Why Doesn't the World Imitate the U.S.?


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
In round numbers, the U.S. is about 30% to 40% richer than Europe, and has been for at least about three decades. And of course, the rest of the world is generally even farther behind.

So why isn't everyone trying to imitate the U.S., instead of the U.S. electing politicians who seem ever more determined to imitate Europe?

With the U.S. defending it, Europe is free to foster its "cuddly capitalism." After the U.S. innovates something, Europe can copy it. It copies our agriculture, our drugs, our health care, our aerospace, almost everything. In return, we got the Beatles, Abba, and IKEA. Oh, and World Wars I and II.

We already do spread our wealth. Even the oil-rich countries are rich because the U.S. developed the technologies for finding that oil, getting it out of the ground, refining it, distributing it, and using it.

And for all this we don't even demand a "thank you," much less tribute. No, all we want are two things: (1) don't kill us, and (2) let us buy and sell with your people at prices they agree to. That's how bad we are.

Once the U.S. completes its transition to becoming just another European country, who will be the new U.S. off whom we all get to freeload? No one. We are the Golden Goose. Kill us, and the whole party is over.

That's the big fly in the ointment of thinking we in the U.S. can just copy Europe's cuddly capitalism. Ronald Reagan said it better, almost 50 years ago.

You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We will preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on Earth, or we will sentence them to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness.

Those weren't just words.

Read more: Articles: Why Doesn't the World Imitate the U.S.?
It's all about power Eagle. The American system works because of our freedoms. Every citizen has the freedom to succeed, the freedom to pursue that success. Even in America, religions attempt to place women in a lesser roll, but the bottom line is that in America, they are equal.

Most countries don't have those basic freedoms. In the middle east, girls get killed for going to school ... They are in effect dumbing down half of their population. They are chaining their own population ... All in an attempt to maintain their leaderships power base.
It's all about power Eagle. The American system works because of our freedoms. Every citizen has the freedom to succeed, the freedom to pursue that success. Even in America, religions attempt to place women in a lesser roll, but the bottom line is that in America, they are equal.

Most countries don't have those basic freedoms. In the middle east, girls get killed for going to school ... They are in effect dumbing down half of their population. They are chaining their own population ... All in an attempt to maintain their leaderships power base.

exactly....imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery..... but just copying America's innovations isn't going to cut it for Europe....they need to free their people from the stranglehold of socialism, high taxes, eliminate excessive regulations, enourage innovation, and pursue new markets....

if the US does not stop Obama's copycatting of Europe and dumbing down OUR population we are going to follow Greece right down the rabbit hole with the others...
Good God, this is a stupid thread. No wonder the U.S. is becoming a failed state.

Because once the free land has all been given away and the natural resources have been used up, we are left with a bunch of ignorant wage slaves and feudal lords.

None of you idiots have given any thought at all to the incredible amount of "free wealth" that was taken from the original inhabitants, have you? American wealth was acquired through brutal theft.
Under Voodoo, we're falling behind the rest of the world, dupes. See sig #1. The EU was fine before the Pub world depression, morons.
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It's all about power Eagle. The American system works because of our freedoms. Every citizen has the freedom to succeed, the freedom to pursue that success. Even in America, religions attempt to place women in a lesser roll, but the bottom line is that in America, they are equal.

Most countries don't have those basic freedoms. In the middle east, girls get killed for going to school ... They are in effect dumbing down half of their population. They are chaining their own population ... All in an attempt to maintain their leaderships power base.

Are you insane? No, girls don't get killed for going to school in the Middle East you moron.
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It's all about power Eagle. The American system works because of our freedoms. Every citizen has the freedom to succeed, the freedom to pursue that success. Even in America, religions attempt to place women in a lesser roll, but the bottom line is that in America, they are equal.

Most countries don't have those basic freedoms. In the middle east, girls get killed for going to school ... They are in effect dumbing down half of their population. They are chaining their own population ... All in an attempt to maintain their leaderships power base.

Are you insane? No, girls don't get killed for going to school in the Middle East you moron.

I guess you have not heard: Girl shot with Malala: Memory of attack 'still in my head' - CNN.com

Her attackers have vowed to kill Malala for demanding education for girls.
That's in Asia, man Americans are starting to become really stupid people. And I'm an American myself. One incident by the Taliban doesn't equate to girls that go to school in the Middle East get killed.
That's in Asia, man Americans are starting to become really stupid people. And I'm an American myself. One incident by the Taliban doesn't equate to girls that go to school in the Middle East get killed.

Do you know what the "East" in Middle East is for?

The term "Middle East" was defined by Secretary of State John Dulles in Foreign Affairs during the Eisenhower Administration in an article all about the varying opinions about "where is the Middle East?"

In 1957 a national policy, the so-called Eisenhower Doctrine, was established to provide for American military and economic aid to nations in "the general area of the Middle East," to use the language of the Congressional resolution. Committees of the House and Senate naturally asked Secretary of State Dulles to define the region where the United States was prepared to act. Mr. Dulles furnished a reasonably exact definition of the Middle East: "the area lying between and including Libya on the west and Pakistan on the east and Turkey on the north and the Arabian peninsula to the south," plus the Sudan and Ethiopia. He added that Middle East and Near East were now, in his view, identical.

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That's in Asia, man Americans are starting to become really stupid people. And I'm an American myself. One incident by the Taliban doesn't equate to girls that go to school in the Middle East get killed.
Being American and being an idiot are not mutually exclusive. I expect we can agree on that. Having done that, we probably have the foundation of agreeing why Americans "are stating to become such stupid people". The reason why might be the multiculturalism of which you seem to be part and parcel.
That's in Asia, man Americans are starting to become really stupid people. And I'm an American myself. One incident by the Taliban doesn't equate to girls that go to school in the Middle East get killed.

Do you know what the "East" in Middle East is for?

The term "Middle East" was defined by Secretary of State John Dulles in Foreign Affairs during the Eisenhower Administration.

In 1957 a national policy, the so-called Eisenhower Doctrine, was established to provide for American military and economic aid to nations in "the general area of the Middle East," to use the language of the Congressional resolution. Committees of the House and Senate naturally asked Secretary of State Dulles to define the region where the United States was prepared to act. Mr. Dulles furnished a reasonably exact definition of the Middle East: "the area lying between and including Libya on the west and Pakistan on the east and Turkey on the north and the Arabian peninsula to the south," plus the Sudan and Ethiopia. He added that Middle East and Near East were now, in his view, identical.


A large part of Pakistan is in Asia. That's why it's in Asia
That's in Asia, man Americans are starting to become really stupid people. And I'm an American myself. One incident by the Taliban doesn't equate to girls that go to school in the Middle East get killed.
Being American and being an idiot are not mutually exclusive. I expect we can agree on that. Having done that, we probably have the foundation of agreeing why Americans "are stating to become such stupid people". The reason why might be the multiculturalism of which you seem to be part and parcel.

No thanks junior. I've seen your supremacism enough. Yet you're unemployed :lol::lol::lol:
Whether North Korea, Cuba or the United States, anytime you have an elite intent on controlling the masses by selling them on the notion of "fairness" by limiting the growth of the middle class, a country's wealth will be limited.
In round numbers, the U.S. is about 30% to 40% richer than Europe, and has been for at least about three decades. And of course, the rest of the world is generally even farther behind.

So why isn't everyone trying to imitate the U.S., instead of the U.S. electing politicians who seem ever more determined to imitate Europe?

With the U.S. defending it, Europe is free to foster its "cuddly capitalism." After the U.S. innovates something, Europe can copy it. It copies our agriculture, our drugs, our health care, our aerospace, almost everything. In return, we got the Beatles, Abba, and IKEA. Oh, and World Wars I and II.

We already do spread our wealth. Even the oil-rich countries are rich because the U.S. developed the technologies for finding that oil, getting it out of the ground, refining it, distributing it, and using it.

And for all this we don't even demand a "thank you," much less tribute. No, all we want are two things: (1) don't kill us, and (2) let us buy and sell with your people at prices they agree to. That's how bad we are.

Once the U.S. completes its transition to becoming just another European country, who will be the new U.S. off whom we all get to freeload? No one. We are the Golden Goose. Kill us, and the whole party is over.

That's the big fly in the ointment of thinking we in the U.S. can just copy Europe's cuddly capitalism. Ronald Reagan said it better, almost 50 years ago.

You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We will preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on Earth, or we will sentence them to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness.

Those weren't just words.

Read more: Articles: Why Doesn't the World Imitate the U.S.?
Eh, the world is more interested in drooling to Mid East oil brokers for cheaper prices than admitting our freedoms have done great things in the world of innovation and markets.

Much of the world actually has imitated the US. They have borrowed heavily from the US Constitution, though their carry-through is often lacking.

As Elwood Blues pointed out, the world is doing flips and twists just to get into a genuine pair of American blue jeans. Our culture has definitely spread to the entire globe. Rock and rooooooooollllllll!

The media would have you believe we are more hated in the world than we really are. Especially in the Middle East. But this simply is not true. I've seen with my own eyes how beloved we are around the world.

Hell, the Iranian people even dig us. It's just their dickfaced AchI'mAJerkWad president and a handful of ayatollahs who don't like us.

But what the hell, right? They're fookin Muslims or Arabs or something. So bomb-bomb-bomb, bomb-bomb Iran. Rock and rooooooooooolllllll!

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