Why Do Liberals Ignore Science Regarding Transgender Surgery for Minors?

deference to medical science and the FREEBOM of individuals seems to be the liberal position here. what is wrong with that?
WHAT "medical Science" are you referring to; just wondering? You can turn a boy into a girl surgically? All you are doing is castrating/sterilising the mentally ill!!!

My state's demonrats decided to allow the mental health community into our educational system to have control over our childrens sexuality wishes , w/out parental notification

IE ~ Legal kidnapping

You didn’t know this, left alone, most with gender confusion will self resolve as adults. The great majority as homosexuals

How do YOU know their gender confusion is "resolved" as homosexuals???? Is the gender confusion resolved or do these people decide that they're not willing or able to go through with the transition, and accept their current situation.

Someone on this board questioned how "satisfying" your sex life would be post surgery. How much feeling would you be left with after healing. I have no idea, but I can understand someone thinking that what they have now is better than what would be gained.
How do YOU know their gender confusion is "resolved" as homosexuals???? Is the gender confusion resolved or do these people decide that they're not willing or able to go through with the transition, and accept their current situation.

Someone on this board questioned how "satisfying" your sex life would be post surgery. How much feeling would you be left with after healing. I have no idea, but I can understand someone thinking that what they have now is better than what would be gained.
If you have a penis and believe that you're a female, you're mentally ill.
How many are taking puberty blockers and/or taking hormone treatments? Guess what…that does long term damage, so it really sucks for them once they realize that they were just confused. It isn’t like dying their hair pink.

How come you had absolutely no problem with puberty blockers being used in gymnastics and figure skating???? Not one word about how damaging this was for the young girls. Not one person was saying that they should never be used until they were used for treatment of transgendered youth.

And then there is these articles which I found which indicates they are quite safe. So where is your evidence that these drugs are permanently damaging these children?????

How come you had absolutely no problem with puberty blockers being used in gymnastics and figure skating???? Not one word about how damaging this was for the young girls. Not one person was saying that they should never be used until they were used for treatment of transgendered youth.

And then there is these articles which I found which indicates they are quite safe. So where is your evidence that these drugs are permanently damaging these children?????

Link us up to him posting that he is OK with that, liar.
If you have a penis and believe that you're a female, you're mentally ill.

If you're an American and youy vote for Donald Trump, you're mentally ill.

I think that cosmetic surgery of any kind is the ultimate act of self loathing. Every woman I've ever known who had breast implants has had them removed because of medical problems, leaving them "multilated", and yet breast implants aren't even banned, despite the harm they do.

Every day there are website posting photos of cosmetic surgery nightmares. People who have destroyed their faces or their bodies. But you don't want to ban their procedures.

Every one of the articles linked to support the OP was a card carrying right wing "Questionable Source" with a history of failed fact checks.

The entire anti-trans, anti-gay movement is being run by right wing loons and grifters stoking the right wing outrage machine.

Americans tolerate and indulge an manner of mental illness, so why does this one bother YOU so fucking much? It's not your body or you life. You allow other people to multilate themselves, but not the trans people.

When gay marriage became the law in Canada, nobody but the gays and people working in the wedding industry cared, and those two groups were ecstatic. There was no national outcry that our morals were being destroyed, or fears that straight marriage was endangered. Other than getting invites to more weddings, it had no effect on straight people. It's been neaerly 25 years now and Canada hasn't changed because of it.

Yet Americans went bat shit crazy over gay marriage, and they haven't let up on it. Just like they're going bat shit crazy over trans people getting surgery. Why don't you try minding your OWN business and your OWN sanity, which seems to be on pretty shaky grounds from what I've seen.
His failure to post or even mention objections to their use is sufficient, FuckBoi. Puberty blockers have been in use in the USA since 1993, and not a word from you loons prior to this.

The more widespread use of puberty blockers has been a relatively recent phenomenon pressed incessantly by the vile Dems / Socialists and their grooming of children.

There are more studies being done and the results clearly point to obvious dangers.

But a long-term study by the United Kingdom’s leading facility for treating gender-dysphoric children found otherwise. Contrary to common beliefs about puberty-blocking drugs, the majority of children who take them do not resume puberty.

In a Dec. 2 preprint of the study from the Tavistock and Portman National Health Service Foundation Trust, all but one child treated for gender dysphoria with puberty-blocking drugs went on to take cross-sex hormones to alter their sex characteristics permanently. The study also showed that children’s bone density and normal growth flatlined with puberty blockers as compared to their peers, and participants reported no improvement in their psychological well-being. The findings support a growing body of evidence showing the harm and irreparable damage of experimental medical treatments for children with gender dysphoria.
If you're an American and youy vote for Donald Trump, you're mentally ill.

I think that cosmetic surgery of any kind is the ultimate act of self loathing. Every woman I've ever known who had breast implants has had them removed because of medical problems, leaving them "multilated", and yet breast implants aren't even banned, despite the harm they do.

Every day there are website posting photos of cosmetic surgery nightmares. People who have destroyed their faces or their bodies. But you don't want to ban their procedures.

Every one of the articles linked to support the OP was a card carrying right wing "Questionable Source" with a history of failed fact checks.

The entire anti-trans, anti-gay movement is being run by right wing loons and grifters stoking the right wing outrage machine.

Americans tolerate and indulge an manner of mental illness, so why does this one bother YOU so fucking much? It's not your body or you life. You allow other people to multilate themselves, but not the trans people.

When gay marriage became the law in Canada, nobody but the gays and people working in the wedding industry cared, and those two groups were ecstatic. There was no national outcry that our morals were being destroyed, or fears that straight marriage was endangered. Other than getting invites to more weddings, it had no effect on straight people. It's been neaerly 25 years now and Canada hasn't changed because of it.

Yet Americans went bat shit crazy over gay marriage, and they haven't let up on it. Just like they're going bat shit crazy over trans people getting surgery. Why don't you try minding your OWN business and your OWN sanity, which seems to be on pretty shaky grounds from what I've seen.

It might be a sign of mental illness to try and equate breast augmentation for grownups with mutilating breast removal for a teenager. The first is reversible. The latter is not.
deference to medical science and the FREEBOM of individuals seems to be the liberal position here. what is wrong with that?
Actual LIBERALS seek to protect children and realize the need for an age of innocence in our developmental process.

You are a leftist rather than a liberal, however, and so only see children as a resource to exploit, instead.
His failure to post or even mention objections to their use is sufficient, FuckBoi. Puberty blockers have been in use in the USA since 1993, and not a word from you loons prior to this.

Puberty blockers can be fine for children with precocious puberty but not to stop Normal puberty. They can also be used for children with advance prostrate cancer which is sensitive to this kind of therapy and is a very serious illness.

This is a far cry from your idea to use these powerful hormones for psychiatric disorders in children.

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