Why do these Americans live in Russia?


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May 12, 2022
9:40 mark of the video really stood out to me. An African-American says he is against the woke cancel culture of the west, and in Russia, they don’t have cancel culture. He talked about how he’s lived in five countries, and there are more similarities between Russians and Americans compared to other countries. He talked about how Russia reminds him of America quite a bit.He talked about how in the United States if you are politically incorrect, you can be canceled.

There are many people in Russia who disagree with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. You can see it on YouTube on Russian channels, Russians openly criticizing Vladimir Putin and they’re not going to jail. Russians openly saying that the war in Ukraine is wrong and they’re not going to jail.

If one watches the news like CNN or fox, you would think that every American who is in Moscow now is going to be thrown into a Gulag or something. … it couldn’t be any further from the truth. This war and Ukraine has been going on for a long time. And you can see in the video above Americans are happy to be in Russia. They’re talking about how they’re studying there.

I still believe that the United States is a more free country Compared to Russia.. Russia is a more free country though compared to Key allies of the United States in the Middle East and around the world so there’s that point.

But of course the neoconservatives and the warmongers pump out propaganda about Russia.

Everyone in Russia knows what’s going on because they have access to YouTube. They can all see the CNN broadcasts they can see what CNN and Fox is saying about the war in Ukraine. They have easy access to this information.

I remember going out with a Russian lady in henderson, Nevada . Very tall and beautiful. She looks like a supermodel. And she says don’t believe the propaganda about Russia on the news. She talked about how she can’t believe that in the United States men are dressing like women, and how this is unacceptable. Of course, most Americans are into common sense I think most American people have the same passions and love of the world as do Russians.

One of the things that the media, Hollywood celebrities, and this small number of wealthy privileged Americans have to say about criticism of Russia is in regards to Russia’s anti-LGBT stance, Russia does not allow gay marriage. Of Course there are plenty of gay people in Russia, but they don’t allow gay marriage. They’re not in the cancel culture. They’re not into BLM. In Russia people treat each other with respect and there’s all sorts of diversity. I have met multiple people from Russia, and they speak very fondly of their country.
You raise some good points, some correct and some incorrect.
But no helpful discussion can take place on this forum on account of the spammers with bad attitudes who disrupt any attempts.

But we can give this one a try to see if the moderators will protect just one attempt at having a polite and rational discussion.

You're the OP, you make the appeal if you think there's a chance.
One of the Americans interviewed at the 27 minute mark about education in Russia Compared to America Had some interesting thoughts.

He was saying that it is practically impossible to study history at an American university, without being inundated with Marxist , blm and LGBT propaganda. And that people in Russia are sometimes very surprised to hear that, of course Russia being a former communist country.

Some Russians go to America, thinking that they’re going to get something good…but they get to a college, and see that gender studies are being talked about , Marxist theory, radical LGBT theories are being taught, and that’s something that is a turn off for many people. Now this is not the case across-the-board when it comes to American universities. But we would all be lying to ourselves If we did not say that there is something different going on with universities in America and of course there are now Marxist educators, LGBT studies gender studies are a part of curriculums. This did not exist in the not too distant past in America. It has nothing to do with discriminating against anybody. When you have educators in American universities attempting to teach that America was filled with white supremacy and evil, this is hurtful to the country. It is not grounded in truth. most know that racism was always a worldwide issue. Not an American thing not a white man’s thing not a black man’s thing..it’s a human issue.

The hope is that American universities change their ways. There is hope on the horizon with affirmative action being over turned … hopefully there is a return to a meritocracy.

American students in Russian universities say it’s all about the equality it’s all about meritocracy. That’s what the world needs right there.
9:40 mark of the video really stood out to me. An African-American says he is against the woke cancel culture of the west, and in Russia, they don’t have cancel culture. He talked about how he’s lived in five countries, and there are more similarities between Russians and Americans compared to other countries. He talked about how Russia reminds him of America quite a bit.He talked about how in the United States if you are politically incorrect, you can be canceled.

There are many people in Russia who disagree with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. You can see it on YouTube on Russian channels, Russians openly criticizing Vladimir Putin and they’re not going to jail. Russians openly saying that the war in Ukraine is wrong and they’re not going to jail.

If one watches the news like CNN or fox, you would think that every American who is in Moscow now is going to be thrown into a Gulag or something. … it couldn’t be any further from the truth. This war and Ukraine has been going on for a long time. And you can see in the video above Americans are happy to be in Russia. They’re talking about how they’re studying there.

I still believe that the United States is a more free country Compared to Russia.. Russia is a more free country though compared to Key allies of the United States in the Middle East and around the world so there’s that point.

But of course the neoconservatives and the warmongers pump out propaganda about Russia.

Everyone in Russia knows what’s going on because they have access to YouTube. They can all see the CNN broadcasts they can see what CNN and Fox is saying about the war in Ukraine. They have easy access to this information.

I remember going out with a Russian lady in henderson, Nevada . Very tall and beautiful. She looks like a supermodel. And she says don’t believe the propaganda about Russia on the news. She talked about how she can’t believe that in the United States men are dressing like women, and how this is unacceptable. Of course, most Americans are into common sense I think most American people have the same passions and love of the world as do Russians.

One of the things that the media, Hollywood celebrities, and this small number of wealthy privileged Americans have to say about criticism of Russia is in regards to Russia’s anti-LGBT stance, Russia does not allow gay marriage. Of Course there are plenty of gay people in Russia, but they don’t allow gay marriage. They’re not in the cancel culture. They’re not into BLM. In Russia people treat each other with respect and there’s all sorts of diversity. I have met multiple people from Russia, and they speak very fondly of their country.

Fuck Russia.
One of the Americans interviewed at the 27 minute mark about education in Russia Compared to America Had some interesting thoughts.

He was saying that it is practically impossible to study history at an American university, without being inundated with Marxist , blm and LGBT propaganda. And that people in Russia are sometimes very surprised to hear that, of course Russia being a former communist country.

Some Russians go to America, thinking that they’re going to get something good…but they get to a college, and see that gender studies are being talked about , Marxist theory, radical LGBT theories are being taught, and that’s something that is a turn off for many people. Now this is not the case across-the-board when it comes to American universities. But we would all be lying to ourselves If we did not say that there is something different going on with universities in America and of course there are now Marxist educators, LGBT studies gender studies are a part of curriculums. This did not exist in the not too distant past in America. It has nothing to do with discriminating against anybody. When you have educators in American universities attempting to teach that America was filled with white supremacy and evil, this is hurtful to the country. It is not grounded in truth. most know that racism was always a worldwide issue. Not an American thing not a white man’s thing not a black man’s thing..it’s a human issue.

The hope is that American universities change their ways. There is hope on the horizon with affirmative action being over turned … hopefully there is a return to a meritocracy.

American students in Russian universities say it’s all about the equality it’s all about meritocracy. That’s what the world needs right there.
Move there since it is yer utopian dream state.
So that's the new propaganda that Moscow is distributing to its agents? Interesting.
Is this your latest attempt at Trolling now that the US Nazis and their pals are taking such a terrible mauling ? Remind us how many times you have visited .
Is this your latest attempt at Trolling now that the US Nazis and their pals are taking such a terrible mauling ? Remind us how many times you have visited .
Those who fall for one very stupid conspiracy tend to fall for every very stupid conspiracy theory.

You've fallen for all of them.
One of the Americans interviewed at the 27 minute mark about education in Russia Compared to America Had some interesting thoughts.

He was saying that it is practically impossible to study history at an American university, without being inundated with Marxist , blm and LGBT propaganda. And that people in Russia are sometimes very surprised to hear that, of course Russia being a former communist country.

Some Russians go to America, thinking that they’re going to get something good…but they get to a college, and see that gender studies are being talked about , Marxist theory, radical LGBT theories are being taught, and that’s something that is a turn off for many people. Now this is not the case across-the-board when it comes to American universities. But we would all be lying to ourselves If we did not say that there is something different going on with universities in America and of course there are now Marxist educators, LGBT studies gender studies are a part of curriculums. This did not exist in the not too distant past in America. It has nothing to do with discriminating against anybody. When you have educators in American universities attempting to teach that America was filled with white supremacy and evil, this is hurtful to the country. It is not grounded in truth. most know that racism was always a worldwide issue. Not an American thing not a white man’s thing not a black man’s thing..it’s a human issue.

The hope is that American universities change their ways. There is hope on the horizon with affirmative action being over turned … hopefully there is a return to a meritocracy.

American students in Russian universities say it’s all about the equality it’s all about meritocracy. That’s what the world needs right there.
I don't know if college today is different from my day but I got to select my own classes. I doubt there is much , Marxist or radical LGBT theories being taught in calculus classes.
I don't know if college today is different from my day but I got to select my own classes. I doubt there is much , Marxist or radical LGBT theories being taught in calculus classes.
Conservatives just lie about what goes on in colleges.

As so few of their followers have gone to college, they fall for it hard.

Colleges reflect society, they don't drive it. Society has rejected conservative immorality.

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