Why I hate 9-11 Truthers

rightwinger said:
...1. They tell the families of those who leaped to their deaths from the towers that conditions were not that bad....those people were not in danger from fires. A controlled demo brought those buildings down...

From what I've gathered over the years, not even the 'No-planers' generally deny that the buildings were somehow set on fire prior to their respective "collapses", Wrongringer. :doubt:

rightwinger said:
...2. They tell the victims family from the plane that hit the Pentagon that the remains returned to them are fake. A plane did not hit the Pentagon...

Well, as a strident Truther from way back, I've never suggested that any of the remains of victims returned to their loved ones were fake. The means by which those victims actually died is a separate issue altogether.

As for the remains of the 25 victims buried collectively at Arlington National Cemetery back in 2002, under a 5-sided grainite marker inscribed with the names of all of the victims from the ncident at the Pentagon (including the five whose remains were never found), I don't doubt that that any of those individuals were killed.

rightwinger said:
...3. They tell the families of those who died in Shanksville that thosee remains are not your loved ones. It was not a plane that crashed there..

Regarding the human emains from Flight 93:

...All human remains were found within a 70-acre (28 ha) area surrounding the impact point.[85] Somerset County Coroner Wally Miller was involved in the investigation and identification of the remains. In examining the wreckage, the only human body part he could see was part of a backbone.[86]Miller later found and identified 1,500 pieces of human remains totaling about 600 pounds (272 kg), or eight percent of the total.[87] The rest of the remains were consumed by the impact.[88]...

Again, at least in the opinion of this Truther, the families fortunate enough to have received fragments of their loved ones bodies from that crash site most likely received properly identified remains. As for the families that weren't so lucky, I have no doubt that their missing loved ones were killed on 9/11.

The entire '9/11 Truth Community' can't be impugned for the opinions of those who believe that no legitimate airliners were hijacked and/or switched out in mid-flight for R/C drones. Many, if not most of us, do believe that the passenger lists represent legitimate lists of victims, even if some of the details of the means of their demise remain in question.

rightwinger said:
...Can you imagine anyone as heartless as a truther?

How about the small army of relentless douchebags whose concerted goal in life seems to be to deny justice to the victims' families? :dunno:
rightwinger said:
...1. They tell the families of those who leaped to their deaths from the towers that conditions were not that bad....those people were not in danger from fires. A controlled demo brought those buildings down...

From what I've gathered over the years, not even the 'No-planers' generally deny that the buildings were somehow set on fire prior to their respective "collapses", Wrongringer. :doubt:

rightwinger said:
...2. They tell the victims family from the plane that hit the Pentagon that the remains returned to them are fake. A plane did not hit the Pentagon...

Well, as a strident Truther from way back, I've never suggested that any of the remains of victims returned to their loved ones were fake. The means by which those victims actually died is a separate issue altogether.

As for the remains of the 25 victims buried collectively at Arlington National Cemetery back in 2002, under a 5-sided grainite marker inscribed with the names of all of the victims from the ncident at the Pentagon (including the five whose remains were never found), I don't doubt that that any of those individuals were killed.

rightwinger said:
...3. They tell the families of those who died in Shanksville that thosee remains are not your loved ones. It was not a plane that crashed there..

Regarding the human emains from Flight 93:

...All human remains were found within a 70-acre (28 ha) area surrounding the impact point.[85] Somerset County Coroner Wally Miller was involved in the investigation and identification of the remains. In examining the wreckage, the only human body part he could see was part of a backbone.[86]Miller later found and identified 1,500 pieces of human remains totaling about 600 pounds (272 kg), or eight percent of the total.[87] The rest of the remains were consumed by the impact.[88]...

Again, at least in the opinion of this Truther, the families fortunate enough to have received fragments of their loved ones bodies from that crash site most likely received properly identified remains. As for the families that weren't so lucky, I have no doubt that their missing loved ones were killed on 9/11.

The entire '9/11 Truth Community' can't be impugned for the opinions of those who believe that no legitimate airliners were hijacked and/or switched out in mid-flight for R/C drones. Many, if not most of us, do believe that the passenger lists represent legitimate lists of victims, even if some of the details of the means of their demise remain in question.

rightwinger said:
...Can you imagine anyone as heartless as a truther?

How about the small army of relentless douchebags whose concerted goal in life seems to be to deny justice to the victims' families? :dunno:

OK...then answer a few simple questions

1. Were the fires and structural damage at the top of the WTC enough to kill all the people up there?
2. Did a plane hit the Pentagon
3. Did Flight 93 crash in Shanksville and did the passengers fight with the terrorists?
All your guys are wasting your time. It's over. Bush is 100 years old he'll be dead by the time we learn the 'truth' if we ever will. The only people who care about the truth are 'truth ers' the only ones who care about the 'facts' are people who don't believe in 'truth ers'. No one gives a fucj about what you gotta say on this topic except your own kind. /thread
then why are you here ?
for the diametrically opposed reason you are.
...1. Were the fires and structural damage at the top of the WTC enough to kill all the people up there?...

Obviously, those near the entry/exit 'impact zones' of the aircraft/drones would have been killed very quickly. As for those who were trapped above or immdeiately below the impact zones, the fires were apparently "enough" (whatever you meant by that) to prompt as many as 200 people to leap to their deaths (although video evidence suggests that a few may have been ejected in mysterious blast waves).

rightwinger said:
2. Did a plane hit the Pentagon...

In my opinion, yes, but it wasn't a large passenger jet. In line with the puzzling accounts of several eyewitnesses close to the scene, I believe it was struck by a much smaller jet (something like this) which had been equipped for R/C flight.

That doesn't mean I doubt the legitmacy of the remains of the 25 individuals 'collectively buried' at Arlington National Cemetery, though. Nor do I doubt that any of the other names listed on that grave marker represent legitimate victims.

rightwinger said:
...3. Did Flight 93 crash in Shanksville and did the passengers fight with the terrorists?

In my opinion, yes and no. Yes, it crashed; but no, I don't buy the in-flight fight story or the cell phone calls.

I believe, that following the in-flight switch-outs of Flights 11 and 175 (as corroborated by the radar data from RADES), all of the passengers and unwitting crew members from those flights were herded (voluntarily or not) onto Flight 93 during an unscheduled stopover (the strangely small passenger lists from all three flights would have played perfectly into this scenario). I think Flight 93 was likely intended for Building 7, but only after the way had been cleared by the "collapses" of Buildings 1 and 2. This would have placed the remains of the passengers from the 3 airliners in NYC, and would have looked a whole lot better on national television.

Apparently, at least one interceptor pilot slipped through the cracks of the war games stand-down and did his job.

Now, I'll readily admit that a lot of this amounts to speculation on my part; but none of it is unfounded speculation, ...nor does any of it violate certain long-established laws of physics.
facts that you are obviously not aware of that make the governments version of events impossible.lol.

plus you are obviously new to this because the FACTS are its only the Bush dupes that worship the governments version of events that get upset with truthers for not falling for the lies of the government.THOSE are the facts I am talking about.

THEY are the ones that get into name calling all the time when they cant counter facts that it was a controlled demolition that brought down the towers.THEY are the ones that get upset and throw temper tantrems not us.

THOSE are the facts I am talking about just to clear that up for you.anytime a truther comes on here and proves these shills here are liars such as that poster dawgshit,they go into name calling cause they get frustrated they cant counter the facts.

that poster dawgshit,the ONLY reply that he is worthy of is my fart jokes because him and the OP of this thread are USMB's resident trolls.

over a 100 people at this site have caught USMB'S resident troll here rightwinger making up outright lies when he is cornered and blatantly ignores facts that prove him wrong.

hope that clears that up for ya.:biggrin:

Ive never met a Bush dupe in my life who didnt get into name calling when cornered by facts they could not get around or in the case of the OP here,blatantly ignored them and made up outright lies.

that again is because they are paid shills of the government sent here by their handlers to troll threads like this to try and derail truth discussions.

any objective open minded person who uses logic and common sense can see after reading this link below,that the government is so full of shit in their explanations and is outright lying.:lmao:

Idaho Observer The looniest of all 9 11 conspiracy theories

since they are lying,then its only logical to ask the question WHY and why so many people like dawgshit and the OP come here and invent LIES to defend the governments version of events.
What if I said I don't give a fuck what happened? What you gotta say about that? So really I don't give a fuck what the facts are cuz imo from what I've seen no one can prove shit about shit. Even if bush had something to do with 911 even as little as him knowing about it and not preventing it I say God bless him.

so you bless a guy who murdered over 3000 people.that just says it all about you.:rolleyes-41:

guess you love murderers then.seems like USMB sure attracts the trolls here.too bad you werent in the building when Bush AND clinton murdered them off since you love murderers so much.

another troll to add to ignore.
I'm supposed to bless my enemies what can I say? Anyway you don't know why he did it. Maybe it was a worthy sacrifice to save our country? You never know. I don't know... And I don't give a fuck.
guess what new guy you are now a member of the not on ignore but handjob will say you are club.
congratulations !
you are so right, It's been over for a long time.
it's futile to argue with our resident conspiracy nut jobs as reason logic and facts are meaningless to them
yet you do it religiously...
...1. Were the fires and structural damage at the top of the WTC enough to kill all the people up there?...

Obviously, those near the entry/exit 'impact zones' of the aircraft/drones would have been killed very quickly. As for those who were trapped above or immdeiately below the impact zones, the fires were apparently "enough" (whatever you meant by that) to prompt as many as 200 people to leap to their deaths (although video evidence suggests that a few may have been ejected in mysterious blast waves).

rightwinger said:
2. Did a plane hit the Pentagon...

In my opinion, yes, but it wasn't a large passenger jet. In line with the puzzling accounts of several eyewitnesses close to the scene, I believe it was struck by a much smaller jet (something like this) which had been equipped for R/C flight.

That doesn't mean I doubt the legitmacy of the remains of the 25 individuals 'collectively buried' at Arlington National Cemetery, though. Nor do I doubt that any of the other names listed on that grave marker represent legitimate victims.

rightwinger said:
...3. Did Flight 93 crash in Shanksville and did the passengers fight with the terrorists?

In my opinion, yes and no. Yes, it crashed; and no, I believe that the in-flight fight story and cell phone calls were contrived.

I believe, that following the in-flight switch-outs of Flights 11 and 175 (as corroborated by the radar data from RADES), all of the passengers and unwitting crew members from those flights were herded (voluntarily or not) onto Flight 93 during an unscheduled stopover (the strangely small passenger lists from all three flights would have played perfectly into this scenario). I think Flight 93 was likely intended for Building 7, but only after the way had been cleared by the "collapses" of Buildings 1 and 2. This would have placed the remains of the passengers from the 3 airliners in NYC, and would have looked a whole lot better on national television.

Apparently, at least one interceptor pilot slipped through the cracks of the war games stand-down and did his job.

Now, I'll readily admit that a lot of this amounts to speculation on my part; but none of it is unfounded speculation, ...nor does any of it violate certain long-established laws of physics.

OK...two out of three isn't bad

I do take offense to your view that Flight 77 did not hit the Pentagon

What happened to those passengers?
Are you claiming that the remains of passengers recovered from the Pentagon were not those from Flight 77? Are you claiming their loved ones are mourning over fake body parts?
View attachment 42641 View attachment 42641
Obama had those buildings blown up, just to make Bush look bad. Unfortunately, it backfired, and people started supporting Bush's wars. Obama then had some meteorologists create Katrina, again, to make Bush look bad. This worked, to a certain extent, but only in the Africa-American community, who already had no respect for Bush. Obama then realized that Bush was so fucked up anyway, that it was best just to let him alone, and let him screw up on his own. Then, Obama was elected, which pissed off Hillary, because Obama managed to get ACA passed, when her efforts to reform health care ended up with everyone telling her to just go to the beauty shop and change her hair style every week. She did that, but, her beauty shop guy was actually Elvis incognito, who was still pissed about Michael Jackson marrying his daughter, so together they plotted to bring about Obama's downfall. However, Elvis is getting kind of long in the tooth, so the best they could come up with was to put Biden on the payroll, and have him do a major "foot in mouth" flub every couple of weeks. Hillary changed hairdressers one more time, and decided that, most American voters being what they are, there is really no point in trying to use subtlety to manipulate them, so she just threw her bonnet in the ring and is running for president.

another paid shill to join agents rightwinger,dawgshit-aka sayit and his newest sock he is posting under now as well on this thread.
rightwinger said:
...1. They tell the families of those who leaped to their deaths from the towers that conditions were not that bad....those people were not in danger from fires. A controlled demo brought those buildings down...

From what I've gathered over the years, not even the 'No-planers' generally deny that the buildings were somehow set on fire prior to their respective "collapses", Wrongringer. :doubt:

rightwinger said:
...2. They tell the victims family from the plane that hit the Pentagon that the remains returned to them are fake. A plane did not hit the Pentagon...

Well, as a strident Truther from way back, I've never suggested that any of the remains of victims returned to their loved ones were fake. The means by which those victims actually died is a separate issue altogether.

As for the remains of the 25 victims buried collectively at Arlington National Cemetery back in 2002, under a 5-sided grainite marker inscribed with the names of all of the victims from the ncident at the Pentagon (including the five whose remains were never found), I don't doubt that that any of those individuals were killed.

rightwinger said:
...3. They tell the families of those who died in Shanksville that thosee remains are not your loved ones. It was not a plane that crashed there..

Regarding the human emains from Flight 93:

...All human remains were found within a 70-acre (28 ha) area surrounding the impact point.[85] Somerset County Coroner Wally Miller was involved in the investigation and identification of the remains. In examining the wreckage, the only human body part he could see was part of a backbone.[86]Miller later found and identified 1,500 pieces of human remains totaling about 600 pounds (272 kg), or eight percent of the total.[87] The rest of the remains were consumed by the impact.[88]...

Again, at least in the opinion of this Truther, the families fortunate enough to have received fragments of their loved ones bodies from that crash site most likely received properly identified remains. As for the families that weren't so lucky, I have no doubt that their missing loved ones were killed on 9/11.

The entire '9/11 Truth Community' can't be impugned for the opinions of those who believe that no legitimate airliners were hijacked and/or switched out in mid-flight for R/C drones. Many, if not most of us, do believe that the passenger lists represent legitimate lists of victims, even if some of the details of the means of their demise remain in question.

rightwinger said:
...Can you imagine anyone as heartless as a truther?

How about the small army of relentless douchebags whose concerted goal in life seems to be to deny justice to the victims' families? :dunno:


dont know WHY you do it dude.His handlers send him here to go around trolling saying the warren commission report is correct that oswald was the lone assassin.:rolleyes: He knows perfectly well as we do the CIA and mossad were behind the JFK assassin as well as being behind 9/11.
The main elevator systems, utility shafts, restrooms, and three stairwells each, were all housed in the core columns of Buildings 1 and 2.

In the words of Tom Sullivan, a former explosives technician with CDI (Controlled Demolitions Inc.):

"Looking at the buildings, it wouldn't be a problem once you've gained access to the elevator shafts. Then a team of loading experts would have access to all of the core columns and beams. The rest could be accomplished, at that point, with the right kind of explosives for the job at hand - the choices are many out there."

That guy was an actual loader on several large projects during his time at CDI. He knows what he's talking about, which is apparently more than can be said about you, RW.
Tom Sullivan
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One of the often cited criticisms of 9/11 conspiracies is their lack of falsifiability. One will regularly encounter excuses why evidence isn’t readily available to substantiate a claim; eg- it’s a cover up, they destroyed it, etc. Such is the case of the “self-consuming thermite cutter charge”.

In this case we have an alleged demolitions device which also destroys itself leaving nothing but a pool of molten iron. Hence, why there is no evidence of demolition devices at Ground Zero; quite convenient. The idea of thermite cutter charges was awash across 9/11 conspiracy sites, but had its greatest peak with a specific article at Architects&Engineers for 9/11 Truth. Luckily, the authors found just the man to confirm what they were looking for in Tom Sullivan, former CDI, Inc. employee and alleged controlled demolitions expert.

“Having had the privilege of speaking with Tom Sullivan, an actual explosive-charge placement technician, we have some new insights to pass along as to how controlled demolition works…”(emphasis mine)

Sounds impressive, right?

A small problem is that the job title “explosive-charge placement technician” exists nowhere except on AE9111Truth.org & other sites parroting their words. The evidence they present is Sullivan’s “powder carrier” license & Sullivan refers to himself as a “loader” in the article & in his AE911Truth profile; while after the publishing of the online article referring to himself as an “explosives technician”.

In fact, the City of New York outlines the responsibilities of those who work with explosives in building demolitions. According to those standards a powder carrier & explosive loader are nothing close to experts.

“The Powder Carrier is essentially an apprentice Blaster, assisting the Blaster with loading:…paperwork, such as recording quantities of explosives used and shot times. Explosives loaders help the Blaster and Powder Carrie in transporting explosives to and from the magazines and handling explosives during loading operations.” (emphasis mine)

So based on the evidence AE911Truth presents (the printed statements of Sullivan, & his ID) he was nothing more than an assistant; nothing close to an expert. But what does Tom Sullivan, the assistant, say about thermite based technologies in controlled demolitions?

n the case of Thermite cutter charges, that may also be the case [referring to being used in the World Trade Center]. Thermite self-consuming cutter charge casings have been around since first patented back in 1984.” (emphasis mine)(Source)

AE911Truth doesn’t want to seem like we are just taking the word of Tom Sullivan. They provide us with a patent specifically from 1984. They even go further by placing a caption: “This particular cutter charge designed for use with thermite” (Source).

The issue here is it’s not a cutter charge. If one were to follow the patent number, it’s used as an ignition source.
Tom Sullivan - 911myths
View attachment 42641 View attachment 42641
Obama had those buildings blown up, just to make Bush look bad. Unfortunately, it backfired, and people started supporting Bush's wars. Obama then had some meteorologists create Katrina, again, to make Bush look bad. This worked, to a certain extent, but only in the Africa-American community, who already had no respect for Bush. Obama then realized that Bush was so fucked up anyway, that it was best just to let him alone, and let him screw up on his own. Then, Obama was elected, which pissed off Hillary, because Obama managed to get ACA passed, when her efforts to reform health care ended up with everyone telling her to just go to the beauty shop and change her hair style every week. She did that, but, her beauty shop guy was actually Elvis incognito, who was still pissed about Michael Jackson marrying his daughter, so together they plotted to bring about Obama's downfall. However, Elvis is getting kind of long in the tooth, so the best they could come up with was to put Biden on the payroll, and have him do a major "foot in mouth" flub every couple of weeks. Hillary changed hairdressers one more time, and decided that, most American voters being what they are, there is really no point in trying to use subtlety to manipulate them, so she just threw her bonnet in the ring and is running for president.
yes your arguments all ways are
Well, another 9-11 has come and gone and our Truthers have done their typical cut and paste of nonsensical truther videos. Conspiracy theorists are mostly harmless and it is fun watching them spin their yarns.
The problem with truthers is that their antics go beyond typical "Evil Gubment" rhetoric. If they stopped at the government knew about it and let it happen they would be relatively harmless. But when they get into Flight 93 didn't really crash in Shanksville and it was a missile that hit the Pentagon they are pissing on the graves of brave Americans.
To imply that these planes didn't really crash and the passengers are being secretly held by the government is outright cruel to the victims families
These families may have received some fragment of their loved one to bury and honor. It is all the closure they got. For truthers to tell them it is not their loved one they buried, that the government is playing a trick on them, that their loved one may still be alive is outright cruelty.

That is why truthers are scum

I now turn this thread over to truthers. Not to contest what I posted, but to swamp it with truther videos
Back to the OP...

Truthers are indeed scum as they piss on the graves of 9-11 victims in pursuit of their silly theories
bitch please....
Physics doesn't support your silly conspiracy theories.

Talk about the pot calling the milk jug black! :uhoh3:
Talk about pointless. It's just a fact that aside from conspiracy theories, you twoofers have nothing.

Can you imagine a Truther sinking to the level of telling a 9-11 family that the grave of their loved ones does not actually contain his remains?

I don't get them at all, the people that would have to know about the conspiracy for it to be pulled off, and then no one, no one comes forward to tell leak the story.
physics cares not about your fallacy that secrets can not be kept
eots knows jack shit about physics that's why he switched to the families of the victims ploy.
...Are you claiming that the remains of passengers recovered from the Pentagon were not those from Flight 77? Are you claiming their loved ones are mourning over fake body parts?

As I said in reference to the Pentagon incident in my last post:

capstone said:
...That doesn't mean I doubt the legitmacy of the remains of the 25 individuals 'collectively buried' at Arlington National Cemetery, though. Nor do I doubt that any of the other names listed on that grave marker represent legitimate victims....

Emphasis added.

So, what I'm suggesting (not "claiming"), is that the human remains recovered from the Pentagon crash site were those of real victims. However, as far as I recall, only the remains of 25 persons were positively identified. Those fragments were collectively buried in Arlington, not distributed to their families, beneath a 5-sided marker that names all of the victims from the Pentagon "attack".

If you have some information or documentation to the contrary, I'd be happy to see it.
From one of Dwas the Debwunker's more recent copy-and-paste jobs:

daws101 said:
. . .“The Powder Carrier is essentially an apprentice Blaster, assisting the Blaster with loading:…paperwork, such as recording quantities of explosives used and shot times.Explosives loaders help the Blaster and Powder Carrie in transporting explosives to and from the magazines and handling explosives during loading operations.”...[emphasis Capstone's]

You know the debwunkers are desperate when their efforts affirm the credibility of the character they're trying to assassinate! :laugh:

Obviously, simply by virtue of their preferred definitions, Tom Sullivan was in a position to observe and assist in the hands-on loading aspects of several large projects during his employment with CDI.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: if you want to learn of the real world obstacles to home delivery, ask a lowly delivery man.

Thanks, Dwas! :thup:
...Are you claiming that the remains of passengers recovered from the Pentagon were not those from Flight 77? Are you claiming their loved ones are mourning over fake body parts?

As I said in reference to the Pentagon incident in my last post:

capstone said:
...That doesn't mean I doubt the legitmacy of the remains of the 25 individuals 'collectively buried' at Arlington National Cemetery, though. Nor do I doubt that any of the other names listed on that grave marker represent legitimate victims....

Emphasis added.

So, what I'm suggesting (not "claiming"), is that the human remains recovered from the Pentagon crash site were those of real victims. However, as far as I recall, only the remains of 25 persons were positively identified. Those fragments were collectively buried in Arlington, not distributed to their families, beneath a 5-sided marker that names all of the victims from the Pentagon "attack".

If you have some information or documentation to the contrary, I'd be happy to see it.
So.....we know those people boarded flight 77. Body parts and personal effects were recovered on site......yet flight 77 did not hit the Pentagon
So.....we know those people boarded flight 77. ...

If you say so...

rightwinger said:
...Body parts and personal effects were recovered on site......

Personal effects are notoriusly transportable, but whose body parts? How many passengers were positively identified by the remains now buried at Arlington Cemetery?

Link me to the corroner's findings, RW.

rightwinger said:
...yet flight 77 did not hit the Pentagon

In my opinion, if Flight 77 took off as reported, with 64 people on board, neither it's ultimate destination nor the fate of those people were met at the Pentagon.
So.....we know those people boarded flight 77. ...

If you say so...

rightwinger said:
...Body parts and personal effects were recovered on site......

Personal effects are notoriusly transportable, but whose body parts? How many passengers were positively identified by the remains buried at Arlington Cemetery?

Link me to the corroner's findings, RW.

rightwinger said:
...yet flight 77 did not hit the Pentagon

In my opinion, if Flight 77 took off as reported, with 64 people on board, neither it's ultimate destination nor the fate of those people were met at the Pentagon.
More evidence of why Truthers are scum

These people morned and buried whatever remnants could be recovered of their loved ones. For you to imply, with zero evidence, that they somehow were taken to a different location and killed is absolutely despicable

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