Gold Member
As a self-employed American with some health issues, I actually support some drastic changes to our healthcare system. I might even be persuaded to support some form of National Heathcare if it were set up in a way that would help reduce costs, allow more people to have coverage, and still provide the best care in the world.
Obama's healthcare plan is supposedly about fairness. In fact, just about everything Obama talks about involves fairness. Well, life is not always fair, and it really shouldn't be. When it comes to healthcare, fairness in itself will not reduce costs, and that is the biggest problem with our system. Healthcare costs too much. It costs too much for employers and it costs too much for individuals.
So what does Obama want to do about Healthcare? He wants to make it so that insurance companies cannot deny anyone for pre-existing conditions. On the surface, that is wonderful. With such a plan, millions of Americans who cannot get insurance on their own would then become eligible. Here is the problem with that plan. Under Obama's plan, there is no requirement to purchase health insurance. In other words, under Obama's plan, you could wait until you became sick, and then purchase health insurance.
Can you imagine if you could do this with your auto insurance? Let's see, I won't buy insurance until I get into an accident. As soon as I get into an accident, then I'll buy the insurance and the insurance company will have to accept me retroactively. So no one would buy auto insurance, but the insurance companies would have to pay out for everyone who got into an accident. Who would pay for this?
Under Obama's plan, this is what would actually happen. More people would choose to not pay for health insurance. When they became sick, then they would purchase the insurance. So, those who were paying for health insurance would see their premiums soar. Health care costs would skyrocket, and less people would be covered.
This is how Obama thinks, and that should scare every single one of us. This is the reason that I will vote for McCain. I don't like John McCain at all, but Obama's idea of change is change for the worse. Punishing the Republicans for bad past performance is not the answer if it means we will be shooting ourselves in the foot at the same time.
Obama's healthcare plan is supposedly about fairness. In fact, just about everything Obama talks about involves fairness. Well, life is not always fair, and it really shouldn't be. When it comes to healthcare, fairness in itself will not reduce costs, and that is the biggest problem with our system. Healthcare costs too much. It costs too much for employers and it costs too much for individuals.
So what does Obama want to do about Healthcare? He wants to make it so that insurance companies cannot deny anyone for pre-existing conditions. On the surface, that is wonderful. With such a plan, millions of Americans who cannot get insurance on their own would then become eligible. Here is the problem with that plan. Under Obama's plan, there is no requirement to purchase health insurance. In other words, under Obama's plan, you could wait until you became sick, and then purchase health insurance.
Can you imagine if you could do this with your auto insurance? Let's see, I won't buy insurance until I get into an accident. As soon as I get into an accident, then I'll buy the insurance and the insurance company will have to accept me retroactively. So no one would buy auto insurance, but the insurance companies would have to pay out for everyone who got into an accident. Who would pay for this?
Under Obama's plan, this is what would actually happen. More people would choose to not pay for health insurance. When they became sick, then they would purchase the insurance. So, those who were paying for health insurance would see their premiums soar. Health care costs would skyrocket, and less people would be covered.
This is how Obama thinks, and that should scare every single one of us. This is the reason that I will vote for McCain. I don't like John McCain at all, but Obama's idea of change is change for the worse. Punishing the Republicans for bad past performance is not the answer if it means we will be shooting ourselves in the foot at the same time.