Why doesn't California and drought stricken west, harvest water from Hurricane Hillary?


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
Why doesn't California and the rest of the drought stricken West coast, harvest the Ten inches of expected rain water from Hurricaine Hilary?. They say they are in need of Water?, they are expected to receive about three million gallons of rain water from this hurricane?, why not harvest the falling rain water and use it for drinking water?. Your thoughts?
Why doesn't California and the rest of the drought stricken West coast, harvest the Ten inches of expected rain water from Hurricaine Hilary?. They say they are in need of Water?, they are expected to receive about three million gallons of rain water from this hurricane?, why not harvest the falling rain water and use it for drinking water?. Your thoughts?
Absolutely! And I guarantee you California is going to receive way more than 3 million gallons of rain water. I capture 1500 gallons of rain water in my tank with a 1 inch rainfall. Extrapolate than to 10 million California home owners.
Why not pump seawater into giant domed solar-double-hulled tanks....then use the sun to evaporate the water thus leaving the salt in the inner hull, then let the evaporated water channel down the inside of the dome into the outer hull separating the two substances. The water could be further pumped to inland facilities for further purification. You'd get both water and sea salt from the entire process. Several domes could always be used in tandem so that when dry salt is being harvested from one, the other one can still be in use to precipitate.
Why not pump seawater into giant domed solar-double-hulled tanks....then use the sun to evaporate the water thus leaving the salt in the inner hull, then let the evaporated water channel down the inside of the dome into the outer hull separating the two substances. The water could be further pumped to inland facilities for further purification. You'd get both water and sea salt from the entire process. Several domes could always be used in tandem so that when dry salt is being harvested from one, the other one can still be in use to precipitate.
LOL.....I bet salt has a Prop. 65 warning label on it in CA.
Why doesn't California and the rest of the drought stricken West coast, harvest the Ten inches of expected rain water from Hurricaine Hilary?. They say they are in need of Water?, they are expected to receive about three million gallons of rain water from this hurricane?, why not harvest the falling rain water and use it for drinking water?. Your thoughts?
Reservoirs will be replenished and it will temporarily increase the water supply.
The rains of last year filled up all the lakes and reservoirs. The drought is over. There is no place to put all this excess water. It will wash the shit, needles and piss down the storm drains to the ocean making the beaches poisonous for two or three weeks.
Reservoirs will be replenished and it will temporarily increase the water supply.
Their reservoirs have been full before and they waste it, in my opinion, in efforts to keep snail darters, or whatever, alive in their waterways.
Why not pump seawater into giant domed solar-double-hulled tanks....then use the sun to evaporate the water thus leaving the salt in the inner hull, then let the evaporated water channel down the inside of the dome into the outer hull separating the two substances. The water could be further pumped to inland facilities for further purification. You'd get both water and sea salt from the entire process. Several domes could always be used in tandem so that when dry salt is being harvested from one, the other one can still be in use to precipitate.
I think they should buy up every ounce of Aquafina and Deja Blue there is and dump them into the Colorado river. Nobody buys that stuff.
Develop a system of drainage tanks to capture water when there is heavy rain. Capture the rain water runoff into large drainage tanks.! Water shortage drought problem solved!? .This should have been implemented many years ago.!?Purify the rain runoff water and save it.!? Instead of letting all this good water just run into the sewer system. Use the stored rain water in times of drought.!?$ Store the water in huge tanks.!!??
Why not pump seawater into giant domed solar-double-hulled tanks....then use the sun to evaporate the water thus leaving the salt in the inner hull, then let the evaporated water channel down the inside of the dome into the outer hull separating the two substances. The water could be further pumped to inland facilities for further purification. You'd get both water and sea salt from the entire process. Several domes could always be used in tandem so that when dry salt is being harvested from one, the other one can still be in use to precipitate.
Desalination is not the solution.
Those incompetent Democrats leaders in Commie California can't even stop 1,000 people a day from leaving the state so how are they going to do something like proper water management?

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