Why do some people say IQ plays a big part in crimes?


Senior Member
May 7, 2017
Why do some people say IQ plays a big part in crimes? Well because if that is true is the suspect really in state of mind to control him or her self?

They call it emotion IQ test the theory is people that score really high on emotion IQ can well control one own emotion well people that score low on emotion IQ test have a hard time controlling one own emotion.

The people who score low on the test are really emotional and have really hard time controlling his or her emotion .

Well example that say you are driving and some one cuts you off you may get mad but people that score low cannot control him or her self and will fight or pull out a gun.

Well if this is true does this change the Justice System? Well because he or she cannot really control them self? I know some one who worked in school in small class about 15 teens thay had lower IQ and it was hell yes always fighting and yelling.

If this is true does this change the law? Now I know some people may say here chemical imbalance problem.

But I’m not sure where science is at now or they are still fighting IQ vs chemical imbalance.

And there many people who are poor that steal or asking people for money but are not violent and can control his or her emotions.
I doubt that to be the case. There are stupid criminals and intelligent criminals.

The common factor is criminality.
Why do some people say IQ plays a big part in crimes? Well because if that is true is the suspect really in state of mind to control him or her self?

They call it emotion IQ test the theory is people that score really high on emotion IQ can well control one own emotion well people that score low on emotion IQ test have a hard time controlling one own emotion.

The people who score low on the test are really emotional and have really hard time controlling his or her emotion .

Well example that say you are driving and some one cuts you off you may get mad but people that score low cannot control him or her self and will fight or pull out a gun.

Well if this is true does this change the Justice System? Well because he or she cannot really control them self? I know some one who worked in school in small class about 15 teens thay had lower IQ and it was hell yes always fighting and yelling.

If this is true does this change the law? Now I know some people may say here chemical imbalance problem.

But I’m not sure where science is at now or they are still fighting IQ vs chemical imbalance.

And there many people who are poor that steal or asking people for money but are not violent and can control his or her emotions.

There is a very strong coorelation between low I.Q. and criminality. I worked in a prison as a graduate student. All the inmates had Institutional files with psych testing. Not one of the inmates I saw had a I.Q. of 100. Most were in the 80's to low 90's. Roughly the 15%-25% percentile.
IQ does not affect impulse control, per say. However, IQ does affect the ability to quickly process information, thus potentially avoiding, or exacerbating a violent, or criminal situation.

Can you explain that part in bold better I’m getting confused what you mean.
IQ does not affect impulse control, per say. However, IQ does affect the ability to quickly process information, thus potentially avoiding, or exacerbating a violent, or criminal situation.

Can you explain that part in bold better I’m getting confused what you mean.
The ability to efficiently, and quickly process information is affected by intelligence. Those with lower IQs cannot critically assess scenarios as well as those with higher intelligence.
Or...Stupid people...do stupid things.
Welfare Queen, has it occurred to you that you were only seeing the criminals who got caught? Maybe the smart ones didn't get caught.

Were you seeing a cross section of the inmates, or a group of them that would more likely be mentally slow?

I had a college professor who was director of education at Western Pennitentiary in PA, and he claimed that the average IQ there was above average. Long time ago, but still...
Welfare Queen, has it occurred to you that you were only seeing the criminals who got caught? Maybe the smart ones didn't get caught.

Were you seeing a cross section of the inmates, or a group of them that would more likely be mentally slow?

I had a college professor who was director of education at Western Pennitentiary in PA, and he claimed that the average IQ there was above average. Long time ago, but still...
My stepfather was one of the most intelligent people I have ever known. He spent about 30% of his life in prisons. All of it for violent crimes. He told me once that the most, and least intelligent people you will ever meet are in prison.
IQ does not affect impulse control, per say. However, IQ does affect the ability to quickly process information, thus potentially avoiding, or exacerbating a violent, or criminal situation.

Can you explain that part in bold better I’m getting confused what you mean.
The ability to efficiently, and quickly process information is affected by intelligence. Those with lower IQs cannot critically assess scenarios as well as those with higher intelligence.
Or...Stupid people...do stupid things.

You mean cause and effect? But you will think they will know if they get in fight with some one they may get really hurt or go to jail.

Well normal people will get mad and still have control. And normal people may get mad in the mall but not yell and scream in the mall and take it to that level.

Or in road rage not taking it to the level of getting into a fight or pulling out a gun.
But you will think they will know if they get in fight with some one they may get really hurt or go to jail.
That is my point...they cannot critically think one step beyond their action.

Well normal people will get mad and still have control. And normal people may get mad in the mall but not yell and scream in the mall and take it to that level.
Generally, yes.
Welfare Queen, has it occurred to you that you were only seeing the criminals who got caught? Maybe the smart ones didn't get caught.

Were you seeing a cross section of the inmates, or a group of them that would more likely be mentally slow?

I had a college professor who was director of education at Western Pennitentiary in PA, and he claimed that the average IQ there was above average. Long time ago, but still...

Fair point to say they were the ones who got caught. There is a mountain of research on anti-social personality disorder. Those who have impairment with moral development at a young age tend to be more violent, less impulse control, and lower I.Q. There is a strong correlation between physical and sexual abuse with these kids and substance abuse or alcoholism with a parent.

Those who have moral impairment in their teenage years tend to be less violent and have fewer criminal consequences. Think Bill Clinton or Jeffrey Epstein. I could give week long lectures on this stuff.

The people I saw in prison were a cross section. Many sex offenders, but also I sat in on institutional correction meetings and saw everything. Very few of the inmates were even close to average I.Q. As I said, most were in a range from the low 80's to low 90's. I do not remember anyone over 100.

Btw...If this subject interests you there is an excellent book called "Inside the Criminal Mind.". It was written by a PhD forensic Psychologist and is required reading by any clinicians working with anti-social folks.

I could also give lectures on sex offenders. Interesting population. Most should never be released from prison but that is another story.
I doubt that to be the case. There are stupid criminals and intelligent criminals.

The common factor is criminality.
I doubt that to be the case. There are stupid criminals and intelligent criminals.

The common factor is criminality.

what I mean is some people are very emotional and have hard time controlling his or her own emotion. Well this may lead to violent crimes that only explains emotions.Well other people are less emotional and can control his or her own emotion better.

But people doing stupid things or being dumb is other thing as emotion problem does not really mean you will be dumb or stupid It just means you will be really emotional and have hard time controlling one own emotional

Now I Know on an IQ test they test you on different things like language and spatial reasoning being able to well looks at blocks and move it around in your head where it is useful for construction and engineering.

But even on logic test where some one scores really low a kid should understand cause and effect and mostly they know it is wrong to shoot some one but cannot control one self.

what I mean is the bad guy knows shooting him is wrong and he will probably go to prison but still will do it because he cannot control him self.

Well I know some people like liberals blame it on being born into poverty and being poor and well that be true if such person is not violent and well just steals and go around asking people for money and burglary but it will not explain assault, shooting, fighting and all that violence.

And well some one can well make an argument being really desperate to steal or do burglary and be violent to well get away and not go to jail. But it well does not explain emotional problems and fighting over silly things and taking it to that level because of road rage or som one looked at you wrong or said some thing you did not like and taking it to left level or some one cheating on your lover. You well may get mad and say some thing but not fight or shoot some one.
There are stupid criminals and intelligent criminals.

I've been in my job for five years now and I've yet to meet a criminal who had an IQ bigger than his hat size.

If I ever do meet an intelligent criminal, I'll let him go so he can breed smarter crooks.
The intelligent criminals don't get caught.

Not really. Intelligent people don't do most of what we call crime. Robbery, burglaries, shoplifting, car theft, assaults, reckless driving, these aren't done by rocket scientists.
Sociopathic behavior isn't limited to low IQ's, neither is violence. As someone already pointed out, the brighter ones just don't get caught nearly as often. Labor racketeers steal using different methods than car jackers, and usally have extensive political contacts and fronts, most serial killers are gang bangers, hiding out in the crowds; labor racketeers are far more violent and kill far more people, but since Wall Street turns that into dividends for stockholders and provides layers of legal protections for the racketeers and their bosses, it's okay with most Americans and 'businessmen', while the same racketeers will pretend to abhor the street thugs, until they find useful employment for them, like the DNC does these days in places like Portland and D.C., and making heroes out of them for younger black yoofs to admire and imitate, like George Floyd. It just depends on whose ox is getting gored; Americans certainly do love corruption, both DNC and the GOP, and they will reap what they sowed, all the while feigning outrage and innocence.
There are stupid criminals and intelligent criminals.

I've been in my job for five years now and I've yet to meet a criminal who had an IQ bigger than his hat size.

If I ever do meet an intelligent criminal, I'll let him go so he can breed smarter crooks.
The intelligent criminals don't get caught.

He just said there is no IQ test that test people emotions. May be in the future but as of now there is no IQ test that test people emotions.

Why some people are more emotional than other people or why some people have really hard time controlling his or her own emotion is a mystery.
blacks commit murder at four times the rate of whites
rape twice the rate
crimes at much higher rates

Why do some people say IQ plays a big part in crimes? Well because if that is true is the suspect really in state of mind to control him or her self?

They call it emotion IQ test the theory is people that score really high on emotion IQ can well control one own emotion well people that score low on emotion IQ test have a hard time controlling one own emotion.

The people who score low on the test are really emotional and have really hard time controlling his or her emotion .

Well example that say you are driving and some one cuts you off you may get mad but people that score low cannot control him or her self and will fight or pull out a gun.

Well if this is true does this change the Justice System? Well because he or she cannot really control them self? I know some one who worked in school in small class about 15 teens thay had lower IQ and it was hell yes always fighting and yelling.

If this is true does this change the law? Now I know some people may say here chemical imbalance problem.

But I’m not sure where science is at now or they are still fighting IQ vs chemical imbalance.

And there many people who are poor that steal or asking people for money but are not violent and can control his or her emotions.

There is a very strong coorelation between low I.Q. and criminality. I worked in a prison as a graduate student. All the inmates had Institutional files with psych testing. Not one of the inmates I saw had a I.Q. of 100. Most were in the 80's to low 90's. Roughly the 15%-25% percentile.
I think you didn't see enough. I know an "evil genius" that went to prison. He's very smart. He used the smarts to manufacture fake illicit drugs, and somehow that's a crime, but OK. His customers always came back for more! :auiqs.jpg:
It was over the counter stuff! :aargh:
Did not stop him from getting prison time. :dunno:
Did not stop the state from giving him prison time, at least.
Why do some people say IQ plays a big part in crimes? Well because if that is true is the suspect really in state of mind to control him or her self?

They call it emotion IQ test the theory is people that score really high on emotion IQ can well control one own emotion well people that score low on emotion IQ test have a hard time controlling one own emotion.

The people who score low on the test are really emotional and have really hard time controlling his or her emotion .

Well example that say you are driving and some one cuts you off you may get mad but people that score low cannot control him or her self and will fight or pull out a gun.

Well if this is true does this change the Justice System? Well because he or she cannot really control them self? I know some one who worked in school in small class about 15 teens thay had lower IQ and it was hell yes always fighting and yelling.

If this is true does this change the law? Now I know some people may say here chemical imbalance problem.

But I’m not sure where science is at now or they are still fighting IQ vs chemical imbalance.

And there many people who are poor that steal or asking people for money but are not violent and can control his or her emotions.
IQ has more to do with violence which is more often than not, irrational.

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