Why Does Clinton Have More Support In Saudi Arabia Than In America?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"More Arabs believe Hillary Clinton should be president than Americans, an opinion poll of Middle Eastern countries suggests.

About 68 percent of those polled in Saudi Arabia favor Democratic nominee Clinton for president, and overall 66 percent of the population in nine Middle East countries believe she would be a better president, according to
an opinion poll conducted by the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies in Washington, D.C."

Maybe it has to do with the millions and millions of dollars has taken from the Saudis and all the access / favors they have bought from her...

"Clinton is criticized for questionable foreign donations accepted by the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation before, after and during Hillary’s term as secretary of state. Saudi Arabia donated between $10 to $25 million to the Clinton Foundation, with some donations coming as late as 2014 while Clinton was building her campaign for the presidency. The “Friends of Saudi Arabia,” co-founded by a Saudi prince also donated between $1 and $5 million to the Foundation.

The Foundation also received $12 million from a Moroccan mining company, which later received a $92 million loan guarantee from the U.S., in exchange for a meeting between Hillary Clinton and the king of Morocco, according to stolen emails from Clinton’s campaign released by WikiLeaks.

Moroccans hold Clinton in high regard, with 78 percent of the country favoring her for U.S. president, according to the Arab Center’s poll."

It SEEMS the trend is the more money Hillary takes, the more access and favor she sells, the higher her favorability rating is in these middle Eastern countries....Go Figure.

Clinton has more suppprt in pretty much every country . Except maybe those who are our enemies.
Maybe because Trump is universally hated in just about all Muslim countries?
Clinton has more suppprt in pretty much every country . Except maybe those who are our enemies.
I dunno, after she and Barry helped the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeida, ISIS, Mexican Drug Cartels...our enemies LOVE them....
Maybe because Trump is universally hated in just about all Muslim countries?
:wtf:That has nothing to do with Hillary - the topic....thanks for the panicked attempt to divert. :p
"More Arabs believe Hillary Clinton should be president than Americans, an opinion poll of Middle Eastern countries suggests.

About 68 percent of those polled in Saudi Arabia favor Democratic nominee Clinton for president, and overall 66 percent of the population in nine Middle East countries believe she would be a better president, according to
an opinion poll conducted by the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies in Washington, D.C."

Maybe it has to do with the millions and millions of dollars has taken from the Saudis and all the access / favors they have bought from her...

"Clinton is criticized for questionable foreign donations accepted by the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation before, after and during Hillary’s term as secretary of state. Saudi Arabia donated between $10 to $25 million to the Clinton Foundation, with some donations coming as late as 2014 while Clinton was building her campaign for the presidency. The “Friends of Saudi Arabia,” co-founded by a Saudi prince also donated between $1 and $5 million to the Foundation.

The Foundation also received $12 million from a Moroccan mining company, which later received a $92 million loan guarantee from the U.S., in exchange for a meeting between Hillary Clinton and the king of Morocco, according to stolen emails from Clinton’s campaign released by WikiLeaks.

Moroccans hold Clinton in high regard, with 78 percent of the country favoring her for U.S. president, according to the Arab Center’s poll."

It SEEMS the trend is the more money Hillary takes, the more access and favor she sells, the higher her favorability rating is in these middle Eastern countries....Go Figure.


your title is misleading------it should be------something like----
Clinton has a disproportionately high level of support amongst
arabs-----the DIFFERENCE between the Saudis and the rest
of the arabs in negligible------why single out Saudi Arabia?
your title is misleading------it should be------something like----
Clinton has a disproportionately high level of support amongst
arabs-----the DIFFERENCE between the Saudis and the rest
of the arabs in negligible------why single out Saudi Arabia?
You are not paying attention.
why single out Saudi Arabia?
I did not single out Saudi...

...It is what the article is about. I shared an article. The TITLE of the article is "Why Does Clinton Have More Support In Saudi Arabia Than In America?"

oh-----the title of the article is misleading. I like to clarify-----
CLINTON. For the record----so far it seems on the basis of generally misleading news comments out of Israel-----Israelis may give trump a slight edge (do not quote me----
Israeli columnists express that which is in their OWN heads
at any given time)
why do dumbo parrots repeat whatever they hear despite all facts to the contrary..?

notice i said facts and not 'evidence', like evidence of parrots squawking talking points are actual facts...

during the primaries, millions more votes were cast for ms hillary than either trump or bernie sanders.

yet look at the squawking parrots who repeat and repeat how supposedly unliked hillary is...

but ya those other 2 who received less votes were way more popular uh huh

people are intellectually lazy, not to mention overly emotional about these false narratives.

squawk squawk time to teach the parrots to change their tune to 'Madame President' :thup:
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your title is misleading------it should be------something like----
Clinton has a disproportionately high level of support amongst
arabs-----the DIFFERENCE between the Saudis and the rest
of the arabs in negligible------why single out Saudi Arabia?
You are not paying attention.

I have been paying far TOO MUCH attention------it has been
having an effect on my physiology
Because Sunni Saudi wants the US to take out Shia Iran, and all it takes to get Hillary to do anything is $$$ and the Saudis have plenty...
Why is Budweiser beer most popular yet tastes so badly?

an interesting question-----about 45 years ago I noticed that
people from south east asia------both muslims and hindus---liked BUD-----but some muslims liked SCHLITZ------(I never drink beer----it ALL tastes like poison mixed with dish detergent to me)
At the time I was working in a place with lots of newcomers from south east asia. -----I asked a Pakistani who belonged to the
SCHLITZ party------he said Bud is "very mild" I assumed that was a kind of "put-down" (the sectarian thing was so
obvious) ???????

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