Why Hasn't Biden Bombed Cuba Yet??


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Miami mayor Francis Suarez appeared on Fox News Tuesday to offer suggestions on the United States should respond to the unrest in Cuba, where tens of thousands of protestors have risen up against the communist regime. Suarez told Fox News anchor Martha MacCallum he thinks military options should be on the table. Suarez then suggested using the U.S. military to assist the protestors --“Are you suggesting air strikes in Cuba?” MacCallum interrupted. “What I’m suggesting is that that option is one that has to be explored and cannot be just simply discarded as an option that is not on the table,” Suarez responded. “And there’s a variety of ways the military can do it."

This is a no-brainer....of course Biden should bomb Cuba, overthrow that government and install a new government that will cater more to American businesses...that will in turn help the people of Cuba in general...and a military excursion into Cuba wouldn't take by a couple of hours before everything is done...the only reason Biden won't do it is because he is Communist himself.

However, if Biden ever did intervene militarily into Cuba -- I'll do a complete 180 and attack him as a warhawk neo-Con doing the bidding of defense contractors....it's fun!
Bombing our enemies is not something Biden would do.
Are you "Syria"ous?
No, he is not.....

And as I already said in my OP:

"if Biden ever did intervene militarily into Cuba -- I'll do a complete 180 and attack him as a warhawk neo-Con doing the bidding of defense contractors"

Which is exactly what this Lenny-moron would do......
Xiden is Cuba !! Fellow Commies
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.
“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

Trump praises a communist.
Trump's cult praises communism.

Congratulations to President Xi and the Chinese people on the 70th Anniversary of the People’s Republic of China!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 1, 2019
The US military is pretty feeble and failed in Afghanistan,Vietnam and Korea. In fact the only place it has won is Grenada. Cuban army is as hard as fuck so it wont be easy.

My view is that you should not invade. Maybe just send in some Colombian death squads based in Florida.

"Miami mayor Francis Suarez appeared on Fox News Tuesday to offer suggestions on the United States should respond to the unrest in Cuba, where tens of thousands of protestors have risen up against the communist regime. Suarez told Fox News anchor Martha MacCallum he thinks military options should be on the table. Suarez then suggested using the U.S. military to assist the protestors --“Are you suggesting air strikes in Cuba?” MacCallum interrupted. “What I’m suggesting is that that option is one that has to be explored and cannot be just simply discarded as an option that is not on the table,” Suarez responded. “And there’s a variety of ways the military can do it."

This is a no-brainer....of course Biden should bomb Cuba, overthrow that government and install a new government that will cater more to American businesses...that will in turn help the people of Cuba in general...and a military excursion into Cuba wouldn't take by a couple of hours before everything is done...the only reason Biden won't do it is because he is Communist himself.

However, if Biden ever did intervene militarily into Cuba -- I'll do a complete 180 and attack him as a warhawk neo-Con doing the bidding of defense contractors....it's fun!
I'm hearing so much lies going on about Cuba. Especially about the price of food in Cuba. I know some Cubans who says that our medias are spreading lies.
For one thing, in Cuba. The price of foods are very cheap in that country. That it always have been dirt cheap.
The reason why their technology isn't up to date products. It is because of the sanctions that companies are not allowed to do business with them. But some countries doesn't care about the sanctions and still do business with them.
That attack on the embassy was done by the Deep state that they didn't want Pres. Trump working out a deal with the Cuban government to release them from those sanctions.
The Globalist are the ones that want to do the bargaining in order to make the Cubans to go along with their program. .
People needs to start traveling to other countries to see what is really going on in those countries. That the media isn't showing that their are protesters that are helping the Cuban police to control the fake protesters. The very same medias that didn't show what was really going on at Pres. Trump's rallies.



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