Why is this election even close?

I live in MN.
Sure bet, that Omar, Keith Ellison and Governor Walz will easily win here based on one issue.
The ads are relentless and out of state money is flowing in to feed the DFL here.

It's like everyone here completely forgot about the economy, shutdowns, vaccine mandates, and the Summer of Love or Omar's crazy statements.
How pathetic is it that the right to kill your unborn child at whatever stage of pregnancy is the most important issue to a person? That just feels evil to me.
How pathetic is it that the right to kill your unborn child at whatever stage of pregnancy is the most important issue to a person? That just feels evil to me.
While I find Abortion detestable and feel it is used far too often, I am also wary of government control over personal health decisions, including vaccinations or our failed policy of Prohibition. I reject the Nanny State on all levels.

Government should just fix the potholes, defend our country and stay the hell out of our personal lives.
There are many women here I know including my wife who voted for Trump and are now pissed about the Supreme Courts ruling. Many saw that as an ingrained right decided decades ago. That has cemented the DFL here for years to come. This state was turning towards the center, and now all that momentum is lost to the far left.
The RCP has the generic congressional ballot at almost dead even today.

The GOP is running on liberty, lower taxes, secure borders, tough on violent crime, pro life, more choices, opportunity, prosperity for everybody.

The Dems are running on the right to unlimited abortion, transgendering kids, pushing CRT and LGBTX in schools, emptying prisons, defunding police, taking away fossil fuels and guns, government subsidy of every Democrat demographic.

Why is this election even close?

Because empowering Republicans almost automatically means also empowering Rump.

Something that a majority of voters --- Democrats and Independents alike - cannot and will not countenance.

Rump is an existential threat to American Representative Democracy and cannot be allowed to ever again hold high office in the United States.
I hope you're right. I gave up confidence in outcomes of elections quite some time ago though.
I don't blame you... we have a senate leader and some GOP senators that really doesn't want to win.... they prefer to be in the minority...
While I find Abortion detestable and feel it is used far too often, I am also wary of government control over personal health decisions, including vaccinations or our failed policy of Prohibition. I reject the Nanny State on all levels.

Government should just fix the potholes, defend our country and stay the hell out of our personal lives.
There are many women here I know including my wife who voted for Trump and are now pissed about the Supreme Courts ruling. Many saw that as an ingrained right decided decades ago. That has cemented the DFL here for years to come. This state was turning towards the center, and now all that momentum is lost to the far left.
Again it is pitiful when anybody's opinion can be shifted so easily on a single issue, most especially one that encourages people to kill their unborn children.

The only problem with Roe was that the left had already so corrupted it that it was meaningless and they erroneously used it to justify unlimited abortion at any time, any place, regardless of how developed or healthy a baby might be. Even the right to kill a child emerging from the womb. To me that is evil. So I had no problem with Dobbs as I never thought abortion was something the federal government was given authority to regulate in the first place, and the more draconian restriction states will almost certain modify their positions and the 'woke' governments in states will keep abortion as a religion and unrestricted right and it all works out.

A true Patriot understands that the Constitution strictly limits the authority of the central government and for the first time in a long time we have a Supreme Court that honors the Constitution instead of political correctness.

I think those who resent that would vote blue anyway. (P.S. on recent polls fewer than 20% of Democrats answered that abortion was high on their list of priorities, with independents it was about 5%, with Republicans 0%. So there is that too.)
That's a sad commentary on our country but I don't necessarily disagree with most of it.

Large corporations vote Democrat because the Democrats will continue to favor them in return for large contributions. At the same time the Democrats continue to impose all manner of restrictions, regulations, taxes etc. on the smaller competitors of those large corporations. The GOP may not ruffle the feathers of the big guys either but they do tend to encourage and promote the small businesses and give them more of a fighting chance to compete.

More than 2 million federal employees will vote mostly Democrat because the Democrats never question them or threaten them if they aren't doing their jobs. The big unions contribute to and promote Democrats because they are given almost unlimited power under Democrat rule. Farmers are more torn because some GOP policies are favorable to them but they really look more to Democrats for lucrative subsidies.

And for the working class, it all depends on how informed they are. If they believe the Democrats and MSM that all their miseries are due to Republicans. . .

And if they have been able to see through that crapola and see why the Republican agenda is better for everybody. . .

I honestly don't know where everybody is on this at this time. My Democrat friends and relatives seem to be doing somewhat less Republican bashing these days, but does that mean they'll vote red? I don't know.

It really is about what you believe as an individual.

Propaganda is a powerful tool, used by both sides. But consider------------------>the Left has drawn Trump into this election, and he not only is in no office, he isn't even on the ballot for an office. Can you even remember such a thing? They project how people will vote if elected, by what an unelected person says? And yet, when you hold them to the same standard by what Democrats in congress have voted on, they deflect; even when they all vote in lockstep.

The GOP is not the solution to all of our problems, and Lord knows, they have helped cause some of them. But the fact is------------->the Left is the cause of most of the problems, from defund the police, the border, on down.

Americans are going to have to decide what is important to them. I am honestly waiting to see the outcome. In my humble opinion, most families that work for a living are going to reject the Left. Almost everyone who is retired should throw the Left under the bus too. That is a powerful voter base. And yet, here we are.

If Democrats can pull this off, they are geniuses! How do you get people to vote against their own self interest by making one person, NOT on the ballot for any office, a country's boogeyman; while deflecting the pain and horror of what people of your ilk have caused, while still insisting it was a brilliant thing to do, all the while your party leader looks like he has Alzheimer's?

This question will be answered in early November, and let us not hope for the best, but become active participants that it is resolved our way! For me and my family, it is ridiculous to argue with people, who after the disaster which has befallen us and that continue to sing the praises of the Left, publicly disagree with them. Those people are LOST! Rather, I choose to try and convince people who sit on the fence. And honestly, most of them at this time fall my way, and all I have to do is make sure they vote, lol. I urge all conservatives, to take that approach. I mean, it is fun to prove the Leftists wrong 95% of the time, but they are still going to vote LEFTIST. Why waste our/your time! Don't make it personal. They want you to waste your valuable time on them. Better to point out to people what LEFTISTS have done if they are on the fence, and admit the GOP is NOT the be all, end all, but LEFTISTS in power, will destroy them as a family, along with taking freedoms away to achieve their goals!
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