Why EU does prefer IQ-60 illiterate imbecile parasites - the trash of Muslim World - as immigrants


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
In difference to civilized countries EU collects only rubbish of the Muslim World - those who will never work or be non-criminal. What's for insane 'policy' - to invite all trash from Africa? All prisons are empty, IQ-60 'guests' are heading to EU following invitation of Merkel? Which cretins run EU and which cretins allow EU to destroy European Continent?
there was a problem with population growth------but the
"corrective policy" seems to harbor unintended
Europe attempted to kill all the Jews and now they're trying to make up for it by importing all the Muslims.

The karmic aspect is comforting.
In difference to civilized countries EU collects only rubbish of the Muslim World - those who will never work or be non-criminal. What's for insane 'policy' - to invite all trash from Africa? All prisons are empty, IQ-60 'guests' are heading to EU following invitation of Merkel? Which cretins run EU and which cretins allow EU to destroy European Continent?
If Europe wants people of 60 IQ the US can send lots, with the same skin color too. Some of them can read, write and even sat in chairs before.
In difference to civilized countries EU collects only rubbish of the Muslim World - those who will never work or be non-criminal. What's for insane 'policy' - to invite all trash from Africa? All prisons are empty, IQ-60 'guests' are heading to EU following invitation of Merkel? Which cretins run EU and which cretins allow EU to destroy European Continent?

Would you accept if I say it could be because of me? No, I don't control this world and I'm not an egotistical person but they are seeing a possible situation developing because of what I've been writing about since 2000. They are welcoming them for two reasons, depending on how the situation develops, if they think they can't win, they want to use them as an excuse to promote a more sexually conservative society.
Both christians and muslims hate LBGT people.

Mindwars wants to kill them and throw them off buildings.

We liberals believe in freedom and liberty for all. We can't exclude anyone or that message becomes hollow and without meaning. We understand that radical islam wants to kill, destroy and sack civilization...But what you don't get is the fact that western civilization is based on this freedom and liberty. Do we bend the rules to punish muslims, while looking the other way for people like mindwars or Koshgirl that is just as much of a threat to tens of millions of our citizens?
Do we bend the rules to punish muslims, while looking the other way for people like mindwars or Koshgirl that is just as much of a threat to tens of millions of our citizens?

Pretty sure not liking gay people isn't quite the same as throwing them off buildings. You can't punish people for what they think (yet). You can only punish them for what they do.
In difference to civilized countries EU collects only rubbish of the Muslim World - those who will never work or be non-criminal. What's for insane 'policy' - to invite all trash from Africa? All prisons are empty, IQ-60 'guests' are heading to EU following invitation of Merkel? Which cretins run EU and which cretins allow EU to destroy European Continent?

I am living in Germany, and let me tell you I don't get it.
It really concerns not only the usual 10% of brainwashed Greens and Cryptocommunists, it is presently still the majority of the society that heads collectively for suicide. I have it in my own family. "Refugee" caretakers.

It seems, they want to be good at all cost. Even if their wives and daughters are raped and killed they talk of this poor deprived people that we have to welcome in our welfare systems.

There is of course a lot of group and media pressure, but the pure dimension of this lunacy is unimaginable.

It is really bad here, but if you want to see where this is going look at Britain and even more, Sweden.
In difference to civilized countries EU collects only rubbish of the Muslim World - those who will never work or be non-criminal. What's for insane 'policy' - to invite all trash from Africa? All prisons are empty, IQ-60 'guests' are heading to EU following invitation of Merkel? Which cretins run EU and which cretins allow EU to destroy European Continent?
The grammar in that post... looks like it was written by an “IQ-60 illiterate imbecile”
In difference to civilized countries EU collects only rubbish of the Muslim World - those who will never work or be non-criminal. What's for insane 'policy' - to invite all trash from Africa? All prisons are empty, IQ-60 'guests' are heading to EU following invitation of Merkel? Which cretins run EU and which cretins allow EU to destroy European Continent?
If Europe wants people of 60 IQ the US can send lots, with the same skin color too. Some of them can read, write and even sat in chairs before.
You want to send white Trump voters to Europe? Sounds good to me.
In difference to civilized countries EU collects only rubbish of the Muslim World - those who will never work or be non-criminal. What's for insane 'policy' - to invite all trash from Africa? All prisons are empty, IQ-60 'guests' are heading to EU following invitation of Merkel? Which cretins run EU and which cretins allow EU to destroy European Continent?
If Europe wants people of 60 IQ the US can send lots, with the same skin color too. Some of them can read, write and even sat in chairs before.
You want to send white Trump voters to Europe? Sounds good to me.
OK. I Iive in Europe but don't know why America should lose it''s European heritage.
The white trump voters are the only reason you dont have the same shithole situation here that they've got in Europe. if you dont like us, tough shyte. We have all the guns and all the fighting ability. So you can't do shyte about us, while we can get rid of you any time that we wish to do so.

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