Why do so many atheists oppose the death penalty...

...for people who have committed murder and who can never be released back into public? Since the murderer is usurping resources from the community, why not just execute the murderer so that resources are expended on those that contribute to society?

I'm agnostic, and I'm for a death penalty. I'm also for a death penalty for other crimes, like pedophilia; the recidivism rates for pedoes exceeds most other crimes, even for those who have been castrated, so I see little reason to keep them around. Some murders should not get the death penalty, as some crimes of passion have the least recidivism rates, but it's a judgement call and thus subjective on the part of the juries.

I can understand why many Xians would be opposed, though, as they're positive thinkers by nature and hoe for people to be 'saved' before they die, and think if they are saved then they are safe and it won't be necessary to execute them. I can see tht view also; it's not about revenge for me, that doesn't bring back the dead, but it is about protecting others, and I see little point in letting them loose again, in the case of gang bangers and the like, nor the point in paying to keep them alive until they die of old age.

The answer as to why some atheists oppose it id because they're pathetic fashion victims and knee jerk reactionaries who merely oppose it because some other group is for it that the PC puppets don't like, so they just oppose for that reason. They want to be trendy n stuff, is all; same reason most PC Nazis support the homosexual 'rights' hoax and every other nutjob PC fashion fad that comes along.

Replying to the bold text.

It is amusing that you think you know why atheists oppose capital punishment. And that they do so for reasons involving peer or social pressure.

That might be the case for the youngsters who claim to be atheists because they think it is "cool". But older atheists actually bucked the system just to say they didn't believe in God. Why would they disagree with killing someone just to be part of the crowd?

No. Atheists who oppose capital punishment more likely do so because they oppose state sponsored murder.

lol Rubbish. 'State sponsored murder' also includes abortions. They're nearly all fine with that, since it's also fashionable. You're just upset at it being pointed out how shallow PC Nazis are, while they're trying to pretend they're 'rationalists'. They're not.

The state is aborting babies? I haven't seen that story. Got a link?

And I am not upset. I find your generalizations amusing, but they don't upset me at all.

You claiming nobody needs state permission to murder babies now? I see you're out of arguments and immediately into " I Touched You Last!!!!" babbling now, so I just answered my own question, didn't I.

I see a difference between a state allowing something and a state actually doing that same thing.
...for people who have committed murder and who can never be released back into public? Since the murderer is usurping resources from the community, why not just execute the murderer so that resources are expended on those that contribute to society?

Same reason anyone with sense should oppose the DP.

Once you execute someone, and you get the wrong guy, you can't undo it.
Wow, I just clicked this thread to try to understand the op, and wow...

It's now about aborting babies....


Yeah, I'm not sure how it went there either.

Yes, you are indeed lost. Your Mom is lying to you when she tells you how smart you are. Quit taking her seriously; she's just a being a Mom, with a retard on her hands.

Save that crap for the youngsters on here. I am nearly 60. I know who I am. And just to clarify, Mom died 21 years ago. Now your wife tells me I am smart. But that is just because I know enough to please her in way you can't.
...for people who have committed murder and who can never be released back into public? Since the murderer is usurping resources from the community, why not just execute the murderer so that resources are expended on those that contribute to society?
Atheists full approve of murderers being released out into the public. Thus ,they don't want them executed. If they are executed, their lives of killing are ended..and that is not something death cultists are interested in.

They object to the death penalty because they seek to reward, not punish, killers.

Oh please, spare me your projections. The fact that I oppose capital punishment does not mean I want them released. It means I oppose killing. Period.
So you value life, and show it by killing someone? Seems an odd way to show it.

I don't discuss abortion. It is one the very few topics I will not discuss. I'm sure you will try and assign a belief to me, and that is fine. Doesn't actually change a thing.

If you will not condemn the cold-blooded slaughter of innocent children at least as strongly as you condemn the lawful executions of the very worst criminals, then you are a hypocrite, at best.
So you value life, and show it by killing someone? Seems an odd way to show it.

I don't discuss abortion. It is one the very few topics I will not discuss. I'm sure you will try and assign a belief to me, and that is fine. Doesn't actually change a thing.

If you will not condemn the cold-blooded slaughter of innocent children at least as strongly as you condemn the lawful executions of the very worst criminals, then you are a hypocrite, at best.
Buuuut.....that would then also make you a hypocrite, dumbass....
Buuuut.....that would then also make you a hypocrite, dumbass....

So you value life, and show it by killing someone? Seems an odd way to show it.

I don't discuss abortion. It is one the very few topics I will not discuss. I'm sure you will try and assign a belief to me, and that is fine. Doesn't actually change a thing.

If you will not condemn the cold-blooded slaughter of innocent children at least as strongly as you condemn the lawful executions of the very worst criminals, then you are a hypocrite, at best.

I have neither condemned nor approved of it. As I said, I do not discuss it. I have my reasons. If that isn't enough of an answer, oh well.
If you will not condemn the cold-blooded slaughter of innocent children at least as strongly as you condemn the lawful executions of the very worst criminals, then you are a hypocrite, at best.

I have neither condemned nor approved of it. As I said, I do not discuss it. I have my reasons. If that isn't enough of an answer, oh well.

Just like I said. Hypocrite, at best.
It would, idiot...as you are also not condemning both equally....haha , you're dumb.

Nothing hypocritical nor inconsistent about my position. I value the lives of innocent children far more than I value the lives of the very worst criminals. Of course I won't condemn the killing of both equally. I condemn the needless killing of innocents; but not the properly-carried-out execution of a cold-blooded murderer, in accordance with proper due process of law.

It is those who value the life of a criminal more than that of an innocent child who have some explaining to do.
If you will not condemn the cold-blooded slaughter of innocent children at least as strongly as you condemn the lawful executions of the very worst criminals, then you are a hypocrite, at best.

I have neither condemned nor approved of it. As I said, I do not discuss it. I have my reasons. If that isn't enough of an answer, oh well.

Just like I said. Hypocrite, at best.

Only if you are assuming you know my beliefs on a topic I do not discuss. And if you base things on what you assume rather than wat you know, whatever names you call me are just petty nonsense.
For the sake of the discussion, let's assume we know the murderer is guilty because we have video of him walking through a daycare shooting babies in the head. Let's also assume, for the sake of this discussion, that the murderer is deemed mentally competent. From the perspective of an atheist, what is the moral compunction to expend resources on such a person when said resources could be invested in someone who might actually contribute to society?

I think the resources expended are the price we pay for not participating in a murder. Once the criminal is caught and imprisoned, they are, for the most part, no longer a threat to society. I do not believe we should have state sponsored murder.

In other words, life is sacred and it should be protected, is that right?

Yes, for the most part. I have not problem with self-defense or taking a life defending others. But I think once someone is imprisoned, they are far less of a threat to anyone.

And if you want to be vengeful about it, they suffer more being in prison for a few decades than they do being put to death in a "humane" manner.
Most criminals have no issue being in prison. Thus the the revolving door 80% have with prisons.

Capital punishment doesn't work as a deterrent. I think most criminals don't want to go to prison. Just because they have been before doesn't show they like it.
Yeah, that's why Democrats murder so often now, they are afraid of prison. :auiqs.jpg:
Wow, I just clicked this thread to try to understand the op, and wow...

It's now about aborting babies....


Yeah, I'm not sure how it went there either.

Yes, you are indeed lost. Your Mom is lying to you when she tells you how smart you are. Quit taking her seriously; she's just a being a Mom, with a retard on her hands.

Save that crap for the youngsters on here. I am nearly 60. I know who I am. And just to clarify, Mom died 21 years ago. Now your wife tells me I am smart. But that is just because I know enough to please her in way you can't.

lol rubbish.You're maybe 12, tops.
I'm agnostic, and I'm for a death penalty. I'm also for a death penalty for other crimes, like pedophilia; the recidivism rates for pedoes exceeds most other crimes, even for those who have been castrated, so I see little reason to keep them around. Some murders should not get the death penalty, as some crimes of passion have the least recidivism rates, but it's a judgement call and thus subjective on the part of the juries.

I can understand why many Xians would be opposed, though, as they're positive thinkers by nature and hoe for people to be 'saved' before they die, and think if they are saved then they are safe and it won't be necessary to execute them. I can see tht view also; it's not about revenge for me, that doesn't bring back the dead, but it is about protecting others, and I see little point in letting them loose again, in the case of gang bangers and the like, nor the point in paying to keep them alive until they die of old age.

The answer as to why some atheists oppose it id because they're pathetic fashion victims and knee jerk reactionaries who merely oppose it because some other group is for it that the PC puppets don't like, so they just oppose for that reason. They want to be trendy n stuff, is all; same reason most PC Nazis support the homosexual 'rights' hoax and every other nutjob PC fashion fad that comes along.

Replying to the bold text.

It is amusing that you think you know why atheists oppose capital punishment. And that they do so for reasons involving peer or social pressure.

That might be the case for the youngsters who claim to be atheists because they think it is "cool". But older atheists actually bucked the system just to say they didn't believe in God. Why would they disagree with killing someone just to be part of the crowd?

No. Atheists who oppose capital punishment more likely do so because they oppose state sponsored murder.

lol Rubbish. 'State sponsored murder' also includes abortions. They're nearly all fine with that, since it's also fashionable. You're just upset at it being pointed out how shallow PC Nazis are, while they're trying to pretend they're 'rationalists'. They're not.

The state is aborting babies? I haven't seen that story. Got a link?

And I am not upset. I find your generalizations amusing, but they don't upset me at all.

You claiming nobody needs state permission to murder babies now? I see you're out of arguments and immediately into " I Touched You Last!!!!" babbling now, so I just answered my own question, didn't I.

I see a difference between a state allowing something and a state actually doing that same thing.

That's because you're young and stupid.
...for people who have committed murder and who can never be released back into public? Since the murderer is usurping resources from the community, why not just execute the murderer so that resources are expended on those that contribute to society?
They always side with evil.

Why is opposing the taking of a human life something you consider evil?
Maybe you should work in a death row and take care of the animals instead of others.

BTW- there are kids in school today who were prematurely born before the legal abortion date.

So you like to kill babies too.

Nice answer. Not an answer to the question I asked, but nice answer.

I have not spoken about abortion in these forums at all. I asked a simple question. Why do you think being opposed to taking a human life is evil?

I get that they are despicable people and dangerous. I am not defending them at all. I am just asking you a simple question about why you call something evil.
Because if you value life you let everyone know the intentional taking of life means you forfeit yours.

Average prison term for murder is 10 years.

For the sake of the discussion, let's assume we know the murderer is guilty because we have video of him walking through a daycare shooting babies in the head. Let's also assume, for the sake of this discussion, that the murderer is deemed mentally competent. From the perspective of an atheist, what is the moral compunction to expend resources on such a person when said resources could be invested in someone who might actually contribute to society?

I think the resources expended are the price we pay for not participating in a murder. Once the criminal is caught and imprisoned, they are, for the most part, no longer a threat to society. I do not believe we should have state sponsored murder.

In other words, life is sacred and it should be protected, is that right?

Yes, for the most part. I have not problem with self-defense or taking a life defending others. But I think once someone is imprisoned, they are far less of a threat to anyone.

And if you want to be vengeful about it, they suffer more being in prison for a few decades than they do being put to death in a "humane" manner.
Most criminals have no issue being in prison. Thus the the revolving door 80% have with prisons.

Capital punishment doesn't work as a deterrent. I think most criminals don't want to go to prison. Just because they have been before doesn't show they like it.

Most laws don't deter criminals; they all think they're smart and won't get caught. Of course if some gimp rapes you and your boyfriend, you can always ask the police not to arrest the rapist, cuz, like, you know, punishment never works and laws against rape haven't stopped rape n stuff. I'm sure the other kids there hanging round the bong will think you're really cool and profound.

So, have any stats on how many executed murderers went on to murder again, compared to those who weren't and got out and murdered again?
Fun Facts

Capital Punishment in the United States

During the temporary suspension on capital punishment from 1972-1976, researchers gathered murder statistics across the country. In 1960, there were 56 executions in the USA and 9,140 murders. By 1964, when there were only 15 executions, the number of murders had risen to 9,250. In 1969, there were no executions and 14,590 murders, and 1975, after six more years without executions, 20,510 murders occurred rising to 23,040 in 1980 after only two executions since 1976. In summary, between 1965 and 1980, the number of annual murders in the United States skyrocketed from 9,960 to 23,040, a 131 percent increase. The murder rate -- homicides per 100,000 persons -- doubled from 5.1 to 10.2. So the number of murders grew as the number of executions shrank. Researcher Karl Spence of Texas A&M University said:

  • "While some [death penalty] abolitionists try to face down the results of their disastrous experiment and still argue to the contrary, the...[data] concludes that a substantial deterrent effect has been observed...In six months, more Americans are murdered than have killed by execution in this entire century...Until we begin to fight crime in earnest [by using the death penalty], every person who dies at a criminal's hands is a victim of our inaction."
Notes Dudley Sharp of the criminal-justice reform group Justice For All: "From 1995 to 2000," "executions averaged 71 per year, a 21,000 percent increase over the 1966-1980 period. The murder rate dropped from a high of 10.2 (per 100,000) in 1980 to 5.7 in 1999 -- a 44 percent reduction. The murder rate is now at its lowest level since 1966. "
The graph below drawn by the Bureau of Criminal Justice gives a general overview of the murder rate compared to the number of executions that had taken place in the US up to the year 2000:


... and much more at the link, which of course most Democrats and other sexual deviants and criminals will ignore.

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