Why is nobody talking about the illegal imprisonment of Kaci Hickox?

No, we don't.

Ebola testing is quite inaccurate.

All the medical people know that, and definitely all the scientists who have dealt with ebola know it.

It's just the know-nothing lunatics who deny it.

People can test negative for ebola for DAYS after they get SICK...which in turn can be up to 50 days after they are infected.

Are Ebola Tests Reliable

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

You do realize that you just referenced a quack, right?

Dr. Mark Sircus, Ac., OMD, DM (P) (acupuncturist, doctor of oriental and pastoral medicine).....Natural Allopathic Medicine represents a new therapeutic principle that revolutionizes both allopathic and naturopathic medicine offering a radical shift in medical thought and practice. Dr. Sircus’s protocol addresses foundational physiology. It focuses on pH management, cell voltage, magnesium and iodine medicine, cannabinoid medicine, carbon dioxide medicine, re-mineralization of the body, increasing oxygen transport and oxygenation of the tissues, opening up of blood vessels, saturation and healing of cells with concentrated nutrition via superfoods, breathing retraining, emotional transformation processing, detoxification and removal of heavy metals and radioactive particles.
Is the nurse in Maine sick?
Care to locate her, and give her a big, wet, sloppy kiss, between now and the end of her 21-Day Risk Cycle?

No problem. She isn't sick.
Your choice.

Most of the rest of us will usually choose to err on the side of caution.

Which is exactly what these Governors, and the Department of Defense, are doing - erring on the side of caution - reasonable caution.

None of the healthcare workers impacted to date by quarantine are empowered to override and ignore a legally imposed health quarantine.

None of them.

End of story.
This is no different than any other Public Health crisis in which The State has the legal means by which to isolate those who pose a potential health risk.

Actually, it's very different. The difference here is......she does not pose a health risk. And there was never any probable cause to believe she did.

How do municipal and county and state health departments get away with quarantining citizens in other health-hazard situations?

Simple. With probable cause.

I have no clue which aspect of Constitutional Law empowers such agencies to issue such quarantine orders, but, whatever the answer is, I suspect that we are looking at the very same, exact legal basis for this instance, as we see in operation from time to time for other disease vectors.

It's very simple. Any time a person's movement is restricted such that they are not free to go about as they please, of their own will, they are seized within the context of the fourth amendment. In order to be legal, the seizure must be reasonable. A seizure of a person for more than a brief time is an "arrest," even if it is not formally described as such. An arrest is only reasonable when made upon probable cause.

You already know the answers to your questions.

She is not sick now - but do we know whether she can still begin to manifest symptoms and signs and indicators - between now and the end of the 21-Day Quarantine Period?

Yes, we know, and the answer is: No, she cannot. She does not have Ebola. There is no virus in her.

As to 'probable cause' - her mere presence in a Hot Zone, and her work with and near infected persons - is all the 'probable cause' that is required, from a scientific, ethical and legal perspective, yes?

No. If you knew anything about the science, or the legal, perspectives of this, you would not be making such rudiculous claims.

The 21-Day Quarantine Period is not centered upon individuals and their level of personal exposure.

The 21-Day Quarantine Period is centered upon a previous presence in a Hot Zone or in direct contact with an infected person.

You're right. And that makes it all the farther from a legal practice. Probable cause requires specific information and evidence that a specific person ___________ . As it applies to criminal law, simply being in a high crime area does not establish probable cause that you have committed a crime. Same thing with this. Simply having been in a certain region does not establish probable cause that you are infected with Ebola.

It is preventative, not remedial in nature.

It is designed to give the rest of us the best possible chance to remain healthy, in the context of this threat vector.

By isolating those who meet the Hot Zone or other Exposure criteria, we reduce the chances that the rest of us will be infected by returning personnel.

Well gee, if we eliminate all guns, we reduce the chances that the rest of us will be killed by gun violence. So what? The constitution guarantees the right to bear arms. And it guarantees the right to be free from unreasonable seizures.

It is not foolproof, but the methodology greatly improves those odds in our favor - which is what such blanket precautionary measures are all about.

Irrelevant ramblings. The name of the game is probable cause. Waxing poetic to make yourself feel better does not alleviate the need for probable cause.

The greatest good for the greatest number, in a public health contagious disease crisis sort of context.

What a bunch of socialist bullshit. Just stop already.

The 21-Day Quarantine Period is mandatory - it is legal - and it must be enforced - no exceptions.

No, the current quarantines are unconstitutional because they are not based on probable cause to believe that any individuals so ensnared are carrying a dangerous infectious pathogen. They are wide reaching, blanket actions that infringe upon the most sacred of constitutional rights with a horrendously blunt instrument.

They are not above The Law

Funny, you clearly don't give a shit about the law, yet you invoke it here. All you care about is alleviating your own irrational pant-pissing fear.

and The Law grants The State the legal authority to isolate them during times of public health risk.

Not without probable cause. You can try to ignore that all you want, but the requirement for probable cause does not and will not vanish.
Anybody else want to have a go at our colleague SwimExpert, about the validity of Quarantines, and the blanket criteria used, from both a practical and a legal perspective?

I could probably go another round, myself, but I really don't feel up to it tonight.

Time to give somebody else a turn at trying to interject a little common sense into the mix here.
Is the nurse in Maine sick?
Care to locate her, and give her a big, wet, sloppy kiss, between now and the end of her 21-Day Risk Cycle?

No problem. She isn't sick.
Your choice.

Most of the rest of us will usually choose to err on the side of caution.

Which is exactly what these Governors, and the Department of Defense, are doing - erring on the side of caution - reasonable caution.

None of the healthcare workers impacted to date by quarantine are empowered to override and ignore a legally imposed health quarantine.

None of them.

End of story.

You are wasting your time with SwimExpert, just as I did. I am considering putting him and his repeated inane comments on ignore. You can't argue with a brick wall.
You are wasting your time with SwimExpert, just as I did. I am considering putting him and his repeated inane comments on ignore. You can't argue with a brick wall.

You're free to do whatever you like. I'm happy to be a "brick wall" that stands for preservation of our constitutionally guaranteed rights to not be seized by the government without probable cause. Those of you who are so eager to cede such power to the government are truly disgraceful, misguided souls, unworthy of this great nation.
Her name is Kaci Hickox.

Her name is Kaci Hickox.

Her name is Kaci Hickox.

In life, members of project America have names. Her name is Kaci Hickox.


Members of project America also have rights. They have the right to move about and live their lives without the government arbitrarily arresting and imprisoning them without good cause. Or, as a wiser man once said: The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. So why is nobody talking about Kaci Hickox? Why has nobody objected? Why is it that no one has blinked an eye? That Kaci Hickox can be arrested and imprisoned without warrant, without probable cause, without so much as a sneeze or even a whisper is testament of the power of Ebola fever--that most dangerous of diseases whereby fear dissolves all reason and love for liberty.

This is the United States of goddamned America! Is there none left who cherish their liberty?

Not one false conservative who claims to abhor over intrusive government has said a thing. Nor one Democrat who allege to stand guard against abuses the states may make against the principles of our federal protections. None can seem to give care of what this portends of the freedom of every single citizen. I challenge you now, look upon the face of Kaci Hickox and ignore this travesty of justice.
Cut the bullshit....Here. let her stay in YOUR house....How about THAT?
She should be kept in quarantine until there is no threat of contagion. There is no civil right to spread a deadly disease.

Spoken like a true left wing imbecile. There is already no threat of contagion. More importantly, there is no legal grounds to imprison her. And no grounds for a liberty loving people to tolerate such an imprisonment.
How do you know there is no threat until she has passed the 21 day incubation period?
She should be kept in quarantine until there is no threat of contagion. There is no civil right to spread a deadly disease.

Spoken like a true left wing imbecile. There is already no threat of contagion. More importantly, there is no legal grounds to imprison her. And no grounds for a liberty loving people to tolerate such an imprisonment.
How do you know there is no threat until she has passed the 21 day incubation period?

We know there is no threat now. We don't know about tomorrow. Monitoring her vitals is sufficient. But....you are just not able to grasp this fact.
Such drama. The bigger question is why she didn't volunteer for it if there was any chance she could pass it on? I don't think they are doing it for the pleasure of denying someone freedom of movement.
The issue I have is that these people who are caring for Ebola patients overseas are allegedly professionals. As such, they should gladly carry out their respective oaths to do no harm and then accept their quarantine without trepidation.
If The Great Obamabola epidemic is to play out in time to prevent the November election it is essential that nobody be quarantined even if they are spewing bloody vomit and pissing in public!

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