Why do we put up with this?

"The daily US mortality rate for COVID-19 deaths is equivalent to the September 11, 2001, attacks, which claimed 2988 lives, occurring every 1.5 days, or 15 Airbus 320 jetliners, each carrying 150 passengers, crashing every day."

"The daily US mortality rate for COVID-19 deaths is equivalent to the September 11, 2001, attacks, which claimed 2988 lives, occurring every 1.5 days, or 15 Airbus 320 jetliners, each carrying 150 passengers, crashing every day."

give it up,, we dont believe your fake numbers,,
Salon owner accuses Oregon governor of retaliating for resisting lockdown orders: 'She terrorized my family' | Fox News
Glamour Salon owner Lindsey Graham reopened her salon in May and received a fine of $14,000 from the state. Graham claimed that Brown began to personally "terrorize" her family, and threatened to place her children under the care of Child Protective Services to "intimidate" her into closing her salon doors.

"She terrorized myself, she terrorized my stylists, and she terrorized my family. She took every government agency she could, and she put her full weight into intimidating me into closing, including sending Child Protective Cervices to my home and threatening the removal of my children."

Three days after publically opening her salon, Child Protective Services showed up at Graham's home and "interviewed my children without my presence," she explained.

They "opened a full-blown case against me which was completely bogus and unwarranted, and it didn't come until I shot back at them with a threat of the lawsuit," that they backed down, Graham said.

Why? This is horseshit. Our ancestors are rolling over in their graves. Everything they did was for NOTHING.

But at least old men perverts can use the same bathroom with little girls if they so choose....

Another BIG LIE ^^^.

STATEMENT: But at least old men perverts can use the same bathroom with little girls if they so choose....

RESPONSE: They may use the same restroom but not at the same time; these single restrooms have locks, and little girls are more likely to be accompanied by a parent. or guardian. Simple statements are misleading, and of course that is your intent.

[ page left blank, as is the mind of westwall ]

Sure thing synthy....
Salon owner accuses Oregon governor of retaliating for resisting lockdown orders: 'She terrorized my family' | Fox News
Glamour Salon owner Lindsey Graham reopened her salon in May and received a fine of $14,000 from the state. Graham claimed that Brown began to personally "terrorize" her family, and threatened to place her children under the care of Child Protective Services to "intimidate" her into closing her salon doors.

"She terrorized myself, she terrorized my stylists, and she terrorized my family. She took every government agency she could, and she put her full weight into intimidating me into closing, including sending Child Protective Cervices to my home and threatening the removal of my children."

Three days after publically opening her salon, Child Protective Services showed up at Graham's home and "interviewed my children without my presence," she explained.

They "opened a full-blown case against me which was completely bogus and unwarranted, and it didn't come until I shot back at them with a threat of the lawsuit," that they backed down, Graham said.

Why? This is horseshit. Our ancestors are rolling over in their graves. Everything they did was for NOTHING.
Why do right wingers only complain when the less fortunate are "illegal to the law"?
Exactly. WTF. Only illegals don't care about the law.
are you trying to say this lockdown was law?
In my state it was. I read it. The gov is given the authority, requiring the legislature's approval every 90 days.
youre confused,,, no state authority over rides the constitution,,,
I know that. The USSC has upheld the states' authority in this. SC has also upheld that Covid is indeed a public health emergency.
Salon owner accuses Oregon governor of retaliating for resisting lockdown orders: 'She terrorized my family' | Fox News
Glamour Salon owner Lindsey Graham reopened her salon in May and received a fine of $14,000 from the state. Graham claimed that Brown began to personally "terrorize" her family, and threatened to place her children under the care of Child Protective Services to "intimidate" her into closing her salon doors.

"She terrorized myself, she terrorized my stylists, and she terrorized my family. She took every government agency she could, and she put her full weight into intimidating me into closing, including sending Child Protective Cervices to my home and threatening the removal of my children."

Three days after publically opening her salon, Child Protective Services showed up at Graham's home and "interviewed my children without my presence," she explained.

They "opened a full-blown case against me which was completely bogus and unwarranted, and it didn't come until I shot back at them with a threat of the lawsuit," that they backed down, Graham said.

Why? This is horseshit. Our ancestors are rolling over in their graves. Everything they did was for NOTHING.
Why do right wingers only complain when the less fortunate are "illegal to the law"?
Exactly. WTF. Only illegals don't care about the law.
are you trying to say this lockdown was law?
In my state it was. I read it. The gov is given the authority, requiring the legislature's approval every 90 days.
youre confused,,, no state authority over rides the constitution,,,
I know that. The USSC has upheld the states' authority in this. SC has also upheld that Covid is indeed a public health emergency.
no they havent,,, they have shot them down,,
Salon owner accuses Oregon governor of retaliating for resisting lockdown orders: 'She terrorized my family' | Fox News
Glamour Salon owner Lindsey Graham reopened her salon in May and received a fine of $14,000 from the state. Graham claimed that Brown began to personally "terrorize" her family, and threatened to place her children under the care of Child Protective Services to "intimidate" her into closing her salon doors.

"She terrorized myself, she terrorized my stylists, and she terrorized my family. She took every government agency she could, and she put her full weight into intimidating me into closing, including sending Child Protective Cervices to my home and threatening the removal of my children."

Three days after publically opening her salon, Child Protective Services showed up at Graham's home and "interviewed my children without my presence," she explained.

They "opened a full-blown case against me which was completely bogus and unwarranted, and it didn't come until I shot back at them with a threat of the lawsuit," that they backed down, Graham said.

Why? This is horseshit. Our ancestors are rolling over in their graves. Everything they did was for NOTHING.
Why do right wingers only complain when the less fortunate are "illegal to the law"?
Exactly. WTF. Only illegals don't care about the law.
are you trying to say this lockdown was law?
In my state it was. I read it. The gov is given the authority, requiring the legislature's approval every 90 days.
youre confused,,, no state authority over rides the constitution,,,
I know that. The USSC has upheld the states' authority in this. SC has also upheld that Covid is indeed a public health emergency.
no they havent,,, they have shot them down,,
For specific rules that were discriminatory toward a single group. States can't do that.
Salon owner accuses Oregon governor of retaliating for resisting lockdown orders: 'She terrorized my family' | Fox News
Glamour Salon owner Lindsey Graham reopened her salon in May and received a fine of $14,000 from the state. Graham claimed that Brown began to personally "terrorize" her family, and threatened to place her children under the care of Child Protective Services to "intimidate" her into closing her salon doors.

"She terrorized myself, she terrorized my stylists, and she terrorized my family. She took every government agency she could, and she put her full weight into intimidating me into closing, including sending Child Protective Cervices to my home and threatening the removal of my children."

Three days after publically opening her salon, Child Protective Services showed up at Graham's home and "interviewed my children without my presence," she explained.

They "opened a full-blown case against me which was completely bogus and unwarranted, and it didn't come until I shot back at them with a threat of the lawsuit," that they backed down, Graham said.

Why? This is horseshit. Our ancestors are rolling over in their graves. Everything they did was for NOTHING.
Why do right wingers only complain when the less fortunate are "illegal to the law"?
Exactly. WTF. Only illegals don't care about the law.
are you trying to say this lockdown was law?
In my state it was. I read it. The gov is given the authority, requiring the legislature's approval every 90 days.
Given the authority by what? Certainly wasnt the Constitution
Salon owner accuses Oregon governor of retaliating for resisting lockdown orders: 'She terrorized my family' | Fox News
Glamour Salon owner Lindsey Graham reopened her salon in May and received a fine of $14,000 from the state. Graham claimed that Brown began to personally "terrorize" her family, and threatened to place her children under the care of Child Protective Services to "intimidate" her into closing her salon doors.

"She terrorized myself, she terrorized my stylists, and she terrorized my family. She took every government agency she could, and she put her full weight into intimidating me into closing, including sending Child Protective Cervices to my home and threatening the removal of my children."

Three days after publically opening her salon, Child Protective Services showed up at Graham's home and "interviewed my children without my presence," she explained.

They "opened a full-blown case against me which was completely bogus and unwarranted, and it didn't come until I shot back at them with a threat of the lawsuit," that they backed down, Graham said.

Why? This is horseshit. Our ancestors are rolling over in their graves. Everything they did was for NOTHING.
Why do right wingers only complain when the less fortunate are "illegal to the law"?
Exactly. WTF. Only illegals don't care about the law.
are you trying to say this lockdown was law?
In my state it was. I read it. The gov is given the authority, requiring the legislature's approval every 90 days.
Given the authority by what? Certainly wasnt the Constitution
? Those powers not granted to the federal government are left to the states. The states enacted legislation to authorize their governors to act in the case of a public health emergency or other disaster. I'm sure you knew that, though, by this time. So what's your real question?
Salon owner accuses Oregon governor of retaliating for resisting lockdown orders: 'She terrorized my family' | Fox News
Glamour Salon owner Lindsey Graham reopened her salon in May and received a fine of $14,000 from the state. Graham claimed that Brown began to personally "terrorize" her family, and threatened to place her children under the care of Child Protective Services to "intimidate" her into closing her salon doors.

"She terrorized myself, she terrorized my stylists, and she terrorized my family. She took every government agency she could, and she put her full weight into intimidating me into closing, including sending Child Protective Cervices to my home and threatening the removal of my children."

Three days after publically opening her salon, Child Protective Services showed up at Graham's home and "interviewed my children without my presence," she explained.

They "opened a full-blown case against me which was completely bogus and unwarranted, and it didn't come until I shot back at them with a threat of the lawsuit," that they backed down, Graham said.

Why? This is horseshit. Our ancestors are rolling over in their graves. Everything they did was for NOTHING.
Why do right wingers only complain when the less fortunate are "illegal to the law"?
Exactly. WTF. Only illegals don't care about the law.
are you trying to say this lockdown was law?
In my state it was. I read it. The gov is given the authority, requiring the legislature's approval every 90 days.
Given the authority by what? Certainly wasnt the Constitution
? Those powers not granted to the federal government are left to the states. The states enacted legislation to authorize their governors to act in the case of a public health emergency or other disaster. I'm sure you knew that, though, by this time. So what's your real question?
So the states can take away constitutional rights on a whim? The Constitution fails to mention that. Maybe some person in a rob made it up?
The argument long has been to do what you are told and no one gets hurt. Then take it to court. So according to that logic she should have shut down and took it to court.
And how long would it take a court to hear the case?

About as long as it would for the others that are told to do this.
The problem with justice in our country, is it’s difficult to obtain via the courts. The deck is stacked in favor of the government in numerous ways. The cost to litigate is just one. However, the wealthy aren’t nearly as encumbered by our corrupt judicial system. They can afford to buy justice. The rest of us often get railroaded.

As I've often noted, an unjust justice system.
The argument long has been to do what you are told and no one gets hurt. Then take it to court. So according to that logic she should have shut down and took it to court.
Unless you're a democrat, then it is Burn, Loot, Murder, and riot with Kate's approval for three solid months. So much for your one-sided logic.

One sided? I said this lady should protest if need be..
Salon owner accuses Oregon governor of retaliating for resisting lockdown orders: 'She terrorized my family' | Fox News
Glamour Salon owner Lindsey Graham reopened her salon in May and received a fine of $14,000 from the state. Graham claimed that Brown began to personally "terrorize" her family, and threatened to place her children under the care of Child Protective Services to "intimidate" her into closing her salon doors.

"She terrorized myself, she terrorized my stylists, and she terrorized my family. She took every government agency she could, and she put her full weight into intimidating me into closing, including sending Child Protective Cervices to my home and threatening the removal of my children."

Three days after publically opening her salon, Child Protective Services showed up at Graham's home and "interviewed my children without my presence," she explained.

They "opened a full-blown case against me which was completely bogus and unwarranted, and it didn't come until I shot back at them with a threat of the lawsuit," that they backed down, Graham said.

Why? This is horseshit. Our ancestors are rolling over in their graves. Everything they did was for NOTHING.
Unfortunately, only French-Revolution-Style Justice will stop this horse shit.

I have begun drawing up plans for this:



I need 75 pounds of high carbon steel for the blade, and I need a much bigger forge. Maybe now is a good time to add a coal forge. My gas forge is way too small and I don't think I could construct one big enough without some serious costs.
Salon owner accuses Oregon governor of retaliating for resisting lockdown orders: 'She terrorized my family' | Fox News
Glamour Salon owner Lindsey Graham reopened her salon in May and received a fine of $14,000 from the state. Graham claimed that Brown began to personally "terrorize" her family, and threatened to place her children under the care of Child Protective Services to "intimidate" her into closing her salon doors.

"She terrorized myself, she terrorized my stylists, and she terrorized my family. She took every government agency she could, and she put her full weight into intimidating me into closing, including sending Child Protective Cervices to my home and threatening the removal of my children."

Three days after publically opening her salon, Child Protective Services showed up at Graham's home and "interviewed my children without my presence," she explained.

They "opened a full-blown case against me which was completely bogus and unwarranted, and it didn't come until I shot back at them with a threat of the lawsuit," that they backed down, Graham said.

Why? This is horseshit. Our ancestors are rolling over in their graves. Everything they did was for NOTHING.
Why do right wingers only complain when the less fortunate are "illegal to the law"?
Exactly. WTF. Only illegals don't care about the law.
are you trying to say this lockdown was law?
In my state it was. I read it. The gov is given the authority, requiring the legislature's approval every 90 days.
Given the authority by what? Certainly wasnt the Constitution
? Those powers not granted to the federal government are left to the states. The states enacted legislation to authorize their governors to act in the case of a public health emergency or other disaster. I'm sure you knew that, though, by this time. So what's your real question?
So the states can take away constitutional rights on a whim? The Constitution fails to mention that. Maybe some person in a rob made it up?
Which Constitutional right has been taken away by what restriction?
Salon owner accuses Oregon governor of retaliating for resisting lockdown orders: 'She terrorized my family' | Fox News
Glamour Salon owner Lindsey Graham reopened her salon in May and received a fine of $14,000 from the state. Graham claimed that Brown began to personally "terrorize" her family, and threatened to place her children under the care of Child Protective Services to "intimidate" her into closing her salon doors.

"She terrorized myself, she terrorized my stylists, and she terrorized my family. She took every government agency she could, and she put her full weight into intimidating me into closing, including sending Child Protective Cervices to my home and threatening the removal of my children."

Three days after publically opening her salon, Child Protective Services showed up at Graham's home and "interviewed my children without my presence," she explained.

They "opened a full-blown case against me which was completely bogus and unwarranted, and it didn't come until I shot back at them with a threat of the lawsuit," that they backed down, Graham said.

Why? This is horseshit. Our ancestors are rolling over in their graves. Everything they did was for NOTHING.
Why do right wingers only complain when the less fortunate are "illegal to the law"?
Exactly. WTF. Only illegals don't care about the law.
are you trying to say this lockdown was law?
In my state it was. I read it. The gov is given the authority, requiring the legislature's approval every 90 days.
Given the authority by what? Certainly wasnt the Constitution
? Those powers not granted to the federal government are left to the states. The states enacted legislation to authorize their governors to act in the case of a public health emergency or other disaster. I'm sure you knew that, though, by this time. So what's your real question?
So the states can take away constitutional rights on a whim? The Constitution fails to mention that. Maybe some person in a rob made it up?
Which Constitutional right has been taken away by what restriction?
right of assembly. Due process (IE free movement). Privileges and immunities clause. Also, it defies our negative rights. IE natural rights.
I can probably come up with more, if youd like.
Salon owner accuses Oregon governor of retaliating for resisting lockdown orders: 'She terrorized my family' | Fox News
Glamour Salon owner Lindsey Graham reopened her salon in May and received a fine of $14,000 from the state. Graham claimed that Brown began to personally "terrorize" her family, and threatened to place her children under the care of Child Protective Services to "intimidate" her into closing her salon doors.

"She terrorized myself, she terrorized my stylists, and she terrorized my family. She took every government agency she could, and she put her full weight into intimidating me into closing, including sending Child Protective Cervices to my home and threatening the removal of my children."

Three days after publically opening her salon, Child Protective Services showed up at Graham's home and "interviewed my children without my presence," she explained.

They "opened a full-blown case against me which was completely bogus and unwarranted, and it didn't come until I shot back at them with a threat of the lawsuit," that they backed down, Graham said.

Why? This is horseshit. Our ancestors are rolling over in their graves. Everything they did was for NOTHING.
Why do right wingers only complain when the less fortunate are "illegal to the law"?
Exactly. WTF. Only illegals don't care about the law.
are you trying to say this lockdown was law?
In my state it was. I read it. The gov is given the authority, requiring the legislature's approval every 90 days.
Given the authority by what? Certainly wasnt the Constitution
? Those powers not granted to the federal government are left to the states. The states enacted legislation to authorize their governors to act in the case of a public health emergency or other disaster. I'm sure you knew that, though, by this time. So what's your real question?
So the states can take away constitutional rights on a whim? The Constitution fails to mention that. Maybe some person in a rob made it up?
Which Constitutional right has been taken away by what restriction?
right of assembly. Due process (IE free movement). Privileges and immunities clause. Also, it defies our negative rights. IE natural rights.
I can probably come up with more, if youd like.
It's a pandemic, a highly contagious, deadly disease killing thousands every day. The woman runs a hair salon where close contact is unavoidable and is nonessential. There are relief funds available to small businesses like hers. Didn't they decline to prosecute this gal months ago?

Leave the Constitutional lawyering to the Constitutional lawyers and the justices, TN. Yes, the pandemic rots, but blaming the government for trying to save your life is pretty lame. We'll get through this if people cooperate. If they don't, it will go on and on. Which would you prefer?
Salon owner accuses Oregon governor of retaliating for resisting lockdown orders: 'She terrorized my family' | Fox News
Glamour Salon owner Lindsey Graham reopened her salon in May and received a fine of $14,000 from the state. Graham claimed that Brown began to personally "terrorize" her family, and threatened to place her children under the care of Child Protective Services to "intimidate" her into closing her salon doors.

"She terrorized myself, she terrorized my stylists, and she terrorized my family. She took every government agency she could, and she put her full weight into intimidating me into closing, including sending Child Protective Cervices to my home and threatening the removal of my children."

Three days after publically opening her salon, Child Protective Services showed up at Graham's home and "interviewed my children without my presence," she explained.

They "opened a full-blown case against me which was completely bogus and unwarranted, and it didn't come until I shot back at them with a threat of the lawsuit," that they backed down, Graham said.

Why? This is horseshit. Our ancestors are rolling over in their graves. Everything they did was for NOTHING.
Why do right wingers only complain when the less fortunate are "illegal to the law"?
Exactly. WTF. Only illegals don't care about the law.
are you trying to say this lockdown was law?
In my state it was. I read it. The gov is given the authority, requiring the legislature's approval every 90 days.
Given the authority by what? Certainly wasnt the Constitution
? Those powers not granted to the federal government are left to the states. The states enacted legislation to authorize their governors to act in the case of a public health emergency or other disaster. I'm sure you knew that, though, by this time. So what's your real question?
So the states can take away constitutional rights on a whim? The Constitution fails to mention that. Maybe some person in a rob made it up?
Which Constitutional right has been taken away by what restriction?
right of assembly. Due process (IE free movement). Privileges and immunities clause. Also, it defies our negative rights. IE natural rights.
I can probably come up with more, if youd like.
It's a pandemic, a highly contagious, deadly disease killing thousands every day. The woman runs a hair salon where close contact is unavoidable and is nonessential. There are relief funds available to small businesses like hers. Didn't they decline to prosecute this gal months ago?

Leave the Constitutional lawyering to the Constitutional lawyers and the justices, TN. Yes, the pandemic rots, but blaming the government for trying to save your life is pretty lame. We'll get through this if people cooperate. If they don't, it will go on and on. Which would you prefer?

"let them eat cake"

Salon owner accuses Oregon governor of retaliating for resisting lockdown orders: 'She terrorized my family' | Fox News
Glamour Salon owner Lindsey Graham reopened her salon in May and received a fine of $14,000 from the state. Graham claimed that Brown began to personally "terrorize" her family, and threatened to place her children under the care of Child Protective Services to "intimidate" her into closing her salon doors.

"She terrorized myself, she terrorized my stylists, and she terrorized my family. She took every government agency she could, and she put her full weight into intimidating me into closing, including sending Child Protective Cervices to my home and threatening the removal of my children."

Three days after publically opening her salon, Child Protective Services showed up at Graham's home and "interviewed my children without my presence," she explained.

They "opened a full-blown case against me which was completely bogus and unwarranted, and it didn't come until I shot back at them with a threat of the lawsuit," that they backed down, Graham said.

Why? This is horseshit. Our ancestors are rolling over in their graves. Everything they did was for NOTHING.
Why do right wingers only complain when the less fortunate are "illegal to the law"?
Exactly. WTF. Only illegals don't care about the law.
are you trying to say this lockdown was law?
In my state it was. I read it. The gov is given the authority, requiring the legislature's approval every 90 days.
Given the authority by what? Certainly wasnt the Constitution
? Those powers not granted to the federal government are left to the states. The states enacted legislation to authorize their governors to act in the case of a public health emergency or other disaster. I'm sure you knew that, though, by this time. So what's your real question?
So the states can take away constitutional rights on a whim? The Constitution fails to mention that. Maybe some person in a rob made it up?
Which Constitutional right has been taken away by what restriction?
right of assembly. Due process (IE free movement). Privileges and immunities clause. Also, it defies our negative rights. IE natural rights.
I can probably come up with more, if youd like.
It's a pandemic, a highly contagious, deadly disease killing thousands every day. The woman runs a hair salon where close contact is unavoidable and is nonessential. There are relief funds available to small businesses like hers. Didn't they decline to prosecute this gal months ago?

Leave the Constitutional lawyering to the Constitutional lawyers and the justices, TN. Yes, the pandemic rots, but blaming the government for trying to save your life is pretty lame. We'll get through this if people cooperate. If they don't, it will go on and on. Which would you prefer?

"let them eat cake"

She was following rules, one customer at a time. What is your point?

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