Why do Trumpers keep pulling this shit? Ingraham claims 5 miles wait line 4 Trump Pheonix rally

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Here's another question, who cares? In the great scheme of things, who cares about some offhand comment.
It's an offhand comment. Obama's birth certificate was an offhand comment. There were no meetings between the Trump campaign and any Russians was an offhand comment. John McCain was not a hero was an offhand comment. Grab em by the pussy was an offhand comment.

But taken over time, taken in small doses, offhand comments can be forged from nothing into something held as gospel by the undereducated, the frustrated, the hoy poloy. In other words, those poor gullible chumps who thought making Donald J. Trump the President of the United States would be a good idea.
PoliticalChic delivered you and g5000 one of the most epic smack downs I've ever seen on a message board, nat4900. lol

Political Chic couldn't deliver flyshit if it landed on her nose and she scooped it out and placed it in her Trump chalice to offer it up to her God Emperor.

Anyone that thinks that batchit cra cra could deliver anything is typing from an insane asylum or nursing home.
Why does this kind of trivial bullshit get so much attention?

Who fucking cares

Nobody cares how many went to the rally. It's the constant lies trying to make everything sound bigger and better than it was that gets everyone's attention. You don't get that?
I don't get WHY IT FUCKING MATTERS. What damn difference does it make?

Constant lies matter. If you don't get that, you're dumber than I thought.
That woman has no control over my life. She could NEVER tell the truth and it would have 0 impact on me.

The level of petty whining about anything & everything is quite astonishing.

No, She individually doesn't count. However, it's not just her. The orange clown lies about everything from how big the crowd at his inauguration was, and if it rained that day to what he said on video tape yesterday. His media wing, (fox, alex jones, hannity, etc) join in on the sham at every opportunity. It's not about her telling one lie. It's about the concerted effort by him and his supporters, to present an alternate reality at every chance.
Why does this kind of trivial bullshit get so much attention?

Who fucking cares

Nobody cares how many went to the rally. It's the constant lies trying to make everything sound bigger and better than it was that gets everyone's attention. You don't get that?
I don't get WHY IT FUCKING MATTERS. What damn difference does it make?

Constant lies matter. If you don't get that, you're dumber than I thought.
Not everyone is as easily influenced as you you, BULLDOG. Most people are smart enough to recognize the BS.

I never said I believed the BS. Only that the right lies constantly over the most ridiculously easy to disprove stuff.
Why does this kind of trivial bullshit get so much attention?

Who fucking cares

Nobody cares how many went to the rally. It's the constant lies trying to make everything sound bigger and better than it was that gets everyone's attention. You don't get that?
I don't get WHY IT FUCKING MATTERS. What damn difference does it make?

Constant lies matter. If you don't get that, you're dumber than I thought.
Not everyone is as easily influenced as you you, BULLDOG. Most people are smart enough to recognize the BS.

I never said I believed the BS. Only that the right lies constantly over the most ridiculously easy to disprove stuff.

It is incredible to me the absolutely stupid shit president Bone Spurs lies about, it's like breathing to him for Christ sake.
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