Why I don't believe political opinions of the Illiterati (if you have to ask, you are one!)


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
First of all HERE is what the general population thinks about the credibility of the MSM.

The American people seem to be catching on to the fact that the mainstream news can no longer be trusted.
A 2017 Gallup/Knight Poll on media trust showed that only 44% of respondents thought they could name one objective news source. And 65% believed that bias in the reporting of news is a major problem.
Nearly 60% don’t believe the media does enough investigative reporting to uncover certain facts.
Mainstream Media’s Credibility Problem Is of Their Own Making

So here is the headline to grab attention BUT when you read further...which many people DON"T do but then
they form their uninformed opinions based on FALSE headlines...
US bosses now earn 312 times the average worker's wage, figures show
Now here are the FACTS:
But the average is skewed by outliers, particularly the tech companies, where the CEO founders may own large chunks of the company but not take home much in compensation, relatively speaking.
Amazon’s boss, Jeff Bezos, the world’s richest man, took home $1.7m in 2017
while the average Amazon worker earned $28,446 - a ratio of 59-to-one.

Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg’s compensation was $8.8m in 2017 while his well paid workforce earned an average of $240,430 – a ratio of 37-to-one.

But neither man is waiting on his monthly paycheck.
Bezos’s personal fortune now tops $154bn while Zuckerberg’s is close to $66bn, according to Forbes.

US bosses now earn 312 times the average worker's wage, figures show

Now remember the above BIASED capitalism hating publication USED how many companies to come up with that ratio of 312 times...?
The chief executives of America’s top 350 companies earned 312 times more than their workers on average last year"

350 TOP companies... really? How many companies are there in the USA? 18,204,679!
And this BIASED MSM example used 1/1,000s of 1%!
How Many Businesses In The USA | DMDatabases

What is the reality of CEO pay to the average worker?

New BLS data show that for all ‘chief executives,’ the ‘average CEO-to-average worker pay ratio’ is less than 5-to-1
” In 2015, the BLS reports that the average pay for America’s 238,940 chief executives was only $185,850.
Looking at a smaller group of “chief executives,” who according to the BLS manage “companies and enterprises” (a group that is more comparable to the S&P500 CEOs than all “chief executives”), the 20,620 CEOs in that category earned an average salary last year of $220,700

New BLS data show that for all ‘chief executives,’ the ‘average CEO-to-average worker pay ratio’ is less than 5-to-1 - AEI


So NOW do you see why millions of people LIKE me have a great deal of skepticism when we read the MSM?
Technically, I think the term is innumerati CNBC v. MSNBC coverage of the same non-breaking economic story can be striking.
The destruction of unions and collective bargaining has hurt wages for eighty plus years, so clouding up the figures by adding ma and pop to the equation only soothes the simple minded ideologue of the right. Poverty rates in America are too high, while work is outsourced and the tax benefits go to the top one percent. Dark money manages the economic mind of too many Americans and it shows.

Poverty USA

'The View From Flyover Country: Essays by Sarah Kendzior
The View From Flyover Country: Essays by Sarah Kendzior by Sarah Kendzior

Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right' Jane Mayer
Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right by Jane Mayer

Here’s how much the average American earns at every age
The destruction of unions and collective bargaining has hurt wages for eighty plus years, so clouding up the figures by adding ma and pop to the equation only soothes the simple minded ideologue of the right. Poverty rates in America are too high, while work is outsourced and the tax benefits go to the top one percent. Dark money manages the economic mind of too many Americans and it shows.

Poverty USA

'The View From Flyover Country: Essays by Sarah Kendzior
The View From Flyover Country: Essays by Sarah Kendzior by Sarah Kendzior

Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right' Jane Mayer
Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right by Jane Mayer

Here’s how much the average American earns at every age

Sadly you don't provide any links regarding "Adding Ma and Pop" so I'll help you with your illiterate efforts.

Small businesses make up:
  • 99.7 percent of U.S. employer firms, 64 percent of net new private-sector jobs,
  • 49.2 percent of private-sector employment,
  • 42.9 percent of private-sector payroll, 46 percent of private-sector output, 43 percent of high-tech employment, 98 percent of firms exporting goods,
  • and 33 percent of exporting value.
  • Small firms accounted for 64 percent of the net new jobs created between 1993 and 2011 (or 11.8 million of the 18.5 million net new jobs)
  • In 2010 there were 27.9 million small businesses, and 18,500 firms with 500 employees or more.

Now let's talk about "poverty rates"....
Tell me what country in the world has the following people in poverty benefits?
And from your attitude of hate the rich, screw capitalism, I bet you get one if not all of these FREEBIES!!!
I am 100% confident that you are part of this group: 46% of Americans pay no federal income tax
46% of Americans pay no federal income tax — here’s why

And you complain about "poverty"???
YOU get free housing, free cell phones, free food...pay no taxes PLUS free health care!

And YOU pay nothing! NADA. ZILCH. ZERO. Free phones, free food free shelter and then as expected of idiots... YOU bite the hands that feed you!
Again illiterate. Ignorant and leeches on the rest of the productive world.
5 to 1 is too much.

Meaningless statistics. Would you apply the same measurement to professional athletes and entertainers?

However, there is a real issue about the relationships between corporate boards and CEOs. In too many cases, the CEO picks the board, not vice versa. As a result, the compensation of CEOs often bears little relation to actual value added to the corporation.
5 to 1 is too much.

Meaningless statistics. Would you apply the same measurement to professional athletes and entertainers?

However, there is a real issue about the relationships between corporate boards and CEOs. In too many cases, the CEO picks the board, not vice versa. As a result, the compensation of CEOs often bears little relation to actual value added to the corporation.

This is a study of
"Who Chooses Board Members?*
We show that companies that use search firms to find board members pay their CEOs significantly higher salaries and significantly higher total compensations.

Further, companies with search firm-identified directors are significantly less likely to fire their CEOs following negative performance.

In addition, we find that companies with search firm-identified directors are significantly more likely to engage in mergers and acquisitions and to see abnormally low returns from this M&A activity (CEO compensation and monitoring along with acquisition strategy being perhaps the most attributable to board decision-making).
5 to 1 is too much.

Better tell that to these new "millionaires"!

And this is JUST Fidelity 401(k) investors!

At the end of the second quarter, 168,000 people with 401(k)s managed by Fidelity Investments had at least $1 million in their accounts, a rise of 50,000 people from a year earlier when there were 118,000, according to a new study by Fidelity, one of the nation's largest administrators of workplace retirement accounts.
While gaining, that exclusive group of savers is still just a fraction of the 16.1 million people who have a 401(k) account managed by the fund company.
Number of Fidelity 401(k) millionaires hits record high
Now to show HOW truly DUMB the MSM reporters are check out THIS headline:

The Number of 401(k) Millionaires Has Reached a Record High
The Number of 401(k) Millionaires Has Reached a Record High

So you'd think from the headline the discussion was about ALL people that became "millionaires" via their 401(k)...

Strong stock returns over the past few years have created a record number of 401(k) millionaires, according to a report released last week by Fidelity,
the country’s biggest administrator of workplace retirement plans.

Not ALL 401(k) millionaire holders BUT JuST Fidelity!

But once again the Headlines don't tell the whole story for sure.. BUT honesty goes a long way in forming opinions!
First of all HERE is what the general population thinks about the credibility of the MSM.

The American people seem to be catching on to the fact that the mainstream news can no longer be trusted.
A 2017 Gallup/Knight Poll on media trust showed that only 44% of respondents thought they could name one objective news source. And 65% believed that bias in the reporting of news is a major problem.
Nearly 60% don’t believe the media does enough investigative reporting to uncover certain facts.
Mainstream Media’s Credibility Problem Is of Their Own Making

So here is the headline to grab attention BUT when you read further...which many people DON"T do but then
they form their uninformed opinions based on FALSE headlines...
US bosses now earn 312 times the average worker's wage, figures show
Now here are the FACTS:
But the average is skewed by outliers, particularly the tech companies, where the CEO founders may own large chunks of the company but not take home much in compensation, relatively speaking.
Amazon’s boss, Jeff Bezos, the world’s richest man, took home $1.7m in 2017
while the average Amazon worker earned $28,446 - a ratio of 59-to-one.

Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg’s compensation was $8.8m in 2017 while his well paid workforce earned an average of $240,430 – a ratio of 37-to-one.

But neither man is waiting on his monthly paycheck.
Bezos’s personal fortune now tops $154bn while Zuckerberg’s is close to $66bn, according to Forbes.

US bosses now earn 312 times the average worker's wage, figures show

Now remember the above BIASED capitalism hating publication USED how many companies to come up with that ratio of 312 times...?
The chief executives of America’s top 350 companies earned 312 times more than their workers on average last year"

350 TOP companies... really? How many companies are there in the USA? 18,204,679!
And this BIASED MSM example used 1/1,000s of 1%!
How Many Businesses In The USA | DMDatabases

What is the reality of CEO pay to the average worker?

New BLS data show that for all ‘chief executives,’ the ‘average CEO-to-average worker pay ratio’ is less than 5-to-1
” In 2015, the BLS reports that the average pay for America’s 238,940 chief executives was only $185,850.
Looking at a smaller group of “chief executives,” who according to the BLS manage “companies and enterprises” (a group that is more comparable to the S&P500 CEOs than all “chief executives”), the 20,620 CEOs in that category earned an average salary last year of $220,700

New BLS data show that for all ‘chief executives,’ the ‘average CEO-to-average worker pay ratio’ is less than 5-to-1 - AEI

View attachment 210773

So NOW do you see why millions of people LIKE me have a great deal of skepticism when we read the MSM?
Education bad!
First of all HERE is what the general population thinks about the credibility of the MSM.

The American people seem to be catching on to the fact that the mainstream news can no longer be trusted.
A 2017 Gallup/Knight Poll on media trust showed that only 44% of respondents thought they could name one objective news source. And 65% believed that bias in the reporting of news is a major problem.
Nearly 60% don’t believe the media does enough investigative reporting to uncover certain facts.
Mainstream Media’s Credibility Problem Is of Their Own Making

So here is the headline to grab attention BUT when you read further...which many people DON"T do but then
they form their uninformed opinions based on FALSE headlines...
US bosses now earn 312 times the average worker's wage, figures show
Now here are the FACTS:
But the average is skewed by outliers, particularly the tech companies, where the CEO founders may own large chunks of the company but not take home much in compensation, relatively speaking.
Amazon’s boss, Jeff Bezos, the world’s richest man, took home $1.7m in 2017
while the average Amazon worker earned $28,446 - a ratio of 59-to-one.

Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg’s compensation was $8.8m in 2017 while his well paid workforce earned an average of $240,430 – a ratio of 37-to-one.

But neither man is waiting on his monthly paycheck.
Bezos’s personal fortune now tops $154bn while Zuckerberg’s is close to $66bn, according to Forbes.

US bosses now earn 312 times the average worker's wage, figures show

Now remember the above BIASED capitalism hating publication USED how many companies to come up with that ratio of 312 times...?
The chief executives of America’s top 350 companies earned 312 times more than their workers on average last year"

350 TOP companies... really? How many companies are there in the USA? 18,204,679!
And this BIASED MSM example used 1/1,000s of 1%!
How Many Businesses In The USA | DMDatabases

What is the reality of CEO pay to the average worker?

New BLS data show that for all ‘chief executives,’ the ‘average CEO-to-average worker pay ratio’ is less than 5-to-1
” In 2015, the BLS reports that the average pay for America’s 238,940 chief executives was only $185,850.
Looking at a smaller group of “chief executives,” who according to the BLS manage “companies and enterprises” (a group that is more comparable to the S&P500 CEOs than all “chief executives”), the 20,620 CEOs in that category earned an average salary last year of $220,700

New BLS data show that for all ‘chief executives,’ the ‘average CEO-to-average worker pay ratio’ is less than 5-to-1 - AEI

View attachment 210773

So NOW do you see why millions of people LIKE me have a great deal of skepticism when we read the MSM?
Education bad!

Yes you are right. Reporters today are NOT taught anymore they are to be OBSERVERS. To report. NOT form opinions.

Very very often we read headlines like these: "Trump anti-immigrant"... "Trump anti-free trade"... Both of which are 180º from the truth!
Trump's married to an immigrant. Her parents just became citizens. His grandmother was an immigrant.
So is Trump therefore as the headlines state: "Trump anti-immigrant"??? Of course not.
Or tell me how helping level the playing field in "balanced trade agreements" with China for example:
A Jeep Wrangler can cost $30,000 more in China than in the United States — and the reasons illustrate a growing point of tension between the two countries.
Equipped with a 3.6-liter engine and a five-speed automatic transmission, the Rubicon edition of the Wrangler has a suggested retail price of $40,530 in the United States.

But in China, the same vehicle would set a buyer back by a hefty $71,000, mostly because of taxes that Beijing charges on every car, minivan and sport utility vehicle that is made in another country and brought to China’s shores.
China’s Taxes on Imported Cars Feed Trade Tensions With U.S.

Now is that being "anti-free trade" if Trump wants China to reduce the $30,000 per Jeep tariff that China charges?

But look at these two Google searches and tell me if the reporters who write these articles are "objective"?

When the majority of the illiterate read these headlines they form the 180º WRONG opinion of Trump..." he hates immigrants...against free trade".

Screen Shot 2018-08-16 at 12.02.06 PM.png
Screen Shot 2018-08-16 at 12.01.44 PM.png
The news reporters do not give every facet of of any story as space is costly. YOU the reader must have some brains to understand the written word. Also you must understand what is meant at the end of a sentence other than the culmination of words.

Conservatives have the biggest problem with this aspect on news hence the apparent appeal of fux as they reduce and repeat everything for days on end.
The destruction of unions and collective bargaining has hurt wages for eighty plus years, so clouding up the figures by adding ma and pop to the equation only soothes the simple minded ideologue of the right. Poverty rates in America are too high, while work is outsourced and the tax benefits go to the top one percent. Dark money manages the economic mind of too many Americans and it shows.

Poverty USA

'The View From Flyover Country: Essays by Sarah Kendzior
The View From Flyover Country: Essays by Sarah Kendzior by Sarah Kendzior

Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right' Jane Mayer
Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right by Jane Mayer

Here’s how much the average American earns at every age
Unions weren't around until about 80 years ago with FDR.
The news reporters do not give every facet of of any story as space is costly. YOU the reader must have some brains to understand the written word. Also you must understand what is meant at the end of a sentence other than the culmination of words.

Conservatives have the biggest problem with this aspect on news hence the apparent appeal of fux as they reduce and repeat everything for days on end.

I'm surprised. In my journalism classes we were taught the 5 "Ws". We were not taught to form an opinion about the "news" we observed. We were taught to get the facts straight.
In the specific case I am referencing to is where the ASSUMPTION left to the reader BASED on the "reporters" NOT going any further but simply repeating what was heard before
made it appear The Number of 401(k) Millionaires Has Reached a Record High.
But that was ONLY for Fidelity! Do you understand? There were not JUST 168,000 people with 401(k)s valued at over a million. That was just Fidelity.

But look at this search: "how many 401(k)s are worth more than $1 million"
They are ALL repeating the same story... that doesn't accurately portray reality.
In 2015, about 54 million American workers were active 401(k) participants, and there were nearly 550,000 401(k) plans.
Now just 1% of Fidelity’s 15.3 million retirement plan participants.
So if 1% of Fidelity's are millionaires... than 1% of 54 million is 540,000...
So why don't the reporters tell the truth instead of repeating only Fidelity's experience?
A) Too lazy to go find out or as I did make a simple inquiry how many 401(k)s participants 54 million and multiple by 1% experience of Fidelity.
B) Actually as a reporter with access to a lot more information than I have ACTUALLY find out how many.

But see neither option fit the biased MSM objective.
A) Tear down wealth.
B) Tear down America.
C) Promote communism / socialism... Democrat ideals.

Truly ridiculous illustration of today's reporters' education!

Screen Shot 2018-08-16 at 1.57.22 PM.png

First of all HERE is what the general population thinks about the credibility of the MSM.

The American people seem to be catching on to the fact that the mainstream news can no longer be trusted.
A 2017 Gallup/Knight Poll on media trust showed that only 44% of respondents thought they could name one objective news source. And 65% believed that bias in the reporting of news is a major problem.
Nearly 60% don’t believe the media does enough investigative reporting to uncover certain facts.
Mainstream Media’s Credibility Problem Is of Their Own Making

So here is the headline to grab attention BUT when you read further...which many people DON"T do but then
they form their uninformed opinions based on FALSE headlines...
US bosses now earn 312 times the average worker's wage, figures show
Now here are the FACTS:
But the average is skewed by outliers, particularly the tech companies, where the CEO founders may own large chunks of the company but not take home much in compensation, relatively speaking.
Amazon’s boss, Jeff Bezos, the world’s richest man, took home $1.7m in 2017
while the average Amazon worker earned $28,446 - a ratio of 59-to-one.

Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg’s compensation was $8.8m in 2017 while his well paid workforce earned an average of $240,430 – a ratio of 37-to-one.

But neither man is waiting on his monthly paycheck.
Bezos’s personal fortune now tops $154bn while Zuckerberg’s is close to $66bn, according to Forbes.

US bosses now earn 312 times the average worker's wage, figures show

Now remember the above BIASED capitalism hating publication USED how many companies to come up with that ratio of 312 times...?
The chief executives of America’s top 350 companies earned 312 times more than their workers on average last year"

350 TOP companies... really? How many companies are there in the USA? 18,204,679!
And this BIASED MSM example used 1/1,000s of 1%!
How Many Businesses In The USA | DMDatabases

What is the reality of CEO pay to the average worker?

New BLS data show that for all ‘chief executives,’ the ‘average CEO-to-average worker pay ratio’ is less than 5-to-1
” In 2015, the BLS reports that the average pay for America’s 238,940 chief executives was only $185,850.
Looking at a smaller group of “chief executives,” who according to the BLS manage “companies and enterprises” (a group that is more comparable to the S&P500 CEOs than all “chief executives”), the 20,620 CEOs in that category earned an average salary last year of $220,700

New BLS data show that for all ‘chief executives,’ the ‘average CEO-to-average worker pay ratio’ is less than 5-to-1 - AEI

View attachment 210773

So NOW do you see why millions of people LIKE me have a great deal of skepticism when we read the MSM?

so how do you qualify yourself ?

this thread belongs in the media forum ...
First of all HERE is what the general population thinks about the credibility of the MSM.

The American people seem to be catching on to the fact that the mainstream news can no longer be trusted.
A 2017 Gallup/Knight Poll on media trust showed that only 44% of respondents thought they could name one objective news source. And 65% believed that bias in the reporting of news is a major problem.
Nearly 60% don’t believe the media does enough investigative reporting to uncover certain facts.
Mainstream Media’s Credibility Problem Is of Their Own Making

So here is the headline to grab attention BUT when you read further...which many people DON"T do but then
they form their uninformed opinions based on FALSE headlines...
US bosses now earn 312 times the average worker's wage, figures show
Now here are the FACTS:
But the average is skewed by outliers, particularly the tech companies, where the CEO founders may own large chunks of the company but not take home much in compensation, relatively speaking.
Amazon’s boss, Jeff Bezos, the world’s richest man, took home $1.7m in 2017
while the average Amazon worker earned $28,446 - a ratio of 59-to-one.

Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg’s compensation was $8.8m in 2017 while his well paid workforce earned an average of $240,430 – a ratio of 37-to-one.

But neither man is waiting on his monthly paycheck.
Bezos’s personal fortune now tops $154bn while Zuckerberg’s is close to $66bn, according to Forbes.

US bosses now earn 312 times the average worker's wage, figures show

Now remember the above BIASED capitalism hating publication USED how many companies to come up with that ratio of 312 times...?
The chief executives of America’s top 350 companies earned 312 times more than their workers on average last year"

350 TOP companies... really? How many companies are there in the USA? 18,204,679!
And this BIASED MSM example used 1/1,000s of 1%!
How Many Businesses In The USA | DMDatabases

What is the reality of CEO pay to the average worker?

New BLS data show that for all ‘chief executives,’ the ‘average CEO-to-average worker pay ratio’ is less than 5-to-1
” In 2015, the BLS reports that the average pay for America’s 238,940 chief executives was only $185,850.
Looking at a smaller group of “chief executives,” who according to the BLS manage “companies and enterprises” (a group that is more comparable to the S&P500 CEOs than all “chief executives”), the 20,620 CEOs in that category earned an average salary last year of $220,700

New BLS data show that for all ‘chief executives,’ the ‘average CEO-to-average worker pay ratio’ is less than 5-to-1 - AEI

View attachment 210773

So NOW do you see why millions of people LIKE me have a great deal of skepticism when we read the MSM?

so how do you qualify yourself ?

this thread belongs in the media forum ...

No the thread is "political" opinions are falsely shaped by biased MSM. That's the point.
The false opinion that all wealthy people are evil. The false opinion that ALL corporations are big bad and out to screw the public.
The false opinion that there is more poverty than any other time in our nation. (Geez... I didn't know in the 50s when my Dad made less than $500/month we were POOR!)
I've figured out that people that still believe the MSM is right most of the time don't know that during the last election:
While they gave almost all to Hillary...

They provided biased coverage favoring Hillary..
5 to 1 is too much.

Meaningless statistics. Would you apply the same measurement to professional athletes and entertainers?

However, there is a real issue about the relationships between corporate boards and CEOs. In too many cases, the CEO picks the board, not vice versa. As a result, the compensation of CEOs often bears little relation to actual value added to the corporation.

Meaningless statistics. Would you apply the same measurement to professional athletes and entertainers?

Absolutely. And professional athletes are in fact a type of entertainer.
5 to 1 is too much.

Meaningless statistics. Would you apply the same measurement to professional athletes and entertainers?

However, there is a real issue about the relationships between corporate boards and CEOs. In too many cases, the CEO picks the board, not vice versa. As a result, the compensation of CEOs often bears little relation to actual value added to the corporation.

Meaningless statistics. Would you apply the same measurement to professional athletes and entertainers?

Absolutely. And professional athletes are in fact a type of entertainer.

So the best player/entertainer should not be paid more than five times as much as the worst?

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