Why do so many liberal Jews support the antisemitic BDS movement?

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Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2021
First, before liberals rush in to claim that BDS is not anti-Jew but merely anti-Israel, know that BDS has indeed been recognized as an antisemitic movement. (Links below.)

Now, given that BDS provides an outlet for antisemites to express their Jew-hatred as well as actively promoting it, the question is: Why do liberal Jews support a major antisemitic movement?

My theory is they, like all liberals, divide people (as groups) into “oppressed” and “oppressors.” That is why you see liberals race in to defend blacks, gays, illegal aliens (and also go soft on criminals), all of whom they see oppressed. And so too with the Palestinians (who elected the terrorist Islamic group HAMAS to lead them). Then, on the other side, liberals oppose those they see as “oppressors” - successful business owners, white males, and Christians. Into this group they out Israelis - an advanced and successful group.

Therein lies the dilemma. Do liberals Jews march against their own people, advancing and supporting antisemitism, because a group of them are viewed - mostly by libersls - as oppressors? The answer is YES: their liberalism trumps their Judaism.

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First, before liberals rush in to claim that BDS is not anti-Jew but merely anti-Israel, know that BDS has indeed been recognized as an antisemitic movement. (Links below.)

Now, given that BDS provides an outlet for antisemites to express their Jew-hatred as well as actively promoting it, the question is: Why do liberal Jews support a major antisemitic movement?

My theory is they, like all liberals, divide people (as groups) into “oppressed” and “oppressors.” That is why you see liberals race in to defend blacks, gays, illegal aliens (and also go soft on criminals), all of whom they see oppressed. And so too with the Palestinians (who elected the terrorist Islamic group HAMAS to lead them). Then, on the other side, liberals oppose those they see as “oppressors” - successful business owners, white males, and Christians. Into this group they out Israelis - an advanced and successful group.

Therein lies the dilemma. Do liberals Jews march against their own people, advancing and supporting antisemitism, because a group of them are viewed - mostly by libersls - as oppressors? The answer is YES: their liberalism trumps their Judaism.

And the Jews who support trumpkin white supremacist pieces of garbage.
Perhaps it is because they possess a moral conscience that precludes support for an apartheid regime that engages in ethnic cleansing.
You’re just proving my point about liberals, and liberal Jews. There’s no ethnic cleansing, and there’s no apartheid. That’s just lies that antisemitic leftists are making up.
The answer is YES: their liberalism trumps their Judaism.
That was my conclusion long ago. U.S. Jewry is by far so secular that the Democrat Party IS their God. When the day SURELY arrives that they are persecuted here as much as in Europe, they won't even deserve to be allowed to make Aliyah. They are actually working with the enemies of Israel to destroy the only home the Jewish people have in this world.
And the Jews who support trumpkin white supremacist pieces of garbage.
And another libersl out with another lie. Jews who vote for Trump do not support the fringe outliers on the right. Liberal Jews, otoh, cheer on a major antisemitic movement.
You’re just proving my point about liberals, and liberal Jews. There’s no ethnic cleansing, and there’s no apartheid. That’s just lies that antisemitic leftists are making up.
Well that is the Likud party line, as homes are bulldozed and olive orchards that pre date Balfour burned.
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First, before liberals rush in to claim that BDS is not anti-Jew but merely anti-Israel, know that BDS has indeed been recognized as an antisemitic movement. (Links below.)

Now, given that BDS provides an outlet for antisemites to express their Jew-hatred as well as actively promoting it, the question is: Why do liberal Jews support a major antisemitic movement?

My theory is they, like all liberals, divide people (as groups) into “oppressed” and “oppressors.” That is why you see liberals race in to defend blacks, gays, illegal aliens (and also go soft on criminals), all of whom they see oppressed. And so too with the Palestinians (who elected the terrorist Islamic group HAMAS to lead them). Then, on the other side, liberals oppose those they see as “oppressors” - successful business owners, white males, and Christians. Into this group they out Israelis - an advanced and successful group.

Therein lies the dilemma. Do liberals Jews march against their own people, advancing and supporting antisemitism, because a group of them are viewed - mostly by libersls - as oppressors? The answer is YES: their liberalism trumps their Judaism.

It was recognized as anti-semitic under Trump. It is not a widely shared view and calling anti-Semitic is arguable. What it does is places Israel in a unique position as the only country in the world cannot boycott and thus removes a non-violent means of pressuring Israel to recognize Palestinian rights.
First, before liberals rush in to claim that BDS is not anti-Jew but merely anti-Israel, know that BDS has indeed been recognized as an antisemitic movement. (Links below.)

Now, given that BDS provides an outlet for antisemites to express their Jew-hatred as well as actively promoting it, the question is: Why do liberal Jews support a major antisemitic movement?

My theory is they, like all liberals, divide people (as groups) into “oppressed” and “oppressors.” That is why you see liberals race in to defend blacks, gays, illegal aliens (and also go soft on criminals), all of whom they see oppressed. And so too with the Palestinians (who elected the terrorist Islamic group HAMAS to lead them). Then, on the other side, liberals oppose those they see as “oppressors” - successful business owners, white males, and Christians. Into this group they out Israelis - an advanced and successful group.

Therein lies the dilemma. Do liberals Jews march against their own people, advancing and supporting antisemitism, because a group of them are viewed - mostly by libersls - as oppressors? The answer is YES: their liberalism trumps their Judaism.

Ohhhh POMPEO said that
That was my conclusion long ago. U.S. Jewry is by far so secular that the Democrat Party IS their God. When the day SURELY arrives that they are persecuted here as much as in Europe, they won't even deserve to be allowed to make Aliyah. They are actually working with the enemies of Israel to destroy the only home the Jewish people have in this world.
Thank you.

It IS noteworthy that the Jews who march in support of an antisemitic movement are almost all non-practicing, secular Jews. The Jews who more strongly identify with their religion, and are at least moderately observant (yours truly) are appalled when they see Jews march alongside antisemites screaming “get out, Jews,” (and worse).

We don’t have enough enemies as it is?? Oye!
What the OPfails to mention is that anything that is anti-israel is automatically labelled antisemitic.
It was recognized as anti-semitic under Trump. It is not a widely shared view and calling anti-Semitic is arguable. What it does is places Israel in a unique position as the only country in the world cannot boycott and thus removes a non-violent means of pressuring Israel to recognize Palestinian rights.
Are you a liberal, also? BDS has among its biggest supporters the most virulent Jew-haters, including the Great Wizard (or whateves it’s called) of the KKK.

What’s interesting is that you don’t see any other people on a massive boycott against other countries that are far worse to Muslims. No, the venom and anger is directed solely to Israel - and it is that double-standard that is indicative of antisemitism.

It’s like the U.N. They have issued substantially more resolutions condemning Israel than they have for Iran and Syria COMBINED. That targeted condemnation is driven by their hostility to Jews.

Anyway, I don’t want this to turn into a thread in which the liberals come out with more Israel hate (apartheid! Ethnic cleansing!) since we know where they stand. I want to focus on why Jews are willing to march shoulder to shoulder with Antisemites yelling “get out, Jews.”
What the OPfails to mention is that anything that is anti-israel is automatically labelled antisemitic.
Never said that. But the BDS movement is cheered on by Jew-haters, advances antisemtism, promotes lies, and has been identified as an antisemitic organization.

Lots of deflection on this thread.
Israel is a state. You can oppose it’s policies and actions with out opposing it’s identity as the ancestral and religious homeland of the Jewish people. When the OP talks about creating groups, she is doing the same thing here. “Real Jews” those who agree with Israel’s nationalist rightwing policies and “Jews in name only”, those who do not. Only unlike political ideology, she is stripping of their identity, their right to be Jewish, by insisting that Jewish identity is dependent on political views.
Perhaps it is because they possess a moral conscience that precludes support for an apartheid regime that engages in ethnic cleansing.
Well, it is good thing the Israelis are not doing that.

Of course, with Jews having been completely clensed from Gaza and Hamas vowing to "kill Jews until they hide behind rocks and trees", that is sure something YOU support
Israel is a state. You can oppose it’s policies and actions with out opposing it’s identity as the ancestral and religious homeland of the Jewish people. When the OP talks about creating groups, she is doing the same thing here. “Real Jews” those who agree with Israel’s nationalist rightwing policies and “Jews in name only”, those who do not. Only unlike political ideology, she is stripping of their identity, their right to be Jewish, by insisting that Jewish identity is dependent on political views.
Yes. You can oppose the policies of a state but the BDS seeks to delegitimize and destroy Israel. It is supported by virulent antisemites.

BDS antisemites are opposed to the very existence of the Jewish State. There are many Muslim-majority countries and Christian majority countries. Why can’t the world allow Jews, who have been persecuted longer and worse than any minority in existence, ONE single country from which they can get refuge should antisemitism continue to worsen?

And I never said the Jews who March alongside antisemites aren‘t real Jews. I said they are prioritizing their liberal world viewpoint of “oppressed/oppressor” over their Judaism.
You’re just proving my point about liberals, and liberal Jews. There’s no ethnic cleansing, and there’s no apartheid. That’s just lies that antisemitic leftists are making up.
Another thing there are none of are actual liberals in this thread.

They are authoritarian leftists who despise every liberal principle imaginable.
Well, it is good thing the Israelis are not doing that.

Of course, with Jews having been completely clensed from Gaza and Hamas vowing to "kill Jews until they hide behind rocks and trees", that is sure something YOU support
Interesting point worth repeating. Palestinians have elected HAMAS - a terrorist group whose mission is to wipe Israel and its Jews “out to sea” - as their leaders.
Are you a liberal, also? BDS has among its biggest supporters the most virulent Jew-haters, including the Great Wizard (or whateves it’s called) of the KKK.
Well, the Trump political movement also attracted some of the most vile white supremacists and neo nazies to it’s support. Does that mean it is anti Semitic and racist?

What’s interesting is that you don’t see any other people on a massive boycott against other countries that are far worse to Muslims. No, the venom and anger is directed solely to Israel - and it is that double-standard that is indicative of antisemitism.

True, South Africa was the last major boycott movement I recall. However other countries have had and currently have government sanctions forbidding trade and other things (which is a basically a boycott).

I agree that Israel tends to get outsized attention compared to say, Myanmar, who’s human rights atrocities are far far worse.

But I support boycotts. They a way of non violently pressuring for change.

It’s like the U.N. They have issued substantially more resolutions condemning Israel than they have for Iran and Syria COMBINED. That targeted condemnation is driven by their hostility to Jews.

Those are arguments that have been rehashed ad nauseum in the IP forum.
Anyway, I don’t want this to turn into a thread in which the liberals come out with more Israel hate (apartheid! Ethnic cleansing!) since we know where they stand.

You already have with your baiting OP. Was your intent otherwise?

I want to focus on why Jews are willing to march shoulder to shoulder with Antisemites yelling “get out, Jews.”

Are you a Trump voter? Why are willing to March shoulder to shoulder with people yelling “Jews will not replace us”
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