Why do you think Joker should be Member of the Month???


Senior Member
Aug 13, 2004
Another Shameless promotion on my part.
But what the hell, if I can get the extra support...

So tell Jim and SE why I should be Member of the Month here.......
Umm.. So you stop squawking about it?

**runs & hides**

Just kidding, sweets. :)
-=d=- said:
We had a policy on a board I ran a few years ago... when choosing 'mega moderators'.

"Those who ASK to be, shall not." ;)

Good thing I'm not asking to be a moderator...

Notice that this thread is in the HUMOR section......
manu1959 said:
you been taking to USA again?

No, I hope she's doing okay. He's always bragging though, it isn't hard to hear about such impressive stuff he does. He does an impressive armpit rendition of God Save the Queen too.
Ok so, I need some more votes....
Or just need to keep this up till Jim and SE give in.

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