Why Does The Right Love Israel?

That's barely anything, LOL.
But it sounds good -- especially to the brainwashed dupes who have gradually and methodically been conditioned to swallow this empty but rhetorically impressive propaganda for the past half century. These cerebral zombies are thoroughly convinced that Israel is an "ally" and the attack on the USS Liberty was an "accident. And if the media hadn't gotten hold of the Pollard espionage case that treacherous bastard would have walked away with 30 days community service and a $50 fine. As it is he is regarded as a hero in Israel.

I agree, people should really think about what they're supporting, I've experienced Israeli occupation myself in Gaza, I used to live there and I've witnessed their air attacks. That's not the point, the point is I know what their intentions are and the world thinks I'm lying.

Nah, you're only half correct. Therefore you cannot say you see this conflict with an unbiased POV.

For the record, that goes for me, as well.

In the way you've experienced the 'occupation', I experienced the saw called "freedom fighting".
But it sounds good -- especially to the brainwashed dupes who have gradually and methodically been conditioned to swallow this empty but rhetorically impressive propaganda for the past half century. These cerebral zombies are thoroughly convinced that Israel is an "ally" and the attack on the USS Liberty was an "accident. And if the media hadn't gotten hold of the Pollard espionage case that treacherous bastard would have walked away with 30 days community service and a $50 fine. As it is he is regarded as a hero in Israel.

I agree, people should really think about what they're supporting, I've experienced Israeli occupation myself in Gaza, I used to live there and I've witnessed their air attacks. That's not the point, the point is I know what their intentions are and the world thinks I'm lying.

Intelligent people should do their own research, rather than let the Left do your thinking for you.

What left? No one brought up the left, this has nothing to do with American politics.
Over 2,000 years ago, the area we now call, Israel or Palestine, depending upon whom you side with, the following was fact. It was and is a desert landscape inhabited by only nomadic peoples. A nomadic tribe of Hebrews (forefathers of some of the Jewish inhabitants today), settled in the area, fighting off other nomadic peoples (not Muslims as Islam hadn't even existed at the time). The Hebrews built cities and temples and had kings. There has always been a Hebrew/Jewish population there.
Since the beginning of the pedophilic religion of Islam, the two factions have always been at odds with each other. After the fall of the Ottoman Empire during the First World War, Britain took over the region. Because of the constant conflict between these two factions (tit for tat killings), the Jews petitioned the British to plead its case to have a separate homeland (one which their forefathers had originally started). The UN Security Council took the matter up and voted to allow two separate states in the region; one Israel and the other Palestine. Israel accepted this. The Muslims (who called themselves Palestinians) rejected this, not wanting to live under an infidel government in the region. Thus, they rejected the creation of two separate states and wanted only one state called Palestine, under Islamic rule. When their objections were rejected, the Palestinians vowed not to live under infidel rule and many "chose" to leave the region that was set up to be Israel, which they did, moved to areas such as Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Egypt and calling themselves "refugees" and saying that what was now called Israel, was occupied territory. They chose to leave. They weren't pushed out at gunpoint.
Fact: It isn't occupied territory. Many of its inhabitants were already born and living there, thus they aren't occupiers. There have however, been many Jews who moved there after World War II and who were encouraged to move their by the Israeli government. Thus they weren't the original inhabitants.
Fact: Some things that the Jews are doing that is wrong: Even if a Muslim's family has lived on a tract of land for generations, if there is no paper to confirm this, they are pushed out. That is wrong and the inhabitants should be allowed back onto the land.
Fact: The Israelis have indeed built a wall across areas of their land, but when you have continued problems with people determined on blowing up unarmed civilians passing into the area, I see that as acceptable.
Fact: There will never be peace there until one of the following is changed:
1. Islam destroys Israel and it becomes an Islamic region (which is Islams stated goal for the entire planet for that matter).
2. Muslims wake up the fact that their founder was no prophet, but rather a middle-aged pedophile which no self-respecting deity would select as its spokesperson, drop the religion and join mankind in respecting peace and unity.
You can give us the same song and dance we have heard plenty of times from posters with the same mind set as you have, but I think many of the readers realize by now that you are an anti-Semite. And by the way, most Americans are not even thinking about Israel, except maybe those who frequent the NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate sites. Since Americans are aware of the atrocities Muslims are committing in the Middle East and other parts of the Muslim world against others and even their own fellow Muslims, Americans are thinking more about the radical Muslims and how many are in our midst ready to commit another atrocity like 9/11. But keep on trucking, Mike, while you close your eyes to what is actually going on in this world. Hey, if it makes you happy to blame Israel and/or the Jews, who are we to stop you from having a little happiness? And if it even gives you more happiness to figure out a way to blame the Jews and/or Israel for the millions of innocents the Muslims have murdered, go for it.
The "song and dance" I've given you happens to be a legitimate transcript from the PBS Frontline interview with Osama bin Laden in 1998. You're free to research its authenticity via Google and other sources. I didn't make it up.

As to your accusation that I'm an anti-Semite, I won't argue with you because I know it will do no good. But I will tell you I harbor a strong and righteous dislike for American Jews who refuse to acknowledge that Israel is as much a foreign country as is any other foreign country and whose loyalty to Israel exceeds their loyalty to the U.S.

Your denouncement of me as an anti-Semite is either a defensive component of your disloyalty or it's simply a manifestation of the paranoia that affects many (most?) American Jews, and which I happen to believe is predicated on a sense of self-hatred.

But if it comforts you to dismiss me as an anti-Semite, I have no problem with that. I've been around awhile and I'm used to the Big Oy!
But, Mike, since you have been around the block for a while, a person doesn't have to be brilliant to figure out just what you are from all of your previous posts. By the way, I would imagine that the majority of Americans who are not Jewish such as me and who are for Israel must be unAmerican in your eyes. Poor us, millions and millions of us stick up for Israel and we are considered unAmerican by people like Mike. If there were no Jews involved, Mike would not even be bothered with any of this. A person can be very loyal to their country but can still champion another country. The only reason we get the usual song and dance from people like you is because no matter how much you might deny it, you are still anti-Semitic. Oy, Oy, Oy, Mike!!!
I harbor a strong dislike for those people who put Arab terrorists who attack America before a proven ally.

Proven ally? They don't give a shit about you they just want your money and weapons. Btw, are you Jewish?

You have no idea how we think and how we want. So when it comes to this, better fill your mouth water.
It's a shame, Lipush, that the retired Naval Intelligence Officer is not posting anymore. Years ago he said that if Americans knew just how much Israel helped America, no American would complain about anything we helped Israel with. Maybe Baghdad Bob can tell us how his Arab friends have ever helped us.
That's barely anything, LOL.
But it sounds good -- especially to the brainwashed dupes who have gradually and methodically been conditioned to swallow this empty but rhetorically impressive propaganda for the past half century. These cerebral zombies are thoroughly convinced that Israel is an "ally" and the attack on the USS Liberty was an "accident. And if the media hadn't gotten hold of the Pollard espionage case that treacherous bastard would have walked away with 30 days community service and a $50 fine. As it is he is regarded as a hero in Israel.
Maybe if the State Department had not been so anti-Semitic, he would have gotten a seven-year sentence like that South Korean spy and would have been let out after six years. However, people like you would have set up a howl and would have yelled "To the stake, to the stake."

Written by an American Catholic........
The Truth About Jonathan Pollard
Vanishing the Palestinians


When the Zionists decided in 1897 to establish a Jewish state in Palestine, the Jews of Vienna despatched a delegation to examine the country for its suitability. The delegation reported back as follows: "the bride is beautiful but she is married to another man". They had found that Palestine to their dismay was already inhabited by another people. And this has been Zionism’s central problem ever since. How to "vanish the Palestinians" and get an empty land? The latest manifestation of this imperative is the barrier wall, which Israel is currently building to separate and enclose Palestinian towns and villages in the lands it occupied after 1967. There are those who rightly point to the wall’s illegality and infringement of human rights. And the International Court of Justice has just affirmed this view resoundingly in its ruling, passed on 9.7.04 by 14 of the 15 judges, that the wall was an illegal structure when in the occupied Palestinian territories and that Israel would have to tear it down and make restitution for the damage it has caused to thousands of Palestinians. This position is entirely valid, but critics, in my view, have missed one crucial aspect of the wall’s purpose, which is, to "vanish" the Palestinians, to make them so invisible that Israelis can go on pretending that there is no "other man".

More: Vanishing the Palestinians » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

A Synopsis of the Israel/Palestine Conflict

The Origin of the Palestine-Israel Conflict


Israel/Palestine: Refugees and Ethnic Cleansing

Jewish State: What it means & why all the controversy

Terrorism in Israel and Palestine

Religion in the Holy Land

The History of US-Israel Relations

The New Fusion: The Likud And The GOP - The Dish | By Andrew Sullivan - The Daily Beast

Jordan is not Palestine - Focus - Al Jazeera English

True Torah Jews Against Zionism

A Website for Seekers of Truth

Book review: "Married to Another Man" | The Electronic Intifada
came from
The Palestinians are not Arabs or Semites. They are from the Island of Crete.

The Palestinians: No, they are not any ancient people, but claim to be. They were born in a single day, after a war that lasted six days in 1967 c.e. If they were true Canaanites, they would speak Hebrew and demand from Syria to give them back their occupied homeland in Lebanon, but they are not. If they were Philistines, they would claim back the Isle of Crete from Greece and would recognize that they have nothing to do with the Land of Israel, and would ask excuses to Israel for having stolen the Ark of the Covenant.
Palestinian Myths

They were born in a single day, after a war that lasted six days in 1967 c.e.

Indeed, quite a miracle, no?
Does anyone here support the existence of Saudi arabia as a muslim country?

Does anyone here object to the dismantling of saudi arabia as a muslim


that is good tinnie----but you are only ONE person---more than a billion
people have been brain washed to believe and support and fight and
murder for the filthy and disgusting concept of Dar al Islam-----this
obscene idea is not some kind of arabian nights fantasy to the
depraved of the world -----it has already brought genocides of
HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS to the planet and the process is ongoing.
People (that includes jews) do have a RIGHT to resist that
stink of "dar al islam" and shariah shit.
Israel is one of several bulwarks against the vile SHARIAH SHIT .
India is another which is why the same filth that encourage their
own sluts to put bombs on their whore asses and kill children in
Israel-----attacked MUMBAI----and even attacked Bali---(because
it harbors Hindus) and continue to commit atrocities thruout the
world in the name of allah, isa and the rapist dog. Sadly---
there are compatible ideologies------you can discuss that issue
with sherri who supports the obscene imperialism of 'dar al islam'
Sallow; Oddball; blackhawk; et al,

I think we sometimes loose sight of the concept.

What the fuck has Israel done for America lately?

You mean..ever.

We are not allies because we expect a reward or a benefit for our actions. We are allies because it is the right thing to do.

Most Respectfully,

Helping another nation carry out a brutal Occupation that hurts and kills innocent children and civilians is not the right thing to do!
Sallow; Oddball; blackhawk; et al,

I think we sometimes loose sight of the concept.

You mean..ever.

We are not allies because we expect a reward or a benefit for our actions. We are allies because it is the right thing to do.

Most Respectfully,

Helping another nation carry out a brutal Occupation that hurts and kills innocent children and civilians is not the right thing to do!

It depends on perspective----for an isa-respecter PREVENTING GENOCIDE
in the name of alah, isa and the rapist dog -----is an ATROCITY in itself----
but it also leads many isa respecters to put bombs on their asses in order
to OVERCOME THE OBSTACLE to slitting baby throats to honor isa.

Interference with adolf abu ali's genocidal activities was also a crime and
in the eyes of isa respecters those who did are the ones responsible for
his death------he died desperate to continue to please allah, isa and the rapist
dog-----therefore a MARTYR in the creed of sherri

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