WHY Does A Politician Known For Leaking Information Still Have a Security Clearance & Still Run The House Intel Committee?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Once again D-Adam Schiff has chosen to seek personal attention by leaking what should be 'In-House' Intel concerns to the media before sending it to the representative he was addressing...

"Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell accused House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff late Tuesday of “politicizing” the intelligence community by leaking concerns about personnel changes to the press.

Schiff, D-Calif., on Tuesday, penned a letter to Grenell laying out his concerns with the acting director’s staffing changes in the Office of National Intelligence."

The problem was / is that Schiff LEAKED THE LETTER TO THE MEDIA before he sent it to Director Grenell.

“His letter was sent to the press before it was sent to me,” Grenell tweeted late Tuesday. “These press leaks politicizing the intelligence community must stop.”

Schiff is the greatest gift to foreign Intelligence operations / agencies since D-Feinstein was caught facilitating Chinese espionage for decades. The guy leaks more than a screen door on a submarine.

So why does this proven untrustworthy, lying asshole 1) still have a security clearance, and 2) still hold the position as House Intel Committee Chairman?

Which the hub has asked multiple times. once a soldier leaves his duties he can't get a security clearance without the whole process etc...... They can't keep them once it expires etc. It has to be renewed or upgraded etc...
Same old same old. Schiff keeps exposing Trump cult corruption, so the Trump cult is making up stories of fake crimes and demanding that he be sentenced to the gulag, along with anyone else exposing DearLeader's crimes. It's classic Stalinist behavior.

It's not a question of how Trump cultists are similar to Stalinists. It's a question of whether they differ from Stalinists in any significant way. They don't.
Once again D-Adam Schiff has chosen to seek personal attention by leaking what should be 'In-House' Intel concerns to the media before sending it to the representative he was addressing...

"Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell accused House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff late Tuesday of “politicizing” the intelligence community by leaking concerns about personnel changes to the press.

Schiff, D-Calif., on Tuesday, penned a letter to Grenell laying out his concerns with the acting director’s staffing changes in the Office of National Intelligence."

The problem was / is that Schiff LEAKED THE LETTER TO THE MEDIA before he sent it to Director Grenell.

“His letter was sent to the press before it was sent to me,” Grenell tweeted late Tuesday. “These press leaks politicizing the intelligence community must stop.”

Schiff is the greatest gift to foreign Intelligence operations / agencies since D-Feinstein was caught facilitating Chinese espionage for decades. The guy leaks more than a screen door on a submarine.

So why does this proven untrustworthy, lying asshole 1) still have a security clearance, and 2) still hold the position as House Intel Committee Chairman?


Oh jeepers, another "acting head" (read Trump boot licker here) makes an accusation about politicizing. I'm sure this guy will be gone by the end of next week.
Schiff is a former prosecutor. Toss all the poo against the wall you'd like and attempt the repeated distractions. Sorry, still no exoneration. :)
Once again D-Adam Schiff has chosen to seek personal attention by leaking what should be 'In-House' Intel concerns to the media before sending it to the representative he was addressing...

"Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell accused House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff late Tuesday of “politicizing” the intelligence community by leaking concerns about personnel changes to the press.

Schiff, D-Calif., on Tuesday, penned a letter to Grenell laying out his concerns with the acting director’s staffing changes in the Office of National Intelligence."

The problem was / is that Schiff LEAKED THE LETTER TO THE MEDIA before he sent it to Director Grenell.

“His letter was sent to the press before it was sent to me,” Grenell tweeted late Tuesday. “These press leaks politicizing the intelligence community must stop.”

Schiff is the greatest gift to foreign Intelligence operations / agencies since D-Feinstein was caught facilitating Chinese espionage for decades. The guy leaks more than a screen door on a submarine.

So why does this proven untrustworthy, lying asshole 1) still have a security clearance, and 2) still hold the position as House Intel Committee Chairman?

That asshole should have been locked up long ago. The first thing the republican house needs to do after the election if he's still there is to censure the asshole and if they have a super majority, expel and kick his ass to the curb.
Same old same old. Schiff keeps exposing Trump cult corruption, so the Trump cult is making up stories of fake crimes iand demanding that he go to the gulag, along with anyone else exposing DearLeader's crimes. It's classic Stalinist behavior.

It's not a question of how Trump cultists are similar to Stalinists. It's a question of whether they differ from Stalinists in any significant way. They don't.

If Schiff is supposedly exposing Trump cult corruption, why did his little "impeachment" dog and pony show utterly fail to remove President Trump from office?

That was nothing but a monumental waste of time, money, and resources. And you brain-dead zombie cultists fell for it hook, line, and sinker, din't ya?

Don't you feel the least bit stupid right now? You should.
Same old same old. Schiff keeps exposing Trump cult corruption, so the Trump cult is making up stories of fake crimes iand demanding that he go to the gulag, along with anyone else exposing DearLeader's crimes. It's classic Stalinist behavior.

It's not a question of how Trump cultists are similar to Stalinists. It's a question of whether they differ from Stalinists in any significant way. They don't.

If Schiff is supposedly exposing Trump cult corruption, why did his little "impeachment" dog and pony show utterly fail to remove President Trump from office?

That was nothing but a monumental waste of time, money, and resources. And you brain-dead zombie cultists fell for it hook, line, and sinker, din't ya?

Don't you feel the least bit stupid right now? You should.

And you can thank Moscow Mitch and his merry band of Republican sycophants for letting Trump off the hook when he should have gotten the hook.
Only the third President in history impeached. No exoneration.

That's OK. November is only 5 months away.
If Schiff is supposedly exposing Trump cult corruption, why did his little "impeachment" dog and pony show utterly fail to remove President Trump from office?
That was nothing but a monumental waste of time, money, and resources. And you brain-dead zombie cultists fell for it hook, line, and sinker, din't ya?
the intelligence committee is the committee that should h ave investigated China's numbers on COVID19 and claims that it was not transmissable human to human, but guess what they were doing instead?
If Schiff is supposedly exposing Trump cult corruption, why did his little "impeachment" dog and pony show utterly fail to remove President Trump from office?

Duh. Because the Stalinst Republican senate gave DearLeader a free pass on criminality. As my point is how corrupt the side you worship is, I thank you for highlighting that.

Were you paying attention at all? The Trump admin didn't contest any charges. They admitted they were guilty as charged. They just said that a president -- meaning a Republican president -- is allowed to commit any crime he wants. And the senate agreed, and you agree, becuase that's how Stalinist cults roll.

So why do you act like that? Because showing your willingness to engage in stupidity and corruption on behalf of your cult demonstrates your loyalty to the cult, earning you big brownie points with the cult. You're like a jihadist trying to scream "Allahu Ahkbar!' the loudest. Your display isn't for the public, it's for the other cultists. And I understand why you'd want to do that, given how violent and unstable your cult is, and how much your cult hates apostates.
Same old same old. Schiff keeps exposing Trump cult corruption, so the Trump cult is making up stories of fake crimes and demanding that he be sentenced to the gulag, along with anyone else exposing DearLeader's crimes. It's classic Stalinist behavior.

It's not a question of how Trump cultists are similar to Stalinists. It's a question of whether they differ from Stalinists in any significant way. They don't.

Former FBI Director James Comey publicly confessed to leaking classified information with the intent to begin a pre-coordinated process (exposed in later evidence) to remove the President from office without cause to do so, based on a false narrative. Despite Comey publicly admitting this during a video-taped interview, Democrats and snowflakes both claim this never happened and continue to lie and try to 'spin' it away.

Former CIA Director John Brennan was caught illegally spying on (reporters, the media, US citizens, USSC Justices, and...) US Senators - He was forced to appear before Congress to confess what he had done and swear it would never happen again (which he did) to avoid indictment / conviction...yet Democrats and snowflakes ignore it, deny it, and declare Brennan would never stoop to something like illegally spying on Trump and his team....

At a certain point the massive amount of historical evidence against what Democrats and snowflakes claim after Democrats have been caught committing crimes is just too great to overcome and you must acknowledge that it is either choice or a mental disorder that drives them to continue this never-ending denial and defense of proven criminals.

Like the boy who cried wolf, when substantial evidence is presented against Democrats like Schiff, the knee-jerk response from the Left that it is all 'BS' has to be rejected immediately because we have heard it so many times before and never with any link or substance to support the denial...
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If Schiff is supposedly exposing Trump cult corruption, why did his little "impeachment" dog and pony show utterly fail to remove President Trump from office?

Duh. Because the Stalinst Republican senate gave DearLeader a free pass on criminality. As my point is how corrupt the side you worship is, I thank you for highlighting that.

Were you paying attention at all? The Trump admin didn't contest any charges. They admitted they were guilty as charged. They just said that a president -- meaning a Republican president -- is allowed to commit any crime he wants. And the senate agreed, and you agree, becuase that's how Stalinist cults roll.

So why do you act like that? Because showing your willingness to engage in stupidity and corruption on behalf of your cult demonstrates your loyalty to the cult, earning you big brownie points with the cult. You're like a jihadist trying to scream "Allahu Ahkbar!' the loudest. Your display isn't for the public, it's for the other cultists. And I understand why you'd want to do that, given how violent and unstable your cult is, and how much your cult hates apostates.

Wowsers. You zipperheads are becoming more unhinged and unstable by the day. I can only imagine how apeshit you're gonna go after Trump is reelected again at the end of this year.


So as expected, you ran. Don't worry. Given your history, nobody expected better of you, meaning you didn't disappoint anyone.

It's not debatable that the Trump admin admitted Trump was guilty as charged. Schiff's case was that good, so they had no other option.

That's why you're so butthurt about Schiff. He proved Trump's corruption and your corruption, therefore you want him in the gulag. That's how Stalinists roll.
Same old same old. Schiff keeps exposing Trump cult corruption, so the Trump cult is making up stories of fake crimes iand demanding that he go to the gulag, along with anyone else exposing DearLeader's crimes. It's classic Stalinist behavior.

It's not a question of how Trump cultists are similar to Stalinists. It's a question of whether they differ from Stalinists in any significant way. They don't.

If Schiff is supposedly exposing Trump cult corruption, why did his little "impeachment" dog and pony show utterly fail to remove President Trump from office?

That was nothing but a monumental waste of time, money, and resources. And you brain-dead zombie cultists fell for it hook, line, and sinker, din't ya?

Don't you feel the least bit stupid right now? You should.

And you can thank Moscow Mitch and his merry band of Republican sycophants for letting Trump off the hook when he should have gotten the hook.
Only the third President in history impeached. No exoneration.

That's OK. November is only 5 months away.

Keep telling yourself that, hillbilly. I'm going to really enjoy the wailing, gnashing of teeth, and tears after the President you hate so much, gets another term.

I'll be back to dig at you every day and get under your skin, you can bet on that.
I'll be back to dig at you every day and get under your skin, you can bet on that.

Have you seen trump's poll numbers? Head to head with Biden? Individual states? I suppose you have, which explains your hysteria.

At this stage, Trump's only hope is to effectively use Covid-19 as an excuse to cancel elections, or at least depress turnout to the point where effectively nobody in urban areas can vote (as the Republicans just did in Wisconsin). And you'd support that, because that's how Stalinists roll.

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