Why is Obama Really Bringing Muslims Here?

I'm Jewish, but I'm not orthodox. I'm not a Torah literalist, -not a Jewish activist. I go to temple (synagogue) twice a year. Most of the Jews I know in the USA and London are just like me - they don't want to impose their religion and values on others, but they have a very real connection to the cultural history of our people.

I have been the object of hate from small minded bigots who think my religion makes me evil or corrupt - especially when I was younger.

Clementine scares me because he is proof that there are people who have the capacity to hate you deeply before meeting you, without knowing you. It is from this seed of pure stupidity and hatred that a modern, free nation slides into barbarism. See Germany in the '30s. All it took was a severe economic depression and a powerful political movement that was able to exploit that desperation with fear. God Help Us.

Holocaust Museum Statement
The Museum calls on public figures and citizens to avoid condemning today’s refugees as a group. It is important to remember that many are fleeing because they have been targeted by the Assad regime and ISIS for persecution and in some cases elimination on the basis of their identity.

God help us.
I'm Jewish, but I'm not orthodox. I'm not a Torah literalist, -not a Jewish activist. I go to temple (synagogue) twice a year. Most of the Jews I know in the USA and London are just like me - they don't want to impose their religion and values on others, but they have a very real connection to the cultural history of our people.

I have been the object of hate from small minded bigots who think my religion makes me evil or corrupt - especially when I was younger.

Clementine scares me because he is proof that there are people who have the capacity to hate you deeply before meeting you, without knowing you. It is from this seed of pure stupidity and hatred that a modern, free nation slides into barbarism. See Germany in the '30s. All it took was a severe economic depression and a powerful political movement that was able to exploit that desperation with fear. God Help Us.

Holocaust Museum Statement
The Museum calls on public figures and citizens to avoid condemning today’s refugees as a group. It is important to remember that many are fleeing because they have been targeted by the Assad regime and ISIS for persecution and in some cases elimination on the basis of their identity.

God help us.

The Muzzies are killing us, numskull, not the other way around.
The Muzzies want to kill us because their religion tells them to. It has nothing to do with our behavior, other than declining to convert to Islam, that is.

Are you fucking insane?

Are you saying that merely being born a Muslim means that you want to kill innocent people.

Because I was born Jewish, but you can't blame me for what the State of Israel does or has done. And you can't blame me for what another Jew has chosen to do.

I have the freedom to choose how I want to live my life. I chose not to follow orthodoxy - and I chose not to act on the teachings and values in my religion's holy scriptures just as many of my Christian friends are not Biblical literalists.

I've been the victim of anti-semitism because other people assumed they knew who I was merely because I was Jewish.

To judge people for the skin or religion or gender or nation they were born into is evil, and it has lead to the gravest atrocities mankind has ever committed.

To judge people for the skin or religion or gender or nationality into which they were born is what ISIS is doing.

And it is what the American Right is doing.

And it is what you are doing.

It is the reason why innocent people are killed.

Obama did what in Iraq?

Suddenly now we're blaming the Iraq invasion on Obama. Jeezus I'm surprised this hasn't happened sooner.

I know you Moon Bats are low information but your Boy Obama fought the war in Iraq for three years. Obama as Commander in Chief sent my son and the men of the 1st Heavy Combat Brigade of the 1st Armored Division to fight in Iraq. They suffered losses and they killed Iraqis. It also took a lot of money to deploy them. Money that Obama borrowed from the Chinese. Maybe since you are low information you didn't hear about it because Rachael Maddow didn't tell you.

After he fought the war for three years the sonofabitch declared the war a success. He stood up in front of the men that fought the war and declared it a success.

In case you low information Moon Bats don't know it that stupid bitch you plan to vote for in 2016 supported the invasion of Iraq so don't cry me any crocodile tears about the invasion.

That idiot clown Kerry you voted for in 2004 also voted to fund the invasion of Iraq and as a Moon Bat Presidential candidate ran on essentially the same platform to continue the war as Bush.

You Liberals own a big bite of the Iraq shit sandwich but you are cowards that won't take any responsibility because that is the kind of chickenshits you are.

Obama has been at war every day of his administration with no end in sight.

Obama is a Neo Con's wet dream with his war mongering.

Nice meltdown devoid of fact.
Obama contradicts himself when you think about it. On one hand, he says ISIS is JV and that they are contained. Then he rushes to bring refugees over as quickly as possible even though the State Dept, on it's own website, says that it takes 18 - 24 months to properly vet refugees. Obama is talking of a plan to bring them here to escape ISIS over the next few years. That certainly indicates that he knows his plan won't work any time in the near future even as he claims it is working. Seems the best course would be to aggressively eliminate ISIS so the people can stay in their homeland. In the mean while, it would help more people at less cost to relocate them closer to their homeland. Obama seems more intent on leaving ISIS alone and relocating Muslims to the U.S. That is beginning to look like the main goal. Most of the Muslims believe in sharia law, which does not bode well for the communites they will be placed in and ultimately will be bad for the country as the population of those against our rights and constitution increases.

"So maybe where he ought to start is a foreign policy in the Middle East and Syria where people can go back to their homelands, which is their preference," Gowdy continued. "Maybe you ought to defeat that JV team you thought you had contained. That would be the very best thing you could do to help people aspire to a better life."


Obama didn't seem concerned when it was just Christians being persecuted. Once it was Muslims saying they need help, he couldn't move fast enough. Several Christian families who came to the U.S. were denied help and deported, yet Obama doesn't want us to even question the Muslims.

Here is an interview with a real refugee. Lots of scum are jumping on the bandwagon for a free ride to the U.S. We don't have the money, yet Obama is choosing a plan that is less cost effective and opens us up to threats from ISIS members joining the refugees.

Ii thought the president needed more ME people that want to become trannys..??
The OP doesn't even know how many Muslims were admitted under Bush? If he did his research - rather than simply listening to Talk Radio & Fox - he would understand that there are over 1.5 million Muslims living in USA peacefully.

There are Muslim nations like Turkey and Jordan living peacefully with the West. ISIS wants to radicalize those Muslims and destabilize all peaceful Muslim nations by using people like Clementine in their recruitment videos as proof that the West hates all Muslims.

The OP is holding an entire people responsible for the sins of a small percentage of radicals.

If a Republican wins the presidency in 2016, he will not restrict the historical trickle of legal Muslim immigrants into the USA any more than Bush did. And Clementine won't say a thing because he won't even know about it - because his news sources won't report it, just as they didn't report the fact that Bush and his Republican House and Senate raised the debt ceiling 4 times.

We are being bombarded by a low information troll who is controlled by the rightwing press, and who never holds his party accountable for anything.

Clementine is giving ISIS the fodder it needs, so it can whisper in the ear of moderate, non-violent Muslims: "the West hates you, so join our fight to destroy them"

Totally absurd. The idea that anyone would go to war because "the West hates you," is too stupid for words. Why should they even care? I certainly don't care if the muzzie savages hate me, so long as they mind their own business and don't try to kill me.

The Muzzies want to kill us because their religion tells them to. It has nothing to do with our behavior, other than declining to convert to Islam, that is.
ISIS wants to kill us because we have shed Muslim blood by meddling in their affairs. They don't want to kill us just because we're non Muslims. Their reasons for wanting to kill us are warped and wrong because it is primarily Muslims who have shed Muslim blood and we were only using military force to try to stop the killing, but it's not because we're non Muslim that they want to kill us.

Obama did what in Iraq?

Suddenly now we're blaming the Iraq invasion on Obama. Jeezus I'm surprised this hasn't happened sooner.

I know you Moon Bats are low information but your Boy Obama fought the war in Iraq for three years. Obama as Commander in Chief sent my son and the men of the 1st Heavy Combat Brigade of the 1st Armored Division to fight in Iraq. They suffered losses and they killed Iraqis. It also took a lot of money to deploy them. Money that Obama borrowed from the Chinese. Maybe since you are low information you didn't hear about it because Rachael Maddow didn't tell you.

After he fought the war for three years the sonofabitch declared the war a success. He stood up in front of the men that fought the war and declared it a success.

In case you low information Moon Bats don't know it that stupid bitch you plan to vote for in 2016 supported the invasion of Iraq so don't cry me any crocodile tears about the invasion.

That idiot clown Kerry you voted for in 2004 also voted to fund the invasion of Iraq and as a Moon Bat Presidential candidate ran on essentially the same platform to continue the war as Bush.

You Liberals own a big bite of the Iraq shit sandwich but you are cowards that won't take any responsibility because that is the kind of chickenshits you are.

Obama has been at war every day of his administration with no end in sight.

Obama is a Neo Con's wet dream with his war mongering.

Nice meltdown devoid of fact.

Nice denial of the facts.

Your Boy fought the war in Iraq for three years and then declared it a success.

You were a dumbshit voting for him, weren't you?

You are going to vote for the Lying Bitch next year that supported the invasion of the war, aren't you?

Stop being a coward with your denial of the facts. It just makes you look fool whenever you post.

It would really be nice if just once we could get some honesty out of your Libtards. I don't think it is ever going to happen, do you?
The OP doesn't even know how many Muslims were admitted under Bush? If he did his research - rather than simply listening to Talk Radio & Fox - he would understand that there are over 1.5 million Muslims living in USA peacefully.

There are Muslim nations like Turkey and Jordan living peacefully with the West. ISIS wants to radicalize those Muslims and destabilize all peaceful Muslim nations by using people like Clementine in their recruitment videos as proof that the West hates all Muslims.

The OP is holding an entire people responsible for the sins of a small percentage of radicals.

If a Republican wins the presidency in 2016, he will not restrict the historical trickle of legal Muslim immigrants into the USA any more than Bush did. And Clementine won't say a thing because he won't even know about it - because his news sources won't report it, just as they didn't report the fact that Bush and his Republican House and Senate raised the debt ceiling 4 times.

We are being bombarded by a low information troll who is controlled by the rightwing press, and who never holds his party accountable for anything.

Clementine is giving ISIS the fodder it needs, so it can whisper in the ear of moderate, non-violent Muslims: "the West hates you, so join our fight to destroy them"

Totally absurd. The idea that anyone would go to war because "the West hates you," is too stupid for words. Why should they even care? I certainly don't care if the muzzie savages hate me, so long as they mind their own business and don't try to kill me.

The Muzzies want to kill us because their religion tells them to. It has nothing to do with our behavior, other than declining to convert to Islam, that is.
ISIS wants to kill us because we have shed Muslim blood by meddling in their affairs. They don't want to kill us just because we're non Muslims. Their reasons for wanting to kill us are warped and wrong because it is primarily Muslims who have shed Muslim blood and we were only using military force to try to stop the killing, but it's not because we're non Muslim that they want to kill us.

Wrong. They do want to kill us just because we're not Muslims. They kill non-Muslims all over the world. The Quran tells them to kill infidels.

Learn a thing or two before you open your big yap and show everyone how ignorant you are.
Obama isn't "bringing" anyone here. The US is accepting refugees fleeing torture and persecution...like we've always done.

Some will wait 2 years. How does that help?

Why don't we relocate them closer to their homes and we could help more people sooner?
Obama isn't "bringing" anyone here. The US is accepting refugees fleeing torture and persecution...like we've always done.

Some will wait 2 years. How does that help? Obama is the one deciding the numbers, when he'll bring them and where he'll put them. He is running the show and seems upset that others want background checks in light of the infiltration of ISIS members.

Why don't we relocate them closer to their homes and we could help more people sooner?
The OP doesn't even know how many Muslims were admitted under Bush? If he did his research - rather than simply listening to Talk Radio & Fox - he would understand that there are over 1.5 million Muslims living in USA peacefully.

There are Muslim nations like Turkey and Jordan living peacefully with the West. ISIS wants to radicalize those Muslims and destabilize all peaceful Muslim nations by using people like Clementine in their recruitment videos as proof that the West hates all Muslims.

The OP is holding an entire people responsible for the sins of a small percentage of radicals.

If a Republican wins the presidency in 2016, he will not restrict the historical trickle of legal Muslim immigrants into the USA any more than Bush did. And Clementine won't say a thing because he won't even know about it - because his news sources won't report it, just as they didn't report the fact that Bush and his Republican House and Senate raised the debt ceiling 4 times.

We are being bombarded by a low information troll who is controlled by the rightwing press, and who never holds his party accountable for anything.

Clementine is giving ISIS the fodder it needs, so it can whisper in the ear of moderate, non-violent Muslims: "the West hates you, so join our fight to destroy them"

Totally absurd. The idea that anyone would go to war because "the West hates you," is too stupid for words. Why should they even care? I certainly don't care if the muzzie savages hate me, so long as they mind their own business and don't try to kill me.

The Muzzies want to kill us because their religion tells them to. It has nothing to do with our behavior, other than declining to convert to Islam, that is.
ISIS wants to kill us because we have shed Muslim blood by meddling in their affairs. They don't want to kill us just because we're non Muslims. Their reasons for wanting to kill us are warped and wrong because it is primarily Muslims who have shed Muslim blood and we were only using military force to try to stop the killing, but it's not because we're non Muslim that they want to kill us.

Wrong. They do want to kill us just because we're not Muslims. They kill non-Muslims all over the world. The Quran tells them to kill infidels.

Learn a thing or two before you open your big yap and show everyone how ignorant you are.
Ignorant? Most of ISIS victims are Muslims.

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