Why have Ukrainian activists no interest at all in “victims from Bucha”?


VIP Member
Jan 21, 2020

At first some other information.

On the night of April 28, 2023, a missile fell on a high-rise building in the Ukrainian city of Uman. Some Russian media say that this missile has been launched by Ukrainian Air Defense but this material does not deal with the question, who has shot this missile.

After this missile had struck the building, Ukrainian authorities declared that 23 civilians were allegedly killed by it. The day before yesterday in the morning, i.e. only 3 days later, names of 22 - i.e. 95% - of the victims were already published, even with pictures.

The list of these victims had allegedly been prepared by an activist (see here) who could identify 7 persons per day - 22 identified persons divided by 3 days.

Events in the Ukrainian city of Bucha, which took place at the beginning of April 2022, had much more public outcry - the Ukrainian authorities declared that approximately 400 civilians were allegedly murdered then.

However, since the first reports about these “victims of Bucha” 397 days passed, but nevertheless the Ukrainian authorities have not published any list of “victims from Bucha” so far.

And Ukrainian activists have no interest at all in “victims from Bucha” too, although they would have been able - with the rate of identification 7 persons per day - to identify all 400 “victims” within only 57 days.

The only explanation for no Ukrainian activists’ interest in this matter is - in my opinion - a prohibition of the Ukrainian authorities for activists to collect information about “victims from Bucha”.

And this fact is for me an evidence that there were no victims among civilians in Bucha.

so your source is an unknown blog ? you have nothing more ?


Moscow horde´s war record :-

1856 defeated by Britain and France

1905 defeated by Japan

1917 defeated by Germany

1920 defeated by Poland, Finland, Estonia and all Baltic states

1939 defeated by Finland

1969 defeated by China

1989 defeated by Afghanistan

1989 defeated in the Cold War.

1996 defeated by Chechnya

2022 defeated by Ukraine

WW2 won USA/Britain , meanwhile Stalin's officers were shot or sent to the Gulags. Millions went to the Gulags, including Solzhenitsyn

Moscow's only victories come from invading smaller countries :-

a) Hungary 1956

b) Czechoslovakia 1968

c) Moldova 1992

d) Georgia 2008
The deception was based on an event from 1916, the Urkin Massacre. Zelensky comes on in the media naming the "Butcher of Bucha" as Omurbekov:

Post #31

The 1916 massacre links to the historian, Toktorbek Omurbekov:

Post #41
'....only now they are talking about the massacre....'
Come on Mammoth , Tittywinkle etc , defend your garbage assertions .
Great Post Badger .

Kyiv worked very closely with the CIA when Russia started to overrun their second army .
Their work in Bucha was very amateur and the MSM were not in the least interested in facts .
Reminds me of when Bellingcat was lent out by us to the US to fake Russian chemical attacks in Syria.
There is this German (ex. four years Bundeswehr serviceman) - he had served about 12 month in Ukraine's Foreigner legion, and now published a book.
Aside from witnessing the execution of 3 RF soldiers and a civilian, the most striking statement is:

In regards to Ukraine and Ukrainians: They are constantly lying, about everything and anything.
In regards to Russia and Russians: Militarily their tactics employed are those of fools.

Since they are essentially the same ethnic buggers as those Euro-Russians (aside from Polish elite Ukeys like Zelinsky) who is actually really believing any one of those two?
In regards to Ukraine and Ukrainians: They are constantly lying, about everything and anything.
In regards to Russia and Russians: Militarily their tactics employed are those of fools.
Another great post
That underlined portion literally is the Khazarian Mafia fundamental philosophy..
It was effectively forced on them 1200 years ago as a means of not being overrun and possibly exterminated . Because it worked so well, it was only hardened and reinforced .
Now it is the shield which hides faux Jews under the guise of"real" Jews and has allowed them to present any critique of them as Hate Speech and 100% anti-semitic .
And few people are aware of this and can see what the Khazarian Mafia elite ruling Kyiv actually is and how it is a Nazi philosophy shared more widely in the US than realised . At the top.
Namely , The Fourth Reich , which presently the Normies and Sheeple think is some nut- job conspiracy idea.
You probably are aware of this , but not enough are .
Another great post
That underlined portion literally is the Khazarian Mafia fundamental philosophy..
It was effectively forced on them 1200 years ago as a means of not being overrun and possibly exterminated . Because it worked so well, it was only hardened and reinforced .
Now it is the shield which hides faux Jews under the guise of"real" Jews and has allowed them to present any critique of them as Hate Speech and 100% anti-semitic .
And few people are aware of this and can see what the Khazarian Mafia elite ruling Kyiv actually is and how it is a Nazi philosophy shared more widely in the US than realised . At the top.
Namely , The Fourth Reich , which presently the Normies and Sheeple think is some nut- job conspiracy idea.
You probably are aware of this , but not enough are .
Thanks - IMO, due to many visits/conferences attended by me (government and military and some private enterprises) to eastern European countries - I can see that trait (lying and exaggerating) all over, it is also the main reason why I don't really like (trust) Eastern Europeans in general. However a handshake and promise given by a Russian is usually a true commitment and they stick to it. - just my 2 cents.
Ukraine does not publish lists of their dead civilians.

Identifying the victims of the apartment block in Uman is not a complicated problem. They lived there, there are records. That is one single incident, one building involved.

Yesterday, all day long, the Russians shelled Kherson City with grad rockets and artillery. 23 killed and 50+ injured. Kherson is in Ukrainian hands, and those people will be easy to ID.

Bucha was a small city and the massacre happened when it was not in Ukrainian control. Probably half of the ID's will have to be made by DNA matches, and in some cases there are no surviving family members to even made an identification. It was a town of 37,000 people and the bodies were scattered all over the place. Many were in advanced stages of decomposition by the time the AFU got in.

Bodies were buried with numbers and DNA samples were taken, eventually most of them will be ID'd. The mayor of Bucha had said they had 163 people ID'd last year.

The war crimes investigators will build a database of victims for prosecutions after the war, but many thousands will go unidentified because the remains are buried in the rubble.
DNA matching means that one "boatswain" compares with another.

'....A Euromaidan activist and nationalist name Igor Ivanov was killed by a bullet. He was likely killed by Kulikovo activist Vitaly Budko (Boatswain), who had arrived at the scene quite late -- around 4P - with a civilian rifle....Neither he nor his weapon was ever found in the aftermath, andn information on the bullet that killed Ivanov disappeared from the police database.'

Boatswain aka "Malyuta"
Comparing the chron, Hunter Biden's trip with his father accompanied him on Air Force 2 to Beijing on 2 Dec 2013. Euromaidan clashes with police on 1 Dec 2013.
What Country is Zelensky Visiting Now?

Hunter Biden travels to China and Qatar, 7-14 May 2014.

'Euromaidan: Parliament assigns early elections for May.'
(Fisher, Max, Washington Post, 20 Feb 2014, "Ukraine's Parliament Just Threw President Yanukovych Under the Bus. That's Great News.")

$115 Billion to the most corrupt regime in human history….and you’re out of weapons? Maybe stop selling on the Black Market?
Another great post
That underlined portion literally is the Khazarian Mafia fundamental philosophy..
It was effectively forced on them 1200 years ago as a means of not being overrun and possibly exterminated . Because it worked so well, it was only hardened and reinforced .
Now it is the shield which hides faux Jews under the guise of"real" Jews and has allowed them to present any critique of them as Hate Speech and 100% anti-semitic .
Note how the antisemites are always aligned with Russia.

Antisemitism isn't the only thing that causes people to align with Russia, but it is a major factor. Other factors are a love of fascism and white supremacy. Russia is the great white Christofascist hope, and they hope to see the USA become just like it.

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