Why is it primarily Democrats that can't vote in person with a free voter ID? Why don't Republicans have the same difficulty?

If voting by mail is good for Trump it's good for all.
Not the same, you failed.

It seems it's never the same when it comes to Trump. He mailed in his ballot.
He voted absentee ballot, in which you have to request one, prove who you are, and get a witness to sign it also. Not the same, quit being ignorant. Democrats couldn't pull out absentee ballots out from under the desk and come up with the number they needed. They can and did with mail in ballots.

You can sign the witness statement left handed. If voting in person is so important you LEAD BY EXAMPLE. Every single president before Trump did.
Mail in voting isn't the same as absentee voting, why cannot you get that through your head?
With the exception of a tiny percentage of the population with extreme situations, such as soldiers in the field during election time or a few other edge cases, people can vote in person with a free voter ID.

The reason Democrats want mass scale mail-in voting is simple. Lets say half a percent of the population votes by mail. It would be too hard for them to suddenly find hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots that voted 99% Democrat and have it not be too suspicious to defend. However, if mail-in voting becomes the norm, it becomes a LOT easier to inject hundreds of thousands of magically produced mail-in ballots. Democrats want to set up a situation where it is easier to get away with mass scale election fraud, plain and simple.
Why are Repubs searching for a solution to a voter fraud problem that doesn't exist? Because they have an entirely different problem.

If voting by mail is good for Trump it's good for all.
Not the same, you failed.

It seems it's never the same when it comes to Trump. He mailed in his ballot.
He voted absentee ballot, in which you have to request one, prove who you are, and get a witness to sign it also. Not the same, quit being ignorant. Democrats couldn't pull out absentee ballots out from under the desk and come up with the number they needed. They can and did with mail in ballots.

You can sign the witness statement left handed. If voting in person is so important you LEAD BY EXAMPLE. Every single president before Trump did.
Mail in voting isn't the same as absentee voting, why cannot you get that through your head?

If voting in person is so important LEAD BY EXAMPLE.
If it was 20%, we’d know it was happening.

Maybe at 20%, but how about 10%?

If you get a letter from a bank stating you were qualified for a credit card for 10K, and somebody steals that letter and goes to the bank to obtain that credit card in your name, do you think the bank would just hand that card over? Of course not. In spite of that letter with your name on it, that could only have been sent to you, the bank would demand credible identification before issuing that card.

In this country, you need to prove without a doubt that you are indeed that person: taking a house loan, buying beer or tobacco products, issuing a check to purchase something, board an airplane, getting a passport, picking up a package from UPS or the post office, getting a job. But for some reason, you don't have to show positive identification to vote, and the Democrats are pushing to put that on steroids. Just mail your vote in.
Because voting is highly protected constitutional right and shouldn’t be impaired unless absolutely necessary.

We all know Republicans love making voting harder because that helps them win elections. Voter suppression is wrong, don’t you think?
If voting by mail is good for Trump it's good for all.
Not the same, you failed.

It seems it's never the same when it comes to Trump. He mailed in his ballot.
He voted absentee ballot, in which you have to request one, prove who you are, and get a witness to sign it also. Not the same, quit being ignorant. Democrats couldn't pull out absentee ballots out from under the desk and come up with the number they needed. They can and did with mail in ballots.

You can sign the witness statement left handed. If voting in person is so important you LEAD BY EXAMPLE. Every single president before Trump did.
Mail in voting isn't the same as absentee voting, why cannot you get that through your head?

If voting in person is so important LEAD BY EXAMPLE.
If Trump did you would bitch about it, you would find something wrong.
If voting by mail is good for Trump it's good for all.
Not the same, you failed.

It seems it's never the same when it comes to Trump. He mailed in his ballot.
He voted absentee ballot, in which you have to request one, prove who you are, and get a witness to sign it also. Not the same, quit being ignorant. Democrats couldn't pull out absentee ballots out from under the desk and come up with the number they needed. They can and did with mail in ballots.

You can sign the witness statement left handed. If voting in person is so important you LEAD BY EXAMPLE. Every single president before Trump did.
Mail in voting isn't the same as absentee voting, why cannot you get that through your head?

If voting in person is so important LEAD BY EXAMPLE.
If Trump did you would bitch about it, you would find something wrong.

Hardly. If it's important, lead by example.
If voting by mail is good for Trump it's good for all.
Not the same, you failed.

It seems it's never the same when it comes to Trump. He mailed in his ballot.
He voted absentee ballot, in which you have to request one, prove who you are, and get a witness to sign it also. Not the same, quit being ignorant. Democrats couldn't pull out absentee ballots out from under the desk and come up with the number they needed. They can and did with mail in ballots.

You can sign the witness statement left handed. If voting in person is so important you LEAD BY EXAMPLE. Every single president before Trump did.
Mail in voting isn't the same as absentee voting, why cannot you get that through your head?

If voting in person is so important LEAD BY EXAMPLE.
If Trump did you would bitch about it, you would find something wrong.

Hardly. If it's important, lead by example.
No matter what Trump did, you would be against it. You have proven that over and over again. Like I said mail in ballots are even close to being absentee ballots.
If voting by mail is good for Trump it's good for all.
Not the same, you failed.

It seems it's never the same when it comes to Trump. He mailed in his ballot.
He voted absentee ballot, in which you have to request one, prove who you are, and get a witness to sign it also. Not the same, quit being ignorant. Democrats couldn't pull out absentee ballots out from under the desk and come up with the number they needed. They can and did with mail in ballots.

You can sign the witness statement left handed. If voting in person is so important you LEAD BY EXAMPLE. Every single president before Trump did.
Mail in voting isn't the same as absentee voting, why cannot you get that through your head?

If voting in person is so important LEAD BY EXAMPLE.
If Trump did you would bitch about it, you would find something wrong.

Hardly. If it's important, lead by example.
No matter what Trump did, you would be against it. You have proven that over and over again. Like I said mail in ballots are even close to being absentee ballots.

You can address what I said or not.
Because voting is highly protected constitutional right and shouldn’t be impaired unless absolutely necessary.

We all know Republicans love making voting harder because that helps them win elections. Voter suppression is wrong, don’t you think?

Until the commies created this plot to steal the election, we always voted this way. How is going to the polls and voting in any way suppression? Show me in the US Constitution where it says government must walk up to your doorstep and hand you a ballot. How is it only suppression to one particular group of people if everybody has to play by the same rules?

You people buy whatever the commies are selling. If they told you the moon was made of green cheese, you on the left would believe them.
The entire system when your neighbor went to vote.

It's likely that my neighbor wouldn't vote if they didn't get the mail-in ballot. My neighbor is a lazy lowlife who didn't want to take the time to vote like a real American in person. What makes you think they would simply because they didn't get a ballot?
What Does the Constitution Say About Voting?

There is no step-by-step guide to voting in the United States Constitution. Article 1, Section 4 says that it’s up to each state to determine “The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections.” This openness has enabled the voting process in the United States to evolve as the country’s needs have changed.

The Founding Fathers voted by raising their voices—literally. Until the early 19th century, all eligible voters cast their “Viva Voce” (voice vote) in public. While the number of people eligible to vote in that era was low and primarily composed of land-owning white males, turnout hovered around 85 percent, largely due to enticing voting parties held at polling stations.

The first paper ballots appeared in the early 19th century and were originally blank pieces of paper. By the mid-1800s, they had gone to the other extreme: political parties printed tickets with the names of every candidate pre-filled along party lines. It wasn’t until 1888 that New York and Massachusetts became the first states to adopt pre-printed ballots with the names of all candidates (a style called the “Australian ballot” after where it was created). By then, another revolution in voting had taken place: Absentee voting.

Vote-by-Mail Programs Date Back to the Civil War
If voting by mail is good for Trump it's good for all.
Not the same, you failed.

It seems it's never the same when it comes to Trump. He mailed in his ballot.
He voted absentee ballot, in which you have to request one, prove who you are, and get a witness to sign it also. Not the same, quit being ignorant. Democrats couldn't pull out absentee ballots out from under the desk and come up with the number they needed. They can and did with mail in ballots.

You can sign the witness statement left handed. If voting in person is so important you LEAD BY EXAMPLE. Every single president before Trump did.
Mail in voting isn't the same as absentee voting, why cannot you get that through your head?

If voting in person is so important LEAD BY EXAMPLE.
If Trump did you would bitch about it, you would find something wrong.

Hardly. If it's important, lead by example.
No matter what Trump did, you would be against it. You have proven that over and over again. Like I said mail in ballots are even close to being absentee ballots.
That's simply not true, at all.

In the battle ground states, no citizen was just mailed a ballot, without requesting one....and requesting one is the SAME as absentee voting.

Trump voted by mail his whole life... No affidavit or witness signature for absentee voting is needed in Florida, or New York. No copy of an id either.
The entire system when your neighbor went to vote.

It's likely that my neighbor wouldn't vote if they didn't get the mail-in ballot. My neighbor is a lazy lowlife who didn't want to take the time to vote like a real American in person. What makes you think they would simply because they didn't get a ballot?

Trump didn't vote in person. Do you think about what you post before posting it?
Trump didn't vote in person. Do you think about what you post before posting it?

Trump is the President of the United States. You want us to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars for security detail just to put on a dog and pony show for you?
Because voting is highly protected constitutional right and shouldn’t be impaired unless absolutely necessary.

We all know Republicans love making voting harder because that helps them win elections. Voter suppression is wrong, don’t you think?

Until the commies created this plot to steal the election, we always voted this way. How is going to the polls and voting in any way suppression? Show me in the US Constitution where it says government must walk up to your doorstep and hand you a ballot. How is it only suppression to one particular group of people if everybody has to play by the same rules?

You people buy whatever the commies are selling. If they told you the moon was made of green cheese, you on the left would believe them.
You think we were always voting with government issued IDs? Cmon, that’s ridiculous.

It’s suppression to come up with unnecessary hurdles to prevent people from voting. You know, like literacy tests.
Voting by mail is safer. That’s a fact.

Sure it is safer. It is safer to stay in your home and not go to work too. You may die in a car accident.

Voting by mail is rife for fraud. That is why the Democrats want it. This is why they pushed it this last election. EVERYBODY knows it, but since it seems to help the Democrats more than the Republicans, Democratic politicians are ok with it.
Trump is the President of the United States. You want us to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars for security detail just to put on a dog and pony show for you?
Why not? We spent that so Trump could throw paper towels at hurricane victims.
Democrats are more willing to believe there is a pandemic about ... and that this year, voting by mail is safer ...

Republicans don't believe there's a pandemic ... so voting in person is as safe as any ...
In their minds

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