Why is Prostitution Illegal???

Actually ... I have and do know a lot of people who do.

Of course you do.

Hell ... I did it working at Burger King for several years while in Tucson ... my own Studio apartment (actually it was a one bedroom without a door on the bedroom) and paying all my own bills. Of course I got most of my food from work, but I had to buy cat food for three cats.

I just can't believe how few people you must know for living in such a "connected" era.

I don't know when you *did* it, but times do change. What a dollar will buy changes. And for a lot of people stealing most of their food from work isn't possible. I guess I could try living on aspirin packets and non-dairy creamer. Maybe bring home a nice ream of paper every now and then. But my point is: I don't even care about your answer. No matter what the subject is you ALWAYS come but with completely unprovable anecdotal "evidence" of your claims. So bottom line is, I couldn't care less. Ok you did it, I'm wrong it is possible. You win. Maybe you can explain to the 1000's of people that work at WalMart and collect welfare how they just aren't doing it right, because clearly it IS possible.
Of course you do.

Hell ... I did it working at Burger King for several years while in Tucson ... my own Studio apartment (actually it was a one bedroom without a door on the bedroom) and paying all my own bills. Of course I got most of my food from work, but I had to buy cat food for three cats.

I just can't believe how few people you must know for living in such a "connected" era.

I don't know when you *did* it, but times do change. What a dollar will buy changes. And for a lot of people stealing most of their food from work isn't possible. I guess I could try living on aspirin packets and non-dairy creamer. Maybe bring home a nice ream of paper every now and then. But my point is: I don't even care about your answer. No matter what the subject is you ALWAYS come but with completely unprovable anecdotal "evidence" of your claims. So bottom line is, I couldn't care less. Ok you did it, I'm wrong it is possible. You win. Maybe you can explain to the 1000's of people that work at WalMart and collect welfare how they just aren't doing it right, because clearly it IS possible.

Just eat Ramen.:razz: It's like 20 cents per meal.

It really depends on the place too. In Oregon we have one of the highest minimum wages but not the highest cost of living, so here it's doable. Doable so long as your car doesn't die, you don't get a ticket, and you don't have a medical emergency, I should say. So many contingencies. It's a lot of work just to get by and I can see why prostitution would be an attractive option in some respects. For example, you get more money for less work, and there's no difference in risk or morality if you already enjoyed having lots of sex outside of a relationship.
Well, Germany rocks, assuming your parents arent overly rich, you are entitlted to an interest free loan from the state of which you dont have to pay back everything if you study in time and on top of your class.

We still suck in the social permeability compartment, but thats more because Germany selects way to early.
Prostitution is illegal because societies have laws and boundaries dictated by custom and culture. Why is nudity illegal? That is even more harmless. And if you need work consider the Netherlands.

"Nowhere is woman treated according to the merit of her work, but rather as a sex. It is therefore almost inevitable that she should pay for her right to exist, to keep a position in whatever line, with sex favors. Thus it is merely a question of degree whether she sells herself to one man, in or out of marriage, or to many men!... The economic and social inferiority of woman is responsible for prostitution." Emma Goldman
Nudity is illegal only here in the US.

The beaches in Europe are all topless, with quite a few going full nude.

Unfortunately........the muslims are trying to fuck that up also.
Why is this practice , which is older than time itself , Illegal in almost every State in this country???

Who's "Rights" are being violated if two consenting adults engage in sex , and one is paid for the service??

Our body is sacred. Moreover, the constitution protects human dignity. If we engage in paid sex then what is left of us? It's not like other legal services where we could just engage on it. Our body is not a commodity.
Why is this practice , which is older than time itself , Illegal in almost every State in this country???

Who's "Rights" are being violated if two consenting adults engage in sex , and one is paid for the service??

Our body is sacred. Moreover, the constitution protects human dignity.

Where does it say that?

If we engage in paid sex then what is left of us?

Same as before plus or minus bodily fluids.

It's not like other legal services where we could just engage on it. Our body is not a commodity.

Yeah it's something we own and therefore should be allowed to rent out.
When a person is saved, and the Holy Spirit enters the body. The body is then a temple, and the temple is holy because the Spirit resides within.

Our bodies are also sacred because they are made in the image of God and beloved of God.

Perhaps you should read the good book.
Why is this practice , which is older than time itself , Illegal in almost every State in this country???

Who's "Rights" are being violated if two consenting adults engage in sex , and one is paid for the service??

Our body is sacred. Moreover, the constitution protects human dignity. If we engage in paid sex then what is left of us? It's not like other legal services where we could just engage on it. Our body is not a commodity.

Many non-religious people believe the body is owned by the individual and thus they can make their own decisions about their own body. What others think of what they do with or put into their bodies, especially when it's based only upon religious conviction, is irrelevant because it's none of their business.

I am unaware of the "dignity" clause of the Constitution. Dignity is violated when somebody acts or is forced to act against their own principles or will. If prostitution is not against their principles, I am not sure if they would agree that they sacrificed their dignity for money. Certainly some women who engage in prostitution sac their dignity, but as long as the choice was freely made it should be okay.

Also try to put this into perspective. Prostitution is basically traditional dating but more direct and honest. It was formerly expected that in order to get anywhere sexually with a girl on a date, the guy must take her on at least two dates where he pays for various activities. He picks her up. He buys dinner. He buys tickets to some event. If she's conservative (in the non-political sense) all of this might warrant a kiss, if not he could get invited in at the end of the night. It is true that a long term-relationship might be the eventual goal, but often not.

Sometimes the girl knows he's not the one, or is not really looking for the one presently but enjoys dating. She keeps dating him anyway for the freebies and usually some level of interest, and given a lack of interest only gives him however much affection she feels she must in order for him not to lose interest and stop buying her dinners and other crap. I'm not condemning such women, it was just a norm of the times that made some sense when women had no economic power. Just one more reason gender equality is good for everybody.

While I don't approve of traditional dating, I wouldn't make it illegal. I'm just glad I didn't live at a time when >90% of girls expected that sort of prostitution-like ritual. It seems hypocritical to have traditional dating legal while prostitution is not.:lol:

But God gave us free will and once again it would still be our temple right?

Some of them believe everything belongs to God, even an individual's body and life. Further, they think the Bible tells you how you're supposed to use the body God has effectively rented you. That wouldn't bother me a whole lot if they didn't also try to codify those rules into law.
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Live ... specify which "religious" people you are talking about. My religion holds no such values on what you do to yourself or another willing party, but forcing others into harm or directly causing harm to others and Anpu will not let you pass the gates to the underworld.
Live ... specify which "religious" people you are talking about. My religion holds no such values on what you do to yourself or another willing party, but forcing others into harm or directly causing harm to others and Anpu will not let you pass the gates to the underworld.

I didn't say anything about all of either religious nor non-religious people. The implication was that it was highly traditional Christians who believe as I stated at the bottom, but they are not alone in that belief either. I see no need to be explicit there.
F' if I know. If I could have become a stripper at 16 I would have done it. What would have been the problem? Is my body mine, or not?

Prostitution spreads disease. these young and/or older women and in some cases men could easliy be taken advantage of. something like a womens body or mens body being put up for sale to be fucked is so vile.
Why is this practice , which is older than time itself , Illegal in almost every State in this country???

Who's "Rights" are being violated if two consenting adults engage in sex , and one is paid for the service??

Our body is sacred. Moreover, the constitution protects human dignity. If we engage in paid sex then what is left of us? It's not like other legal services where we could just engage on it. Our body is not a commodity.

Of course our body is a commodity. I'm being paid right now to be here and talk on the phone. The people I'm talking to have financial issues and I try to help them solve their problems. What would be the big difference if it was guys that wanted to get off and I talked to them to help them solve that problem? I don't get how there's some magical line that says it's ok to sell yourself to do this but not that. Anyone that trades their time/skill for money is whoring themselves out.
F' if I know. If I could have become a stripper at 16 I would have done it. What would have been the problem? Is my body mine, or not?

Prostitution spreads disease. these young and/or older women and in some cases men could easliy be taken advantage of. something like a womens body or mens body being put up for sale to be fucked is so vile.

If we legalize we can force the johns to wear condoms thus lowering the spread of disease.
F' if I know. If I could have become a stripper at 16 I would have done it. What would have been the problem? Is my body mine, or not?

Prostitution spreads disease. these young and/or older women and in some cases men could easliy be taken advantage of. something like a womens body or mens body being put up for sale to be fucked is so vile.

All the more reason to bring it within the reach of regulation with legalization.
Why is this practice , which is older than time itself , Illegal in almost every State in this country???

Who's "Rights" are being violated if two consenting adults engage in sex , and one is paid for the service??

Its because this isn't an issue of "what the heck, its been around for thousands of years and hey its all about sex and that is a private issue as President Clinton somehow proved by degrading the White House and gettting blowjobs from an intern and then later perjured himself so he could get a lawsuit settled in his favor and all that somehow "proved" its just a "private issue", right?". Just which one of you lying ass, two-faced liberal nutjobs want to try and convince the rest of us you'd still believe that if it had been BUSH who had done that while President, huh? Sometimes the hypocrisy just leaves me breathless.

Prostitution is an issue of whether society itself BENEFITS from the practice or not and whether it harms a particular segment of the human population that is involved or not. Hard to argue that selling the bodies of some people in society so that the bodies of the opposite sex who happen to be much wealthier can get their rocks off somehow benefits all of society - and keep a straight face, isn't it? I couldn't even keep a straight face while typing that one sentence. Yeah, yeah there is male prostitution but prostitution through the ages has overwhelmingly been females who see no other way of providing for themselves in life except for selling their bodies for cold cash. And the men who think so little of the other half of the human race that they have no qualms about the females they degrade, pay for, barter for -and sell into sexual slavery.

If life is all about "he who has the most orgasms, gets to win", then this topic doesn't even make sense to some people on this thread, does it? But I'm not among those who think life is just a meaningless event and therefore whatever some whore asks in exchange for a blowjob is the equivalent of the Holy Eucharist.

You liberal nutjobs ever stop to think that if life is really a random and meaningless event -how horribly and inexplicably ironic it is that the highest form of life in the known universe has spent its entire existence trying to discover the meaning of life?
If you're going to try to make a point will you please not bury it under red herrings? Clinton and how 'liberal nutjobs' perceive life are totally irrelevant.

"Prostitution is an issue of whether society itself BENEFITS from the practice or not."

Well tell me how the hell does keeping it illegal benefit society?

Does spending money and police time going after prostitutes and johns help society?
Does forcing prostitution underground help anyone?

Some people may get hurt by this but hey they should know the risk when they signed up, it's not the government's job to make sure people make the right decision on what to do with their bodies.

And I find it stupid that you think things should only be legal if it benefits all of society. There's a very large list of things that only benefit the individual and have little to no effect on society.

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