Why is it always Atheists vs Christians?

This is exactly why atheism is not a religion. It is non- belief in any of that. Atheism has no beliefs whatsoever concerning anything. It is the simple rejection of all known religious beliefs. You are thoroughly confused as to what atheism actually is.

An agnostic fits your definition better than it does mine. They're the ones with no belief, one way or the other.

Atheists flat-out BELIEVE there is nothing.

But, whatever.
As I understand it, agnostics believe that there is a God but that he/she/it is unknowable. IOW, agnostics actually believe in a higher power whereas atheists do not.
Believing there's maybe "something", just not sure what "It" is.

Kind of in the middle, though.
Not a firm belief.
I'm going to use Merriam-Webster for these.

Definition of AGNOSTIC
: a person who holds the view that any ultimate reality (as God) is unknown and probably unknowable; broadly : one who is not committed to believing in either the existence or the nonexistence of God or a god

The only other definition wasn't relevant.

Definition of ATHEIST
: one who believes that there is no deity

I think it is more common to look at atheism as strong disbelief, a denial of any god existing, and agnosticism as not having a belief but allowing for possibilities. I've heard a lot of argument about how the words should be defined, and it leads to some very silly conversations. That's been highlighted in this thread. ;)
No, trust me, you've proven my point.

Atheists believe they are supernaturally endowed with greater powers of reasoning than any religious person, anywhere. They're just that much smarter and more clever, and better.

That is, in and of itself, a loony belief system. And it's what defines atheists.

That and their bizarre desire to convert the world to their worldview. I guess they want everybody to get this special smartness that atheism has bestowed upon THEM.

Atheists are basically pro faith and anti science. It takes more faith to be a non believer than to be a believer. The atheist says that they cannot believe in a God they cannot see. So they don't believe in sub atomic particles either. The atheist claims they will not believe in the existence of something that cannot be proved. That means that Higgs-Bosun cannot be proved.

We know that sub atomic particles exist because of the affect they have on other particles that we can see. We know that Higgs Bosun exists because everything has mass. No one has ever seen a quark. What's a muon? Do you know? Have you ever seen one? Can we prove that muons exist to the satisfaction of the ignorant dullards that watch American Idol? No. They are atheists.
In Subatomic Tracking, Clues to the Unseen Universe - NYTimes.com

An experiment that tracks subtle motions of subatomic particles called muons has found tantalizing evidence for a vast shadow universe of normally unseen matter existing side by side with ours, scientists at the Brookhaven National Laboratory said yesterday.

The significance of the findings has been thrown into doubt by a series of mathematical errors and theoretical disagreements by physicists around the world who have been weighing the evidence for what would, if correct, rank as one of the greatest discoveries in science.

The Brookhaven ''g minus 2'' experiment has produced extraordinarily minute observations of the gyrating muons. In a dispiriting turn for the experimenters, though, the theoretical predictions of how encounters with ordinary matter should affect the dance of the particles have come into doubt. Only through differences between the expected and observed behavior of the muons (pronounced MEW-ahnz) could the existence of new matter be inferred.

This is also how we can infer the existence of God.

They aren't just anti-science, they're anti-EDUCATION. Read that driveler hollie's crap; or her rants against OXFORD hahahaha....she's an ignorant yahoo...yet she postures as if she's the intellectual superior of everybody around her, because she's ATHEIST.

It's phucking hilarity incarnate.

Education is the enemy of liberalism.
Why is it always Atheists versus Christians? Why are they seldom against Muslims, or hindus or Jews?

Muslims in particular are the most mysogenistic and homophobic of all religions. They have a doctrine of world domination and are completely intolerant of not only other religions, but of atheists as well. Their extremists murder people whereas Christian extremists seldom do.

We live in a Western society.
Atheists do not coddle any religious people, but not all religions proselytize.

Give the newcomers time to spread their hatred, bigotry, and intolerance. Then you will be happy? Christian extremists in America, because of religious views, have gone after people with bombs and shootings and stabbings, and more. You need to wake up
Why is it always Atheists versus Christians? Why are they seldom against Muslims, or hindus or Jews?

Muslims in particular are the most mysogenistic and homophobic of all religions. They have a doctrine of world domination and are completely intolerant of not only other religions, but of atheists as well. Their extremists murder people whereas Christian extremists seldom do.

Because a Muslim would shoot an Atheist in there infidel face for blasphemy.
This is exactly why atheism is not a religion. It is non- belief in any of that. Atheism has no beliefs whatsoever concerning anything. It is the simple rejection of all known religious beliefs. You are thoroughly confused as to what atheism actually is.

An agnostic fits your definition better than it does mine. They're the ones with no belief, one way or the other.

Atheists flat-out BELIEVE there is nothing.

But, whatever.
As I understand it, agnostics believe that there is a God but that he/she/it is unknowable. IOW, agnostics actually believe in a higher power whereas atheists do not.

You understand it incorrectly.

Agnostics (like myself) do not "believe that there is a God".

We "believe" that the question of whether or not a God exists simply can't be answered rationally or logically - and therefore is irrelevant entirely.

Not disbelieving in a God isn't the same as believing in one.
As to the OP -

Jews, Muslims and Hindus aren't trying to legally enforce their religions on me. I can't say the same about Christians.

Jews and Muslims are. They both join the Christian right on many issues. As time passes look for more outspoken bigotry from Muslims

When I see a law that has the possibility of being passed that would force me to legally obey Halakha or Sharia law, then I'll agree with you.
As to the OP -

Jews, Muslims and Hindus aren't trying to legally enforce their religions on me. I can't say the same about Christians.

Jews and Muslims are. They both join the Christian right on many issues. As time passes look for more outspoken bigotry from Muslims

When I see a law that has the possibility of being passed that would force me to legally obey Halakha or Sharia law, then I'll agree with you.

There can be and are ways to be oppressive without calling a pig a pig. Give enough time and the conservative Muslims will surely act like the conservative Jews and conservative Christians. There is no need to go as far as asking for Sharia law.

And the right wing in America is already starting to tap into this. First the progressive religious folks reach out and welcome people and then in come the other religious ones waving social issues and other bullshit. Watch. It has already started.

The right has already made inroads with bigotry in the Hispanic and African Christian communities
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False analogy based on comparison. Believers are faithful, in other words, because the believe in a deity they cannot prove it exists.

Not in the least. Faithless means disloyal. Failing to prove the existence of your deity is the height of disloyalty.

Nah, you have to use traditional definitions and terms, not your own sense of meaning. And a non-believer never sets the standard for what is loyal or disloyal for a believer. Sorry, kid.

The dictionary defines faithless as being disloyal, untrustworthy, unreliable, failing to adhere to vows, promises and duty.

Faithless | Define Faithless at Dictionary.com

Failing to prove the existence of your deity when the need arises fits the definition of faithless.

Secondly believers never set the standard for what is defined as evidence and proof for non-believers.
This is exactly why atheism is not a religion. It is non- belief in any of that. Atheism has no beliefs whatsoever concerning anything. It is the simple rejection of all known religious beliefs. You are thoroughly confused as to what atheism actually is.

An agnostic fits your definition better than it does mine. They're the ones with no belief, one way or the other.

Atheists flat-out BELIEVE there is nothing.

But, whatever.
As I understand it, agnostics believe that there is a God but that he/she/it is unknowable. IOW, agnostics actually believe in a higher power whereas atheists do not.

Not really. Agnostic simply means you don't know.

Most atheist if cornered will admit to being an agnostic. I know I am. Some well known atheist have said the same.

I used to call myself an agnostic rather than an atheist, but then I realized how silly that is. There may be aliens out there. Unlikely, and there is no evidence, but they could be. But we do not walk around talking about being agnostics when it comes to alien existence.

Until there is evidence, why bother? I'm an atheist who will admit he is wrong in a heartbeat if I find enough evidence. And yes, I think there is an infinitesimally small chance there is a god. So technically I could be called an agnostic.
This is exactly why atheism is not a religion. It is non- belief in any of that. Atheism has no beliefs whatsoever concerning anything. It is the simple rejection of all known religious beliefs. You are thoroughly confused as to what atheism actually is.

An agnostic fits your definition better than it does mine. They're the ones with no belief, one way or the other.

Atheists flat-out BELIEVE there is nothing.

But, whatever.
As I understand it, agnostics believe that there is a God but that he/she/it is unknowable. IOW, agnostics actually believe in a higher power whereas atheists do not.

Agnosticism is the view that the existence or non-existence of any deity is unknown and possibly unknowable. More specifically, agnosticism is the view that the truth values of certain claims—especially claims about the existence or non-existence of any deity, as well as other religious and metaphysical claims—are unknown and (so far as can be judged) unknowable.[1][2][3]

Agnosticism can be defined in various ways, and is sometimes used to indicate doubt or a skeptical approach to questions. In some senses, agnosticism is a stance about the difference between belief and knowledge, rather than about any specific claim or belief.

In the popular sense, an agnostic is someone who neither believes nor disbelieves in the existence of a deity or deities, whereas a theist and an atheist believe and disbelieve, respectively.[2]

In the strict sense, however, agnosticism is the view that humanity does not currently possess the requisite knowledge and/or reason to provide sufficient rational grounds to justify the belief that deities either do or do not exist.

Thomas Henry Huxley, an English biologist, coined the word agnostic in 1869

the different between Believers and Atheists versus Agnostics is humility.

Agnostics are humble enough to recognize that they do NOT know.
An agnostic fits your definition better than it does mine. They're the ones with no belief, one way or the other.

Atheists flat-out BELIEVE there is nothing.

But, whatever.
As I understand it, agnostics believe that there is a God but that he/she/it is unknowable. IOW, agnostics actually believe in a higher power whereas atheists do not.

Agnosticism is the view that the existence or non-existence of any deity is unknown and possibly unknowable. More specifically, agnosticism is the view that the truth values of certain claims—especially claims about the existence or non-existence of any deity, as well as other religious and metaphysical claims—are unknown and (so far as can be judged) unknowable.[1][2][3]

Agnosticism can be defined in various ways, and is sometimes used to indicate doubt or a skeptical approach to questions. In some senses, agnosticism is a stance about the difference between belief and knowledge, rather than about any specific claim or belief.

In the popular sense, an agnostic is someone who neither believes nor disbelieves in the existence of a deity or deities, whereas a theist and an atheist believe and disbelieve, respectively.[2]

In the strict sense, however, agnosticism is the view that humanity does not currently possess the requisite knowledge and/or reason to provide sufficient rational grounds to justify the belief that deities either do or do not exist.

Thomas Henry Huxley, an English biologist, coined the word agnostic in 1869

the different between Believers and Atheists versus Agnostics is humility.

Agnostics are humble enough to recognize that they do NOT know.

The wealth of scientific knowledge has grown considerably since 1869.
It's only humble if they don't feel a sense of superiority about it.....

you appear to think humility = superior understanding, lol.
An agnostic fits your definition better than it does mine. They're the ones with no belief, one way or the other.

Atheists flat-out BELIEVE there is nothing.

But, whatever.
As I understand it, agnostics believe that there is a God but that he/she/it is unknowable. IOW, agnostics actually believe in a higher power whereas atheists do not.

Agnosticism is the view that the existence or non-existence of any deity is unknown and possibly unknowable. More specifically, agnosticism is the view that the truth values of certain claims—especially claims about the existence or non-existence of any deity, as well as other religious and metaphysical claims—are unknown and (so far as can be judged) unknowable.[1][2][3]

Agnosticism can be defined in various ways, and is sometimes used to indicate doubt or a skeptical approach to questions. In some senses, agnosticism is a stance about the difference between belief and knowledge, rather than about any specific claim or belief.

In the popular sense, an agnostic is someone who neither believes nor disbelieves in the existence of a deity or deities, whereas a theist and an atheist believe and disbelieve, respectively.[2]

In the strict sense, however, agnosticism is the view that humanity does not currently possess the requisite knowledge and/or reason to provide sufficient rational grounds to justify the belief that deities either do or do not exist.

Thomas Henry Huxley, an English biologist, coined the word agnostic in 1869

the different between Believers and Atheists versus Agnostics is humility.

Agnostics are humble enough to recognize that they do NOT know.

Not by an accurate reading of the terms. Granted, most people who self-apply the term agnostic are simply "hedging their bets", via Pascal's wager. I suppose hedging your bets could be considered a "humble" approach, but which god will you pretend to believe in? There are lot of slots on that roulette wheel. I'm not sure betting on all of them is very practical.
An agnostic fits your definition better than it does mine. They're the ones with no belief, one way or the other.

Atheists flat-out BELIEVE there is nothing.

But, whatever.
As I understand it, agnostics believe that there is a God but that he/she/it is unknowable. IOW, agnostics actually believe in a higher power whereas atheists do not.

Can you elaborate more on what you mean by God being 'unknowable'? Because we Muslims believe he is Unseen. I will elaborate on that more if you wish I do. Appreciate it.

By unknowable I mean that dogma, wants, needs, attributes ect. are unknowable and there is nothing that man can do to figure these things out. IOW, religious dogma, no matter the source, is meaningless because God (and all that comes with it like the possibility of an afterlife) cannot be understood by mortal men. In that context, an agnostic believes in god or a 'higher power' but not in religion. That is how I see agnostics and how agnostics I know see the supernatural.

This is different than any religions like Islam because whether or not Allah is 'unseen' you have a dogma and rules about what Allah 'wants' and how to get to paradise. An agnostic does not even know if an afterlife exists let alone what the rules are to get there and they are not working on figuring it out, its unknowable.
Sounds like excuses kids use to avoid homework.

"I already know everything."
"This stuff is stupid."
"I'll never use this stuff anyway."
An agnostic fits your definition better than it does mine. They're the ones with no belief, one way or the other.

Atheists flat-out BELIEVE there is nothing.

But, whatever.
As I understand it, agnostics believe that there is a God but that he/she/it is unknowable. IOW, agnostics actually believe in a higher power whereas atheists do not.

You understand it incorrectly.

Agnostics (like myself) do not "believe that there is a God".

We "believe" that the question of whether or not a God exists simply can't be answered rationally or logically - and therefore is irrelevant entirely.

Not disbelieving in a God isn't the same as believing in one.

I would call that an atheist.

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