and globalisation, modernity and Islam and the shared roots of Western and Islamic culture. Arab princes spoke, as did professors and scholars from the Islamic world and women in hijab who argued that the West try and understand that democracy and gender issues had different meanings in different cultures. The Grand Mufti of Bosnia was there alongside the former American Archbishop of Canterbury and representing the Indian subcontinent was, ironically, General Pervez Musharraf.

As I watched him expound on his theory that Islam was a peaceful religion that sought only friendship and peace with the world, I found myself wondering why then it had been necessary to break India up for reasons of Islam. But, that is the sort of politically incorrect question nobody asks these days just as we do not ask why the Kashmir Valley’s struggle for autonomy has ended up becoming part of the international jehad against Americans, Jews and Hindus. Political correctness was very much the mood of the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting so many of those who spoke for Islam got away with blaming the West for their woes.

You must understand, they said, that terrorism was not Islamic or Christian but just terrorism. And, you must understand that at the root of what was going on lay unresolved political problems like Palestine and Kashmir. Our friendly, neighbourhood military dictator went so far as to say that because of these unresolved political issues young Muslims had developed a sense of persecution and had begun to believe that the world was against Islam. It was the duty of the West to not just help resolve these political issues fairly but also help solve some of the socio-economic problems of the Islamic world. Then, the world would be at peace once more and we could live without the threat of suicide bombers.

Since this column has never had pretensions of political correctness let me spit it out. It would, in my view, be a terrible mistake to try and understand the causes of Islamic terrorism. And, please let us call it Islamic since nearly every terrorist act in recent years has been committed by Muslims in the name of their so-called jehad. These terrible acts of violence cannot be excused on political grounds. There have always been political disputes and there always will be but the solution is not terrorism. As for ‘‘socio-economic’’ causes we need to remember that none of the hijackers of 9/11 were poor, illiterate or underprivileged. Many of them have abandoned their repressive home countries for comfortable, middle-class lives in Europe and the United States but were so consumed by hatred of the West that they were prepared to die for it.

Moderate Muslims need to ask why just as they need to ask why, despite all their oil, even rich Muslim countries are unable to create just and enlightened societies instead of ones that produce disaffected, desperate youths who are prepared to give their lives to kill innocent people. If the West is such a terrible place and America Satan incarnate then why do so many Muslims choose to migrate to cities like New York and London? Why are they not happy to live bigoted, blinkered lives in Riyadh and Jeddah?

There would be no problem with Islam, no ‘‘clash’’ of any kind, if it would restrict its jehad to its own boundaries. It is precisely because it has chosen to internationalise its ideological and religious battle that there is trouble. Just as young Muslims think their way of life is worth fighting and dying for, so young people who are not Muslim feel their way of life is worth fighting for. And, whether Muslims are prepared to admit it or not modernity does mean questioning ancient religious beliefs and demanding answers. A religion that is based on the belief that the last word or ideology, faith, social mores and law was written fourteen hundred years ago will always find itself in conflict with change. Modernity is in its essence the ability to accept change.

This is the jehad that needs to be fought but it needs to be fought within Islam so that moderate, rational voices can rise above the violence and hatred of the bigots who seem to be the only ones able to speak for Islam.

In Davos we were supposed to have heard the voices of moderate Islam but what we ended up hearing, at session after session, was an endless litany of complaints. It was the fault of the West that Islam was being labelled a terrorist religion, the fault of the West that most Muslim rulers were despots, the fault of the West that political issues had been allowed to fester, the fault of the West that Muslim countries had not progressed economically and the fault of the West that Osama bin Laden had got created. In vain I searched to hear one voice that would admit that there must be something deeply wrong in Islamic societies that they had bred the sort of hatred that created so much senseless violence. Just an explanation, for instance, for why the Buddhas of Bamiyan were smashed to bits without one Islamic country intervening. I did not hear it.

They seem to have the same problems as a lot of people in the world and the same solution, blame someone else for your deficiencies. When will people learn that one is responsible for their actions themselves and NOT blame it on a myriad of excuses that involve blaming someone else?

How can any society that fails to recognize half of its' population, namely the women, as equal citizens hope to thrive and extend their way of life? How can any society hope to compete in the modern world when their basic ideas of right and wrong, of human rights, and of personal freedom are outdated as those of Islam? The world not longer exist as it did 1400 years ago; times change, people change, ideas and societies change over time, hopefully for the better. But, the Islamic states prefer to remain in the Dark Ages.

I am not saying that they have no right to worship as they please but they need to recognize the fact that the world does not revolve around their ideas and system of beliefs only; there is a need to adapt if one wishes to survive.

One would think, with the massive oil deposits sitting under their very feet, that the Islamic countries would be able to provide each and every one of its' citiizens with one of the highest standards of living in the world. But when they refuse to acknowledge the fact that women are equal to men and that all citizens deserve to have an education, they are doomed to remain a group of date merchants and goat herders ruled by a few very, very, very rich politicians and religious leaders who see their task in life as maintaining a status quo that existed 1000 years ago.

They seek rights among the world's nations, but refuse to accept responsibility. It is always easier to blame others for one's own woes.
"The West" is not at war with Islam. JEWS are at war with Islam, and they've dragged "The West" into it --- on THEIR side. There are exceptions to this (the Islamization of Europe is a good example), but we would not be sending troops to the middle east unless the Jews hadn't pushed for it, which they did.
You are absolutely incorrect.

Islam and the West have been at War, at least ideologically, for centuries.

Ever heard of The Crusades?
Yes, what you say is true. And (gasp!) Jews had nothing to do with any of that, that I know of. But today's conflagration is much different. The military attack on Arabs (Iraq One and Two, threats against Syria, etc.) is a direct result of Jewish influence in the media/Pentagon. If you're looking for sources less radical than me, check out American Conservative's accounts of Israeli ownership of the Pentagon. Or Pat Buchanan's "Whose War" essay. Thus, I am skeptical of attempts to paint the war as one between my people (White Gentiles) with Arabs. Because that painting makes the Good Ol' Boys down at the honky tonk whoop and say, "Yeah! We gotta kill them ragheads!" When actually, the ragheads are being killed on behalf of Jewish (Israeli) interests.
Perhaps if the U.S. had not delayed entering WWII and had not refused to allow Jewish refugees sanctuary on American soil - the state of Israel would not have been necessary.

But it exists and is our ally. Perhaps allegiances mean nothing to you. I feel differently. Israel is an oasis of civilization in a sea of barbaric medievalism. If we let Israel be destroyed, we hasten our own demise.
So, the death of Jews in Germany is the fault of the United States? Gee, that's interesting. Declaring that "Israel is our ally" and thus, we should support them in the future is like saying that because we have slavery now, we should keep it up. Have you ever even BEEN to Israel, ww? I wonder if you know what goes on in your "oasis."

Our "demise" is being hastened as we speak, and pledging fealty to the Jewish overlords is culprit No. 1.
I'll take Israel over Saudi Arabia, Syria or Iran any day.

The U.S. made a huge mistake in turing a blind eye on Nazism. We compounded that mistake by denying Jewish refugees a home in the U.S. We were a party to the creation of the state of Israel. That makes us responsible as an ally.
1.Israel is hardly a monster. 2.Israel's neighbour is frankenstein. 3.A sizeable percentage of Israeli citizens do not believe that palestinians are infidels. 'Nuff said.
That's like saying that because most whites don't support slavery, we should ignore it and let the ones who hold slaves continue to hold them. The fact is that "most" isn't needed, but "dedicated few" is. I don't think your disbelief in Israel's monstrosity is borne out by the facts, most of which you don't see, as a consumer of American media. Israel's atrocities are typically hidden, except when some of it leaks out. Did you know that Sharon is wanted on war crimes charges for the Jenin massacre?
I thought I've read that a lot of the stuff about the Jenin massacre was not even true.

I know that the US hasn't always been consistent about it's policies towards several Arab countries, but there is no way you can blame the US/"The West" for all of it. I also am amused by people who talk about how the US should apologize or something and how we need to understand the terrorists and other vague, one-sided statements. I'm not saying that everyone is like this, but there are many who just mention this but say nothing about what the Arab countries should do. It should go both ways because there is no excuse for a lof the things they have supported either (namely terrorism and oppression).
Its always been Islam vs the rest of the world. Since the Muslim Caliphs began their conquest of the world after the death of Mohammad Islam has continually struggled with non islamic nations. The crusades were started in response to Muslim conquoring of the holy land and byzantine empires and spain. If there were no crusades, more than likely we would have no western civilization as we know it. (Which is one reasons i cant figure out why people seem to think the crusades is some black sore on Christianity).

Of Israel Directly. Its hardly a monster. In fact, Israel is the side that is proving that it wants peace. They have continually been willing to give into the Palestinians demands for peace, yet the PLO doesnt want to accept peace. You cant have peace with someone whose goal is to wipe you off the face of the earth. We know that is the Palestinians goal and not the Israelis goal. why? Because If Israel wanted the palestinians dead they wouldnt have held back all these years. they would have been 50 years ago. Israel probably has the military ability to take over the middle east if they wanted to. but they dont. Which is why i cant figure out why the heck people are sympathetic to the palestinians. They have been offered what they wanted and threw it away. They have used terrorism instead of legitimate ways of getting attention and as long as they continue having success using terrorism, terrorism will continue to exist. There are causes a thousand times more just than the Palestinians. but because they dont use terrorism they arent getting the support from other nations and noticed as much.
Originally posted by Avatar4321
Its always been Islam vs the rest of the world. Since the Muslim Caliphs began their conquest of the world after the death of Mohammad Islam has continually struggled with non islamic nations. The crusades were started in response to Muslim conquoring of the holy land and byzantine empires and spain. If there were no crusades, more than likely we would have no western civilization as we know it. (Which is one reasons i cant figure out why people seem to think the crusades is some black sore on Christianity).

Of Israel Directly. Its hardly a monster. In fact, Israel is the side that is proving that it wants peace. They have continually been willing to give into the Palestinians demands for peace, yet the PLO doesnt want to accept peace. You cant have peace with someone whose goal is to wipe you off the face of the earth. We know that is the Palestinians goal and not the Israelis goal. why? Because If Israel wanted the palestinians dead they wouldnt have held back all these years. they would have been 50 years ago. Israel probably has the military ability to take over the middle east if they wanted to. but they dont. Which is why i cant figure out why the heck people are sympathetic to the palestinians. They have been offered what they wanted and threw it away. They have used terrorism instead of legitimate ways of getting attention and as long as they continue having success using terrorism, terrorism will continue to exist. There are causes a thousand times more just than the Palestinians. but because they dont use terrorism they arent getting the support from other nations and noticed as much.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: Amen brother
Don't you mean, l'chaim?

That appears to have come straight from the Israeli Ministry of Propaganda, aka the New York Post.

Only problem with it: It's a bunch of lies.

Jews have not "held back" vis a vis Arabs out of the goodness of their little Jewish hearts. They have done so because the United States would get pissed if they really let it fly, and might actually reduce aid from $800 trillion a day to, say, 700. They also have concerns about warfare with the Arab world, which could result if they tried to Holocaust the Arabs in Israel and nearby. Does this shit come through with any of you? I really don't care what they do, personally, but it makes me want to scream the way Jews are acting like Nazis (even worse, actually --- they're not even native to the area!) and all they get is defense from dumbass conservatives, cowardly liberals and the rest of the idiots. Why the hell doesn't anyone have the guts to say what's going on?
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