Why is the US the only developed country in the World without Universal Healthcare for all its citizens?


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
My guess is the US has been prevented from bringing on the healthcare needed because a political party named the Republicans have been blocking it for decades. The Republican Party, aka Taliban of the US, cares only for the rich, the affluent and those that can bring them more power. Until the old, backwards, racist Repubs die....the US will continue to slide back into the stone ages when it comes to healthcare.

To make matters worse, we are not budened with the most incompetent human being alive in the WH. Here we have a man who is a Narcissistic Sociopath who has trouble pronouncing three syllable words, trying to tackle the greatest Humanitarian Disaster in US History, We will lose thousands of lives because he denied the severity of the virus for weeks and now is more interested in his re-election chances than he is in the lives lost or the economy in shambles. The man is nuts, yet many of you think he is some kind of modern day Messiah....
My guess is the US has been prevented from bringing on the healthcare needed because a political party named the Republicans have been blocking it for decades. The Republican Party, aka Taliban of the US, cares only for the rich, the affluent and those that can bring them more power. Until the old, backwards, racist Repubs die....the US will continue to slide back into the stone ages when it comes to healthcare.

To make matters worse, we are not budened with the most incompetent human being alive in the WH. Here we have a man who is a Narcissistic Sociopath who has trouble pronouncing three syllable words, trying to tackle the greatest Humanitarian Disaster in US History, We will lose thousands of lives because he denied the severity of the virus for weeks and now is more interested in his re-election chances than he is in the lives lost or the economy in shambles. The man is nuts, yet many of you think he is some kind of modern day Messiah....

Because we do. Those who can't pay get to use the ER's. And it is free to them. That's one of the reasons why our healthcare insurance costs so much. Also, we actually GET to see our doctors. Canadian politicians come to the US to get their healthcare. You should ask yourself why, if Canada's healthcare system is so good, do they do that?
My guess is the US has been prevented from bringing on the healthcare needed because a political party named the Republicans have been blocking it for decades. The Republican Party, aka Taliban of the US, cares only for the rich, the affluent and those that can bring them more power. Until the old, backwards, racist Repubs die....the US will continue to slide back into the stone ages when it comes to healthcare.

To make matters worse, we are not budened with the most incompetent human being alive in the WH. Here we have a man who is a Narcissistic Sociopath who has trouble pronouncing three syllable words, trying to tackle the greatest Humanitarian Disaster in US History, We will lose thousands of lives because he denied the severity of the virus for weeks and now is more interested in his re-election chances than he is in the lives lost or the economy in shambles. The man is nuts, yet many of you think he is some kind of modern day Messiah....
To answer the question on the TITLE of this thread >>> Maybe it's because the Democratic Party keeps bringing millions of people into the country (legal or not), who don't have a dime in their pocket, offer nothing o the country, and are here just to TAKE whatever they can get at US taxpayer expense, so that these folks will increase Democrat votes and tip elections in their favor and "bring them power,"

Even if the voting scenario were not present, it still wouldn't be advisable to offer lots of free stuff, as long as Democrats keep hauling poor people into the country, to then grab at th dree stuff, all thereby becoming less available to Americans.

And if Democrats were so kind and compassionate to the American poor and working class, they wouldn't be dragging the world's poor in here to take jobs away from Americans, as well as a long list of other harms to Americans.

Harms of immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).
2. Wage reduction.
3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).
4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($138 Billion/year).
5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.
6. Increased crime.
7. Increased traffic congestion.
8. Increased pollution.
9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.
10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.
11. Overcrowding in government offices.
12. Overcrowding in schools.
13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.
14. Cultural erosion.
15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)
16. Introduction of foreign diseases
17. Influx of terrorists.
18. Wildfires
19. Litter
20. Housing saturation.
21. Excessively high housing costs
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Why is the US the only developed country in the World without Universal Healthcare for all its citizens?

My guess is the US has been prevented from bringing on the healthcare needed because a political party named the Republicans have been blocking it for decades. The Republican Party, aka Taliban of the US, cares only for the rich, the affluent and those that can bring them more power. Until the old, backwards, racist Repubs die....the US will continue to slide back into the stone ages when it comes to healthcare.

To make matters worse, we are not budened with the most incompetent human being alive in the WH. Here we have a man who is a Narcissistic Sociopath who has trouble pronouncing three syllable words, trying to tackle the greatest Humanitarian Disaster in US History, We will lose thousands of lives because he denied the severity of the virus for weeks and now is more interested in his re-election chances than he is in the lives lost or the economy in shambles. The man is nuts, yet many of you think he is some kind of modern day Messiah....

Because the United States is, even though it's being challenged daily by the Democrats, the last bastion of Freedom in the world. Hopefully, we never get to providing universal healthcare.

By the way, your question mentions for its citizens.. I take it you wouldn't come back next and demand it for legal immigrants? And then, when you have that, for illegal immigrants?
Because the southern states don't want to give free stuff to black people.

The southern states are a minority - in count of states and count of voters. Not that I'd want to see one, but the other states could pass a constitutional amendment and force universal healthcare on us all, including the south.

So your attack of racist, racist,racist, is without justification and is yet another lie.
My guess is the US has been prevented from bringing on the healthcare needed because a political party named the Republicans have been blocking it for decades. The Republican Party, aka Taliban of the US, cares only for the rich, the affluent and those that can bring them more power. Until the old, backwards, racist Repubs die....the US will continue to slide back into the stone ages when it comes to healthcare.

To make matters worse, we are not budened with the most incompetent human being alive in the WH. Here we have a man who is a Narcissistic Sociopath who has trouble pronouncing three syllable words, trying to tackle the greatest Humanitarian Disaster in US History, We will lose thousands of lives because he denied the severity of the virus for weeks and now is more interested in his re-election chances than he is in the lives lost or the economy in shambles. The man is nuts, yet many of you think he is some kind of modern day Messiah....

Are we budened or are we not budened? You say we're not.. then you attack as if we were... and the word is not budened. Your browser has spell check. Use it.

But, as I bolded, regardless of the title or the fake premise of any thread created here by any Democrat or leftist, every thread they create has one actual intended topic: Orange Man Bad.

Because you remember that 44 presidents before Orange Man also didn't lead us to universal healthcare and 115 congresses before the current on also didn't lead us to universal healthcare - And the Democrats have held both houses of Congress for more years than the Republicans held both houses of Congress. So, Orange Man Not So Bad afterall, yes?
My guess is the US has been prevented from bringing on the healthcare needed because a political party named the Republicans have been blocking it for decades. The Republican Party, aka Taliban of the US, cares only for the rich, the affluent and those that can bring them more power. Until the old, backwards, racist Repubs die....the US will continue to slide back into the stone ages when it comes to healthcare.

To make matters worse, we are not budened with the most incompetent human being alive in the WH. Here we have a man who is a Narcissistic Sociopath who has trouble pronouncing three syllable words, trying to tackle the greatest Humanitarian Disaster in US History, We will lose thousands of lives because he denied the severity of the virus for weeks and now is more interested in his re-election chances than he is in the lives lost or the economy in shambles. The man is nuts, yet many of you think he is some kind of modern day Messiah....
because we see how bad it is in those other countries and used our brains to not allow that here,,,

OH and because we are a free country and dont allow the government to control our private lives,,,
My guess is the US has been prevented from bringing on the healthcare needed because a political party named the Republicans have been blocking it for decades. The Republican Party, aka Taliban of the US, cares only for the rich, the affluent and those that can bring them more power. Until the old, backwards, racist Repubs die....the US will continue to slide back into the stone ages when it comes to healthcare.

To make matters worse, we are not budened with the most incompetent human being alive in the WH. Here we have a man who is a Narcissistic Sociopath who has trouble pronouncing three syllable words, trying to tackle the greatest Humanitarian Disaster in US History, We will lose thousands of lives because he denied the severity of the virus for weeks and now is more interested in his re-election chances than he is in the lives lost or the economy in shambles. The man is nuts, yet many of you think he is some kind of modern day Messiah....

We do have the ACA, the program christened as Obamacare, which was presented to be the Be-all and End-all of all government giveaways for medical care.

What would you call that?
What a retarded Commie jackass OP!
Oh! It's Head Dunce! No wonder.

We are trapped by our history, our culture of individualism, our corporate-dominated political system, all made worse by the mad rightwing populist demagoguery that sees social democratic proposals for reform as communism. “Universal Healthcare“ in emergency rooms or pandemic crisis care is not the answer. Republicans have been obstructionist of most reforms, and Democrats have already (ostensibly to reach compromise with Republicans) accepted that private insurance plans will remain central to Universal Healthcare, rather than provide mere supplementary services.

U.S. job-centered health insurance plans burden small business and entrepreneurialism, are utterly inefficient/non-portable/easily lost, and are an historical problem holding back a move to “Medicare for All.” I have a nice job-centered retirement health plan so I speak from experience. Also, many doctors (not all), pharmaceutical companies and of course insurance companies are bitterly opposed. But it is ideological brainwashing that makes so many ordinary working people opposed to fundamental universal health care reform. Of course it’s not easy to design — let alone pass — a plan for radical change that will not be easily sabotaged. Maybe it will take mass experiences like much greater unemployment, another Great Depression, more pandemic outbreaks, before we are ready to make such changes. 10 million undocumented immigrants in the country will also need to be given a road to citizenship and equal medical rights before we are likely able to make serious reforms.
The southern states are a minority - in count of states and count of voters. Not that I'd want to see one, but the other states could pass a constitutional amendment and force universal healthcare on us all, including the south.
They could pass an amendment of the 2nd, too, which would be as hilarious as your premise. The truth of my assertion is shown by the states which have refused to extend MediAid.
We are trapped by our history, our culture of individualism, our corporate-dominated political system, all made worse by the mad rightwing populist demagoguery that sees social democratic proposals for reform as communism. “Universal Healthcare“ in emergency rooms or pandemic crisis care is not the answer. Republicans have been obstructionist of most reforms, and Democrats have already (ostensibly to reach compromise with Republicans) accepted that private insurance plans will remain central to Universal Healthcare, rather than provide mere supplementary services.

U.S. job-centered health insurance plans burden small business and entrepreneurialism, are utterly inefficient/non-portable/easily lost, and are an historical problem holding back a move to “Medicare for All.” I have a nice job-centered retirement health plan so I speak from experience. Also, many doctors (not all), pharmaceutical companies and of course insurance companies are bitterly opposed. But it is ideological brainwashing that makes so many ordinary working people opposed to fundamental universal health care reform. Of course it’s not easy to design — let alone pass — a plan for radical change that will not be easily sabotaged. Maybe it will take mass experiences like much greater unemployment, another Great Depression, more pandemic outbreaks, before we are ready to make such changes. 10 million undocumented immigrants in the country will also need to be given a road to citizenship and equal medical rights before we are likely able to make serious reforms.

Why do we have employer sponsored health care? Because it's the best place or the most logical place to run health care? Of course not; in fact, it's almost the worst place - other than government. The best would be between patient and doctor alone such as the hundreds of doctors doing Direct Primary Care, or DPC:



So, why do we have employer sponsored insurance? Because employers found a way to give more to their employers at less cost. By pooling their employees and getting discounts, kinda sorta like on today's dollars in example, an employer can give an employee 1000 dollars in benefit for only 600 dollar in cost. It's a win-win for employers and employees until government got involved. That doesn't mean that government should go back and force employers to be the managers of the nations health care or that government can manage it.
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The southern states are a minority - in count of states and count of voters. Not that I'd want to see one, but the other states could pass a constitutional amendment and force universal healthcare on us all, including the south.
They could pass an amendment of the 2nd, too, which would be as hilarious as your premise. The truth of my assertion is shown by the states which have refused to extend MediAid.

What does that have to do with the price of Covid in China? The truth of your assertion was destroyed by the fact that the southern states do NOT control anything in this nation.

Are you suggesting that the southern states are the only ones preventing a change to the 2nd Amendment?

Your claim is a despicable, lying, racist, attack on people who are no more racist than many other areas of the country. Keep in mind that it is known and accepted fact that most racists in this country come from the left and the Democrats. Most homophobes and supporters in this country of those who murder and otherwise harm homosexuals are the left and Democrats. Most in this country who support human trafficking and selling young children and women into sexual slavery are the left and Democrats.

It's not mathematically possible for the southern states to stop universal healthcare for racist or any other reasons but, if they stood against it to the ability they could as a minority, it would be because there are a lot of conservative and intelligent people in the southern states.
Why do we have employer sponsored health care? Because it's the best place or the most logical place to run health care? Of course not; in fact, it's almost the worst place - other than government. The best would be between patient and doctor alone such as the hundreds of doctors doing Direct Primary Care, or DPC:


So, why do we have employer sponsored insurance? Because employers found a way to give more to their employers at less cost. By pooling their employees and getting discounts, kinda sorta like on today's dollars in example, an employer can give an employee 1000 dollars in benefit for only 600 dollar in cost. It's a win-win for employers and employees until government got involved. That doesn't mean that government should go back and force employers to be the managers of the nations health care or that government can manage it.
”Direct care” — care between a doctor and his patients — is always presumed, and is a central part of all insurance plans, whether limited and private or “universal” and government administered. Your links seem like an advertisement for a small medical provider whose founder is a buddy of Hannity — but even it refers to the need for “catastrophic illness” insurance. The idea that the whole medical system outside of catastrophic care should be on a “pay for service” system is rather preposterous today. It would leave our population far sicker than it is, make our society far more unequal, leave families far less secure, and be the end of thousands of hospitals. It would destroy much of the income for doctors and medical providers of all sorts, who could not exist without Medicare and private insurers paying for their services.
”Direct care” — care between a doctor and his patients — is always presumed, and is a central part of all insurance plans, whether limited and private or “universal” and government administered. Your links seem like an advertisement for a small medical provider whose founder is a buddy of Hannity — but even it refers to the need for “catastrophic illness” insurance. The idea that the whole medical system outside of catastrophic care should be on a “pay for service” system is rather preposterous today. It would leave our population far sicker than it is, make our society far more unequal, leave families far less secure, and be the end of thousands of hospitals. It would destroy much of the income for doctors and medical providers of all sorts, who could not exist without Medicare and private insurers paying for their services.

Modern Obamacare Policies have yearly deductibles of $5000-$6000 already, so in essence they are close to "catastrophic" type policies already, no?

But your thesis here is that people will not pursue routine medical exams, screenings and treatments unless they are somehow "covered by insurance". Do you really think that's true? Do you have any evidence on this?

Particularly since the Hyde Amendment, most insurance policies don't cover the Abortuary Arts. Has this hampered that business? Lasik eye surgery, butt enhancements, dental and breast implants, etc. as well aren't usually covered by policies , yet practitioners do pretty well.

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