Editor of TIME magazine demands Facebook and Twitter shut down the anti-vaxxers.


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Article also attacks birthers and 911 truthers and global warming deniers. Pretty obvious TIME is totally controlled by the govt

Facebook s Mark Zuckerberg Should Take on the Anti-Vaxxers

feb 19 2015
Anti-vaxxers, however, do their work at the grass-roots, retail, one-on-one level. Convince Mother A of the fake dangers of vaccines and you increase the odds that she won’t vaccinate Child B—and perhaps Children C, D or E either. And every unvaccinated child in her brood increases the risk to the neighborhood, the school, the community—the entire herd, as the epidemiologists put it. The multi-state measles outbreak that began in Disneyland, along with the epidemics of mumps and whooping cough in Columbus, Ohio and throughout California, have all been fueled by falling vaccine rates.

One thing that would help—something Zuckerberg could do with little more than a flick of the switch, as could Twitter CEO Dick Costolo and the other bosses of other sites—is simply shut the anti-vaxxers down. Really. Pull their pages, block their posts, twist the spigot of misinformation before more people get hurt.
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This is the view of all liberals - "I oppose censorship unless there's a good reason for it".
Go ahead. We will not back down...those retards do realize that we have regular websites you can't take down right? FB just gives us all updates and information in one place...Oh and. The truth does not fear investigation...guess Time boy there has something to fear.
Failure to vaccinate is naught more than slow-motion, very late term abortion. End result is the same; dead kid. Though maybe not the one who was passing around a disease to others. Hard cheese for them, eh?
Vaccination is fast way to turn healthy child into a zombie that sits there stares straight ahead and drools all day who must be taken care of rest of their life. It also creates a false immune system which when stop taking vaccines it will collapse and make person more prone to getting sick etc...a healthy REAL immune system is created by getting and beating sickness.
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Vaccination is fast way to turn healthy child into a zombie that sits there stares straight ahead and drools all day who must be taken care of rest of their life..

And thats the kind of citizen our democrats love. People dependent on govt don't complain about govt.

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