Why Does This Admin Lie When The Truth Will Suffice?


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
I have been asking this question about dims for decades. Finally, someone much more eloquent than I has addressed it.

Worth the read;

Byron York: Why Does This Administration Believe It Must Lie About Nearly Everything?
Ace of Spades HQ

Good question.

What if Team Obama had just told the truth about Bowe Bergdahl? | WashingtonExaminer.com

Bill Clinton's critics in Arkansas used to say that he would rather climb a tree and tell a lie than stand on the ground and tell the truth. In other words, Clinton would lie when the truth would do -- and when telling the truth would be easier.

The saying might apply to the Obama administration's public statements about Bowe Bergdahl, the U.S. soldier released from captivity in Afghanistan in a trade for five Taliban commanders held at Guantanamo Bay. There is substantial evidence to suggest that Bergdahl abandoned his post in 2009 -- he went AWOL, he deserted, whatever one calls it, Bergdahl walked away from the U.S. Army and his fellow soldiers while on duty in a war zone.

So why did the White House send National Security Adviser Susan Rice to the Sunday shows to claim that Bergdahl "served the United States with honor and distinction"?

It wasn't necessary. Rice, speaking for the White House, could have said something to the effect that "Bowe Bergdahl is a troubled young man who made a terrible mistake. Nevertheless, he is an American soldier, and the United States wants him back. The president had a difficult decision to make in balancing the release of the Taliban detainees with this country's longstanding policy of not leaving U.S. forces behind in a war zone, no matter the circumstances."

There are three reasons, all of which are true to some extent:

1. Obama, the White House, the Democratic Party, and the All Democrat Media no longer think in terms of what's "true" or "false" but only in terms of "giving Republicans a line of attack" or "denying Republicans a line of attack."

Giving Republicans a line of attack is The Worst Possible Evil -- worse certainly than lying, worse even than instituting a tyranny in a formerly democratic republic -- and is to be avoided at all costs.

To give Republicans room to criticize Obama for his political choice is too much an indignity for the Unprecedented to bear. Ergo, the narrative must be rewritten so there is no such room to criticize him.

Therefore, it must be the case that Bowe Bergdahl is an All American Hero, and we should all be euphoric to have him back at the low, low price of only five hardcore Taliban.

2. They think their Words are so potent they change the very nature of reality by speaking them, very much akin to a Djinni's Wish.

This is a combination of them thinking they're that smart, and we're that stupid -- it doesn't matter what the actual facts are, they are confident enough of their own brilliance, and the public's drooling mental slowness, that they can spin exotic new realities in press conferences and #HashtagsForJustice.

3. Obama is an extreme narcissist who is not only incapable of locating fault in himself, but incapable even of acknowledging he ever makes a less than heroic choice.

The circumstances surrounding one Bowe Bergdahl are, at a minimum, murky.

The statement York proposed above reflects that murkiness.

But Obama perceives[sic] himself as the All Conquering Hero. He lives in the world of his boyhood daydreams, in which it's always fourth and long and behind by 5 points and he hurls the Hail Mary pass sixty yards downfield right into the arms of his receiver in the endzone.

Therefore, in ObamaWorld, the murkiness surrounding Bergdahl's disappearance can't be permitted to exist. Those facts, were they true, would undercut Obama's fantasy conception of himself as All Conquering Hero, and therefore, of course, must not be facts.

What we see happening now is what happens when an Unavoidable Fact collides with an Unassailable Ego.

It's not pretty.


I have been saying this for decades. It's more than 'not pretty'

It's pathological. Sick. Diseased. Twisted.

And that just about describes the entire dim party, including it's sycophant defenders
Why does this Admin lie when the truth will suffice?

Why does Fox News lie when the truth will suffice?

Why do Democrats lie when the truth will suffice?

Why do Republicans lie when the truth will suffice?

That's easy. You really mean you don't know?
I can't really understand it either other than there's a strong possibility that Obama is simply a pathological liar. Some folks just feel like they HAVE to lie for some reason. The other possibility is that Obama has lied about so many things over such a long period of time that it's simply a habit that he can't break. One thing is for certain ... if Obama's lips are moving you can rest assured that he's lying about something.
obama is a pathological liar. He lies about everything. He can't tell the truth if you asked him what he had for breakfast. He is just convinced that since he's presidunce, no one could question him or disagree with him.

In the Bergdahl matter, the scandal about veterans dying in the VA system was so damaging that he had to do something to stop the bloodletting. Something immediate. If he got Bergdahl returned, that would show the country how pro military he really is and the VA complaints would stop. He felt that the nation would be in a pro obama euphoria. obama doesn't think ahead and never considers the consequences of his actions. Bergdahl's platoon was under a gag order and had been under a gag order since Bergdahl defected. As soon as Bergdahl was in American hands, that gag order was lifted by operation of law. The unit members were free to speak and speak they are.
obama is a pathological liar. He lies about everything. He can't tell the truth if you asked him what he had for breakfast. He is just convinced that since he's presidunce, no one could question him or disagree with him.

In the Bergdahl matter, the scandal about veterans dying in the VA system was so damaging that he had to do something to stop the bloodletting. Something immediate. If he got Bergdahl returned, that would show the country how pro military he really is and the VA complaints would stop. He felt that the nation would be in a pro obama euphoria. obama doesn't think ahead and never considers the consequences of his actions. Bergdahl's platoon was under a gag order and had been under a gag order since Bergdahl defected. As soon as Bergdahl was in American hands, that gag order was lifted by operation of law. The unit members were free to speak and speak they are.

Somehow George Soros forgot to point that (the bolded part) out to his little creation. Ah well, he is getting old.....
obama is a pathological liar. He lies about everything. He can't tell the truth if you asked him what he had for breakfast. He is just convinced that since he's presidunce, no one could question him or disagree with him.

In the Bergdahl matter, the scandal about veterans dying in the VA system was so damaging that he had to do something to stop the bloodletting. Something immediate. If he got Bergdahl returned, that would show the country how pro military he really is and the VA complaints would stop. He felt that the nation would be in a pro obama euphoria. obama doesn't think ahead and never considers the consequences of his actions. Bergdahl's platoon was under a gag order and had been under a gag order since Bergdahl defected. As soon as Bergdahl was in American hands, that gag order was lifted by operation of law. The unit members were free to speak and speak they are.

Why Does This Admin Lie When The Truth Will Suffice?

For the same reason, the Bushies did and you do, Edge: arrogance and too stupid to realize you will get caught every time.

Iraq not only used chemical weapons against Iran, but also used them against the Kurds before 1991 and then proceeded to fuck around with the weapons inspection process for the next decade.

Totally the same thing as the most transparent administration in history lying about every single thing.

Iraq not only used chemical weapons against Iran, but also used them against the Kurds before 1991 and then proceeded to fuck around with the weapons inspection process for the next decade.

Totally the same thing as the most transparent administration in history lying about every single thing.

Shows us the WMDs that the Bushies were after that were found in Iran?

OH, they weren't?

STFU, stevie
I know several people like Obama. They lie because it is their default setting. Obama is a prototypical sociopath.

WASHINGTON, June 29, 2006 – The 500 munitions discovered throughout Iraq since 2003 and discussed in a National Ground Intelligence Center report meet the criteria of weapons of mass destruction, the center's commander said here today.

Stop the lies, Steven.

If you were manager of the Reppublican Elephants in MLB, you would be fired because the other side is kicking your team's ass.

Show us the WMDs the Bushies were talking about. The NGIC report does not meet the requirements established by Bush and Powell, and as such the report is bogus.

That is what is being taught in HS and college: Bush lied, people died.
Obama, Republicans, Democrats, Bush, Fox News, MSNBC et al. lie for one reason, and one reason only.

To acquire and keep secular power. In their world, the ends justify the means.

There. Your question is answered.
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Now, I have a question for the dunces.

How did you get so stupid that you have come to believe only the other guys lie? Don't you realise how easily manipulated that makes you?

Okay. That was two questions.
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