Why is Trump so unpopular?

Who says I was happy with it? :dunno: Show me the high praises I gave to Brandon.

Oh wait. You can't, because you're always full of shit.
There it is. Thanks for admitting, you don't care one iota whether or not the country is on the right track as long as you can spout your ineffective little bitch fest. LMAO--that's considered trolling, moron.
There it is. Thanks for admitting, you don't care one iota whether or not the country is on the right track as long as you can spout your ineffective little bitch fest. LMAO--that's considered trolling, moron.
I want the country on the right track. I just wouldn't put magaturds in charge to do it, because I believe they are woefully incompetent.

It's so obvious that no explanation is needed. There are plenty of reasons to accompany the primary ones, that he is a consistent, aggressive liar, that he is a convicted felon, and that his obsession with himself turns off most people.

But, the Republican Trump supporters will try and fail to sell him as immensely popular, which is just a pipe dream. So, lets look at some unquestionable facts:
He won the Popular Vote by less than 1.5%.
The House and Senate are both Republican by razor thin margins.
In his first term Trump "was the only president going back to Truman to enter office with an approval rating of less than 50%, and he never rose above
50% for his entire term."
At the present time his approval and popularity ratings are somewhere around 45-49%.

Republicans want him to be considered popular, dangerous would be a more accurate expectation.

Except we now have X to counter.....Galls you don't it.

Not in the slightest. This is an entertainment gift for the rest of the world.

As Trump begins to bring Project 2025 to life with his first round of Executive Orders, which the Heritage Society promised their donors. All the things that Republicans SWORE were just "campaign rhetoric" came to pass, including Trump's Proud Boys marching in celebration of the leaders' pardons.

Watching Trump destroy the USA in his first Administration was the best soap opera of the pandemic, and the world watched him do it. Right wing propaganda told Americans a different story.

The massive grifting and illegality of this administration is mind boggling. Overnight, the US government has been taken over by criminals and oligarchs. Just like Russia.
Not in the slightest. This is an entertainment gift for the rest of the world.

As Trump begins to bring Project 2025 to life with his first round of Executive Orders, which the Heritage Society promised their donors. All the things that Republicans SWORE were just "campaign rhetoric" came to pass, including Trump's Proud Boys marching in celebration of the leaders' pardons.

Watching Trump destroy the USA in his first Administration was the best soap opera of the pandemic, and the world watched him do it. Right wing propaganda told Americans a different story.

The massive grifting and illegality of this administration is mind boggling. Overnight, the US government has been taken over by criminals and oligarchs. Just like Russia.
Go fix your shithole country, KKKanuck vermin.
Your map is a total lie, Frank. There is no solid red or blue ANYWHERE. The map is purple, with few exceptions. Trump won with 51.5% of the popular vote, and 48.5% of the people opposing him.

Thinking Republicans can DO most of the stuff they've said they would do, would require the end of the Consitution.


We don't elect a POTUS by popular vote in America, Dumbass KKKanuck.
Trump's popularity must be viewed in context. We have had every major media outlet except one bad-mouthing Trump continuously from the moment he first hinted that he might run for President (in 2015) until today. They publish (present tense) lies, distortions, out-of-context quotes, bizarre perspectives, cherry-picked examples, etc., feeding the country nothing but bad things about Trump. Objective studies on the subject invariably find negative reporting of at least 90% about Trump. In addition, you have all of Academe (except possibly parochial schools), constantly spouting Left-wing nonsense, which either explicitly or implicitly promotes TDS. You have all the Hollywood influencers constantly badmouthing Trump and telling anyone who will listen that he is the worst political human since Hitler, and anyone with the resources to do so should leave the country because he was elected again.

And in the face of ALL OF THAT, he is still supported by a slight majority of Americans. The mere fact that he is still popular is phenomenal, literally. It is as though the MLB umpires association secretly agreed to screw a particular team every chance it got for an entire season, and the team still managed to finish with a record above .500. You might say, well, they were a mediocre team, barely able to win more games than it lost. But in reality, that .500+ record would be PHENOMENAL, given what it had to overcome to reach that level of success.

The main reason Trump is HATED is because his opponents can't really convince the public that Trump's POLICIES are bad - the public agrees with almost everything he wants to do - so they have to convince the public that HE is bad. In fact, "Orange Man Bad," would be the best articulation of the Harris campaign of 2024. They presented ZERO reasons to vote for her, merely a ton of reasons why they hoped you would vote against Trump.
Thinking Republicans can DO most of the stuff they've said they would do, would require the end of the Consitution.
That's interesting.........somewhere Schumer is on record stating the that the COTUS limits what they want to accomplish. It was a passing remark during some interview. Rather jaw dropping, to me.

Overnight, the US government has been taken over by criminals and oligarchs.

Presidential freedom medal given to oligarch George Soros, and criminal Hillary Clinton, co-author of the Steele Dossier.
The main reason Trump is HATED is because his opponents can't really convince the public that Trump's POLICIES are bad - the public agrees with almost everything he wants to do - so they have to convince the public that HE is bad.
Done by the professional propagandists in left media.................propaganda in its truest form.................and a huge following bought it all, hook line and sinker...............still do to this day.

n fact, "Orange Man Bad," would be the best articulation of the Harris campaign of 2024. They presented ZERO reasons to vote for her, merely a ton of reasons why they hoped you would vote against Trump.
They started he campaign all touchy feeley, worked for bit.....I sat by and waited for them to go all in on Trump hate. Didn't take long.....and it went south from then on.

They just can't help themselves................even doing it now after getting shellacked in the voting booth.

It's so obvious that no explanation is needed. There are plenty of reasons to accompany the primary ones, that he is a consistent, aggressive liar, that he is a convicted felon, and that his obsession with himself turns off most people.

But, the Republican Trump supporters will try and fail to sell him as immensely popular, which is just a pipe dream. So, lets look at some unquestionable facts:
He won the Popular Vote by less than 1.5%.
The House and Senate are both Republican by razor thin margins.
In his first term Trump "was the only president going back to Truman to enter office with an approval rating of less than 50%, and he never rose above
50% for his entire term."
At the present time his approval and popularity ratings are somewhere around 45-49%.

Republicans want him to be considered popular, dangerous would be a more accurate expectation.

over 1 thousand four hundred days to go until Vance is elected POTUS !:auiqs.jpg:
Oh he should be secretive like the deep state eh ?

Big mouth vs Decent honorable man with...

noun: apologist; plural noun: apologists

apologist a person who offers an argument in defense of something controversial.
"critics said he was an apologist for colonialism"

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