Why Have the Arab Muslims in Israel Never even Considered Peace.

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The war has been on since the day these infidels arrived in the holy land

Who were the colonists? .

Oh thats an easy one

The Arab Muslims who colonized the area in about the 9th century VE

Killed or threw out all the native inhabitants and now pretend like they own the place

Any other questions :--)

The funny part about that is the Old Testament is full of stories of the ancient Jews doing exactly that.

After a certain point- it is rather pointless to call a people 'colonists'. Because if there is no 'statute' of limitations then virtually no peoples could not be called 'colonists' including the Jewish people in Israel/Palestine/Judea.

Let me put it another way: As you acknowledge the Palestinian Arabs have been there for 1,000 years- we Americans colonized the United States a mere 400 years ago. Certainly we are not going to be kicked out because we
"Killed or threw out all the native inhabitants and now pretend like they own the place"

Both Jews and Arabs- both Jews and Muslims- will continue to be citizens of Israel.

They seem to be dealing with that far better than you can.


You might ditch the religious dogma and try learning a little history.

And why, specifically are you lying ?

The vast majority of Arab muslims arrived in the second colonial period of the late 20th century.


So really your nonsense about "killed and threw out the native inhabitants" line is pure fantasy.

The question you are avoiding is, Why the Arab Muslims have stuck to a genocidal agenda instead of ever giving peace a chance

Constantly lying and spamming a fake chart without providing its Hasbara source. Virtually no Arabs arrived in Palestine in the 20th century the Arab population growth was almost entirely natural growth. The arrivals from outside of Palestine were European Jews as officially reported by the UN before they took the decision to give more than half of Palestine to the European settler colonists.



  • General Assembly

3 September 1947



15. These changes in the population have been brought about by two forces: natural increase and immigration. The great increase in the Jewish population is due in the main to immigration. From 1920 to 1946, the total number of recorded Jewish immigrants into Palestine was about 376,000, or an average of over 8,000 per year. The flow has not been regular, however, being fairly high in 1924 to 1926, falling in the next few years (there was a net emigration in 1927) and rising to even higher levels between 1933 and 1936 as a result of the Nazi persecution in Europe. Between the census year of 1931 and the year 1936, the proportion of Jews to the total population rose from 18 per cent to nearly 30 per cent.

16. The Arab population has increased almost entirely as a result of an excess of births over deaths."

A/364 of 3 September 1947
Pffft. What's been clearly proven as even the UN and many historians and researchers including from Harvard and Princeton have stated is that there was no reliable way to acquire what the actual numbers of people that were coming into the region were, once the British took over. The entire region was in flux, and there was no way to calculate the massive illegal Arab migration.
Who were the colonists? .

Oh thats an easy one

The Arab Muslims who colonized the area in about the 9th century VE

Killed or threw out all the native inhabitants and now pretend like they own the place

Any other questions :--)

The funny part about that is the Old Testament is full of stories of the ancient Jews doing exactly that.

After a certain point- it is rather pointless to call a people 'colonists'. Because if there is no 'statute' of limitations then virtually no peoples could not be called 'colonists' including the Jewish people in Israel/Palestine/Judea.

Let me put it another way: As you acknowledge the Palestinian Arabs have been there for 1,000 years- we Americans colonized the United States a mere 400 years ago. Certainly we are not going to be kicked out because we
"Killed or threw out all the native inhabitants and now pretend like they own the place"

Both Jews and Arabs- both Jews and Muslims- will continue to be citizens of Israel.

They seem to be dealing with that far better than you can.


You might ditch the religious dogma and try learning a little history.

And why, specifically are you lying ?

The vast majority of Arab muslims arrived in the second colonial period of the late 20th century.


So really your nonsense about "killed and threw out the native inhabitants" line is pure fantasy.

The question you are avoiding is, Why the Arab Muslims have stuck to a genocidal agenda instead of ever giving peace a chance

Constantly lying and spamming a fake chart without providing its Hasbara source. Virtually no Arabs arrived in Palestine in the 20th century the Arab population growth was almost entirely natural growth. The arrivals from outside of Palestine were European Jews as officially reported by the UN before they took the decision to give more than half of Palestine to the European settler colonists.



  • General Assembly

3 September 1947



15. These changes in the population have been brought about by two forces: natural increase and immigration. The great increase in the Jewish population is due in the main to immigration. From 1920 to 1946, the total number of recorded Jewish immigrants into Palestine was about 376,000, or an average of over 8,000 per year. The flow has not been regular, however, being fairly high in 1924 to 1926, falling in the next few years (there was a net emigration in 1927) and rising to even higher levels between 1933 and 1936 as a result of the Nazi persecution in Europe. Between the census year of 1931 and the year 1936, the proportion of Jews to the total population rose from 18 per cent to nearly 30 per cent.

16. The Arab population has increased almost entirely as a result of an excess of births over deaths."

A/364 of 3 September 1947
Pffft. What's been clearly proven as even the UN and many historians and researchers including from Harvard and Princeton have stated is that there was no reliable way to acquire what the actual numbers of people that were coming into the region were, once the British took over. The entire region was in flux, and there was no way to calculate the massive illegal Arab migration.

There was no Arab illegal immigratiom.

"59. The conclusion is that Arab illegal immigration for the purposes of permanent settlement is insignificant."

A Survey of Palestine Vol 1, page 212, para. 59

A Survey of Palestine Volume 1 Berman Jewish Policy Archive NYU Wagner


"It follows that the Jewish population may now include between 50,000 and 60,000 illegal immigrantswho have settled in Palestine at any time since 1920 when the first Immigration Ordinance was enacted."
A Survey of Palestine Vol 1, page 210, para. 54
Actually once again there is no point to even discussing the above made-up history to the topic of why Arab Muslims cannot make peace, which is due to the fact that they want Islam to rule the land and all non Muslms to live in fear as second class citizens. And if they don't get that, they will begin terrorizing and committing genocide as hey have throughout the history of the Jewish holy land and elsewhere.

And the Muslim citizens of Israel have been doing that when?
Oh thats an easy one

The Arab Muslims who colonized the area in about the 9th century VE

Killed or threw out all the native inhabitants and now pretend like they own the place

Any other questions :--)

The funny part about that is the Old Testament is full of stories of the ancient Jews doing exactly that.

After a certain point- it is rather pointless to call a people 'colonists'. Because if there is no 'statute' of limitations then virtually no peoples could not be called 'colonists' including the Jewish people in Israel/Palestine/Judea.

Let me put it another way: As you acknowledge the Palestinian Arabs have been there for 1,000 years- we Americans colonized the United States a mere 400 years ago. Certainly we are not going to be kicked out because we
"Killed or threw out all the native inhabitants and now pretend like they own the place"

Both Jews and Arabs- both Jews and Muslims- will continue to be citizens of Israel.

They seem to be dealing with that far better than you can.


You might ditch the religious dogma and try learning a little history.

And why, specifically are you lying ?

The vast majority of Arab muslims arrived in the second colonial period of the late 20th century.


So really your nonsense about "killed and threw out the native inhabitants" line is pure fantasy.

The question you are avoiding is, Why the Arab Muslims have stuck to a genocidal agenda instead of ever giving peace a chance

Constantly lying and spamming a fake chart without providing its Hasbara source. Virtually no Arabs arrived in Palestine in the 20th century the Arab population growth was almost entirely natural growth. The arrivals from outside of Palestine were European Jews as officially reported by the UN before they took the decision to give more than half of Palestine to the European settler colonists.



  • General Assembly

3 September 1947



15. These changes in the population have been brought about by two forces: natural increase and immigration. The great increase in the Jewish population is due in the main to immigration. From 1920 to 1946, the total number of recorded Jewish immigrants into Palestine was about 376,000, or an average of over 8,000 per year. The flow has not been regular, however, being fairly high in 1924 to 1926, falling in the next few years (there was a net emigration in 1927) and rising to even higher levels between 1933 and 1936 as a result of the Nazi persecution in Europe. Between the census year of 1931 and the year 1936, the proportion of Jews to the total population rose from 18 per cent to nearly 30 per cent.

16. The Arab population has increased almost entirely as a result of an excess of births over deaths."

A/364 of 3 September 1947
Pffft. What's been clearly proven as even the UN and many historians and researchers including from Harvard and Princeton have stated is that there was no reliable way to acquire what the actual numbers of people that were coming into the region were, once the British took over. The entire region was in flux, and there was no way to calculate the massive illegal Arab migration.

There was no Arab illegal immigratiom.

"59. The conclusion is that Arab illegal immigration for the purposes of permanent settlement is insignificant."

A Survey of Palestine Vol 1, page 212, para. 59

A Survey of Palestine Volume 1 Berman Jewish Policy Archive NYU Wagner


"It follows that the Jewish population may now include between 50,000 and 60,000 illegal immigrantswho have settled in Palestine at any time since 1920 when the first Immigration Ordinance was enacted."
A Survey of Palestine Vol 1, page 210, para. 54

I think is expecting consistency from Roudy would be too much.

1,000 years ago there were both Muslims and Jews living in what is now Israel and Palestine. Roudy chooses to call all the Muslims 'colonists' and all the Jews 'returning citizens' even when comparing a Muslim family who has lived in the area for 40 generations versus the Russian Jewish immigrants whose parents fled the Soviet Union to Israel.

Arguing at this point that either population are not actual residents of the area- with legitimate claims on the land- is just denying reality. Without genocide- the region will continue to have both Muslim and Jewish populations- rather than comparing the sizes of each parties dicks to see whose is longer, they need to figure out some way to live together.

The Arab Muslims citizens of Israel do exist peacefully with the Jewish citizens- within Israel(although the relationship is not equal). The issue are the non-Jewish citizens of Palestine, and the conflict with Israel.

The Palestinians do have an obligation to stop the violence. Israeli's also have an obligation to stop encroaching on Palestinian land.

Just saying Islam bad is no more of a solution than those who argue that all Jews are evil.
Oh thats an easy one

The Arab Muslims who colonized the area in about the 9th century VE

Killed or threw out all the native inhabitants and now pretend like they own the place

Any other questions :--)

The funny part about that is the Old Testament is full of stories of the ancient Jews doing exactly that.

After a certain point- it is rather pointless to call a people 'colonists'. Because if there is no 'statute' of limitations then virtually no peoples could not be called 'colonists' including the Jewish people in Israel/Palestine/Judea.

Let me put it another way: As you acknowledge the Palestinian Arabs have been there for 1,000 years- we Americans colonized the United States a mere 400 years ago. Certainly we are not going to be kicked out because we
"Killed or threw out all the native inhabitants and now pretend like they own the place"

Both Jews and Arabs- both Jews and Muslims- will continue to be citizens of Israel.

They seem to be dealing with that far better than you can.


You might ditch the religious dogma and try learning a little history.

And why, specifically are you lying ?

The vast majority of Arab muslims arrived in the second colonial period of the late 20th century.


So really your nonsense about "killed and threw out the native inhabitants" line is pure fantasy.

The question you are avoiding is, Why the Arab Muslims have stuck to a genocidal agenda instead of ever giving peace a chance

Constantly lying and spamming a fake chart without providing its Hasbara source. Virtually no Arabs arrived in Palestine in the 20th century the Arab population growth was almost entirely natural growth. The arrivals from outside of Palestine were European Jews as officially reported by the UN before they took the decision to give more than half of Palestine to the European settler colonists.



  • General Assembly

3 September 1947



15. These changes in the population have been brought about by two forces: natural increase and immigration. The great increase in the Jewish population is due in the main to immigration. From 1920 to 1946, the total number of recorded Jewish immigrants into Palestine was about 376,000, or an average of over 8,000 per year. The flow has not been regular, however, being fairly high in 1924 to 1926, falling in the next few years (there was a net emigration in 1927) and rising to even higher levels between 1933 and 1936 as a result of the Nazi persecution in Europe. Between the census year of 1931 and the year 1936, the proportion of Jews to the total population rose from 18 per cent to nearly 30 per cent.

16. The Arab population has increased almost entirely as a result of an excess of births over deaths."

A/364 of 3 September 1947
Pffft. What's been clearly proven as even the UN and many historians and researchers including from Harvard and Princeton have stated is that there was no reliable way to acquire what the actual numbers of people that were coming into the region were, once the British took over. The entire region was in flux, and there was no way to calculate the massive illegal Arab migration.

There was no Arab illegal immigratiom.

"59. The conclusion is that Arab illegal immigration for the purposes of permanent settlement is insignificant."

A Survey of Palestine Vol 1, page 212, para. 59

A Survey of Palestine Volume 1 Berman Jewish Policy Archive NYU Wagner


"It follows that the Jewish population may now include between 50,000 and 60,000 illegal immigrantswho have settled in Palestine at any time since 1920 when the first Immigration Ordinance was enacted."
A Survey of Palestine Vol 1, page 210, para. 54

Oh of course there was MASSIVE ILLEGAL ARAB IMMIGRATION. The Ottoman Empire had fallen into the hands of the Europeans, and there was a lot of turmoil and upheaval in the entire region. Nobody could stop the massive illegal migrations that occured, just like nobody can stop it today. And the British were certainly not equipped nor did they have the manpower, or financial capability to keep track of what was going on. They were having a hard time keeping power and controlling the region. And the Jewish migration did not affect or dislocate anybody. Those are the findings by world renowned researchers and historians. But I'm sure that's not going to stop you from posting your repetive meaningless garbage and propaganda for the thousandth time. So please go ahead.
The funny part about that is the Old Testament is full of stories of the ancient Jews doing exactly that.

After a certain point- it is rather pointless to call a people 'colonists'. Because if there is no 'statute' of limitations then virtually no peoples could not be called 'colonists' including the Jewish people in Israel/Palestine/Judea.

Let me put it another way: As you acknowledge the Palestinian Arabs have been there for 1,000 years- we Americans colonized the United States a mere 400 years ago. Certainly we are not going to be kicked out because we
"Killed or threw out all the native inhabitants and now pretend like they own the place"

Both Jews and Arabs- both Jews and Muslims- will continue to be citizens of Israel.

They seem to be dealing with that far better than you can.


You might ditch the religious dogma and try learning a little history.

And why, specifically are you lying ?

The vast majority of Arab muslims arrived in the second colonial period of the late 20th century.


So really your nonsense about "killed and threw out the native inhabitants" line is pure fantasy.

The question you are avoiding is, Why the Arab Muslims have stuck to a genocidal agenda instead of ever giving peace a chance

Constantly lying and spamming a fake chart without providing its Hasbara source. Virtually no Arabs arrived in Palestine in the 20th century the Arab population growth was almost entirely natural growth. The arrivals from outside of Palestine were European Jews as officially reported by the UN before they took the decision to give more than half of Palestine to the European settler colonists.



  • General Assembly

3 September 1947



15. These changes in the population have been brought about by two forces: natural increase and immigration. The great increase in the Jewish population is due in the main to immigration. From 1920 to 1946, the total number of recorded Jewish immigrants into Palestine was about 376,000, or an average of over 8,000 per year. The flow has not been regular, however, being fairly high in 1924 to 1926, falling in the next few years (there was a net emigration in 1927) and rising to even higher levels between 1933 and 1936 as a result of the Nazi persecution in Europe. Between the census year of 1931 and the year 1936, the proportion of Jews to the total population rose from 18 per cent to nearly 30 per cent.

16. The Arab population has increased almost entirely as a result of an excess of births over deaths."

A/364 of 3 September 1947
Pffft. What's been clearly proven as even the UN and many historians and researchers including from Harvard and Princeton have stated is that there was no reliable way to acquire what the actual numbers of people that were coming into the region were, once the British took over. The entire region was in flux, and there was no way to calculate the massive illegal Arab migration.

There was no Arab illegal immigratiom.

"59. The conclusion is that Arab illegal immigration for the purposes of permanent settlement is insignificant."

A Survey of Palestine Vol 1, page 212, para. 59

A Survey of Palestine Volume 1 Berman Jewish Policy Archive NYU Wagner


"It follows that the Jewish population may now include between 50,000 and 60,000 illegal immigrantswho have settled in Palestine at any time since 1920 when the first Immigration Ordinance was enacted."
A Survey of Palestine Vol 1, page 210, para. 54

I think is expecting consistency from Roudy would be too much.

1,000 years ago there were both Muslims and Jews living in what is now Israel and Palestine. Roudy chooses to call all the Muslims 'colonists' and all the Jews 'returning citizens' even when comparing a Muslim family who has lived in the area for 40 generations versus the Russian Jewish immigrants whose parents fled the Soviet Union to Israel.

Arguing at this point that either population are not actual residents of the area- with legitimate claims on the land- is just denying reality. Without genocide- the region will continue to have both Muslim and Jewish populations- rather than comparing the sizes of each parties dicks to see whose is longer, they need to figure out some way to live together.

The Arab Muslims citizens of Israel do exist peacefully with the Jewish citizens- within Israel(although the relationship is not equal). The issue are the non-Jewish citizens of Palestine, and the conflict with Israel.

The Palestinians do have an obligation to stop the violence. Israeli's also have an obligation to stop encroaching on Palestinian land.

Just saying Islam bad is no more of a solution than those who argue that all Jews are evil.
I agree with most of what you said. However, I never said the returning Jews were "citizens of Israel". They were coming back to join other fellow Jews who in some cases had been there hundreds of years, to establish a homeland designated to them by those that gained control after 700 years of Ottoman rule. What is so hard to understand about that? The Arabs who later called themselves Palestinians had no say in it, because it wasn't their land to begin with.

According to this character there were never any Jews there, and if there were it was like a dozen or so. That is just not so. There were large Jewish communities both before and after the Ottoman conquest. And during the 700 years of Ottoman rule, the Jewish populations increased dramatically, as they invited more Jews fleeing the crusades and inquisitions into the Ottoman Empire.
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The war has been on since the day these infidels arrived in the holy land

Who were the colonists? .

Oh thats an easy one

The Arab Muslims who colonized the area in about the 9th century VE

Killed or threw out all the native inhabitants and now pretend like they own the place

Any other questions :--)

The funny part about that is the Old Testament is full of stories of the ancient Jews doing exactly that.

After a certain point- it is rather pointless to call a people 'colonists'. Because if there is no 'statute' of limitations then virtually no peoples could not be called 'colonists' including the Jewish people in Israel/Palestine/Judea.

Let me put it another way: As you acknowledge the Palestinian Arabs have been there for 1,000 years- we Americans colonized the United States a mere 400 years ago. Certainly we are not going to be kicked out because we
"Killed or threw out all the native inhabitants and now pretend like they own the place"

Both Jews and Arabs- both Jews and Muslims- will continue to be citizens of Israel.

They seem to be dealing with that far better than you can.

The question you are avoiding is, Why the Arab Muslims have stuck to a genocidal agenda instead of ever giving peace a chance

LOL- I haven't avoided the question- I have pointed out your lie.

Which you ignore- because it doesn't further your agenda of fomenting violence against Muslims.

Arab Muslim are about 20% of the citizens of Israel- and they are living relatively peacefully with their fellow citizens(as relatively as any society is peaceful)

And clearly you object to that peace.
Roudy said:
Oh thats an easy one

The Arab Muslims who colonized the area in about the 9th century VE

Killed or threw out all the native inhabitants and now pretend like they own the place

Any other questions :--)

The funny part about that is the Old Testament is full of stories of the ancient Jews doing exactly that.

After a certain point- it is rather pointless to call a people 'colonists'. Because if there is no 'statute' of limitations then virtually no peoples could not be called 'colonists' including the Jewish people in Israel/Palestine/Judea.

Let me put it another way: As you acknowledge the Palestinian Arabs have been there for 1,000 years- we Americans colonized the United States a mere 400 years ago. Certainly we are not going to be kicked out because we
"Killed or threw out all the native inhabitants and now pretend like they own the place"

Both Jews and Arabs- both Jews and Muslims- will continue to be citizens of Israel.

They seem to be dealing with that far better than you can.


You might ditch the religious dogma and try learning a little history.

And why, specifically are you lying ?

The vast majority of Arab muslims arrived in the second colonial period of the late 20th century.


So really your nonsense about "killed and threw out the native inhabitants" line is pure fantasy.

The question you are avoiding is, Why the Arab Muslims have stuck to a genocidal agenda instead of ever giving peace a chance

Constantly lying and spamming a fake chart without providing its Hasbara source. Virtually no Arabs arrived in Palestine in the 20th century the Arab population growth was almost entirely natural growth. The arrivals from outside of Palestine were European Jews as officially reported by the UN before they took the decision to give more than half of Palestine to the European settler colonists.



  • General Assembly

3 September 1947



15. These changes in the population have been brought about by two forces: natural increase and immigration. The great increase in the Jewish population is due in the main to immigration. From 1920 to 1946, the total number of recorded Jewish immigrants into Palestine was about 376,000, or an average of over 8,000 per year. The flow has not been regular, however, being fairly high in 1924 to 1926, falling in the next few years (there was a net emigration in 1927) and rising to even higher levels between 1933 and 1936 as a result of the Nazi persecution in Europe. Between the census year of 1931 and the year 1936, the proportion of Jews to the total population rose from 18 per cent to nearly 30 per cent.

16. The Arab population has increased almost entirely as a result of an excess of births over deaths."

A/364 of 3 September 1947
Pffft. What's been clearly proven as even the UN and many historians and researchers including from Harvard and Princeton have stated is that there was no reliable way to acquire what the actual numbers of people that were coming into the region were, once the British took over. The entire region was in flux, and there was no way to calculate the massive illegal Arab migration.

There was no Arab illegal immigratiom.

"59. The conclusion is that Arab illegal immigration for the purposes of permanent settlement is insignificant."

A Survey of Palestine Vol 1, page 212, para. 59

A Survey of Palestine Volume 1 Berman Jewish Policy Archive NYU Wagner


"It follows that the Jewish population may now include between 50,000 and 60,000 illegal immigrantswho have settled in Palestine at any time since 1920 when the first Immigration Ordinance was enacted."
A Survey of Palestine Vol 1, page 210, para. 54

On the other hand:

The Arabs in Palestine | Jewish Virtual Library

A Population Boom
As Hussein foresaw, the regeneration of Palestine, and the growth of itspopulation, came only after Jews returned in massive numbers. The Jewish population increased by 470,000 between World War I and World War II while the non-Jewish population rose by 588,000. In fact, the permanent Arab population increased 120 percent between 1922 and 1947.

This rapid growth was a result of several factors. One was immigration from neighboring states — constituting 37 percent of the total immigration to pre-state Israel — by Arabs who wanted to take advantage of the higher standard of living the Jews had made possible. The Arab population also grew because of the improved living conditions created by the Jews as they drained malarial swamps and brought improved sanitation and health care to the region. Thus, for example, the Muslim infant mortality rate fell from 201 per thousand in 1925 to 94 per thousand in 1945 and life expectancy rose from 37 years in 1926 to 49 in 1943.

The Arab population increased the most in cities with large Jewish populations that had created new economic opportunities. From 19221947, the non-Jewish population increased 290 percent in Haifa, 131 percent in Jerusalem and 158 percent in Jaffa. The growth in Arab towns was more modest: 42 percent in Nablus, 78 percent in Jenin and 37 percent in Bethlehem.
Actually once again there is no point to even discussing the above made-up history to the topic of why Arab Muslims cannot make peace.

Why is it you and the OP refuse to address the facts which show you are lying?

Arab Muslims make up approximately 20% of Israel's citizens- and they live peacefully.
In addition, Egypt's Arab Muslims have been at peace with Israel's Jews since the Camp David Accords.

Why specifically are you trying to foment violence between Arab Muslims and Jews?
The Arabians took over rule of Palestine from the Byzantines shortly thereafter. The Arabians did not settle Palestine. Just like the Byzantines, they merely became rulers of the people already living there.

I remain unconvinced that a people would lose their culture and adopt an entirely new culture without a population transfer/invasion.

Do you drink Coca Cola/Pepsi? Do you wear jeans? Trainers? Chew gum? Ever go to a local MacDonald's or Starbucks? If the answer is "yes" to any of the above, congratulations, you've begun to adopt a foreign culture.

Not the same thing. How am I going to learn an entirely new language with no one to speak it with? How am I going to adopt new religious beliefs with no one to instruct me?
Roudy said:
The funny part about that is the Old Testament is full of stories of the ancient Jews doing exactly that.

After a certain point- it is rather pointless to call a people 'colonists'. Because if there is no 'statute' of limitations then virtually no peoples could not be called 'colonists' including the Jewish people in Israel/Palestine/Judea.

Let me put it another way: As you acknowledge the Palestinian Arabs have been there for 1,000 years- we Americans colonized the United States a mere 400 years ago. Certainly we are not going to be kicked out because we
"Killed or threw out all the native inhabitants and now pretend like they own the place"

Both Jews and Arabs- both Jews and Muslims- will continue to be citizens of Israel.

They seem to be dealing with that far better than you can.


You might ditch the religious dogma and try learning a little history.

And why, specifically are you lying ?

The vast majority of Arab muslims arrived in the second colonial period of the late 20th century.


So really your nonsense about "killed and threw out the native inhabitants" line is pure fantasy.

The question you are avoiding is, Why the Arab Muslims have stuck to a genocidal agenda instead of ever giving peace a chance

Constantly lying and spamming a fake chart without providing its Hasbara source. Virtually no Arabs arrived in Palestine in the 20th century the Arab population growth was almost entirely natural growth. The arrivals from outside of Palestine were European Jews as officially reported by the UN before they took the decision to give more than half of Palestine to the European settler colonists.



  • General Assembly

3 September 1947



15. These changes in the population have been brought about by two forces: natural increase and immigration. The great increase in the Jewish population is due in the main to immigration. From 1920 to 1946, the total number of recorded Jewish immigrants into Palestine was about 376,000, or an average of over 8,000 per year. The flow has not been regular, however, being fairly high in 1924 to 1926, falling in the next few years (there was a net emigration in 1927) and rising to even higher levels between 1933 and 1936 as a result of the Nazi persecution in Europe. Between the census year of 1931 and the year 1936, the proportion of Jews to the total population rose from 18 per cent to nearly 30 per cent.

16. The Arab population has increased almost entirely as a result of an excess of births over deaths."

A/364 of 3 September 1947
Pffft. What's been clearly proven as even the UN and many historians and researchers including from Harvard and Princeton have stated is that there was no reliable way to acquire what the actual numbers of people that were coming into the region were, once the British took over. The entire region was in flux, and there was no way to calculate the massive illegal Arab migration.

There was no Arab illegal immigratiom.

"59. The conclusion is that Arab illegal immigration for the purposes of permanent settlement is insignificant."

A Survey of Palestine Vol 1, page 212, para. 59

A Survey of Palestine Volume 1 Berman Jewish Policy Archive NYU Wagner


"It follows that the Jewish population may now include between 50,000 and 60,000 illegal immigrantswho have settled in Palestine at any time since 1920 when the first Immigration Ordinance was enacted."
A Survey of Palestine Vol 1, page 210, para. 54

On the other hand:

The Arabs in Palestine | Jewish Virtual Library

A Population Boom
As Hussein foresaw, the regeneration of Palestine, and the growth of itspopulation, came only after Jews returned in massive numbers. The Jewish population increased by 470,000 between World War I and World War II while the non-Jewish population rose by 588,000. In fact, the permanent Arab population increased 120 percent between 1922 and 1947.

This rapid growth was a result of several factors. One was immigration from neighboring states — constituting 37 percent of the total immigration to pre-state Israel — by Arabs who wanted to take advantage of the higher standard of living the Jews had made possible. The Arab population also grew because of the improved living conditions created by the Jews as they drained malarial swamps and brought improved sanitation and health care to the region. Thus, for example, the Muslim infant mortality rate fell from 201 per thousand in 1925 to 94 per thousand in 1945 and life expectancy rose from 37 years in 1926 to 49 in 1943.

The Arab population increased the most in cities with large Jewish populations that had created new economic opportunities. From 19221947, the non-Jewish population increased 290 percent in Haifa, 131 percent in Jerusalem and 158 percent in Jaffa. The growth in Arab towns was more modest: 42 percent in Nablus, 78 percent in Jenin and 37 percent in Bethlehem.

Great example- there was massive immigration of both Jews and Arabs to the area during the same time period.

You might ditch the religious dogma and try learning a little history.

And why, specifically are you lying ?

The vast majority of Arab muslims arrived in the second colonial period of the late 20th century.


So really your nonsense about "killed and threw out the native inhabitants" line is pure fantasy.

The question you are avoiding is, Why the Arab Muslims have stuck to a genocidal agenda instead of ever giving peace a chance

Constantly lying and spamming a fake chart without providing its Hasbara source. Virtually no Arabs arrived in Palestine in the 20th century the Arab population growth was almost entirely natural growth. The arrivals from outside of Palestine were European Jews as officially reported by the UN before they took the decision to give more than half of Palestine to the European settler colonists.



  • General Assembly

3 September 1947



15. These changes in the population have been brought about by two forces: natural increase and immigration. The great increase in the Jewish population is due in the main to immigration. From 1920 to 1946, the total number of recorded Jewish immigrants into Palestine was about 376,000, or an average of over 8,000 per year. The flow has not been regular, however, being fairly high in 1924 to 1926, falling in the next few years (there was a net emigration in 1927) and rising to even higher levels between 1933 and 1936 as a result of the Nazi persecution in Europe. Between the census year of 1931 and the year 1936, the proportion of Jews to the total population rose from 18 per cent to nearly 30 per cent.

16. The Arab population has increased almost entirely as a result of an excess of births over deaths."

A/364 of 3 September 1947
Pffft. What's been clearly proven as even the UN and many historians and researchers including from Harvard and Princeton have stated is that there was no reliable way to acquire what the actual numbers of people that were coming into the region were, once the British took over. The entire region was in flux, and there was no way to calculate the massive illegal Arab migration.

There was no Arab illegal immigratiom.

"59. The conclusion is that Arab illegal immigration for the purposes of permanent settlement is insignificant."

A Survey of Palestine Vol 1, page 212, para. 59

A Survey of Palestine Volume 1 Berman Jewish Policy Archive NYU Wagner


"It follows that the Jewish population may now include between 50,000 and 60,000 illegal immigrantswho have settled in Palestine at any time since 1920 when the first Immigration Ordinance was enacted."
A Survey of Palestine Vol 1, page 210, para. 54

I think is expecting consistency from Roudy would be too much.

1,000 years ago there were both Muslims and Jews living in what is now Israel and Palestine. Roudy chooses to call all the Muslims 'colonists' and all the Jews 'returning citizens' even when comparing a Muslim family who has lived in the area for 40 generations versus the Russian Jewish immigrants whose parents fled the Soviet Union to Israel.

Arguing at this point that either population are not actual residents of the area- with legitimate claims on the land- is just denying reality. Without genocide- the region will continue to have both Muslim and Jewish populations- rather than comparing the sizes of each parties dicks to see whose is longer, they need to figure out some way to live together.

The Arab Muslims citizens of Israel do exist peacefully with the Jewish citizens- within Israel(although the relationship is not equal). The issue are the non-Jewish citizens of Palestine, and the conflict with Israel.

The Palestinians do have an obligation to stop the violence. Israeli's also have an obligation to stop encroaching on Palestinian land.

Just saying Islam bad is no more of a solution than those who argue that all Jews are evil.
I agree with most of what you said. However, I never said the returning Jews were "citizens of Israel". They were coming back to join other fellow Jews who in some cases had been there hundreds of years, to establish a homeland designated to them by those that gained control after 700 years of Ottoman rule. What is so hard to understand about that? The Arabs who later called themselves Palestinians had no say in it, because it wasn't their land to begin with.

According to this character there were never any Jews there, and if there were it was like a dozen or so. That is just not so. There were large Jewish communities both before and after the Ottoman conquest. And during the 700 years of Ottoman rule, the Jewish populations increased dramatically, as they invited more Jews fleeing the crusades and inquisitions into the Ottoman Empire.

And it wasn't Jewish land either. There were Arabs there and there were Jews there- but the lands themselves were owned by succeeding generations of empires- from classic Rome to Byzantium, to the brief occupation during the Crusades, to the Turks.

The Palestinians who were there had- and have every much a right to self determination as the Jews who were there- and who came there.
The Arabians took over rule of Palestine from the Byzantines shortly thereafter. The Arabians did not settle Palestine. Just like the Byzantines, they merely became rulers of the people already living there.

I remain unconvinced that a people would lose their culture and adopt an entirely new culture without a population transfer/invasion.

Do you drink Coca Cola/Pepsi? Do you wear jeans? Trainers? Chew gum? Ever go to a local MacDonald's or Starbucks? If the answer is "yes" to any of the above, congratulations, you've begun to adopt a foreign culture.

depends on where you live and what your own culture is. All that you mention are American, and most posters on here are American so they have not adopted an American culture.
The Arabians took over rule of Palestine from the Byzantines shortly thereafter. The Arabians did not settle Palestine. Just like the Byzantines, they merely became rulers of the people already living there.

I remain unconvinced that a people would lose their culture and adopt an entirely new culture without a population transfer/invasion.

Well, it's just historical fact that the people of Palestine eventually converted to Islam and adopted the Arabian language and some of the culture.

It parallels what happened before, so I don't understand why this historical fact is so hard to believe.

Very few Romans settled in Palestine, they ruled it, yet it was completely Graeco Roman culturally and Christian religiously by the time the Arabians took over rule from the Romans (Byzantines)..

Besides, the Arabians in total numbered in the few hundred thousands, they were a desert people. and the desert can't support large populations. Cairo alone had about as many people as all of Arabia at the time of the Arab conquests and the cities of Constantinople, Baghdad and Ctesiphon had more people than all of Arabia.

Then you will be able to produce the evidence from unbiased sources that is substantiated.

This is like saying the followers of the Roman pagan gods all converted to Catholicism at the same time and ended all ties to their original pagan religions.

There must have been enough to enforce their rule and laws against a population numbering in the millions
The war has been on since the day these infidels arrived in the holy land

Who were the colonists? .

Oh thats an easy one

The Arab Muslims who colonized the area in about the 9th century VE

Killed or threw out all the native inhabitants and now pretend like they own the place

Any other questions :--)

The funny part about that is the Old Testament is full of stories of the ancient Jews doing exactly that.

After a certain point- it is rather pointless to call a people 'colonists'. Because if there is no 'statute' of limitations then virtually no peoples could not be called 'colonists' including the Jewish people in Israel/Palestine/Judea.

Let me put it another way: As you acknowledge the Palestinian Arabs have been there for 1,000 years- we Americans colonized the United States a mere 400 years ago. Certainly we are not going to be kicked out because we
"Killed or threw out all the native inhabitants and now pretend like they own the place"

Both Jews and Arabs- both Jews and Muslims- will continue to be citizens of Israel.

They seem to be dealing with that far better than you can.


You might ditch the religious dogma and try learning a little history.

And why, specifically are you lying ?

The vast majority of Arab muslims arrived in the second colonial period of the late 20th century.


So really your nonsense about "killed and threw out the native inhabitants" line is pure fantasy.

The question you are avoiding is, Why the Arab Muslims have stuck to a genocidal agenda instead of ever giving peace a chance

Constantly lying and spamming a fake chart without providing its Hasbara source. Virtually no Arabs arrived in Palestine in the 20th century the Arab population growth was almost entirely natural growth. The arrivals from outside of Palestine were European Jews as officially reported by the UN before they took the decision to give more than half of Palestine to the European settler colonists.



  • General Assembly

3 September 1947



15. These changes in the population have been brought about by two forces: natural increase and immigration. The great increase in the Jewish population is due in the main to immigration. From 1920 to 1946, the total number of recorded Jewish immigrants into Palestine was about 376,000, or an average of over 8,000 per year. The flow has not been regular, however, being fairly high in 1924 to 1926, falling in the next few years (there was a net emigration in 1927) and rising to even higher levels between 1933 and 1936 as a result of the Nazi persecution in Europe. Between the census year of 1931 and the year 1936, the proportion of Jews to the total population rose from 18 per cent to nearly 30 per cent.

16. The Arab population has increased almost entirely as a result of an excess of births over deaths."

A/364 of 3 September 1947

Care to add the parts that show you have been LYING and manipulating the content to suit your dogmatic ideology ?
Constantly lying and spamming a fake chart without providing its Hasbara source. Virtually no Arabs arrived in Palestine in the 20th century the Arab population growth was almost entirely natural growth. The arrivals from outside of Palestine were European Jews as officially reported by the UN before they took the decision to give more than half of Palestine to the European settler colonists.



  • General Assembly

3 September 1947



15. These changes in the population have been brought about by two forces: natural increase and immigration. The great increase in the Jewish population is due in the main to immigration. From 1920 to 1946, the total number of recorded Jewish immigrants into Palestine was about 376,000, or an average of over 8,000 per year. The flow has not been regular, however, being fairly high in 1924 to 1926, falling in the next few years (there was a net emigration in 1927) and rising to even higher levels between 1933 and 1936 as a result of the Nazi persecution in Europe. Between the census year of 1931 and the year 1936, the proportion of Jews to the total population rose from 18 per cent to nearly 30 per cent.

16. The Arab population has increased almost entirely as a result of an excess of births over deaths."

A/364 of 3 September 1947
Pffft. What's been clearly proven as even the UN and many historians and researchers including from Harvard and Princeton have stated is that there was no reliable way to acquire what the actual numbers of people that were coming into the region were, once the British took over. The entire region was in flux, and there was no way to calculate the massive illegal Arab migration.

There was no Arab illegal immigratiom.

"59. The conclusion is that Arab illegal immigration for the purposes of permanent settlement is insignificant."

A Survey of Palestine Vol 1, page 212, para. 59

A Survey of Palestine Volume 1 Berman Jewish Policy Archive NYU Wagner


"It follows that the Jewish population may now include between 50,000 and 60,000 illegal immigrantswho have settled in Palestine at any time since 1920 when the first Immigration Ordinance was enacted."
A Survey of Palestine Vol 1, page 210, para. 54

I think is expecting consistency from Roudy would be too much.

1,000 years ago there were both Muslims and Jews living in what is now Israel and Palestine. Roudy chooses to call all the Muslims 'colonists' and all the Jews 'returning citizens' even when comparing a Muslim family who has lived in the area for 40 generations versus the Russian Jewish immigrants whose parents fled the Soviet Union to Israel.

Arguing at this point that either population are not actual residents of the area- with legitimate claims on the land- is just denying reality. Without genocide- the region will continue to have both Muslim and Jewish populations- rather than comparing the sizes of each parties dicks to see whose is longer, they need to figure out some way to live together.

The Arab Muslims citizens of Israel do exist peacefully with the Jewish citizens- within Israel(although the relationship is not equal). The issue are the non-Jewish citizens of Palestine, and the conflict with Israel.

The Palestinians do have an obligation to stop the violence. Israeli's also have an obligation to stop encroaching on Palestinian land.

Just saying Islam bad is no more of a solution than those who argue that all Jews are evil.
I agree with most of what you said. However, I never said the returning Jews were "citizens of Israel". They were coming back to join other fellow Jews who in some cases had been there hundreds of years, to establish a homeland designated to them by those that gained control after 700 years of Ottoman rule. What is so hard to understand about that? The Arabs who later called themselves Palestinians had no say in it, because it wasn't their land to begin with.

According to this character there were never any Jews there, and if there were it was like a dozen or so. That is just not so. There were large Jewish communities both before and after the Ottoman conquest. And during the 700 years of Ottoman rule, the Jewish populations increased dramatically, as they invited more Jews fleeing the crusades and inquisitions into the Ottoman Empire.

And it wasn't Jewish land either. There were Arabs there and there were Jews there- but the lands themselves were owned by succeeding generations of empires- from classic Rome to Byzantium, to the brief occupation during the Crusades, to the Turks.

The Palestinians who were there had- and have every much a right to self determination as the Jews who were there- and who came there.

You forget the period from 1917 when it was owned by the LoN who granted it to the Jews for their NATIONal home. The problem was, and still is, that the muslims could not allow anyone else to rule land that they saw as theirs. Look up the war that resulted in the land being lost to the muslims once and for all and becoming Jewish
Then you will be able to produce the evidence from unbiased sources that is substantiated.

There is precious little factual, historical data from the time period. Not much for a migration of Arabs into the territory and even less for mass conversion.
Actually once again there is no point to even discussing the above made-up history to the topic of why Arab Muslims cannot make peace, which is due to the fact that they want Islam to rule the land and all non Muslms to live in fear as second class citizens. And if they don't get that, they will begin terrorizing and committing genocide as hey have throughout the history of the Jewish holy land and elsewhere.

And the Muslim citizens of Israel have been doing that when?
They haven't, exactly. That's because Israel is a tolerant, democratic society, with equal rights for all, regardless of your faith or color. But you ask the resident antisemites, they will tell you that the Arab Muslim Israelis are being oppressed and persecuted by those racist, evil Jooos. Ya gotta laugh.
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