Why I was never converted to becoming a truther; One little detail.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
I've had an open mind reading all the millions of truther/9-11 theories. And I never converted. Why? One little thing they can't or won't try to explain. That just doesn't make sense. One detail that, if this was a grand plan, would've been a no-brainer to include.

Lets say IF the government did 9-11: They had that much planning, that much precision. They had hundreds of people "in" on it, or else they couldn't have pulled it off. And 10 years later, all the "in" crowd is still keeping the secret.

So the government pulled off the most elaborate, complex, vast plot ever on the people of a country that have the most technology to investigate, the smartest people to look into it, an lots and lots and lots of media with mega-billions for anyone willing to blow the whistle. And no one did.

So the government pulled it off, in this nation, without being caught and without 1 person coming out about it. Wow. What a flawless plan.

And THAT government, capable of such an overwhelmingly evil but successful plot.....couldn't find a way, after invading and taking over, to plant some 70's era WMD's into Iraq. Just a few vats of bioweapons. Just a lil anthrax. Hell, we all know Russia is "missing" lots of nukes. We couldn't take a nuke, fake some serial numbers, and make it look Russian? The country that orchestrated 9-11 couldn't do that with one of our countless nukes? We own all the types of WMDs known to man, either in the military or biolabs like CDC. And we weren't evil enough to plant some?

I'll never convert for that one reason.
Well for me, it is the fact that they installed all that det cord all through all three towers while folks were at work, running in and out of all those offices, drilling into the support structures and no one noticed them install it.
Well for me, it is the fact that they installed all that det cord all through all three towers while folks were at work, running in and out of all those offices, drilling into the support structures and no one noticed them install it.


Haha, yeah, they were able to rig two of the biggest structures in the world with all this high tech explosive and demo stuff, make 4 planes disappear then replace them with military jets, keep it all under wraps for 10 years with the hundreds of people that had to have participated.........did it all with thousands of WTC workers around them every day...............................................................but yet couldnt hide a few pounds of nerve gas under a dead camel in the middle of the desert in Iraq with no one looking in a nation we just took over??????
Oh I'm sure there is one. It's written in crayon and held up by a magnet on their mom's fridge.

I can't wait to hear how, for some reason, not having WMD's be found was part of the big plan.
I also wonder how/why the government that was able to pull off 9-11 couldnt find a way to get some sort of way to rescue a bunch of poor black people from New Orleans after Katrina, or how to plug a damn oil leak.

UNLESS.......................OF COURSE!!!!! It's right in front of me, how could I miss it!!!! The government did 9-11............but then fucks up everything else it does to make be believe they must have been too dumb to do 9-11!!! Of course!!!!
During the time prior to the "911" attack, Marvin Bush was in charge of the security firm responsible for
the electronic security for the Twin Towers, Dulles Int. Airport, and United Airlines (according to public records.)

The security firm in question was backed by an investment firm; the Kuwait - American Corp., also linked to the Bush Family for many years. So this is not hard evidence, but perhaps the $50 million
contract to secure the Twin Towers, puts things into perspective.

It is a historical fact that people can be silenced for a price and/or or coercion tactic's.
During the time prior to the "911" attack, Marvin Bush was in charge of the security firm responsible for
the electronic security for the Twin Towers, Dulles Int. Airport, and United Airlines (according to public records.)

The security firm in question was backed by an investment firm; the Kuwait - American Corp., also linked to the Bush Family for many years. So this is not hard evidence, but perhaps the $50 million
contract to secure the Twin Towers, puts things into perspective.

It is a historical fact that people can be silenced for a price and/or or coercion tactic's.
your point? there is no viable linkage to that firm and the events of 911...
makes a good screenplay though.
I've had an open mind reading all the millions of truther/9-11 theories. And I never converted. Why? One little thing they can't or won't try to explain. That just doesn't make sense. One detail that, if this was a grand plan, would've been a no-brainer to include.

Lets say IF the government did 9-11: They had that much planning, that much precision. They had hundreds of people "in" on it, or else they couldn't have pulled it off. And 10 years later, all the "in" crowd is still keeping the secret.

So the government pulled off the most elaborate, complex, vast plot ever on the people of a country that have the most technology to investigate, the smartest people to look into it, an lots and lots and lots of media with mega-billions for anyone willing to blow the whistle. And no one did.

So the government pulled it off, in this nation, without being caught and without 1 person coming out about it. Wow. What a flawless plan.

And THAT government, capable of such an overwhelmingly evil but successful plot.....couldn't find a way, after invading and taking over, to plant some 70's era WMD's into Iraq. Just a few vats of bioweapons. Just a lil anthrax. Hell, we all know Russia is "missing" lots of nukes. We couldn't take a nuke, fake some serial numbers, and make it look Russian? The country that orchestrated 9-11 couldn't do that with one of our countless nukes? We own all the types of WMDs known to man, either in the military or biolabs like CDC. And we weren't evil enough to plant some?

I'll never convert for that one reason.

That is a reason I did not have before, but it works for me.

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