Why Does The Don Continually Refuse To Show His Taxes

If this were Obama the RW propaganda machine would have blown its engine ranting over this.

btw, Trump REALLY can't afford to do the right thing here, and show us his taxes, because he claimed that the tax bill was going to cost him a fortune,

and revealing his taxes for last year and the coming year would prove that to be one more lie.
The RW propaganda machine already blew its engine ranting over Obama's college transcripts. Yet Trump's tax returns are none of our business.

But most importantly, Mueller has Trumps returns.

Question remain about Obama's place of birth, but it no longer matters, he is nothing but a mistake that will go down in history as the worst president in history. He could have been a great uniting force for the country, but instead he divided it like never before.

Yes, Mueller probably has Trump's tax returns, if he releases them he will be in violation of federal law. If there was anything illegal in them, Mueller would have already leaked it.

your liberal butthurt never ends, does it? Trump beat Hillary, get the fuck over it and stop trying to destroy this great country.

You win dumbest post of the day.

not even close, you have already wrapped that award up for the year and its only February.

My post was 100% true, sorry if the truth offends you.
Trump doesn't accept that he's a public servant now.

And you're not accepting that he isn't required to show you diddly.

He's obviously not required to tell the truth either, lolol
IOW, pretty much like everyone else.

He's president, dumbass.
Which president is required to tell the truth, with the exception of famous liar Bubba Clinton, who was caught lying under oath? Something tells me you are laboring under a severe misconception.
Now the Bob Mueller case is getting deeper and Russians have proved to interfere with elections, the legetimacy of the election is gone.

Transparency is a must. Filthy Don breaks another promise and this only makes him look guilty of collusion.

Show you taxes and business dealings, now!

Probably the same reason Bill Clinton wouldn't release his medical records, John Kerry his military records, or Barrack Obama his college records!

right, in every case the opposition would have blown it out of proportion and created lies about what the data actually said or revealed. Both sides do it. Lets at least agree on that.
Trump doesn't accept that he's a public servant now.

And you're not accepting that he isn't required to show you diddly.

He's obviously not required to tell the truth either, lolol
IOW, pretty much like everyone else.

He's president, dumbass.
Which president is required to tell the truth, with the exception of famous liar Bubba Clinton, who was caught lying under oath? Something tells me you are laboring under a severe misconception.

lets expand that a bit, which POLITICIAN is required by law to tell the truth about anything?
And you're not accepting that he isn't required to show you diddly.

He's obviously not required to tell the truth either, lolol
IOW, pretty much like everyone else.

He's president, dumbass.
Which president is required to tell the truth, with the exception of famous liar Bubba Clinton, who was caught lying under oath? Something tells me you are laboring under a severe misconception.

lets expand that a bit, which POLITICIAN is required by law to tell the truth about anything?
Apparently Republicans.

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