Why Donald Trump will lose


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
40 years ago Republican candidate Ronald Reagan asked the nation an important question:

Are you better off than you were 4 years ago??

At the time the answer was "No".... Though he was an honest and likable guy, Jimmy Carter wasn't much of a President, and the economy was struggling. This question enabled Reagan to become the 40th President. Fast forward to 2020 and that question is still valid: Are you better off than you were 4 years ago?? If you're honest, the answer is "No"

When Donald Trump took office in 2017 the American economy was in good shape, there were no major military threats, and illegal border crossings were at historic lows. Today the unemployment rate is over 8%, farmers are losing their farms at a record pace, the much promised manufacturing jobs have never materialized, and millions of people have been stripped of badly needed healthcare coverage. No - we're not better off at all.

Trump supporters can attack the Liberals, Socialism, the mail, the deep state, Kamala Harris, the mainstream media, and all your usual enemies, as well as try to gerrymander the election, but it's not going to work. Americans are worse off than they were 4 years ago, and because of this Trump and Co. are going to lose.

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts! :bye1:
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40 years ago Republican candidate Ronald Reagan asked the nation an important question:

Are you better off than you were 4 years ago??

At the time the answer was "No".... Though he was an honest and likable guy, Jimmy Carter wasn't much of a President, and the economy was struggling. This question enabled Reagan to become the 40th President. Fast forward to 2020 and that question is still valid: Are you better off than you were 4 years ago?? If you're honest, the answer is "No"

When Donald Trump took office in 2017 the American economy was in good shape, there were no major military threats, and illegal border crossings were at historic lows. Today the unemployment rate is in double digits, farmers are losing their farms at a record pace, the much promised manufacturing jobs have never materialized, and millions of people have been stripped of badly needed healthcare coverage. No - we're not better off at all.

Trump supporters can attack the Liberals, Socialism, the mail, the deep state, Kamala Harris, the mainstream media, and all your usual enemies, as well as try to gerrymander the election, but it's not going to work. Americans are worse off than they were 4 years ago, and because of this Trump and Co. are going to lose.

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts! :bye1:
Although yes, your post did include some facts, the unemployment rate is a cold take as unemployment were at almost shockingly low levels pre-corona. Nearly every country touched by the virus has had a spike in unemployment, that's just what happens. And, in the midst of some truth, you did include one statement that is far from it which is "Trump and Co. are going to lose." That is simply not a fact.

And those are the facts Jack - Just the facts!:bye1:
40 years ago Republican candidate Ronald Reagan asked the nation an important question:

Are you better off than you were 4 years ago??

At the time the answer was "No".... Though he was an honest and likable guy, Jimmy Carter wasn't much of a President, and the economy was struggling. This question enabled Reagan to become the 40th President. Fast forward to 2020 and that question is still valid: Are you better off than you were 4 years ago?? If you're honest, the answer is "No"

When Donald Trump took office in 2017 the American economy was in good shape, there were no major military threats, and illegal border crossings were at historic lows. Today the unemployment rate is over 8%, farmers are losing their farms at a record pace, the much promised manufacturing jobs have never materialized, and millions of people have been stripped of badly needed healthcare coverage. No - we're not better off at all.

Trump supporters can attack the Liberals, Socialism, the mail, the deep state, Kamala Harris, the mainstream media, and all your usual enemies, as well as try to gerrymander the election, but it's not going to work. Americans are worse off than they were 4 years ago, and because of this Trump and Co. are going to lose.

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts! :bye1:
40 years ago Republican candidate Ronald Reagan asked the nation an important question:

Are you better off than you were 4 years ago??

At the time the answer was "No".... Though he was an honest and likable guy, Jimmy Carter wasn't much of a President, and the economy was struggling. This question enabled Reagan to become the 40th President. Fast forward to 2020 and that question is still valid: Are you better off than you were 4 years ago?? If you're honest, the answer is "No"

When Donald Trump took office in 2017 the American economy was in good shape, there were no major military threats, and illegal border crossings were at historic lows. Today the unemployment rate is in double digits, farmers are losing their farms at a record pace, the much promised manufacturing jobs have never materialized, and millions of people have been stripped of badly needed healthcare coverage. No - we're not better off at all.

Trump supporters can attack the Liberals, Socialism, the mail, the deep state, Kamala Harris, the mainstream media, and all your usual enemies, as well as try to gerrymander the election, but it's not going to work. Americans are worse off than they were 4 years ago, and because of this Trump and Co. are going to lose.

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts! :bye1:
Although yes, your post did include some facts, the unemployment rate is a cold take as unemployment were at almost shockingly low levels pre-corona. Nearly every country touched by the virus has had a spike in unemployment, that's just what happens. And, in the midst of some truth, you did include one statement that is far from it which is "Trump and Co. are going to lose." That is simply not a fact.

And those are the facts Jack - Just the facts!:bye1:
40 years ago Republican candidate Ronald Reagan asked the nation an important question:

Are you better off than you were 4 years ago??

At the time the answer was "No".... Though he was an honest and likable guy, Jimmy Carter wasn't much of a President, and the economy was struggling. This question enabled Reagan to become the 40th President. Fast forward to 2020 and that question is still valid: Are you better off than you were 4 years ago?? If you're honest, the answer is "No"

When Donald Trump took office in 2017 the American economy was in good shape, there were no major military threats, and illegal border crossings were at historic lows. Today the unemployment rate is over 8%, farmers are losing their farms at a record pace, the much promised manufacturing jobs have never materialized, and millions of people have been stripped of badly needed healthcare coverage. No - we're not better off at all.

Trump supporters can attack the Liberals, Socialism, the mail, the deep state, Kamala Harris, the mainstream media, and all your usual enemies, as well as try to gerrymander the election, but it's not going to work. Americans are worse off than they were 4 years ago, and because of this Trump and Co. are going to lose.

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts! :bye1:
The only thing that counters the reality that things are immensely better than four years ago is the impact of the Chinese WMD bio attack.
The only improvement seen during the previous administration was a result of fracking which that administration opposed.
Trump has expanded upon fracking and that alone makes things infinitely better than they were under the previous president.
40 years ago Republican candidate Ronald Reagan asked the nation an important question:

Are you better off than you were 4 years ago??

At the time the answer was "No".... Though he was an honest and likable guy, Jimmy Carter wasn't much of a President, and the economy was struggling. This question enabled Reagan to become the 40th President. Fast forward to 2020 and that question is still valid: Are you better off than you were 4 years ago?? If you're honest, the answer is "No"

When Donald Trump took office in 2017 the American economy was in good shape, there were no major military threats, and illegal border crossings were at historic lows. Today the unemployment rate is over 8%, farmers are losing their farms at a record pace, the much promised manufacturing jobs have never materialized, and millions of people have been stripped of badly needed healthcare coverage. No - we're not better off at all.

Trump supporters can attack the Liberals, Socialism, the mail, the deep state, Kamala Harris, the mainstream media, and all your usual enemies, as well as try to gerrymander the election, but it's not going to work. Americans are worse off than they were 4 years ago, and because of this Trump and Co. are going to lose.

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts! :bye1:
40 years ago Republican candidate Ronald Reagan asked the nation an important question:

Are you better off than you were 4 years ago??

At the time the answer was "No".... Though he was an honest and likable guy, Jimmy Carter wasn't much of a President, and the economy was struggling. This question enabled Reagan to become the 40th President. Fast forward to 2020 and that question is still valid: Are you better off than you were 4 years ago?? If you're honest, the answer is "No"

When Donald Trump took office in 2017 the American economy was in good shape, there were no major military threats, and illegal border crossings were at historic lows. Today the unemployment rate is over 8%, farmers are losing their farms at a record pace, the much promised manufacturing jobs have never materialized, and millions of people have been stripped of badly needed healthcare coverage. No - we're not better off at all.

Trump supporters can attack the Liberals, Socialism, the mail, the deep state, Kamala Harris, the mainstream media, and all your usual enemies, as well as try to gerrymander the election, but it's not going to work. Americans are worse off than they were 4 years ago, and because of this Trump and Co. are going to lose.

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts! :bye1:
The economy wasn’t in good shape four years ago. Maybe you can’t remember that far back, but many people can.

Prior to Covid, the economy was booming, unemployment percentages were at record lows, treaties were being renegotiated in ways that favored the USA rather than other countries; and to use a favorite phrase of the democrats, our allies were being told they had to “pay their fair share” of the costs of their defense. I was dubious about a Trump as president, but I figured we could survive a term of anyone without serious damage to our system. It’s designed to be resistant to damage in the long term. Much to my surprise, despite his inane twitter posts and hyperbolic public statements,Trump has turned out to be a better than average president when his actions are viewed rather than his words listened to. I read somewhere that hyperbole is Donald Trump’s native tongue rather than English. The statement seems to fit.
For some reason, the democrats seem to have picked a ticket doomed to fail. Off hand I can’t think of two people less likely for the average American to support than Joe Biden (a career politician) and Kamala Harris (an explosively fast rising politician who seems to have no core beliefs at all). Their whole message seems to be “vote for us we aren’t Trump/Pence.
40 years ago Republican candidate Ronald Reagan asked the nation an important question:

Are you better off than you were 4 years ago??

At the time the answer was "No".... Though he was an honest and likable guy, Jimmy Carter wasn't much of a President, and the economy was struggling. This question enabled Reagan to become the 40th President. Fast forward to 2020 and that question is still valid: Are you better off than you were 4 years ago?? If you're honest, the answer is "No"

When Donald Trump took office in 2017 the American economy was in good shape, there were no major military threats, and illegal border crossings were at historic lows. Today the unemployment rate is in double digits, farmers are losing their farms at a record pace, the much promised manufacturing jobs have never materialized, and millions of people have been stripped of badly needed healthcare coverage. No - we're not better off at all.

Trump supporters can attack the Liberals, Socialism, the mail, the deep state, Kamala Harris, the mainstream media, and all your usual enemies, as well as try to gerrymander the election, but it's not going to work. Americans are worse off than they were 4 years ago, and because of this Trump and Co. are going to lose.

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts! :bye1:
Although yes, your post did include some facts, the unemployment rate is a cold take as unemployment were at almost shockingly low levels pre-corona. Nearly every country touched by the virus has had a spike in unemployment, that's just what happens. And, in the midst of some truth, you did include one statement that is far from it which is "Trump and Co. are going to lose." That is simply not a fact.

And those are the facts Jack - Just the facts!:bye1:
Other comparable nations are not going through this. Over 1,000 Americans died today. Zero died in Canada.
40 years ago Republican candidate Ronald Reagan asked the nation an important question:

Are you better off than you were 4 years ago??

At the time the answer was "No".... Though he was an honest and likable guy, Jimmy Carter wasn't much of a President, and the economy was struggling. This question enabled Reagan to become the 40th President. Fast forward to 2020 and that question is still valid: Are you better off than you were 4 years ago?? If you're honest, the answer is "No"

When Donald Trump took office in 2017 the American economy was in good shape, there were no major military threats, and illegal border crossings were at historic lows. Today the unemployment rate is over 8%, farmers are losing their farms at a record pace, the much promised manufacturing jobs have never materialized, and millions of people have been stripped of badly needed healthcare coverage. No - we're not better off at all.

Trump supporters can attack the Liberals, Socialism, the mail, the deep state, Kamala Harris, the mainstream media, and all your usual enemies, as well as try to gerrymander the election, but it's not going to work. Americans are worse off than they were 4 years ago, and because of this Trump and Co. are going to lose.

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts! :bye1:
The economy wasn’t in good shape four years ago. Maybe you can’t remember that far back, but many people can.

Prior to Covid, the economy was booming, unemployment percentages were at record lows, treaties were being renegotiated in ways that favored the USA rather than other countries; and to use a favorite phrase of the democrats, our allies were being told they had to “pay their fair share” of the costs of their defense. I was dubious about a Trump as president, but I figured we could survive a term of anyone without serious damage to our system. It’s designed to be resistant to damage in the long term. Much to my surprise, despite his inane twitter posts and hyperbolic public statements,Trump has turned out to be a better than average president when his actions are viewed rather than his words listened to. I read somewhere that hyperbole is Donald Trump’s native tongue rather than English. The statement seems to fit.
For some reason, the democrats seem to have picked a ticket doomed to fail. Off hand I can’t think of two people less likely for the average American to support than Joe Biden (a career politician) and Kamala Harris (an explosively fast rising politician who seems to have no core beliefs at all). Their whole message seems to be “vote for us we aren’t Trump/Pence.
The economy was in good shape 4 years ago. And that was accomplished during 2 pandemics. H1N1 and Ebola. trump is is a sorry president, but a great bullshitter.
40 years ago Republican candidate Ronald Reagan asked the nation an important question:

Are you better off than you were 4 years ago??

At the time the answer was "No".... Though he was an honest and likable guy, Jimmy Carter wasn't much of a President, and the economy was struggling. This question enabled Reagan to become the 40th President. Fast forward to 2020 and that question is still valid: Are you better off than you were 4 years ago?? If you're honest, the answer is "No"

When Donald Trump took office in 2017 the American economy was in good shape, there were no major military threats, and illegal border crossings were at historic lows. Today the unemployment rate is over 8%, farmers are losing their farms at a record pace, the much promised manufacturing jobs have never materialized, and millions of people have been stripped of badly needed healthcare coverage. No - we're not better off at all.

Trump supporters can attack the Liberals, Socialism, the mail, the deep state, Kamala Harris, the mainstream media, and all your usual enemies, as well as try to gerrymander the election, but it's not going to work. Americans are worse off than they were 4 years ago, and because of this Trump and Co. are going to lose.

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts! :bye1:
The problem, Bill, is that the "Trump will lose because he should lose" threads didn't work out so well in 2016.

This isn't a time of logic or reason. It's time of anger and division. That's what got him elected in the first place.

I have no idea who's going to win, but basing electoral predictions on reason and logic may not work out, again.
40 years ago Republican candidate Ronald Reagan asked the nation an important question:

Are you better off than you were 4 years ago??

At the time the answer was "No".... Though he was an honest and likable guy, Jimmy Carter wasn't much of a President, and the economy was struggling. This question enabled Reagan to become the 40th President. Fast forward to 2020 and that question is still valid: Are you better off than you were 4 years ago?? If you're honest, the answer is "No"

When Donald Trump took office in 2017 the American economy was in good shape, there were no major military threats, and illegal border crossings were at historic lows. Today the unemployment rate is over 8%, farmers are losing their farms at a record pace, the much promised manufacturing jobs have never materialized, and millions of people have been stripped of badly needed healthcare coverage. No - we're not better off at all.

Trump supporters can attack the Liberals, Socialism, the mail, the deep state, Kamala Harris, the mainstream media, and all your usual enemies, as well as try to gerrymander the election, but it's not going to work. Americans are worse off than they were 4 years ago, and because of this Trump and Co. are going to lose.

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts! :bye1:
The problem, Bill, is that the "Trump will lose because he should lose" threads didn't work out so well in 2016.

This isn't a time of logic or reason. It's time of anger and division. That's what got him elected in the first place.

I have no idea who's going to win, but basing electoral predictions on reason and logic may not work out, again.
This is not 2016. trump is no longer the Washington outsider entering to change the system. trump is now the establishment. And people are pissed at trump. If trump wins, it is because of what he is doing now to fuck up the vote. If trump wins and it's found that his manipulation of the mail in process caused it, hell will break loose.
40 years ago Republican candidate Ronald Reagan asked the nation an important question:

Are you better off than you were 4 years ago??

At the time the answer was "No".... Though he was an honest and likable guy, Jimmy Carter wasn't much of a President, and the economy was struggling. This question enabled Reagan to become the 40th President. Fast forward to 2020 and that question is still valid: Are you better off than you were 4 years ago?? If you're honest, the answer is "No"

When Donald Trump took office in 2017 the American economy was in good shape, there were no major military threats, and illegal border crossings were at historic lows. Today the unemployment rate is over 8%, farmers are losing their farms at a record pace, the much promised manufacturing jobs have never materialized, and millions of people have been stripped of badly needed healthcare coverage. No - we're not better off at all.

Trump supporters can attack the Liberals, Socialism, the mail, the deep state, Kamala Harris, the mainstream media, and all your usual enemies, as well as try to gerrymander the election, but it's not going to work. Americans are worse off than they were 4 years ago, and because of this Trump and Co. are going to lose.

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts! :bye1:
Americans are worse off than they were 4 years ago, and because libs/Dems/BLM. are going to lose.
40 years ago Republican candidate Ronald Reagan asked the nation an important question:

Are you better off than you were 4 years ago??

At the time the answer was "No".... Though he was an honest and likable guy, Jimmy Carter wasn't much of a President, and the economy was struggling. This question enabled Reagan to become the 40th President. Fast forward to 2020 and that question is still valid: Are you better off than you were 4 years ago?? If you're honest, the answer is "No"

When Donald Trump took office in 2017 the American economy was in good shape, there were no major military threats, and illegal border crossings were at historic lows. Today the unemployment rate is over 8%, farmers are losing their farms at a record pace, the much promised manufacturing jobs have never materialized, and millions of people have been stripped of badly needed healthcare coverage. No - we're not better off at all.

Trump supporters can attack the Liberals, Socialism, the mail, the deep state, Kamala Harris, the mainstream media, and all your usual enemies, as well as try to gerrymander the election, but it's not going to work. Americans are worse off than they were 4 years ago, and because of this Trump and Co. are going to lose.

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts! :bye1:
Too bad omissions of error cause the postman to ring twice. <giggle>
40 years ago Republican candidate Ronald Reagan asked the nation an important question:

Are you better off than you were 4 years ago??

At the time the answer was "No".... Though he was an honest and likable guy, Jimmy Carter wasn't much of a President, and the economy was struggling. This question enabled Reagan to become the 40th President. Fast forward to 2020 and that question is still valid: Are you better off than you were 4 years ago?? If you're honest, the answer is "No"

When Donald Trump took office in 2017 the American economy was in good shape, there were no major military threats, and illegal border crossings were at historic lows. Today the unemployment rate is in double digits, farmers are losing their farms at a record pace, the much promised manufacturing jobs have never materialized, and millions of people have been stripped of badly needed healthcare coverage. No - we're not better off at all.

Trump supporters can attack the Liberals, Socialism, the mail, the deep state, Kamala Harris, the mainstream media, and all your usual enemies, as well as try to gerrymander the election, but it's not going to work. Americans are worse off than they were 4 years ago, and because of this Trump and Co. are going to lose.

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts! :bye1:
Although yes, your post did include some facts, the unemployment rate is a cold take as unemployment were at almost shockingly low levels pre-corona. Nearly every country touched by the virus has had a spike in unemployment, that's just what happens. And, in the midst of some truth, you did include one statement that is far from it which is "Trump and Co. are going to lose." That is simply not a fact.

And those are the facts Jack - Just the facts!:bye1:

Yup. Before Covid the country was in great shape.

UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years and we had jobs all across this country. We had a great economy with Trump at the help.

Trump will lose?? Not likely cause voters know just what great shape this country was in before Covid and they know we need Trump at the helm to get that great shape back.

Biden's first move as POTUS is to get taxes raised. He also wants 22 million illegals to get citizenship. I saw that laundry list of what he wants to do, its somewhere on this board, and believe me its a horror show for the American tax payer.
40 years ago Republican candidate Ronald Reagan asked the nation an important question:

Are you better off than you were 4 years ago??

At the time the answer was "No".... Though he was an honest and likable guy, Jimmy Carter wasn't much of a President, and the economy was struggling. This question enabled Reagan to become the 40th President. Fast forward to 2020 and that question is still valid: Are you better off than you were 4 years ago?? If you're honest, the answer is "No"

When Donald Trump took office in 2017 the American economy was in good shape, there were no major military threats, and illegal border crossings were at historic lows. Today the unemployment rate is over 8%, farmers are losing their farms at a record pace, the much promised manufacturing jobs have never materialized, and millions of people have been stripped of badly needed healthcare coverage. No - we're not better off at all.

Trump supporters can attack the Liberals, Socialism, the mail, the deep state, Kamala Harris, the mainstream media, and all your usual enemies, as well as try to gerrymander the election, but it's not going to work. Americans are worse off than they were 4 years ago, and because of this Trump and Co. are going to lose.

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts! :bye1:
you just described the BARRAG o admin. and yes, AMERICA is much better off than 2008-2016. more farms were lost under BARRAG o---oh, how the hell can you idiot demoncrats vote for someone that doesnt even know they are trying to be pres? are you all that fucked up in the head? or it could just be hatred the asswipe demoncrats taught you?
40 years ago Republican candidate Ronald Reagan asked the nation an important question:

Are you better off than you were 4 years ago??

At the time the answer was "No".... Though he was an honest and likable guy, Jimmy Carter wasn't much of a President, and the economy was struggling. This question enabled Reagan to become the 40th President. Fast forward to 2020 and that question is still valid: Are you better off than you were 4 years ago?? If you're honest, the answer is "No"

When Donald Trump took office in 2017 the American economy was in good shape, there were no major military threats, and illegal border crossings were at historic lows. Today the unemployment rate is in double digits, farmers are losing their farms at a record pace, the much promised manufacturing jobs have never materialized, and millions of people have been stripped of badly needed healthcare coverage. No - we're not better off at all.

Trump supporters can attack the Liberals, Socialism, the mail, the deep state, Kamala Harris, the mainstream media, and all your usual enemies, as well as try to gerrymander the election, but it's not going to work. Americans are worse off than they were 4 years ago, and because of this Trump and Co. are going to lose.

Those are the facts Jack - Just the facts! :bye1:
Although yes, your post did include some facts, the unemployment rate is a cold take as unemployment were at almost shockingly low levels pre-corona. Nearly every country touched by the virus has had a spike in unemployment, that's just what happens. And, in the midst of some truth, you did include one statement that is far from it which is "Trump and Co. are going to lose." That is simply not a fact.

And those are the facts Jack - Just the facts!:bye1:

Yup. Before Covid the country was in great shape.

UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years and we had jobs all across this country. We had a great economy with Trump at the help.

Trump will lose?? Not likely cause voters know just what great shape this country was in before Covid and they know we need Trump at the helm to get that great shape back.

Biden's first move as POTUS is to get taxes raised. He also wants 22 million illegals to get citizenship. I saw that laundry list of what he wants to do, its somewhere on this board, and believe me its a horror show for the American tax payer.
This is bullshit. If trump knew how to fix an economy our economy would be running now. Canadas economy is working, and they faced the same virus. trump has been the horror show and we cannot have 4 more years.
you just described the BARRAG o admin. and yes, AMERICA is much better off than 2008-2016. more farms were lost under BARRAG o---oh, how the hell can you idiot demoncrats vote for someone that doesnt even know they are trying to be pres? are you all that fucked up in the head? or it could just be hatred the asswipe demoncrats taught you?

Wow, is the scary black man still living in your head?
Yup. Before Covid the country was in great shape.

UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years and we had jobs all across this country. We had a great economy with Trump at the help.

Trump will lose?? Not likely cause voters know just what great shape this country was in before Covid and they know we need Trump at the helm to get that great shape back.

Actually, people are in bad shape now.... It doesn't matter what shit was like last year.

Trump was badly trailing Biden before Covid Hit... Now we have Covid, Recession, Riots, burning forests... no one is going to reward him for that.

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