Why do Progressives Hate Religion?

Why do Progressives Hate Religion?

  • They're far too intelligent to accept any power greater than the federal government

    Votes: 3 27.3%
  • It's in their DNA, it's the way they've evolved from monkeys and apes

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • Global Warming

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Booooooooooooooooooosh

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • Other

    Votes: 6 54.5%

  • Total voters
When I say they use religion to control the dumb masses, this is the perfect post illustrating that stupidity I'm talking about. Look, for example, at how they assume we want to worship government when we just want a government that represents all of it's citizens, not just the rich.

Oh but they even have a word for that! If the government protects all of us, is that communism or socialism or class warfare?

See how they prey on the ignorant theists and lie to them? The GOP is the party of God because without God the GOP would have nothing else to offer middle class and poor Americans.

Actually, you Communists seek to place all power in the hands of a very small elite. With all others reduced to serfs, mere cogs in the wheel of the state.

The left seeks to eradicate the middle, to push the middle to the bottom, the great leveling. Give a hamburger flipper $30 an hour so that an accounting clerk has no more equity - i.e. purchasing power, than the burger flipper. Destroy the professional and skilled artisan class buy insisting that menial labor receive the same benefit as skilled labor. This is nothing new, it is the same technique used by Lenin, Ho, and Mao to pull the foundation out from under the middle and force all who are not in the elite into permanent dependency on the state for basic survival.

Just as Lenin faced, you view ecumenical resistance as the most dangerous to the goal of a collectivist dictatorship.
I realized if people are dumb enough they can be convinced that virgin births, talking snakes, people living 350 years, people living in a whales belly for 3 days or people rising from the dead after being dead for 3 days, then they can be convinced of anything.

Perhaps, but the issue here is that Christians - at least Protestants, hold that the individual is directly answerable to god. This creates a bit of a problem for Kings and Dictators. it brought about the Renaissance in Europe and the collapse of Feudalism. It gave rise to the United States and the idea of a representative Republic.

For democrats, this is a serious problem. Consider that once the smoke is cleared, the goal of the modern, radical left democrats is to reestablish feudalism - where a privileged elite - George Soros, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, et al - rule over a dependent peasantry that is kept in a perpetual hand to mouth existence, begging the ruling nobility for medical care, their welfare check, and SNAP. The idea that a man should turn to his creator for the strength to care for himself is what caused the Feudal structure to fall in the first place. Clearly the modern progressive must react violently - as all collectivists have, against such an openly individualist belief system.

This is why I hate all organized religions, not just christianity. They use it to keep the masses dumb and in line. Look at you? They have you hating your own government that use to represent We The People. You talk about that kind of government like it's evil. What you really want is a government that has no power and can do nothing when it comes to corporate greed.

See, I don't expect you to understand it, but basically your reply is the perfect example of how they use religion to manipulate the stupid masses. You, for example, argue against a government that can protect your sorry middle class ass. I don't want to get into politics but your post is the best example of how "they" have used god gays and guns to manipulate our dumbest voters.

While I have never seen you criticize any faith other than Christians, I have seen you defend and promote Islam on many occasions. I understand, the left and Islam have a common enemy, the United States Constitution.

You progressive - let's be honest - you Communists, hate Christianity because it is an impediment to the establishment of the collectivist dictatorship you seek to establish. It impedes the notion that the elite are the rightful shepherds of the masses who all live at the pleasure of our rulers.

While myths of giant fish may be good for a chuckle, they will not spawn the hatred you display. That hatred is founded on the conflict of individualism vs. collectivism. Christians believe they are answerable to god, where you see the state as god.

What an either idiot or liar you are. We want Feudalism? You point to Soros and dare say that when your party only serves the Koch Brothers, ALEC, the Heritage Foundation, billionaires & the US Chamber of Commerce? You do realize the GOP way is Fascism right? Where the rich and the corporations rule? That's what your side advocates for.

We lefty liberals understand that there will always be poor and rich people. The question is, how many poor people is too many? And how rich is too rich for democracy? If the rich have 90% of all the money and the economy doesn't work that way, we say put it back to where it was before when they only had 75% of all the wealth.

We aren't advocating for socialism or communism. That's all in your head. So is that Feudalism bullshit. Just stupid.

We want a fat big growing secure middle class. We know society works best when we are a middle class first economy, not trickle down. Trickle down is what the rich want, which is why you promote it, because they tell you to promote it. Give them all the money they say and they'll create jobs with it.

Yes, you right wingers are completely 100% focused on individualism. What does that mean? You have lost your sense of society. You don't understand that we are all in this together. I'm not going to try to explain it to you because I know it won't get through. I'll just say that your wish that we be an every man for himself type of society has already been tried before. It didn't work. It led to the great Depression. Then we tried it again and it led to the GW Bush Great Recession.

Everything you posted only tells me you are a right wing tool and christian fool. I think Muslims are just as dumb as you are by the way. Happy now?
When I say they use religion to control the dumb masses, this is the perfect post illustrating that stupidity I'm talking about. Look, for example, at how they assume we want to worship government when we just want a government that represents all of it's citizens, not just the rich.

Oh but they even have a word for that! If the government protects all of us, is that communism or socialism or class warfare?

See how they prey on the ignorant theists and lie to them? The GOP is the party of God because without God the GOP would have nothing else to offer middle class and poor Americans.

Specifically where this concept comes from about the Left wanting to depend on Government in place of God:

Liberals like Dante and others on here have made it CLEAR they do not share, believe in or respect
the concept that "natural rights including one's life and health come from God,"
but BELIEVE that health care as a natural right comes from Government.

The DEFAULT for the Constitutionalists and Christians who believe people have Rights by Nature
given by God, ie inalienable as a human being, such as free will, liberty or free choice
is to trust these are Naturally existent, and the point of government is to DEFEND this, not dictate how
it should be managed.

The DEFAULT for the Liberals who do not believe in natural laws or rights coming from God
is to see laws as being made by the democratic process only.

that is why Dante insisted that only the Courts or Congress make decisions that decide Federal Law.

So that's where that comes from.

If the Liberals treated these natural rights equally, which they see as "religious beliefs or myths."
then we could get along under separate systems, similar to churches or nonprofits working nationally
and helping all people they can cover, but completely by voluntary participation and contributions.

But since too many Liberals REJECT this belief, of natural rights coming from God, and the right to follow it,
that's why they keep pushing policies written from the perspective that there is no such thing or choice.
This isn't fair to half the nation who believe it is the other way:
that all these wonderful rights include health and life, are already inherently ours for the asking,
and it's just a matter of getting RID of the obstacles preventing the free flow of life and resources to reach all people.

The liberals do NOT TRUST people to set up systems to serve all people,
even though churches and charities have been doing a MORE EFFICIENT job than government.

So I understand that is why liberals push to make Government the default system.

That doesn't have to be the only choice, but
since you do not trust Corporations or people running nonprofit medical programs and schools,
if you trust Government more, then that is where you will push to set up a central system for everyone.

The most telling factor is liberals don't even trust their own Party to set it up.
Otherwise we would already have singlepayer system for members who manage their own.
We'd be done by now.

Instead the liberals who want to push through Govt seem to have no concept
that people who believe in other more efficient and sustainable means of health care
have EQUAL RIGHT to representation in public policies on health care.

That is what I do not get.

They assume their way is the right way, the only way, and don't consider other choices to be valid
or protected by law.

Sealybobo, how is that any different from Christians who assume "believing in Jesus is the ONLY way to
salvation for all people," so the Atheist or other views don't even count as valid and should be wiped out as choices.

Even if it WERE the only or the best solution, it was have to be chosen by FREE WILL not imposed by Govt.
The same with health care and with prolife views of abortion.
Even if a solution that is prohealth or prolife DOES turn out to be the best for all people,
such as Spiritual Healing I have found to be most critical to equal access to sustainable health care,
it must be CHOSEN freely, not imposed by Govt.

Sorry if you can only see one side of this.
I can see both sides, so it is twice as irritating to me that each side only blames the other.
When I say they use religion to control the dumb masses, this is the perfect post illustrating that stupidity I'm talking about. Look, for example, at how they assume we want to worship government when we just want a government that represents all of it's citizens, not just the rich.

Oh but they even have a word for that! If the government protects all of us, is that communism or socialism or class warfare?

See how they prey on the ignorant theists and lie to them? The GOP is the party of God because without God the GOP would have nothing else to offer middle class and poor Americans.

Actually, you Communists seek to place all power in the hands of a very small elite. With all others reduced to serfs, mere cogs in the wheel of the state.

The left seeks to eradicate the middle, to push the middle to the bottom, the great leveling. Give a hamburger flipper $30 an hour so that an accounting clerk has no more equity - i.e. purchasing power, than the burger flipper. Destroy the professional and skilled artisan class buy insisting that menial labor receive the same benefit as skilled labor. This is nothing new, it is the same technique used by Lenin, Ho, and Mao to pull the foundation out from under the middle and force all who are not in the elite into permanent dependency on the state for basic survival.

Just as Lenin faced, you view ecumenical resistance as the most dangerous to the goal of a collectivist dictatorship.

Wow what a fucking right wing fool you must be. It is your unregulated free markets that will make the middle class disappear.

What created the huge big middle class in America that the world had never seen before? It was liberal democracy, the New Deal, Labor laws, unions.

The "middle class" is not the natural result of freeing business to do whatever it wants, of "free and open markets," or of "free trade." The "middle class" is not a normal result of "free markets." Those policies will produce a small but powerful wealthy class, a small "middle" mercantilist class, and a huge and terrified worker class which have traditionally been called "serfs."

Democracy - Not The Free Market - Will Save America s Middle Class
When I say they use religion to control the dumb masses, this is the perfect post illustrating that stupidity I'm talking about. Look, for example, at how they assume we want to worship government when we just want a government that represents all of it's citizens, not just the rich.

Oh but they even have a word for that! If the government protects all of us, is that communism or socialism or class warfare?

See how they prey on the ignorant theists and lie to them? The GOP is the party of God because without God the GOP would have nothing else to offer middle class and poor Americans.

Specifically where this concept comes from about the Left wanting to depend on Government in place of God:

Liberals like Dante and others on here have made it CLEAR they do not share, believe in or respect
the concept that "natural rights including one's life and health come from God,"
but BELIEVE that health care as a natural right comes from Government.

The DEFAULT for the Constitutionalists and Christians who believe people have Rights by Nature
given by God, ie inalienable as a human being, such as free will, liberty or free choice
is to trust these are Naturally existent, and the point of government is to DEFEND this, not dictate how
it should be managed.

The DEFAULT for the Liberals who do not believe in natural laws or rights coming from God
is to see laws as being made by the democratic process only.

that is why Dante insisted that only the Courts or Congress make decisions that decide Federal Law.

So that's where that comes from.

If the Liberals treated these natural rights equally, which they see as "religious beliefs or myths."
then we could get along under separate systems, similar to churches or nonprofits working nationally
and helping all people they can cover, but completely by voluntary participation and contributions.

But since too many Liberals REJECT this belief, of natural rights coming from God, and the right to follow it,
that's why they keep pushing policies written from the perspective that there is no such thing or choice.
This isn't fair to half the nation who believe it is the other way:
that all these wonderful rights include health and life, are already inherently ours for the asking,
and it's just a matter of getting RID of the obstacles preventing the free flow of life and resources to reach all people.

The liberals do NOT TRUST people to set up systems to serve all people,
even though churches and charities have been doing a MORE EFFICIENT job than government.

So I understand that is why liberals push to make Government the default system.

That doesn't have to be the only choice, but
since you do not trust Corporations or people running nonprofit medical programs and schools,
if you trust Government more, then that is where you will push to set up a central system for everyone.

The most telling factor is liberals don't even trust their own Party to set it up.
Otherwise we would already have singlepayer system for members who manage their own.
We'd be done by now.

Instead the liberals who want to push through Govt seem to have no concept
that people who believe in other more efficient and sustainable means of health care
have EQUAL RIGHT to representation in public policies on health care.

That is what I do not get.

They assume their way is the right way, the only way, and don't consider other choices to be valid
or protected by law.

Sealybobo, how is that any different from Christians who assume "believing in Jesus is the ONLY way to
salvation for all people," so the Atheist or other views don't even count as valid and should be wiped out as choices.

Even if it WERE the only or the best solution, it was have to be chosen by FREE WILL not imposed by Govt.
The same with health care and with prolife views of abortion.
Even if a solution that is prohealth or prolife DOES turn out to be the best for all people,
such as Spiritual Healing I have found to be most critical to equal access to sustainable health care,
it must be CHOSEN freely, not imposed by Govt.

Sorry if you can only see one side of this.
I can see both sides, so it is twice as irritating to me that each side only blames the other.

We would love it if charity solved the poverty, jobless, hunger and homeless problems and we didn't need government to step in unfortunately charities can't/aren't solving these problems so our government steps in.

For example, you may think we should do away with unemployment benefits. If you lose your job and don't have any money to last while you look for another job, either ask your family for the $ or your church.

But they can't or won't help everyone. So, our liberal progressive government came up with unemployment insurance. I'm sure conservatives think it is unconstitutional but so what? If they're going to meet me in the middle on this one they have to drop that position. Right?
Because Evolution & Global Warming are scientific facts.

Silly Bonobo, you wouldn't know science if someone hit you upside the head with "Quantum Man."

You are literally the most anti-scientific person I've ever encountered. You think science is a religion to be believed, rather than a process to be followed.

Yes, evolution is a fact. Yes, in the last 4.6 billion years the ONLY constant to the climate of this planet is change. Anthropogenic Global Warming though, is FAR more absurd than a man living inside the belly of a fish for three days. Kick an AGW cultist hard enough, and you'll find a Gaea worshiper - every fucking time.
I realized if people are dumb enough they can be convinced that virgin births, talking snakes, people living 350 years, people living in a whales belly for 3 days or people rising from the dead after being dead for 3 days, then they can be convinced of anything.

Perhaps, but the issue here is that Christians - at least Protestants, hold that the individual is directly answerable to god. This creates a bit of a problem for Kings and Dictators. it brought about the Renaissance in Europe and the collapse of Feudalism. It gave rise to the United States and the idea of a representative Republic.

For democrats, this is a serious problem. Consider that once the smoke is cleared, the goal of the modern, radical left democrats is to reestablish feudalism - where a privileged elite - George Soros, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, et al - rule over a dependent peasantry that is kept in a perpetual hand to mouth existence, begging the ruling nobility for medical care, their welfare check, and SNAP. The idea that a man should turn to his creator for the strength to care for himself is what caused the Feudal structure to fall in the first place. Clearly the modern progressive must react violently - as all collectivists have, against such an openly individualist belief system.

This is why I hate all organized religions, not just christianity. They use it to keep the masses dumb and in line. Look at you? They have you hating your own government that use to represent We The People. You talk about that kind of government like it's evil. What you really want is a government that has no power and can do nothing when it comes to corporate greed.

See, I don't expect you to understand it, but basically your reply is the perfect example of how they use religion to manipulate the stupid masses. You, for example, argue against a government that can protect your sorry middle class ass. I don't want to get into politics but your post is the best example of how "they" have used god gays and guns to manipulate our dumbest voters.

While I have never seen you criticize any faith other than Christians, I have seen you defend and promote Islam on many occasions. I understand, the left and Islam have a common enemy, the United States Constitution.

You progressive - let's be honest - you Communists, hate Christianity because it is an impediment to the establishment of the collectivist dictatorship you seek to establish. It impedes the notion that the elite are the rightful shepherds of the masses who all live at the pleasure of our rulers.

While myths of giant fish may be good for a chuckle, they will not spawn the hatred you display. That hatred is founded on the conflict of individualism vs. collectivism. Christians believe they are answerable to god, where you see the state as god.

I have argued with conservatives and gotten it so heated that they admitted that yes, they believe the rich know better and should rule.

These right wing idiots would rather trust corporations who only care about profit instead of trusting their own government. Republicans didn't just say for 40 years that government was bad, they proved it.

Just look at how you guys pointed to Mitt Romney's CEO/Corporate experience of bankrupting companies and shipping jobs overseas and you said he'd be the perfect President.

Just look at how Bush's policies changed it so the rich went from having 75% of all the money to 90% of all the money.

This is all GOPanomics that created Feudalism you god damn fool.
Wow what a fucking right wing fool you must be. It is your unregulated free markets that will make the middle class disappear.

Silly Bonobo, you are poorly educated and easily indoctrinated - but I repeat myself.

What created the huge big middle class in America that the world had never seen before? It was liberal democracy, the New Deal, Labor laws, unions.

Silly Bonobo, look up "market revolution," then get back to us, so you don't reveal the depths of your ignorance.

The "middle class" is not the natural result of freeing business to do whatever it wants, of "free and open markets," or of "free trade." The "middle class" is not a normal result of "free markets." Those policies will produce a small but powerful wealthy class, a small "middle" mercantilist class, and a huge and terrified worker class which have traditionally been called "serfs."

Democracy - Not The Free Market - Will Save America s Middle Class

While you have scant grasp of history, you have utterly no grasp of economics.

And Thom Hartmann? Really? What, fucking Howard Stern wasn't buying into the DailyKOS bullshit or something? NOT the way to gain credibility, sparky.
Because Evolution & Global Warming are scientific facts.

Silly Bonobo, you wouldn't know science if someone hit you upside the head with "Quantum Man."

You are literally the most anti-scientific person I've ever encountered. You think science is a religion to be believed, rather than a process to be followed.

Yes, evolution is a fact. Yes, in the last 4.6 billion years the ONLY constant to the climate of this planet is change. Anthropogenic Global Warming though, is FAR more absurd than a man living inside the belly of a fish for three days. Kick an AGW cultist hard enough, and you'll find a Gaea worshiper - every fucking time.

Wrong. We are putting so much man made pollution in the air is is destroying the planet.

Luckily while you right wing liars and your media continue to deny it, countries like China are moving forward because they aren't ruled by greedy corporate pollutors who tell them to keep denying the facts.

I can't stand you people. Christians, conservatives, stupid Americans. You all make me sick to my stomach.
Wow what a fucking right wing fool you must be. It is your unregulated free markets that will make the middle class disappear.

Silly Bonobo, you are poorly educated and easily indoctrinated - but I repeat myself.

What created the huge big middle class in America that the world had never seen before? It was liberal democracy, the New Deal, Labor laws, unions.

Silly Bonobo, look up "market revolution," then get back to us, so you don't reveal the depths of your ignorance.

The "middle class" is not the natural result of freeing business to do whatever it wants, of "free and open markets," or of "free trade." The "middle class" is not a normal result of "free markets." Those policies will produce a small but powerful wealthy class, a small "middle" mercantilist class, and a huge and terrified worker class which have traditionally been called "serfs."

Democracy - Not The Free Market - Will Save America s Middle Class

While you have scant grasp of history, you have utterly no grasp of economics.

And Thom Hartmann? Really? What, fucking Howard Stern wasn't buying into the DailyKOS bullshit or something? NOT the way to gain credibility, sparky.

Well funny because you sound like Rush or the guys on Fox. Who's the liar Thom or you?
What an either idiot or liar you are. We want Feudalism? You point to Soros and dare say that when your party only serves the Koch Brothers, ALEC, the Heritage Foundation, billionaires & the US Chamber of Commerce? You do realize the GOP way is Fascism right? Where the rich and the corporations rule? That's what your side advocates for.

We lefty liberals understand that there will always be poor and rich people. The question is, how many poor people is too many? And how rich is too rich for democracy? If the rich have 90% of all the money and the economy doesn't work that way, we say put it back to where it was before when they only had 75% of all the wealth.

1. Hi Sealybobo: Again, two wrongs don't make anything right, don't excuse one for the other, but show both are equally
wrong and distracting by pointing out the flaws in the other as bigger.

I constantly point out to Republicans and Conservatives to this notion of recognizing freedom of corporations and gun owners means responsibility when those freedoms are abused, similar to freedom of choice with abortion. Yes, I point out it is hypocritical to say people "just want the choice without responsibility," but then let CORPORATIONS run amok.

Show me where DEMOCRATS have argued about paying back taxpayers for Solyndra, for the damage done to historic Black communities like Freedmen's Town demolished at taxpayers expense to appease developers in order to keep political office.

So couldn't we go on all day all night all over the Internet
pointing this out with BOTH parties? Where NEITHER has come forward to pay taxpayers back for their own party's
indiscretions and abuses -- only pointing these out "to get political points or discredit the other party"

It's never about CORRECTION, it's very selective, only to make political arguments to bash each other!

2. As for the rich and poor
How is it any better to blame the rich as it is to blame the poor?
What happened to holding people accountable for crime or corruption REGARDLESS
what class or PARTY they are with? isn't that similar to RACISM to blame a whole group as a labeled class,
because of the behavior of certain people who may be associated or affiliated with that identity?

why this selective witch hunting, where the Democrats hunt for Red witches on the Right, and the Republicans hunt for Blue witches on the Left.

Is this not obvious? Again I do not excuse one for the other, but say BOTH parties need to fix their own messes,
take responsibility for whom their mob members elect to office, and pay the public back when it is found one of
their officials committed some violation, crime or corruption that cost taxpayers money.

THEN I might believe parties are serious about correcting the wrongs they point out.
When they take equal responsibility for CORRECTING the problems, not just bitching for brownie points.

3. as for solutions
leaders on both the liberal left and conservative right
have come forward in support of microlending and business training.

As soon as we are done with the stalemate and deadlocking, back and forth without solving a damn thing,
let's see if we can ask leaders on both sides to push for microlending to replace welfare for either
corporate breaks or social assistance that the other taxpayers DON'T believ ein payihng for.

If it were all done by microlending, then the public would get paid back anyway.
So let people choose which groups they want to lend to through their own parties.
And sure, the Democrats can work with the poor minorities and with student interns in public health
and environmental restoration to create jobs and educational opportunities while serving the public at the same time,
and the Republicans can work with Veterans and with businesses that owe restitution for corporate corruption.

Why not go after ALL these ills, and delegate which parties
focus on what: Even Greens can go after environmental corrections and mediating to set up fair trade and consensus policies. And Libertarians can focus on restitution for excess war spending on corrupt or questionable contracts, foreign spending that could be paid back as loans or investments instead of handouts at taxpayer expense, and on decriminalizing drugs while setting up some Constitutional agreement on safety and health policies that would address the problems that drugs, abortion, etc. are blamed on (addiction, abuse, etc.) but without Government interfering with personal local decisions.

When we are done fighting over blame for problems,
maybe we can look into solutions from all sides.
I have argued with conservatives and gotten it so heated that they admitted that yes, they believe the rich know better and should rule.

Sure you have, sparky.

In the meantime though, we all need to simply obey the rulers of the democratic party - owned by George Soros...

These right wing idiots would rather trust corporations who only care about profit instead of trusting their own government. Republicans didn't just say for 40 years that government was bad, they proved it.

Well yeah, I mean did we learn nothing from Stalin, Lenin, Mussolini, Mao, Ho, Pot, Ortega, Baby Doc, Idi Amin, et al? Government only has our best interests at heart..

Just look at how you guys pointed to Mitt Romney's CEO/Corporate experience of bankrupting companies and shipping jobs overseas and you said he'd be the perfect President.

I was never a big fan of Mitt - but the fact that you have to tell blatant lies shows that you have no legitimate criticism.

Just look at how Bush's policies changed it so the rich went from having 75% of all the money to 90% of all the money.

This is all GOPanomics that created Feudalism you god damn fool.

Well that must be why you Communists point to gains in the DOW as proof that Dear Leader is too a god, huh sparky.

I notice you're all over the place, like a hose that blew a nozzle. You cannot argue the fact that the hatred the left has for Christianity is based on the concept of individualism, which the left must crush to establish the collectivist dictatorship you seek.
Wrong. We are putting so much man made pollution in the air is is destroying the planet.

So, what you're saying is that our sins have angered the volcano god who will destroy the village unless we submit to the priests and sacrifice to appease the gods?

Damn - how original your story is....

Luckily while you right wing liars and your media continue to deny it, countries like China are moving forward because they aren't ruled by greedy corporate pollutors who tell them to keep denying the facts.

Yes, China is the model of ecological responsibility, sploogy.\

Chinese scientists have warned that the country's toxic air pollution is now so bad that it resembles a nuclear winter, slowing photosynthesis in plants – and potentially wreaking havoc on the country's food supply.

Beijing and broad swaths of six northern provinces have spent the past week blanketed in a dense pea-soup smog that is not expected to abate until Thursday. Beijing's concentration of PM 2.5 particles – those small enough to penetrate deep into the lungs and enter the bloodstream – hit 505 micrograms per cubic metre on Tuesday night. The World Health Organisation recommends a safe level of 25.}

China s toxic air pollution resembles nuclear winter say scientists Environment theguardian.com

We better rush to follow their lead, eh shit fer brains?

I can't stand you people. Christians, conservatives, stupid Americans. You all make me sick to my stomach.

No doubt if you could get your dictatorship, death camps would quickly follow - they always do with your type.
What an either idiot or liar you are. We want Feudalism? You point to Soros and dare say that when your party only serves the Koch Brothers, ALEC, the Heritage Foundation, billionaires & the US Chamber of Commerce? You do realize the GOP way is Fascism right? Where the rich and the corporations rule? That's what your side advocates for.

We lefty liberals understand that there will always be poor and rich people. The question is, how many poor people is too many? And how rich is too rich for democracy? If the rich have 90% of all the money and the economy doesn't work that way, we say put it back to where it was before when they only had 75% of all the wealth.

1. Hi Sealybobo: Again, two wrongs don't make anything right, don't excuse one for the other, but show both are equally
wrong and distracting by pointing out the flaws in the other as bigger.

I constantly point out to Republicans and Conservatives to this notion of recognizing freedom of corporations and gun owners means responsibility when those freedoms are abused, similar to freedom of choice with abortion. Yes, I point out it is hypocritical to say people "just want the choice without responsibility," but then let CORPORATIONS run amok.

Show me where DEMOCRATS have argued about paying back taxpayers for Solyndra, for the damage done to historic Black communities like Freedmen's Town demolished at taxpayers expense to appease developers in order to keep political office.

So couldn't we go on all day all night all over the Internet
pointing this out with BOTH parties? Where NEITHER has come forward to pay taxpayers back for their own party's
indiscretions and abuses -- only pointing these out "to get political points or discredit the other party"

It's never about CORRECTION, it's very selective, only to make political arguments to bash each other!

2. As for the rich and poor
How is it any better to blame the rich as it is to blame the poor?
What happened to holding people accountable for crime or corruption REGARDLESS
what class or PARTY they are with? isn't that similar to RACISM to blame a whole group as a labeled class,
because of the behavior of certain people who may be associated or affiliated with that identity?

why this selective witch hunting, where the Democrats hunt for Red witches on the Right, and the Republicans hunt for Blue witches on the Left.

Is this not obvious? Again I do not excuse one for the other, but say BOTH parties need to fix their own messes,
take responsibility for whom their mob members elect to office, and pay the public back when it is found one of
their officials committed some violation, crime or corruption that cost taxpayers money.

THEN I might believe parties are serious about correcting the wrongs they point out.
When they take equal responsibility for CORRECTING the problems, not just bitching for brownie points.

3. as for solutions
leaders on both the liberal left and conservative right
have come forward in support of microlending and business training.

As soon as we are done with the stalemate and deadlocking, back and forth without solving a damn thing,
let's see if we can ask leaders on both sides to push for microlending to replace welfare for either
corporate breaks or social assistance that the other taxpayers DON'T believ ein payihng for.

If it were all done by microlending, then the public would get paid back anyway.
So let people choose which groups they want to lend to through their own parties.
And sure, the Democrats can work with the poor minorities and with student interns in public health
and environmental restoration to create jobs and educational opportunities while serving the public at the same time,
and the Republicans can work with Veterans and with businesses that owe restitution for corporate corruption.

Why not go after ALL these ills, and delegate which parties
focus on what: Even Greens can go after environmental corrections and mediating to set up fair trade and consensus policies. And Libertarians can focus on restitution for excess war spending on corrupt or questionable contracts, foreign spending that could be paid back as loans or investments instead of handouts at taxpayer expense, and on decriminalizing drugs while setting up some Constitutional agreement on safety and health policies that would address the problems that drugs, abortion, etc. are blamed on (addiction, abuse, etc.) but without Government interfering with personal local decisions.

When we are done fighting over blame for problems,
maybe we can look into solutions from all sides.

You try to act neutral but then you bring up things like Solyndra and it exposes your conservative bias.

So you were opposed to the government investing in an alternative energy company? Why? The oil companies were dragging their feet and we need to stop all the corporate pollution.

Anyways, I'm not going to go into explaining it to you. My hunch is you just want to play devils advocate no matter what I say.

One last thing. Did Solyndra fail? Maybe that's why corporations wouldn't invest in it. This happens a lot whether it be curing diseases or coming up with new inventions like the internet. If corporations don't see an immediate ROI, they won't invest. So, we need to come up with green energy solutions. The planet is being destroyed. So, like many times in the past, when our government sees corporations refusing to take the lead, our government leads.

Our government is the referee in the game of economics. There is no such thing as free markets.

Democracy - Not The Free Market - Will Save America s Middle Class

Sorry I can't find an article where Rush or Bill O agree's with Thom Hartmann. No such article exists because they would never admit this stuff.

Democracy - Not The Free Market - Will Save America s Middle Class
I have argued with conservatives and gotten it so heated that they admitted that yes, they believe the rich know better and should rule.

Sure you have, sparky.

In the meantime though, we all need to simply obey the rulers of the democratic party - owned by George Soros...

These right wing idiots would rather trust corporations who only care about profit instead of trusting their own government. Republicans didn't just say for 40 years that government was bad, they proved it.

Well yeah, I mean did we learn nothing from Stalin, Lenin, Mussolini, Mao, Ho, Pot, Ortega, Baby Doc, Idi Amin, et al? Government only has our best interests at heart..

Just look at how you guys pointed to Mitt Romney's CEO/Corporate experience of bankrupting companies and shipping jobs overseas and you said he'd be the perfect President.

I was never a big fan of Mitt - but the fact that you have to tell blatant lies shows that you have no legitimate criticism.

Just look at how Bush's policies changed it so the rich went from having 75% of all the money to 90% of all the money.

This is all GOPanomics that created Feudalism you god damn fool.

Well that must be why you Communists point to gains in the DOW as proof that Dear Leader is too a god, huh sparky.

I notice you're all over the place, like a hose that blew a nozzle. You cannot argue the fact that the hatred the left has for Christianity is based on the concept of individualism, which the left must crush to establish the collectivist dictatorship you seek.

Meet The ALEC Staffers Who Help Corporations Write Our Laws

Do you even know what ALEC is?

How about the Heritage Foundation?

  • It takes credit for much of President Bush's policy, both domestic and foreign, referring to Bush's policies as "straight out of the Heritage play book."
  • Heritage supports faith-based initiatives, school vouchers, ban on abortion, overturning affirmative action programs.
- See more at: Heritage Foundation Right Wing Watch
Well funny because you sound like Rush or the guys on Fox. Who's the liar Thom or you?

Hartmann is a shock jock, moron.

Ah fuck, what do I expect from a clown who thinks Comedy Central is legitimate news?

You're an ignorant fool, I mean, you DO grasp that, right?

Hartmann is not a shock jock you cock jock. You fucking right wing idiots like to say MSNBC or whoever else are "liberal media". Thom Hartmann and Randi Rhodes best represent us liberals. If you don't like them, you can eat a dick. But shock jock they are not. Is Rush a fucking shock jock? Actually, he is. He says outragous things all the time where Thom does not. I listen to right wing radio a lot and there is no comparison between Thom talking about facts and the right wing spin I hear from your pundits. It's why I am so sure I am right. I may not know everything but I know when someone else is dead wrong and you guys are just stupid bitches plain and simple.

Thom Hartmann has politicians on all the time. He has even invited in Republicans, Tea Baggers and Libertarians. If you ever listened to him, you'd know that they often find themselves agreeing with him or not being able to deny what he is saying because he is clearly educated on all the facts, well spoken and articulate on the subject.
Meet The ALEC Staffers Who Help Corporations Write Our Laws

Do you even know what ALEC is?

How about the Heritage Foundation?

  • It takes credit for much of President Bush's policy, both domestic and foreign, referring to Bush's policies as "straight out of the Heritage play book."
  • Heritage supports faith-based initiatives, school vouchers, ban on abortion, overturning affirmative action programs.
- See more at: Heritage Foundation Right Wing Watch

You just go to the hate sites and copy and paste whatever is handy, doncha?

You're too ignorant to even find talking points on the hate sites to support a conversation. Random idiocy that jumps from topic to topic is all anyone can expect from you, isn't it?

You ever look up the market revolution, you illiterate git?
Religion, particularly Christianity, censures their proposed lifestyle of sexual depravity, survival of the fittest, and insitutionalized murder.
Religion, particularly Christianity, censures their proposed lifestyle of sexual depravity, survival of the fittest, and insitutionalized murder.

I honestly don't think that has anything to do with it. The radical left won on all of those fronts decades ago. Abortion is cheaper and more readily than an oil change, Sex with anyone or anything is sanctioned by the state.

No, I think it is the basic philosophy of individualism that outrages the left.

Consider that the view expressed by Lenin and Stalin is that people are parts in the great machine of the state. :Like a cog or a wheel, a person has no value outside of their function in the machine - according to the left. A gear that sticks or fails to run smoothly is replaced - to the left, a bullet to the brain of a man who questions the state is perfectly sensible, since the man has no value. He can be replaced by another part to keep the machine running.

The ultimate view of the left is that people have no value, that we are meat machines. Silly Bonobo hints at the extinction views that the homicidal monsters of the left promote. Granted, he is far too stupid to grasp the meaning of the shit he pastes.

But much of the reason for the environmental extremism of the left is as justification for that constant companion of leftism - genocide. The modern left plans to use the destruction of the planet as the reason why they must murder hundreds of millions. Humans create too much carbon dioxide, so half a billion enemies of the left will need to be discarded to save the collective. Individuals have no worth anyway, so getting rid of hundreds of millions is no big deal. The whites, the Christians, the Republicans, the individualists.

I can post dozens of links to leftists openly calling for the slaughter of hundreds of millions of people. Start with these evil fuckers;


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