Why has no one in the vast conspiracy that stole Trump's "Landslide!" in 2020 been identified or prosecuted?

Trump's goons attacked Congress and they are being relentlessly identified, apprehended, and arrested, with prosecutions inevitable.

Trump insists that Republican governors, secretaries of state, attorneys general, county commissioners, and poll personnel and supervisors among many, many others, are complicit in the greatest fraud in history, and they all strut away just like all those 3-5 million illegals voters he insisted had all cast ballots against him in 2016!

Who organized it? Who coordinated it? Who executed it? How did they do it?

Were "they" also responsible for the faking of so many independent public surveys throughout his term (in which he lost his Party the House, the Executive, and the Senate, and was twice impeached)? All those polls confirmed, relentlessly and consistently, that most Americans agreed that he stank, making the prospect of a "Landslide!" appear so laughably ludicrous.

View attachment 470891

There is no shortage of Trumpy politicians in the states and in D.C. to focus national resources on exposing one or two in the 2020 srealthy cabal, at least.

Are all these dastards to remain unidentified and details of their heinous caper never be exposed?

Unless the entire Republican establishment is not complicit in the vast anti-Trump conspiracy, why can't one like Gohmert push for an investigative commission headed by Kobach? He failed to uncover a single malefactor after the 2016 affair. Let's give him another chance! The second time might be the charm!

They are not being prosecuted or charged because the FBI and DOJ are corrupt. Why ask such a stupid question?
Libs cannot answer the question.


The state constitution doesn’t have an explicit ban on mail-in voting, and the law permitting mail-in voting passed with strong Republican support.

Illiterate ColonelAngus poster--way too stupid to clarify how the legislature broke the Pennsylvania Constitutional requirements: Likely cannot abide even the Senator Ron Johnson assertion that only RNC was storming the Capitol Building on Jan 6. The assertion is that BLM and Antifa were not involved. The assertion is that people the Senator felt comfortable with being around were the only people involved.

Republicans are known to have strange and exotic, "Comfort Zones(?):" Even at their Conventions!

Commentators have other assertions about the role of the legislature in the 2020 election, with statute in place since 2019.
Hawley’s central argument is that a new state law about voting by mail — passed not “last year” but in the fall of 2019 — conflicts with the state’s constitution. The courts have not backed up his argument, and he omits the full story about the new law. The state constitution doesn’t have an explicit ban on mail-in voting, and the law permitting mail-in voting passed with strong Republican support.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Matt 20: 1-16, may be how you think. Matt 25: 14-30, is actually in statutes--what you really get. That is now at the start of remedy!)
The answer is totally obvious. For lack of any reasonable explanation like they lost, it must be the work of that slippery bitch and super duper criminal mastermind Hillary Clinton. The Banana Bunch knows she is the guiltiest free person in the world with all those murders, child raping and other Pizza/Satan related activities that she had gotten away with, she must be the ringleader in this vast multi state conspiracy as well.
but Hillary claims she won too, so does gore, and plenty of others

Actually, Hillary lost. Gore? Sorry, he won. Those 550 votes in Florida counted. One of the most egregious examples of voter disenfranchisement in American history. The SC installed Bush, who probably would have turned out to be a decent President had VP "Dick" not been whispering in his ear about "getting" Saddam after he took office.
I recall those passionate speeches by old biden and Hillary about why it was a good thing to go to war in Iraq

Their speeches were against using the military power they gave him until all other options were exhausted.
Trump's goons attacked Congress and they are being relentlessly identified, apprehended, and arrested, with prosecutions inevitable.

Trump insists that Republican governors, secretaries of state, attorneys general, county commissioners, and poll personnel and supervisors among many, many others, are complicit in the greatest fraud in history, and they all strut away just like all those 3-5 million illegals voters he insisted had all cast ballots against him in 2016!

Who organized it? Who coordinated it? Who executed it? How did they do it?

Were "they" also responsible for the faking of so many independent public surveys throughout his term (in which he lost his Party the House, the Executive, and the Senate, and was twice impeached)? All those polls confirmed, relentlessly and consistently, that most Americans agreed that he stank, making the prospect of a "Landslide!" appear so laughably ludicrous.

View attachment 470891

There is no shortage of Trumpy politicians in the states and in D.C. to focus national resources on exposing one or two in the 2020 srealthy cabal, at least.

Are all these dastards to remain unidentified and details of their heinous caper never be exposed?

Unless the entire Republican establishment is not complicit in the vast anti-Trump conspiracy, why can't one like Gohmert push for an investigative commission headed by Kobach? He failed to uncover a single malefactor after the 2016 affair. Let's give him another chance! The second time might be the charm!


I would love to see names of the so people who committed the so called fraud on such a large scale.

I also want to know why none of these people have been brought to justice.

If they actually did exist, it shouldn't be hard to identify them, find them and prosecute them.

Yet none of this has been done.

I would love to see names of the so people who committed the so called fraud on such a large scale.

I also want to know why none of these people have been brought to justice.

If they actually did exist, it shouldn't be hard to identify them, find them and prosecute them.

Yet none of this has been done.
One would expect that the Trump cult, most of all, would be clamoring for the specific culprits that deprived their God Emperor of his "Landslide!" to be outed - the organizers, the coordinators, the enablers, those who actually supplied bogus ballots, those who conducted fake recounts, those who entered false computations, those who did phony audited and confirmed them all, those who certified them all, all the judges, more Republicans - Trump-appointees included - who threw challenges out-of-court as frivolous and without merit, all of the Trump-promoting media that never made public all that existing "evidence" that the courts contemptuously dismissed.

Yes, Trump had fingered the Vice President, and Trump's goons had erected a scaffold and were chanting that they would "Hang Mile Pence! Hang Mike Pence!" if they had found him, but he escaped and there are multitudes unidentified and unpunished!

There were vast numbers complicit in this monumental scam, and yet they are all as anonymous and free from consequence as the 3-5 million who all voted illegally against Trump in 2016!

It's past time the Trumpers stopped just mewling about it, and brought all those villains cavorting in their noggins to justice!
Libs cannot answer the question.


The state constitution doesn’t have an explicit ban on mail-in voting, and the law permitting mail-in voting passed with strong Republican support.

Lies , lies, lies.
The answer is totally obvious. For lack of any reasonable explanation like they lost, it must be the work of that slippery bitch and super duper criminal mastermind Hillary Clinton. The Banana Bunch knows she is the guiltiest free person in the world with all those murders, child raping and other Pizza/Satan related activities that she had gotten away with, she must be the ringleader in this vast multi state conspiracy as well.
but Hillary claims she won too, so does gore, and plenty of others

And Trump was impeached twice. The second time for suggesting elections can be stolen. The first because Democrats said he stole the election

As Trump was trying to steal the election.

“The people of Georgia are angry, the people in the country are angry,” Trump said. “And there’s nothing wrong with saying, you know, um, that you’ve recalculated.”
Trump said: “So look. All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have. Because we won the state.”
www.theguardian.com › us-news › 2021

Then the attempted insurrection.
Trump's goons attacked Congress and they are being relentlessly identified, apprehended, and arrested, with prosecutions inevitable.

Trump insists that Republican governors, secretaries of state, attorneys general, county commissioners, and poll personnel and supervisors among many, many others, are complicit in the greatest fraud in history, and they all strut away just like all those 3-5 million illegals voters he insisted had all cast ballots against him in 2016!

Who organized it? Who coordinated it? Who executed it? How did they do it?

Were "they" also responsible for the faking of so many independent public surveys throughout his term (in which he lost his Party the House, the Executive, and the Senate, and was twice impeached)? All those polls confirmed, relentlessly and consistently, that most Americans agreed that he stank, making the prospect of a "Landslide!" appear so laughably ludicrous.

View attachment 470891

There is no shortage of Trumpy politicians in the states and in D.C. to focus national resources on exposing one or two in the 2020 srealthy cabal, at least.

Are all these dastards to remain unidentified and details of their heinous caper never be exposed?

Unless the entire Republican establishment is not complicit in the vast anti-Trump conspiracy, why can't one like Gohmert push for an investigative commission headed by Kobach? He failed to uncover a single malefactor after the 2016 affair. Let's give him another chance! The second time might be the charm!

so you agree, no more mail in ballots...ever...course that would mean no more democrat party

President Trump has requested a mail-in ballot for Florida's Tuesday primary election, despite weeks of criticizing the practice. Ballots were mailed on Wednesday to both the president and first lady Melania Trump at the Mar-a-Lago resort, which Mr. Trump lists as his legal address, according to online Palm Beach County elections records.

Both previously voted by mail for the presidential preference primary in March, according to records.

Following multiple claims that mail-in voting was unsafe and vulnerable to fraud, Mr. Trump changed his mind about the practice last week, at least in Florida.
www.cbsnews.com › news › trump-mail-in-ballot
Why are you still talking about Trump?

LOl I agree. They should be praising their boy the stuttering fuck.

Oh wait. I forgot. He made a mess on day one and at the border. They have nothing to praise him for. Never mind.
Trump's goons attacked Congress and they are being relentlessly identified, apprehended, and arrested, with prosecutions inevitable.

Trump insists that Republican governors, secretaries of state, attorneys general, county commissioners, and poll personnel and supervisors among many, many others, are complicit in the greatest fraud in history, and they all strut away just like all those 3-5 million illegals voters he insisted had all cast ballots against him in 2016!

Who organized it? Who coordinated it? Who executed it? How did they do it?

Were "they" also responsible for the faking of so many independent public surveys throughout his term (in which he lost his Party the House, the Executive, and the Senate, and was twice impeached)? All those polls confirmed, relentlessly and consistently, that most Americans agreed that he stank, making the prospect of a "Landslide!" appear so laughably ludicrous.

View attachment 470891

There is no shortage of Trumpy politicians in the states and in D.C. to focus national resources on exposing one or two in the 2020 srealthy cabal, at least.

Are all these dastards to remain unidentified and details of their heinous caper never be exposed?

Unless the entire Republican establishment is not complicit in the vast anti-Trump conspiracy, why can't one like Gohmert push for an investigative commission headed by Kobach? He failed to uncover a single malefactor after the 2016 affair. Let's give him another chance! The second time might be the charm!

Sidney Powell's "no reasonable person would fall for this bullshit" admission only makes this funnier.
Trump's goons attacked Congress and they are being relentlessly identified, apprehended, and arrested, with prosecutions inevitable.

Trump insists that Republican governors, secretaries of state, attorneys general, county commissioners, and poll personnel and supervisors among many, many others, are complicit in the greatest fraud in history, and they all strut away just like all those 3-5 million illegals voters he insisted had all cast ballots against him in 2016!

Who organized it? Who coordinated it? Who executed it? How did they do it?

Were "they" also responsible for the faking of so many independent public surveys throughout his term (in which he lost his Party the House, the Executive, and the Senate, and was twice impeached)? All those polls confirmed, relentlessly and consistently, that most Americans agreed that he stank, making the prospect of a "Landslide!" appear so laughably ludicrous.

View attachment 470891

There is no shortage of Trumpy politicians in the states and in D.C. to focus national resources on exposing one or two in the 2020 srealthy cabal, at least.

Are all these dastards to remain unidentified and details of their heinous caper never be exposed?

Unless the entire Republican establishment is not complicit in the vast anti-Trump conspiracy, why can't one like Gohmert push for an investigative commission headed by Kobach? He failed to uncover a single malefactor after the 2016 affair. Let's give him another chance! The second time might be the charm!

That would require the 4th Estate to its job they went to journalism school for. Since to few would even attempt it and perhaps their personal safety would come into play due to the election being stolen from the elites, it is moot point. On election night in 2016 we saw most of the Prog journalists have a meltdown. They proved they were Progs. One woman who was around for decades started crying and spouted about mothers of armed services sons going to wars. It ended up being one of many many lies about Trump. He was the most peaceful President in my voting age lifetime.
Libs cannot answer the question.

In what way did they change the law and why was it not legal?

Do all changes in voting law have be done through Constitutional changes? That sounds "untrue"

Libs cannot answer the question.


The state constitution doesn’t have an explicit ban on mail-in voting, and the law permitting mail-in voting passed with strong Republican support.

I see Angus' questions have been answered...as well as mine
Trump's goons attacked Congress and they are being relentlessly identified, apprehended, and arrested, with prosecutions inevitable.

Trump insists that Republican governors, secretaries of state, attorneys general, county commissioners, and poll personnel and supervisors among many, many others, are complicit in the greatest fraud in history, and they all strut away just like all those 3-5 million illegals voters he insisted had all cast ballots against him in 2016!

Who organized it? Who coordinated it? Who executed it? How did they do it?

Were "they" also responsible for the faking of so many independent public surveys throughout his term (in which he lost his Party the House, the Executive, and the Senate, and was twice impeached)? All those polls confirmed, relentlessly and consistently, that most Americans agreed that he stank, making the prospect of a "Landslide!" appear so laughably ludicrous.

View attachment 470891

There is no shortage of Trumpy politicians in the states and in D.C. to focus national resources on exposing one or two in the 2020 srealthy cabal, at least.

Are all these dastards to remain unidentified and details of their heinous caper never be exposed?

Unless the entire Republican establishment is not complicit in the vast anti-Trump conspiracy, why can't one like Gohmert push for an investigative commission headed by Kobach? He failed to uncover a single malefactor after the 2016 affair. Let's give him another chance! The second time might be the charm!

Several Jews stood up and pointed out who the Nazis were that were committing attrocities.....it did not work out well for them. The Chinese citizen who stood in the way and actually stopped a tank by himself was a brave man. When the cameras were gone and the world was no longer watching HIM, he paid a heavy price from the CCP.

Snowflakes, understanding that the Socialist Democrats own the DOJ, the FBI, the CIA, the DHS, the DIA, the NSA, the House, the Senate, the WH, the courts, the Socialist Democrats who have demonstrated they do not only seek to 'win' but whose goal is to destroy everything in a person's life when that person goes against them), condescendingly and smugly ask 'why have there been no convictions. When you own EVERRYTHING it is easy to crush all resistance and refuse to hold your own traitors and criminals accountable.

No matter what stupid questions you ask to try to make some insignificant point, Democrats and snowflakes and the Socialist-surrogate media will never be able to make go away the fact that the Chief Justice of the USSC publicly acknowledged that Democrats in Pa violated both state and Federal Constitutions and Election laws in the middle of the election to steal Pa, that the USSC did acknowledge that other election fraud was perpetrated and other laws were broken.

Snowflakes attempt to minimize, ignore these facts...because that is the only way they can get around them and still be able to say no election fraud took place.

Anyone - any snowflake who attempts to claim that the Democrats did not commit these crimes in Pa, anyone who says there was no election fraud in this past election is akin to Biden's Secretary of the DHS Myorkas, standing in front of the Camera, staring Americans right in the face, and declaring, "The Border is CLOSED....and the press can't visit the holding facilities where over 14,000 - many COVID-infected - children are being held in Biden Kiddie Cages, in horrible conditions, without useable water, as the virus spreads....ACCORDING TO A DEMOCRAT WHO LEAKED PICTURES OUT SO AMERICANS COULD SEE WHAT BIDEN IS TRYING TO HIDE.
Trump's goons attacked Congress and they are being relentlessly identified, apprehended, and arrested, with prosecutions inevitable.

Trump insists that Republican governors, secretaries of state, attorneys general, county commissioners, and poll personnel and supervisors among many, many others, are complicit in the greatest fraud in history, and they all strut away just like all those 3-5 million illegals voters he insisted had all cast ballots against him in 2016!

Who organized it? Who coordinated it? Who executed it? How did they do it?

Were "they" also responsible for the faking of so many independent public surveys throughout his term (in which he lost his Party the House, the Executive, and the Senate, and was twice impeached)? All those polls confirmed, relentlessly and consistently, that most Americans agreed that he stank, making the prospect of a "Landslide!" appear so laughably ludicrous.

View attachment 470891

There is no shortage of Trumpy politicians in the states and in D.C. to focus national resources on exposing one or two in the 2020 srealthy cabal, at least.

Are all these dastards to remain unidentified and details of their heinous caper never be exposed?

Unless the entire Republican establishment is not complicit in the vast anti-Trump conspiracy, why can't one like Gohmert push for an investigative commission headed by Kobach? He failed to uncover a single malefactor after the 2016 affair. Let's give him another chance! The second time might be the charm!

Several Jews stood up and pointed out who the Nazis were that were committing attrocities.....it did not work out well for them. The Chinese citizen who stood in the way and actually stopped a tank by himself was a brave man. When the cameras were gone and the world was no longer watching HIM, he paid a heavy price from the CCP.

Snowflakes, understanding that the Socialist Democrats own the DOJ, the FBI, the CIA, the DHS, the DIA, the NSA, the House, the Senate, the WH, the courts, the Socialist Democrats who have demonstrated they do not only seek to 'win' but whose goal is to destroy everything in a person's life when that person goes against them), condescendingly and smugly ask 'why have there been no convictions. When you own EVERRYTHING it is easy to crush all resistance and refuse to hold your own traitors and criminals accountable.

No matter what stupid questions you ask to try to make some insignificant point, Democrats and snowflakes and the Socialist-surrogate media will never be able to make go away the fact that the Chief Justice of the USSC publicly acknowledged that Democrats in Pa violated both state and Federal Constitutions and Election laws in the middle of the election to steal Pa, that the USSC did acknowledge that other election fraud was perpetrated and other laws were broken.

Snowflakes attempt to minimize, ignore these facts...because that is the only way they can get around them and still be able to say no election fraud took place.

Anyone - any snowflake who attempts to claim that the Democrats did not commit these crimes in Pa, anyone who says there was no election fraud in this past election is akin to Biden's Secretary of the DHS Myorkas, standing in front of the Camera, staring Americans right in the face, and declaring, "The Border is CLOSED....and the press can't visit the holding facilities where over 14,000 - many COVID-infected - children are being held in Biden Kiddie Cages, in horrible conditions, without useable water, as the virus spreads....ACCORDING TO A DEMOCRAT WHO LEAKED PICTURES OUT SO AMERICANS COULD SEE WHAT BIDEN IS TRYING TO HIDE.
Some of you are getting more delusional which is hard to do when you started barely attached to reality.
That would require the 4th Estate to its job they went to journalism school for. Since to few would even attempt it and perhaps their personal safety would come into play due to the election being stolen from the elites, it is moot point. On election night in 2016 we saw most of the Prog journalists have a meltdown. They proved they were Progs. One woman who was around for decades started crying and spouted about mothers of armed services sons going to wars. It ended up being one of many many lies about Trump. He was the most peaceful President in my voting age lifetime.
The media did cover the allegations of fraud, it’s just that you don’t like that they found the allegations to be bogus.
That would require the 4th Estate to its job they went to journalism school for. Since to few would even attempt it and perhaps their personal safety would come into play due to the election being stolen from the elites, it is moot point. On election night in 2016 we saw most of the Prog journalists have a meltdown. They proved they were Progs. One woman who was around for decades started crying and spouted about mothers of armed services sons going to wars. It ended up being one of many many lies about Trump. He was the most peaceful President in my voting age lifetime.
Perhaps, if the panoply of Trump media could spend a few shekels on hiring an investigative journalist with a modicum of spunk rather than legions of feeble propagandists, at least one of the hundreds and hundreds of clandestine co-conspirators could be exposed. Surely, in confronting the essentials of responsible reportage in such a tale - Who? How? Where? When? Why? - the "reporters" can't all be such consummate cowards and the perpetrators all as eminently unbreakable as you suggest.

To see so many Republican officeholders and judges get away with such a brazen caper evokes the 3-5 million bogus balloteers of 2016, not a single one of whom was ever identified or confessed, even if offered immunity for doing so.

Surely, somewhere, a politician like Georgia Secretary of State Bradford Raffensperger would spill the beans in exchange for an all-expense-paid gala golf weekend at Mar-a-Logo, a hot date with Stormy Daniels, or some such simply irresistable enticement!

Screen Shot 2021-03-23 at 8.23.00 AM.png

"Admit that you ate 274,963 Trump ballots, and
we'll arrange for you to holiday for a week in a Winnebago
with Zippy Stone and Bam Bam Bannon!"

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