Why is the NBA/NFL so black? So lacking diversity?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
So today...saw some NBA games and the NFL combine. Almost all black. Thought we pushed for diversity in todays society? A few whites sprinkled. Far FAR less than % of population. Almost no hispanics or Asians. Racist?
Blacks make up 13 percent of the US population, they should only make up 13 percent of the NBA.

As well as all other sports.

It only fair. We all want what's fair right?
Time to institute a Quota System, in accordance with US population demographics? 72% White? 12% Black? 16% Hispanic?
Yeah....shouldnt those work places be held to the same social fairness standards as all the rest of US are at our jobs? These are multi million dollar jobs. Only fair that the reflect the racial makeup of America.

So today...saw some NBA games and the NFL combine. Almost all black. Thought we pushed for diversity in todays society? A few whites sprinkled. Far FAR less than % of population. Almost no hispanics or Asians. Racist?

People don't want to face the cold hard facts that there are genetic differences between the races. Asians as a whole are the most intelligent race, but they are generally smaller, but brave. Blacks are generally more violent prone, less intelligent, but stronger, more athletic and very adaptable to their environment. Whites the 2nd class, second to Asians intelligence, second to blacks in size and athleticism. Hispanics are generally prone to hard work, family, smaller in size, but highly athletic, not overly intelligent, but higher than blacks.

Not PC, I agree. I also see many many incidents in may daily life of people who buck this mold. I work with a highly intelligent, non-violent, but gigantic black man. I have also seem dumb as a doornail Asians. This is a loose stereotype, but nevertheless the mold fits the races!
So today...saw some NBA games and the NFL combine. Almost all black. Thought we pushed for diversity in todays society? A few whites sprinkled. Far FAR less than % of population. Almost no hispanics or Asians. Racist?
One of the great things about sports in general in they are based entirely on merit. Fuck race, fuck religion, fuck politics, fuck who you know, it comes down to your ability to play the game.
Blacks are more violent...LOL. Just look at the German people to determine that is BS.
Blacks are more violent...LOL. Just look at the German people to determine that is BS.
Germans are just better at organizing, including for dark purposes.

Blacks are simply more prone (in this country) to mindless small-scale and personal violence, yes?
Blacks are more violent...LOL. Just look at the German people to determine that is BS.
Germans are just better at organizing, including for dark purposes.

Blacks are simply more prone (in this country) to mindless small-scale and personal violence, yes?
Not really...blacks are just arrested more for fighting than whites. A black gets in a fight it is a felony. A white gets in a fight...it is just letting off steam. A white kills a cop...you ignore it and pretned it never happens. A white goes on a mass shooting dpree, killing kids...it is blackies fault.

But its not just the Germans...look at the history of war and violence throughout humanity...whites have killed everything. They are a very violent. Yes?
When you get bombarded with "embracing diversity" crap at work all day, it is so refreshing to flip on the tube and watch a completely non-diversity embracing activity. The NFL and the NBA recruit the most explosive athletes who are typically Black. But If a little Jewish guy runs a 4.1 forty and can jump 4 feet off the ground, you can bet your house he is going to be drafted. Of course that won't happen in this universe, but it's fun to talk about.
The human race evolved in Central Africa. We were all Black once.

Way back, as with all species, the biggest and strongest ruled...and the weaker had to leave and fend for themselves, and adapt, sometimes to fortuitous circumstances--such as the Nile Delta, where a great adaptive civilization evolved...as did as migrations to Asia, and later into Europe.

The ones who stayed, the strongest, had no reason to adapt...it was important to stay strong...and their descendants, now moved by force to America, are stars in the NBA & NFL.
Blacks are more violent...LOL. Just look at the German people to determine that is BS.
Germans are just better at organizing, including for dark purposes.

Blacks are simply more prone (in this country) to mindless small-scale and personal violence, yes?
Not really...blacks are just arrested more for fighting than whites. A black gets in a fight it is a felony. A white gets in a fight...it is just letting off steam. A white kills a cop...you ignore it and pretned it never happens. A white goes on a mass shooting dpree, killing kids...it is blackies fault.

But its not just the Germans...look at the history of war and violence throughout humanity...whites have killed everything. They are a very violent. Yes?
Like I said... some groups of White Folk have historically been very good at organized violence... although we continue to disagree about individualized black violence. I actually tend to agree about the sensationalizing of black homicides against police, but that probably has more to do with blacks continuing to live in enclaves when no longer necessary.
Blacks are more violent...LOL. Just look at the German people to determine that is BS.
Germans are just better at organizing, including for dark purposes.

Blacks are simply more prone (in this country) to mindless small-scale and personal violence, yes?
Not really...blacks are just arrested more for fighting than whites. A black gets in a fight it is a felony. A white gets in a fight...it is just letting off steam. A white kills a cop...you ignore it and pretned it never happens. A white goes on a mass shooting dpree, killing kids...it is blackies fault.

But its not just the Germans...look at the history of war and violence throughout humanity...whites have killed everything. They are a very violent. Yes?
Like I said... some groups of White Folk have historically been very good at organized violence... although we continue to disagree about individualized black violence. I actually tend to agree about the sensationalizing of black homicides against police, but that probably has more to do with blacks continuing to live in enclaves when no longer necessary.
You simply ignore white violence...school shootings, mass murders, ambushing cops, terrorist attacks, hate crimes, war, rape, pedophelia, serial killers...those news stories..you ignore because a black person in the ghetto shoots another black person in the ghetto. Places where normal blacks and whites never step foot in.

But Whites are committing their heinous crimes where all Americans venture...not just in their own ghetto...but in the schools, in the suburbs...everywhere outside of the gang war zones.

Do you venture into gang war zones? How about to your local school or Jewish rec Center. White crime affects America much more than black crime...in the ghetto.
The human race evolved in Central Africa. We were all Black once.

Way back, as with all species, the biggest and strongest ruled...and the weaker had to leave and fend for themselves, and adapt, sometimes to fortuitous circumstances--such as the Nile Delta, where a great adaptive civilization evolved...as did as migrations to Asia, and later into Europe.

The ones who stayed, the strongest, had no reason to adapt...it was important to stay strong...and their descendants, now moved by force to America, are stars in the NBA & NFL.
There is probably some truth to the Weaklings Had to Leave theory.

A disaster for the Weaklings and their descendants for uncounted generations after the departure, quite probably.

But, the flip (positive) side of the coin is that the hardships incurred during the first few score thousands of years of exile probably made the descendants of those Weaklings into very strong folk in their own right, and required them to become adaptive thinkers and builders and to farm and to herd in new and different and far more efficient ways, in light of the shorter growing and grazing seasons and the highly challenging geography that they had formerly been forced to migrate to. So, in the end, they, too, ending up 'winning'.
When you get bombarded with "embracing diversity" crap at work all day, it is so refreshing to flip on the tube and watch a completely non-diversity embracing activity. The NFL and the NBA recruit the most explosive athletes who are typically Black. But If a little Jewish guy runs a 4.1 forty and can jump 4 feet off the ground, you can bet your house he is going to be drafted. Of course that won't happen in this universe, but it's fun to talk about.
Sure it can happen. There is a white Spud Webb out there.

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