Why is Trump so unpopular?


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017

It's so obvious that no explanation is needed. There are plenty of reasons to accompany the primary ones, that he is a consistent, aggressive liar, that he is a convicted felon, and that his obsession with himself turns off most people.

But, the Republican Trump supporters will try and fail to sell him as immensely popular, which is just a pipe dream. So, lets look at some unquestionable facts:
He won the Popular Vote by less than 1.5%.
The House and Senate are both Republican by razor thin margins.
In his first term Trump "was the only president going back to Truman to enter office with an approval rating of less than 50%, and he never rose above
50% for his entire term."
At the present time his approval and popularity ratings are somewhere around 45-49%.

Republicans want him to be considered popular, dangerous would be a more accurate expectation.


It's so obvious that no explanation is needed. There are plenty of reasons to accompany the primary ones, that he is a consistent, aggressive liar, that he is a convicted felon, and that his obsession with himself turns off most people.

But, the Republican Trump Cult will try and fail to sell the criminal as immensely popular, which is just a pipe dream. So, lets look at some unquestionable facts:
He won the Popular Vote by less than 1.5%.
The House and Senate are both Republican by razor thin margins.
In his first term Trump "was the only president going back to Truman to enter office with an approval rating of less than 50%, and he never rose above
50% for his entire term."
At the present time his approval and popularity ratings are somewhere around 45-49%.

Republicans want him to be considered popular, dangerous would be a more accurate expectation.

Third thread this morning on the same bs....Must be a new talking point....


battered spouse syndrome...
A mention of "battered spouse syndrome?" You people never wake up to where you should not go...

Documenting Trump’s Abuse of Women

For his 1993 book, “The Lost Tycoon,” Harry Hurt III acquired Ivana’s divorce deposition, in which she stated that Trump raped her.
By Jane Mayer
October 17, 2016

Donald Trump’s lawyer said it’s legal to rape your spouse. Nope.​

Donald held back Ivana’s arms and began to pull out fistfuls of hair from her scalp, as if to mirror the pain he felt from his own operation. He tore off her clothes and unzipped his pants.
“Then he jams his penis inside her for the first time in more than sixteen months. Ivana is terrified… It is a violent assault,” Hurt writes. “According to versions she repeats to some of her closest confidantes, ‘he raped me.’”

When the Daily Beast called Michael Cohen, who is special counsel at the Trump Organization, for comment, Cohen repeatedly threatened to “ruin” the reporters. But he also said this: “And, of course, understand that by the very definition, you can’t rape your spouse. It is true. You cannot rape your spouse. There’s very clear case law.”

The definition of rape does, in fact, include raping your spouse​

President-elect Donald Trump on Friday used his Truth Social platform to reveal that he wants “Peggy Schwinn,” a “former teacher,” to serve as the deputy secretary of education in his new administration.

But his announcement didn’t get a passing grade as he got the name of his own pick, former Tennessee Commissioner of Education Penny Schwinn, wrong.

Look on the bright side, it could be worse.

Spelling the name wrong of one of your people, is not nearly as bad as forgetting, or not knowing they are not among the living.


It's so obvious that no explanation is needed. There are plenty of reasons to accompany the primary ones, that he is a consistent, aggressive liar, that he is a convicted felon, and that his obsession with himself turns off most people.

But, the Republican Trump Cult will try and fail to sell the criminal as immensely popular, which is just a pipe dream. So, lets look at some unquestionable facts:
He won the Popular Vote by less than 1.5%.
The House and Senate are both Republican by razor thin margins.
In his first term Trump "was the only president going back to Truman to enter office with an approval rating of less than 50%, and he never rose above
50% for his entire term."
At the present time his approval and popularity ratings are somewhere around 45-49%.

Republicans want him to be considered popular, dangerous would be a more accurate expectation.

These stats brought to you by the same people who said Biden got 81 million votes and was by far the most popular candidate in American history.
Trump was a historically unpopular president the first time around, and so far it looks as though he’ll face the same widespread public opposition in his second term.

As much as Republicans want to throw around words such as “landslide” and “mandate,” 2024 was one of the closest elections in American history. Trump beat Vice President Kamala Harris in the popular vote by less than 1.5%; only one election in the last half-century (in 2000) was closer.

Joe Biden, for instance, had 57% approval in the first Gallup poll of his presidency; Barack Obama came in at 67% approval. Even Bush, who like Trump lost the popular vote in his first victory, started at 57%. In fact, Trump was the only president in the Gallup poll’s history — going all the way back to Harry Truman — who entered office with an approval rating under 50%. He was also the only one to never crack 50% approval for a single day of an entire term.

On the verge of his second term, even after his first popular vote victory in three tries, Trump’s approval is weak. A new Marist/NPR poll puts it at just 44%; 49% say they disapprove of him. The Economist/YouGov poll gives him a similar 45/51 split, while a USA Today/Suffolk University survey has his favorability/unfavorability at 47% each.

The <1.5% convicted felon. Your popularly elected President everybody.

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