Why is Obama Really Bringing Muslims Here?

How else was he going to Transform America?
1. Bring down our economy. check
2. Flood us with a bunch of people from third world countries. check
3. Demoralize and deplete our Military strength . check
4. Train a bunch of violent loudmouthed people to be community Agitators just like he is so they can go and DISRUPT our lives and cause riots and lootings. check
Transformation is well under way and he still has a freaking year to go unless the people FINALLY SPEAK UP gawd knows what things will be like by the time he finally gets the hell out of our lives.


Why the rise in rioting and civil unrest under Obama is no coincidence, but part of the plan

By Matthew Vadum -- Bio and Archives November 19, 2015

After making America poorer, weaker, less free, more race-obsessed and balkanized throughout his tumultuous presidency, Barack Obama is gearing up to use his two tax-exempt nonprofits to continue attacking what remains of the republic’s civil society after he leaves office in 14 months.

Obama’s presidency “has been pockmarked by rioting, looting and protests,” as he “encouraged the nonstop civil unrest exhausting the nation,” writes the Hoover Institution’s Paul Sperry. Obama and his “army of social justice bullies” are going to make things worse before he leaves office on Jan. 20, 2017.

Our indefatigable Community Organizer-in-Chief is planning to use Organizing for Action (OfA) and the Barack Obama Foundation to continue punishing America for its imaginary sins and to promote manufactured controversies long after he leaves the White House.

Chicago-based OfA has trained “more than 10,000 leftist organizers, who, in turn, are training more than 2 million youths in [Saul] Alinsky street tactics,” according to Sperry. This “army of social justice bullies” will carry on Obama’s campaign to fundamentally transform America.

OfA is a less violent version of Mussolini’s black shirts and Hitler’s brown shirts, or of the government-supported goon squads that Venezuela’s Nicolas Maduro and Cuba’s Castro brothers use to harass and intimidate their domestic opponents. OfA units brought muscle to the 2011-12 fight in Wisconsin over that state’s out-of-control government labor unions. OfA has bludgeoned Democrats that Obama deemed insufficiently left-wing, especially red-state congressional Democrats who had been wavering on the issue of Obamacare.

OfA’s activism relies heavily on the Internet and draws its inspiration from MoveOn, which developed a successful model for meet-up activism and point-and-click fundraising. Today, the campaigns waged by OfA and MoveOn often overlap. Sometimes both groups produce mass e-mails that arrive in members’ e-mail boxes within minutes of each other.

OfA, however, is only part of the picture.

Obama’s presidential foundation—which hopes to raise $1 billion, roughly double what was raised for the George W. Bush library—may end up eclipsing OfA as a locus of destructive, nihilistic, antisocial activism in the post-Obama era. Obama intends to use his foundation, based at the planned Obama Presidential Center on Chicago’s South Side, to continue wreaking havoc in America and around the globe.

ALL of it here:

The ObamaNation

electing him we committed:

Maybe Obama thinks we owe them something because USA has been interferring in the middle east's business for decades? Fine, then put then in the ranch in crawdad texas, let the bush family feed them.
In the tiny brains of the rightwing christers, syrian refugees are the shock troop sent to slaughter christians. Notice all muslims are the enemy to them
How else was he going to Transform America?
1. Bring down our economy. check
2. Flood us with a bunch of people from third world countries. check
3. Demoralize and deplete our Military strength . check
4. Train a bunch of violent loudmouthed people to be community Agitators just like he is so they can go and DISRUPT our lives and cause riots and lootings. check
Transformation is well under way and he still has a freaking year to go unless the people FINALLY SPEAK UP gawd knows what things will be like by the time he finally gets the hell out of our lives.


Why the rise in rioting and civil unrest under Obama is no coincidence, but part of the plan

By Matthew Vadum -- Bio and Archives November 19, 2015

After making America poorer, weaker, less free, more race-obsessed and balkanized throughout his tumultuous presidency, Barack Obama is gearing up to use his two tax-exempt nonprofits to continue attacking what remains of the republic’s civil society after he leaves office in 14 months.

Obama’s presidency “has been pockmarked by rioting, looting and protests,” as he “encouraged the nonstop civil unrest exhausting the nation,” writes the Hoover Institution’s Paul Sperry. Obama and his “army of social justice bullies” are going to make things worse before he leaves office on Jan. 20, 2017.

Our indefatigable Community Organizer-in-Chief is planning to use Organizing for Action (OfA) and the Barack Obama Foundation to continue punishing America for its imaginary sins and to promote manufactured controversies long after he leaves the White House.

Chicago-based OfA has trained “more than 10,000 leftist organizers, who, in turn, are training more than 2 million youths in [Saul] Alinsky street tactics,” according to Sperry. This “army of social justice bullies” will carry on Obama’s campaign to fundamentally transform America.

OfA is a less violent version of Mussolini’s black shirts and Hitler’s brown shirts, or of the government-supported goon squads that Venezuela’s Nicolas Maduro and Cuba’s Castro brothers use to harass and intimidate their domestic opponents. OfA units brought muscle to the 2011-12 fight in Wisconsin over that state’s out-of-control government labor unions. OfA has bludgeoned Democrats that Obama deemed insufficiently left-wing, especially red-state congressional Democrats who had been wavering on the issue of Obamacare.

OfA’s activism relies heavily on the Internet and draws its inspiration from MoveOn, which developed a successful model for meet-up activism and point-and-click fundraising. Today, the campaigns waged by OfA and MoveOn often overlap. Sometimes both groups produce mass e-mails that arrive in members’ e-mail boxes within minutes of each other.

OfA, however, is only part of the picture.

Obama’s presidential foundation—which hopes to raise $1 billion, roughly double what was raised for the George W. Bush library—may end up eclipsing OfA as a locus of destructive, nihilistic, antisocial activism in the post-Obama era. Obama intends to use his foundation, based at the planned Obama Presidential Center on Chicago’s South Side, to continue wreaking havoc in America and around the globe.

ALL of it here:

The ObamaNation

electing him we committed:

What a bizarre cartoonish world you live in
In the tiny brains of the rightwing christers, syrian refugees are the shock troop sent to slaughter christians. Notice all muslims are the enemy to them

The majority of Muslims regard Christians as the enemy, so you would be stupid to trust them.
Every President for the last several decades has brought in Muslims you spineless rubes

What other president specifically favored Muslims while ignoring the plight of Christians? Christians remain the most persecuted of all in all those Muslim countries, yet make up such a tiny percent of the refugees. And it would be better to relocate most of the Muslims over there instead of bringing them here. More would be helped that way, but Obama is determined to bring as many Muslims as he can here and spread them across the states. That sounds like a plan ISIS would come up with, not a U.S. president.
Well your problem there is that nobody is ignoring Christians or favoring Muslims. I know you want to prioritize Christians and leave those filthy Muzzies to die but it's not going to happen.

If no one is ignoring Christians, then why are only 2% of the "refugees" Christian? They make up about 10% of the Syrian population.
Obama isn't "bringing" anyone here. The US is accepting refugees fleeing torture and persecution...like we've always done.

They couldn't come here without Obama's explicit order, so your claim is wrong on its face. There are wars all over the world, why should the Syrians be an exception? Obama claimed ISIS was the "JV team" so what are they running from?
Literally? Because Obama's failed to man up to the necessisty of no fly and safe zones in Iraq and Syria, and do whatever we have to do to put in place a force (hopefully muslim/kurd and special forces) to remove ISIS and at least take over the 80% or so of Syria Assad doesn't control, and the result is a human calamity like we've not seen since the end of WWII. So now the civilized nations are scrambling around trying to band aid the damn thing.

What good would a no fly zone do? Daesh (ISIL) doesn't have any pilots or planes, and Syria is working alongside the US, Russia and France to bomb Daesh.

As far as creating safe zones? You DO realize that in order to do that it would require troops on the ground, right? And, since most Americans don't want any more boots on the ground in Syria than we absolutely have to, it would fall to Egypt, Syria and Russia to create those zones. When are they going to do it?

Where did you pull those solutions from? Your posterior?

Obama isn't even trying to defeat ISIS. He hasn't even bombed their capital city, and he allows their tank trucks to take their oil unmolested to sell on the black market.
Obama isn't "bringing" anyone here. The US is accepting refugees fleeing torture and persecution...like we've always done.

They couldn't come here without Obama's explicit order, so your claim is wrong on its face. There are wars all over the world, why should the Syrians be an exception? Obama claimed ISIS was the "JV team" so what are they running from?

He also said isis is contained. So, again. What are they running from?

His supporters are too stupid to have any common sense.
Of course terrorists will hide among the refugees. That is obvious. Maybe send the refugees to a camp instead of integrating them into society.
Obama isn't "bringing" anyone here. The US is accepting refugees fleeing torture and persecution...like we've always done.

They couldn't come here without Obama's explicit order, so your claim is wrong on its face. There are wars all over the world, why should the Syrians be an exception? Obama claimed ISIS was the "JV team" so what are they running from?

You DO know that the refugee program is ran by DHS and Health and Human Services, right?

No, it's not Obama that is bringing them here, it is the policies laid down by Congress, DHS and Health and Human Services.

But I understand, the black man in the White House scares you because you think he might be a Muslim.
Obama isn't "bringing" anyone here. The US is accepting refugees fleeing torture and persecution...like we've always done.

They couldn't come here without Obama's explicit order, so your claim is wrong on its face. There are wars all over the world, why should the Syrians be an exception? Obama claimed ISIS was the "JV team" so what are they running from?

He also said isis is contained. So, again. What are they running from?

His supporters are too stupid to have any common sense.
What he said is they aren't conquering more territory. There are still lots of people affected by the war, and ISIS is one of many beligerants and is still in control of a large area of land including several major cities.
Now the left/progressive democrats are using foreigners to try and score some dirty political points.

they are hysterical, psychotic people, wailing about people they don't even freaking know and against the fact that ALMOST 70% of the people polled DO NOT want to allow anyone not just SYRIANS into our country at this time. but here is the left/democrats spitting on their own countrymen and women AGAIN. they'll rant and rave about this and then support the party that champions abortions on demand. they don't give a hoot about these people or anyone else but their Agenda

with Obama/progressive/democrats it just never stops. it's divide, create a crisis one after another, bring chaos, hate and division on us and our country. and it's been like that the WHOLE time that puke has been in sullying up the office of President

really folks have you had enough ? vote them out of our lives in 2016
President Reagan signed blanket amnesty for over 2 million people.

President Bush Sr. brought in 40,000 Iraqi refugees in a mission called Operation Provide Comfort in 1991.

President Bush Jr. signed off on 85,000 Iraqi refugees almost a decade ago.

All the morons lighting their hair on fire over this stuff now don't have a pot to piss in on this one. Just more predictable Obama Derangement Syndrome from the usual mouth-breathers.
Obama is not bringing Muslims here. Obama is allowing refugees to come here. These refugees are of a variety of religious affiliations. Obama is not taking an individual's religion into consideration either way. The only people who are advocating for religiously based decision making are a handful of wingnuts.
Maybe Obama thinks we owe them something because USA has been interferring in the middle east's business for decades? Fine, then put then in the ranch in crawdad texas, let the bush family feed them.

Obama knows that ISIS would be nothing if it wasn't for his Middle East policy. He feels guilty, and that's really fucking scary.
Obama is not bringing Muslims here. Obama is allowing refugees to come here. These refugees are of a variety of religious affiliations. Obama is not taking an individual's religion into consideration either way. The only people who are advocating for religiously based decision making are a handful of wingnuts.

They are 98% Muslim, and they couldn't set foot in this country without Obama's explicit permission.

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