Why is Trump so unpopular?

Deny Ttump is unpopular. Go ahead.

Same shit as 2020 was stolen

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Poor Cult Lemming. Get new handlers cuz yours are lying to you.

Paperwork in the Government system never dies.....
Kinda like those naked pics you thought got taken down. They just resurface again when you really don't need them to.

The mainstream Media, Academe, Hollywood, all the Unions, and all government employees are part of The Resistance.

Figures. All the havens of treason

And that doesn't even count every fucking Democrat in Congress and the rest of the country.

No one cares about Democraps. They're corrupt and irrelevant.

And in the face of all this opposition, the propaganda storm, the slanting of every single newscast, Trump STILL polls over 50%

It is a fucking miracle, and IN CONTEXT he is "hugely popular."

Immigration raids start Monday. 2/3 of the country wants them. No more free money for illegals. Trump and the Republican Congress are going to take that infrastructure completely apart

It is analogous to a situation where the team in MLB with the lowest payroll wins the World Series, 4 games to 3. It would be a MONUMENTAL, earth-shattering victory...even though it was only 4-3.

No one cares. As long as the job gets done. Remember, you have 8 years of Vance to look forward to after this. :p
This isn't about Trump.
Off course it is - the threads title is:

Why is the Criminal Trump so unpopular?​

Your deflecting onto Biden would require another thread - and having said that, I never saw a naked photo of his wives, nor his daughter, nor that he took and paid services to a porn model, whilst even covering it up in a fraudulent tax deceleration.

Any assumptions in regards to your deflecting topic, would be based purely onto ones sick imagination. Especially those of bigots and self-proclaimed religious and decent people.

Furthermore - show me a single post of mine, where I have ever supported Biden.

But anyway, that a religious or a bigot, who additionally defines himself being a decent person, will indeed hate Trump - a totally immoral, a very sinful, and a convicted felon is fully understood. Or are you personally in denial of MORAL & religious based claims, constantly being propagated by MAGA's ??
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Furthermore - show me a single post of mine, where I have ever supported Biden.
Doesn't matter.

Remember the rule: If you don't sell your soul to Trump, you're an evil commie who wants to destroy America.

That's it. That's as deep as it gets. You can only be one or the other. In their eyes.
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It's so obvious that no explanation is needed. There are plenty of reasons to accompany the primary ones, that he is a consistent, aggressive liar, that he is a convicted felon, and that his obsession with himself turns off most people.

But, the Republican Trump supporters will try and fail to sell him as immensely popular, which is just a pipe dream. So, lets look at some unquestionable facts:
He won the Popular Vote by less than 1.5%.
The House and Senate are both Republican by razor thin margins.
In his first term Trump "was the only president going back to Truman to enter office with an approval rating of less than 50%, and he never rose above
50% for his entire term."
At the present time his approval and popularity ratings are somewhere around 45-49%.

Republicans want him to be considered popular, dangerous would be a more accurate expectation.

He's only unpopular with the TDS'rs, which pleases me just fine.
It's so obvious that no explanation is needed. There are plenty of reasons to accompany the primary ones, that he is a consistent, aggressive liar, that he is a convicted felon, and that his obsession with himself turns off most people.
t's so obvious that no explanation is needed. There are plenty of reasons to accompany the primary ones, that he is a consistent, aggressive liar, that he is a convicted felon, and that his obsession with himself turns off most people.
It is so obvious that no explanation is needed

He is anti-Socialism, opposes violent parasitism, supports the 2A and is without a criminal record.

The Socialist Demon Rats hate those characteristics.

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