Fox News keeps trying to tell us that Donald Trump is polling lower than John Kasich in an election against Hillary. I don't believe this is an accurate representation of how people will vote, mainly because there are several factors involved here that either the pundits are ignoring, or not telling us on purpose. One of the primary factors is who appears more of a threat to the Democrat candidate.
If you ask people who want to vote for Hillary who they prefer to run against Hillary, the obvious answer is the Republican who stands the least chance of beating her. It's as simple as that. The guy that's harmless is going to poll better than the guy that's a serious threat. Add to this the fact that the Republican vote is still split among several candidates, and the Repugs still aren't lining up behind Trump the way Democrats seem to be unwillingly lining up behind Hillary due to her inevitability, of course Trump is going to lose something in the polls. Trump is polling lower across the board because of $63 million dollars in negative ads paid for by GOP Superpacs. This is having an effect, but it still isn't going to assure that Ted Cruz or John Kasich has much of a chance of winning the nomination straight up.
The Democrat primary is literally a sham. Hillary had already bought enough delegates to win before the primary began. On the other hand, the GOP primary is a real dog eat dog MMA fight to the death. The goal of the establishment is to thwart the will of their base and put their hand-picked empty suit in the general election. If they do this, they will assure that Hillary will be able to buy her way back into the White House.
I don't believe that what they're reporting in the polls has any bearing on how Trump will do in a general election, once he's the nominee. It just shows what was on peoples minds at the time of the polling, nothing more. For a couple of years the media has been telling us that Hillary is going to win. This is not a certainty because she is universally hated on both sides of isle.
If there ever was a chance for the GOP to win, this is it. Hillary represents a 3rd term of Obama, and Obama is arguably the worst president in United States History. Trump is saying what most of America is thinking. He is the moderate wing of the Republican party, and Hillary represents the far left wing of the Democrat party. Many Democrats can't stand her positions on same-sex marriage, on illegal immigration, and her stance on the 2nd Amendment. This is why Trump has a chance of winning, despite his flaws. Yesterday he said that people are tired of smooth talking, practiced, phony politicians. Somebody who sounds presidential. America is in the mood for a person that's going to kick butt, not give in at the drop of a hat. No career politician has the same chance that Trump has to win. America is fed up with them.