Why do people support Trump?

I can criticize Joe. Or Hillary. Or Trump. Or Elon. Or anyone.

That's the beauty of being left of center.

Well your comrades can't. Dementia is not responsible for fuel prices, inflation is not domestic but worldwide and Dementia isn't responsible for that, the border is secure.....forget what your eyes see, the Afghanistan total F-up was Trump's fault--not Dementia's, Dementia doesn't control interest rates, the fed does.

You name it, they blame everybody but Dementia.
The endless lies trump spews coupled with his hate-filled rhetoric speak directly to the Christian conservatives' own racism, bigotry, xenophobia, homophobia, misogynistic proclivities, hatred for the poor and working poor, education and the educated, non-Christians, and every other scapegoated group their politicians and clergy offer to them.

The trump Nazis have been searching for a leader like trump since the GOP introduced them to the Republican Southern Strategy. A leader willing to follow in the steps of Adolf Hitler, giving the trump Nazis expectations that all the "inferior" members of society would be imprisoned, driven from the United States, or exterminated.

Progressives are political targets for the trump Nazis' hatred as are moderates unwilling to embrace trump's fascism.


I'm sure you have links to back up your idiocy.
Well your comrades can't. Dementia is not responsible for fuel prices, inflation is not domestic but worldwide and Dementia isn't responsible for that, the border is secure.....forget what your eyes see, the Afghanistan total F-up was Trump's fault--not Dementia's, Dementia doesn't control interest rates, the fed does.

You name it, they blame everybody but Dementia.

"Dementia' the mental illness, or is that an echo chamber nickname that you expect me to recognize outside it?
"Dementia' the mental illness, or is that an echo chamber nickname that you expect me to recognize outside it?

Pretty simple to figure out I would think. The man doesn't know which way to exit a stage without his wife's help. He tries to shake hands with invisible people. He claimed he gave his Uncle a purple heart after the man died.
Pretty simple to figure out I would think. The man doesn't know which way to exit a stage without his wife's help. He tries to shake hands with invisible people. He claimed he gave his Uncle a purple heart after the man died.

So let me see if I have this right......if I don't accept your amateur diagnosis of a man you don't know, have never met, nor been in the same room with, I can't criticize Biden?
So let me see if I have this right......if I don't accept your amateur diagnosis of a man you don't know, have never met, nor been in the same room with, I can't criticize Biden?

You can criticize anybody you like just like I can. We live in a country where we are all entitled to an opinion.
You can criticize anybody you like just like I can. We live in a country where we are all entitled to an opinion.

I haven't seen that to be true of the MAGA faithful. The movement is predicated on personal loyalty to Trump. With Trump routinely denouncing anyone who criticizes or questions him as a RINO.....the "worst kind of person in the world".

Its a much freer, more open landscape outside MAGA land.

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