Why Do So Many White Americans Practically Hate Malcolm X?

See, that's where the wheels fall off your tricycle. Who do you think rounded up African slaves to sell to Europeans? Who do you think kept African slaves in Africa in the first place? Slavery was quite common in the world in those days, and in some of those areas, still is. Not in European areas, however.

Here is a classic example of your racism hadit. This tale as you tell it, is a lie. And I was created by white racists but you repeat this ad nauseum like the other racists. We do not see the non racist whites here doing this.
What lie? Where do you think the Europeans got their slaves? Do you REALLY think they would go to all the trouble, expense, and loss of life to waltz down to Africa, fight wars against the native Africans, and haul millions of them off on slave ships? Seriously? And you think that's racist. Odd.

Okay, so what is your tale about how the Europeans so easily got so many African slaves if not from the locals?
Some blacks really believe that the Egyptians didn't have slaves, they had indentured servants LOL.
You do realized they call them indentured servants specifically to differentiate them from slaves right? The fact is that they had both but most whites are too stupid to understand the difference between slavery and chattel slavery.
You are wrong, most do know the difference. Some black posters refuse to believe there was chattel slavery in Egypt.
Actually he can be and is that misinformed. Read enough of his post and it becomes just how ignorant he truly is.

He's not as misinformed as you. You guys will gladly point out that X went to prison BEFORE he became a leader. You racists look to discredit anything blacks have done. But will you point out that 12 presidents conducted the business of slavery in the white house? You will deny that, which shows just how ignorant and misinformed you are.

Find one racist post of mine or shut your sissy mouth.

I won't shut up and you are a racist.

I’m not near as racist as you, but then you set a very high bar in the racist category. Like I have said before.....you lead a very sad and pitiful life because you don’t have the intestinal fortitude of heroic black Americans like MLK. Few of us do to be sure, but you have been told you’re a victim and all you can do is whine about it.

I'm not racist and you knw nothing about King. If King lived today you'd be calling him a racist. The problem with you is that you don't know what I have done during the 30 plus years I worked in the black community. I haven't been told shit But you've been told that we get told we are victims not that we experience racism, and you are just enough of a dumb ass to believe that.

Last those like you whine forever about the government. Yet not one of you white racists here tell each other you are whining. Do the same here. You are the one living in misery, because you have to lie to yourself every day about your life.

Dude, I’m happy, I’m well off, and you are nothing but amusing to me.
I’m not near as racist as you, but then you set a very high bar in the racist category. Like I have said before.....you lead a very sad and pitiful life because you don’t have the intestinal fortitude of heroic black Americans like MLK. Few of us do to be sure, but you have been told you’re a victim and all you can do is whine about it.
Just like how t-Rump responds w/the "I'm the LEAST racist person you know!" response every time, instead of out rightly saying, "I'm not a racist."

Ahh, how very telling of you. Most people are intelligent enough to know they may have some racial bias. You on the other hand.....well you only see black and white......like T-rump says- how sad for you.
See, that's where the wheels fall off your tricycle. Who do you think rounded up African slaves to sell to Europeans? Who do you think kept African slaves in Africa in the first place? Slavery was quite common in the world in those days, and in some of those areas, still is. Not in European areas, however.

Here is a classic example of your racism hadit. This tale as you tell it, is a lie. And I was created by white racists but you repeat this ad nauseum like the other racists. We do not see the non racist whites here doing this.
What lie? Where do you think the Europeans got their slaves? Do you REALLY think they would go to all the trouble, expense, and loss of life to waltz down to Africa, fight wars against the native Africans, and haul millions of them off on slave ships? Seriously? And you think that's racist. Odd.

Okay, so what is your tale about how the Europeans so easily got so many African slaves if not from the locals?
Some blacks really believe that the Egyptians didn't have slaves, they had indentured servants LOL.
You do realized they call them indentured servants specifically to differentiate them from slaves right? The fact is that they had both but most whites are too stupid to understand the difference between slavery and chattel slavery.
You are wrong, most do know the difference. Some black posters refuse to believe there was chattel slavery in Egypt.
Your comment tells me you dont know the difference. There was no chattel slavery in Egypt. They didnt pretend people were not human like whites did.
And whites don't like this man either.

Full Marcus Garvey Speech

A Great Jamaican IM2...Im fe real ting...moreover a National Hero in JA,some of you should read all you can on this Great Man

No doubt about it. Garvey was one of the greatest black men ever to be part of the diaspora. He was a man whose words ring true today.
Here is a classic example of your racism hadit. This tale as you tell it, is a lie. And I was created by white racists but you repeat this ad nauseum like the other racists. We do not see the non racist whites here doing this.
What lie? Where do you think the Europeans got their slaves? Do you REALLY think they would go to all the trouble, expense, and loss of life to waltz down to Africa, fight wars against the native Africans, and haul millions of them off on slave ships? Seriously? And you think that's racist. Odd.

Okay, so what is your tale about how the Europeans so easily got so many African slaves if not from the locals?
Some blacks really believe that the Egyptians didn't have slaves, they had indentured servants LOL.
You do realized they call them indentured servants specifically to differentiate them from slaves right? The fact is that they had both but most whites are too stupid to understand the difference between slavery and chattel slavery.
You are wrong, most do know the difference. Some black posters refuse to believe there was chattel slavery in Egypt.
Your comment tells me you dont know the difference. There was no chattel slavery in Egypt. They didnt pretend people were not human like whites did.

BS---there were many forms of slavery in Egypt during its history----including CHATTEL SLAVERY. "white" has nothing to do with it-----for the record---
Egyptians is caucasions ---mostly
Not too sure what you are trying to accomplish? I said I despise chattel slave owners. No one in Africa was a chattel slave owner. Are you stupid or did you think I wouldnt notice your attempt to lie?

I know you dont have to tell me anything. I said dont try to. I dont believe you.

No I said whites hate him because he is significant. Interesting no?

I dont believe you. If whites didnt care about Malcolm X they wouldnt hate him and what he stood for.

Like I said, you're impervious to fact once you come to an emotional conclusion. You can't point to anything I've written that indicates I hate black people. You believe it because you want to believe it.

You're asserting without evidence that white people hate X, then constructing your entire argument on that false premise.

Ask any 100 white people why they hate X and see if I'm right. Go ahead, I'll wait.

I know you won't, for the following reasons:

1. You've arrived at your emotional conclusion and fact won't move you.
2. You sense that I'm right and don't want it proved to you.
3. You want to spout unsupported opinions and don't want to put any effort into validating them.

You guys talk a lot of shit. Why don't you do what we are doing? Take your ass into an all black forum, then tell blacks what you say to each other here about what black people need to do. Go explain to them how X is insignificant and how not many people pay attention to him, or how he is unimportant.

You seem to be angry about something. What exactly have I said black people need to do? Or is this all just about random "you guys"?

As for X, the issue here is accusations of hatred where there is none. People don't care enough about X to hate him.

Not angry. Blunt and not PC. All words have a meaning and the craft is in using those words to allow you to understand. What you say is not the issue, the issue is what was presented by the OP. You guys always want to tell us how things we say is made up. A does not make up his opinion. Why is it so important for you to signify that no one cares about X. If that's the case, why are you in this thread?.
You're correct, words do mean things, and you're switching back and forth between "you guys" and "you", which is disengenuous. I've been accused of being a racist, so understanding that words mean things, I asked for specifics. What exactly did I say that makes you think I am a racist? Not "you guys", not "You guys always want to tell us how things we say is made up", not "I know you're a racist because you guys are always racists and facts don't deter me". You made a valiant effort that unfortunately fell short. I still have seen nothing I've written that would indicate I am a racist.

I'm in this thread because the OP is based on a false premise, that white people hate X. They simply don't, because most don't care enough about him to hate him.

Now, do you want to complain about "you guys", or do you have something concrete that I've said? Because, quite frankly, I don't speak for anyone else, only myself.

White people do hate X. You purposefully misuse the word racist. And you never call whites in this forum racist even when you have seen them post racial slurs. I have not EVER inferred or stated black supremacy. I have stated many times that millions of whites aren't racists. You never tell whites here they are racists even when racial slurs have been posted. Your disdain for X is apparent in your postings. And we see the stuff from others here who show a hate for x in this very thread, yet you claim the OP is a false premise. Sorry, but I don't believe in that individualism crap in the way those like you apply it, whereby you can comment what most whites think on one hand, then claim you only speak for yourself on he other.
What lie? Where do you think the Europeans got their slaves? Do you REALLY think they would go to all the trouble, expense, and loss of life to waltz down to Africa, fight wars against the native Africans, and haul millions of them off on slave ships? Seriously? And you think that's racist. Odd.

Okay, so what is your tale about how the Europeans so easily got so many African slaves if not from the locals?
Some blacks really believe that the Egyptians didn't have slaves, they had indentured servants LOL.
You do realized they call them indentured servants specifically to differentiate them from slaves right? The fact is that they had both but most whites are too stupid to understand the difference between slavery and chattel slavery.
You are wrong, most do know the difference. Some black posters refuse to believe there was chattel slavery in Egypt.
Your comment tells me you dont know the difference. There was no chattel slavery in Egypt. They didnt pretend people were not human like whites did.

BS---there were many forms of slavery in Egypt during its history----including CHATTEL SLAVERY. "white" has nothing to do with it-----for the record---
Egyptians is caucasions ---mostly

You are incorrect.
We aren't talking about presidents, we are talking about white leaders killed by other whites.
That's right, one of the other black racist trolls did.

There are no black racist trolls here. But you made this about blacks killing X. So wat about the who man who killed JFK? You'll run from this, try to divert, call names, but you are a coward who can't face the reality of white men killing another white man. Or white on white crime.
You claim I am making it about presidents yet you are the liar that keeps bringing up presidents.

I am not lying, I am asking you if you consider JFK being killed as white on white killing. You can't answer that. Because you are a coward.
Sure I can answer, but I will not because you want me too. And that burns your racist hide alive.

That's your problem. It doesn't burn me because you're doing what I told you that you would.


You work for me son. Now go wash my dirty drawers. :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:
Some blacks really believe that the Egyptians didn't have slaves, they had indentured servants LOL.
You do realized they call them indentured servants specifically to differentiate them from slaves right? The fact is that they had both but most whites are too stupid to understand the difference between slavery and chattel slavery.
You are wrong, most do know the difference. Some black posters refuse to believe there was chattel slavery in Egypt.
Your comment tells me you dont know the difference. There was no chattel slavery in Egypt. They didnt pretend people were not human like whites did.

BS---there were many forms of slavery in Egypt during its history----including CHATTEL SLAVERY. "white" has nothing to do with it-----for the record---
Egyptians is caucasions ---mostly

You are incorrect.

"incorrect" in reference to what? My post made THREE POINTS-----one was that there were many forms of slavery in the history of Egypt. ----another was the
issue of "white" as YOU present as being THE "RACE" that promotes chattel slavery as opposed to your "race" that does not. and----then----the "race" of
the people of Egypt
I always found Malcolm x interesting. Unlike the blacks who killed him.

View attachment 216270

I always found Kennedy interesting. Unlike the whites who killed him.

“Some men see things as they are and ask why. Others dream things that never were and ask why not.”

John F. Kennedy​

"Chickens Coming Home To Roost" | Malcolm X

You do realized they call them indentured servants specifically to differentiate them from slaves right? The fact is that they had both but most whites are too stupid to understand the difference between slavery and chattel slavery.
You are wrong, most do know the difference. Some black posters refuse to believe there was chattel slavery in Egypt.
Your comment tells me you dont know the difference. There was no chattel slavery in Egypt. They didnt pretend people were not human like whites did.

BS---there were many forms of slavery in Egypt during its history----including CHATTEL SLAVERY. "white" has nothing to do with it-----for the record---
Egyptians is caucasions ---mostly

You are incorrect.

"incorrect" in reference to what? My post made THREE POINTS-----one was that there were many forms of slavery in the history of Egypt. ----another was the
issue of "white" as YOU present as being THE "RACE" that promotes chattel slavery as opposed to your "race" that does not. and----then----the "race" of
the people of Egypt

Your entire post.
You are wrong, most do know the difference. Some black posters refuse to believe there was chattel slavery in Egypt.
Your comment tells me you dont know the difference. There was no chattel slavery in Egypt. They didnt pretend people were not human like whites did.

BS---there were many forms of slavery in Egypt during its history----including CHATTEL SLAVERY. "white" has nothing to do with it-----for the record---
Egyptians is caucasions ---mostly

You are incorrect.

"incorrect" in reference to what? My post made THREE POINTS-----one was that there were many forms of slavery in the history of Egypt. ----another was the
issue of "white" as YOU present as being THE "RACE" that promotes chattel slavery as opposed to your "race" that does not. and----then----the "race" of
the people of Egypt

Your entire post.

your answer is pathetic. Are you claiming that chattel slavery never existed
in Egypt?. Of what "race" are Egyptians? Are you claiming the NEW
"race" "person of color" as determined by putting a rag on one's head? Are
you claiming that in the course of world history----the only people which engaged
in chattel slavery have been what YOU call "whites"?
I don't know much about Malcolm X other than he was assassinated. So, I don't have an opinion of him whatsoever.

What makes you think white people hate him?
The legion of comments I've received here on USMB over the years referring to "the person in [my] avatar" as a racist.

So you took a handful of comments from a handful of anonymous internet keyboard jockeys and extrapolated that onto the entire white population. Do you realize how futile and foolish that is?
Your comment tells me you dont know the difference. There was no chattel slavery in Egypt. They didnt pretend people were not human like whites did.

BS---there were many forms of slavery in Egypt during its history----including CHATTEL SLAVERY. "white" has nothing to do with it-----for the record---
Egyptians is caucasions ---mostly

You are incorrect.

"incorrect" in reference to what? My post made THREE POINTS-----one was that there were many forms of slavery in the history of Egypt. ----another was the
issue of "white" as YOU present as being THE "RACE" that promotes chattel slavery as opposed to your "race" that does not. and----then----the "race" of
the people of Egypt

Your entire post.

your answer is pathetic. Are you claiming that chattel slavery never existed
in Egypt?. Of what "race" are Egyptians? Are you claiming the NEW
"race" "person of color" as determined by putting a rag on one's head? Are
you claiming that in the course of world history----the only people which engaged
in chattel slavery have been what YOU call "whites"?

You really need to read your posts.

So there was chattel slavery in Egypt.

And Egyptians were white.

So whites were practicing chattel slavery in Egypt according to you..
I don't know much about Malcolm X other than he was assassinated. So, I don't have an opinion of him whatsoever.

What makes you think white people hate him?
The legion of comments I've received here on USMB over the years referring to "the person in [my] avatar" as a racist.

So you took a handful of comments from a handful of anonymous internet keyboard jockeys and extrapolated that onto the entire white population. Do you realize how futile and foolish that is?

I don't see you saying that to whites when you guys start off on welfare. it's never a few blacks get welfare, it's all blacks. And all blacks are failures as you guys say the entire black community in America has failed, never just a few. Never just a few blacks commit crimes, it's the per capita black crime rate. You never apply the same standard to whites as you are doing here. Because you are a racist.
BS---there were many forms of slavery in Egypt during its history----including CHATTEL SLAVERY. "white" has nothing to do with it-----for the record---
Egyptians is caucasions ---mostly

You are incorrect.

"incorrect" in reference to what? My post made THREE POINTS-----one was that there were many forms of slavery in the history of Egypt. ----another was the
issue of "white" as YOU present as being THE "RACE" that promotes chattel slavery as opposed to your "race" that does not. and----then----the "race" of
the people of Egypt

Your entire post.

your answer is pathetic. Are you claiming that chattel slavery never existed
in Egypt?. Of what "race" are Egyptians? Are you claiming the NEW
"race" "person of color" as determined by putting a rag on one's head? Are
you claiming that in the course of world history----the only people which engaged
in chattel slavery have been what YOU call "whites"?

You really need to read your posts.

So there was chattel slavery in Egypt.

And Egyptians were white.

So whites were practicing chattel slavery in Egypt according to you..

yes----white Egyptians were practicing chattel slavery----black Africans were ALSO practicing chattel slavery. White Greeks also practiced chattel slavery.
White Romans too. -------chattel slavery was practiced by Babylonians of Mesopotamia too. Aztecs and Mayans too. "Yellow" Japs and Chinks did it too. Today there are chattel slaves in Mauritania-------generally blacks
I don't know much about Malcolm X other than he was assassinated. So, I don't have an opinion of him whatsoever.

What makes you think white people hate him?
The legion of comments I've received here on USMB over the years referring to "the person in [my] avatar" as a racist.

So you took a handful of comments from a handful of anonymous internet keyboard jockeys and extrapolated that onto the entire white population. Do you realize how futile and foolish that is?

I don't see you saying that to whites when you guys start off on welfare. it's never a few blacks get welfare, it's all blacks. And all blacks are failures as you guys say the entire black community in America has failed, never just a few. Never just a few blacks commit crimes, it's the per capita black crime rate. You never apply the same standard to whites as you are doing here. Because you are a racist.

I have never encountered a single post or PERSON who claimed that ALL blacks are on welfare and no whites are on welfare. An unfortunate FACT is that the
proportion of blacks vs whites on welfare is higher for blacks------simple fact. As to why-----that his a big topic. why do you lie? (notice----I did not say "all blacks lie")

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