Why Is January 6th A Bigger Deal Than BLM and ANTIFA Riots?

Because its specific goal was to stop the peaceful and constitutional transfer of presidential power, the most fundamental part of our free society.

Because it directly put the health and lives of our elected leaders at risk.

And because it was all based on a lie.

If that isn't clear and obvious to you, I have to wonder why.
Employers put employees at risk all the time!
The only reason I think blm/antifa was worse is because they went after citizens and private property.
Their grievanve was with the govt. Not sally and uncle bens barber shop.
Also considering the fact that 3/4 of the outrage over Jan 6th is hyperbole and disingenuous, makes it almost a joke.
We've had civil unrest time and again since the founding. None of it was a direct assault on congress by a president and his followers,
Because it gives the Democrat left an excuse to shift the narrative away from their 2020 year of protesting, rioting, looting, burning, assaulting, and murdering, during the George Floyd riots.

It's really nothing more than the left making good use of Saul Alinsky's rule #4: "Make the enemy live up to his own book of rules."
you're against being demanded to live by ones own set of rules?
Yes, the people's who's property was destroyed cares if it's federal.
And? The topic was why this is a bigger deal.
Actual government services were disrupted and taken over during the Floyd Riots and CHAZ/CHOP, sometimes for weeks.
And? I lost government services during the last cold storm. Technically I am losing government services right now because the Republicans can't even pick a Speaker.
But that was done by people you agree with and probably secretly wish you had the balls to join.
Assukmes facts not in evidence.

At the end of the day one was state protests and some riots about ongoing police issues. The other was - albeit incompetent - organized attempt to stop the Federal Electoral Count for President of the United States - you know the dude with the nuclear codes.
Miami, NYC, Detroit, Baltimore, LA, Washington DC.
Go ahead and deny it.
Sure do. NYC was burned? Miami was burned? Washington DC was burned? Wow. Millions of people must have died. Please cite evidence that these cities were burned.
One of my summer bar customers has a brother who's a Kenosha cop....They confiscated over $400,000 in gift cardsfrom arrested rioters....The summer of 2020 was feloniously staged and coordinated by someon(s) somewhere.
Truly a great state crime.
We've had civil unrest time and again since the founding. None of it was a direct assault on congress by a president and his followers,
THIS is the fundamental difference.
And? The topic was why this is a bigger deal.

And? I lost government services during the last cold storm. Technically I am losing government services right now because the Republicans can't even pick a Speaker.

Assukmes facts not in evidence.

At the end of the day one was state protests and some riots about ongoing police issues. The other was - albeit incompetent - organized attempt to stop the Federal Electoral Count for President of the United States - you know the dude with the nuclear codes.

Sure do. NYC was burned? Miami was burned? Washington DC was burned? Wow. Millions of people must have died. Please cite evidence that these cities were burned.

Truly a great state crime.

THIS is the fundamental difference.
Wow......unbelievable displacement of the facts.
The only reason I think blm/antifa was worse is because they went after citizens and private property.
Their grievanve was with the govt. Not sally and uncle bens barber shop.
Also considering the fact that 3/4 of the outrage over Jan 6th is hyperbole and disingenuous, makes it almost a joke.
The riots were also worse because they had interstate coordination.

The Rodney King riots ensued within a couple hours of the jury verdict....It took two days for the protestations in Minneapolis to get violent.....They were not organic in any way.
And? The topic was why this is a bigger deal.

And? I lost government services during the last cold storm. Technically I am losing government services right now because the Republicans can't even pick a Speaker.

Assukmes facts not in evidence.

At the end of the day one was state protests and some riots about ongoing police issues. The other was - albeit incompetent - organized attempt to stop the Federal Electoral Count for President of the United States - you know the dude with the nuclear codes.

Sure do. NYC was burned? Miami was burned? Washington DC was burned? Wow. Millions of people must have died. Please cite evidence that these cities were burned.

Truly a great state crime.

THIS is the fundamental difference.
Don't play word games, asshole.

Stores in these cities were smashed into oblivion and store owners and managers were murdered.
Cars were stopped on roads and the drivers and passengers beaten up.
Statues belonging to the tax payers and private owners were pulled down and destoyed.
Several restaurants were burned to the ground.
I wouldn't be shocked of all this gives you a hard on.
Which cities and what parts? Those state governments should have done more to prosecute the criminals.
The riots were also worse because they had interstate coordination.

The Rodney King riots ensued within a couple hours of the jury verdict....It took two days for the protestations in Minneapolis to get violent.....They were not organic in any way.
You know, thats a very good point. Thanks.
Fundraising, including by politicians. Organization, even across state lines. All of that led to them taking over parts of cities.
Sounds like actual insurrection...

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