Why Is January 6th A Bigger Deal Than BLM and ANTIFA Riots?

I'm specifically asking the left on this one, but I probably won't receive an answer.
Yes, you will receive an answer, more so if you asked with a genuine desire to know ;)

We have had many riots and periods of civil unrest over the history of our country.
Wikipedia provides something of a list here List of incidents of civil unrest in the United States - Wikipedia

A few highlights:

The Mine Wars

The most destructive riots in American history:

(Many of these were actually far worse in damages and lives lost than those in 2020.)

Also, in addition to Antifa, you need to add the Proud Boys and other RW groups since they also participated in instigating violence.

Then there is J6. An attack on the Capitol with the intent of overturning an election and two centuries of a tradition of a peaceful transfer of power. A violen’t mob breaks into the Capitol, threatening the lives of our elected officials and severely injuring over a hundred police. An attempt to violently overturn an election.

How often as that happened?
When did the Kenosha Police Officer lie about the incident with Jacob Blake? It was recorded by a bystander .. and the unjustified aftermath led to deaths.

Again .. what rights were violated, and why were the Kenosha riots justified?

I've already answered.
Sure .. and it's incorrect. Kenosha Police did not lie about Jacob Blake, and that wouldn't justify riots, death and destruction regardless. Cheers!

All the lies over years is what caused it. The protests have made a real difference. We see officers weekly being held accountable for lying now.
All the lies over years is what caused it. The protests have made a real difference. We see officers weekly being held accountable for lying now.
Lies don't justify riots, death, robbery, looting and destruction. Kenosha police didn't lie about Jacob Blake .. Your argument is grasping for a premise that's just not correct. Cheers.

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