Why do Jewish people mostly vote Democrat?

I don't get it. Look at the disgrace at the DNC.



Look at what the Left has done at college campuses:

View attachment 212033

Opinion | The B.D.S. Movement and Anti-Semitism on Campus


Yet 70% still vote blue. I will NEVER vote blue again until they change their antisemitic rhetoric.

Thank you

I look forward to seeing the responses.

Because the Democratic Party best represents their issues and concerns.

Their concern is not Israel? The only Jewish state?
When you're ready to man up and admit you made shit up, let the whole world know.

Man up? STFU little man. Only person that doesn’t agree with me is your dumbass who cannot find the any key button. You are one of those that thinks you are sane and the world is insane? LOL.

Why don’t you man up and admit you had no idea Hamas ran Gaza and speaks for Islamists in that region. You’re welcome for the lesson.

You know, I sure feel sorry for Dims. Their party was founded by Andrew Jackson, a man who initiated a genocide against American Indians, and then just a few years later, they fight to keep slavery of black legal.

Wrong again. Not sure where you avoided going to school but the Democratic Party was organized by Martin van Buren and started operating as such in 1834. Jackson ran for POTUS three times and never had a political party behind him. As Casey Stengel would say, "you could look it up".

Not sure what "they fought to keep slavery of black legal" might be destined to represent but why don't you translate that to English.

I guess we're abandoning the whole "Klan" canard as unwinnable at this point too. That's understandable.


I did.

Andrew Jackson and the Democratic Party, 1825 to 1828

Most astute politicians could feel which way the wind was blowing. Van Buren added his New York machine to the Jackson fold. Most Crawford men switched to Jackson. The new party was largely managed from Washington, D.C. by John Henry Eaton, Calhoun, Van Buren, Houston, and others, who formed a central committee for correspondence. Eaton provided money to establish the United States Telegraph as a national organ with Duff Green as editor. Local papers modeled themselves on the Telegraph. Jackson himself kept up a voluminous correspondence, but avoided public appearances. In the elections of 1826 many Adams and Clay men lost their seats in Congress, and many local politicians hitched themselves to the Jackson bandwagon.

Van Buren seemed to like the genocide

Your blog is simply wrong. There was no "Democratic Party" until 1834. Its first POTUS candidate was van Buren himself. Who, it might interest you to know, was an abolitionist.

Jackson had a gaggle of supporters but they weren't an organized political party --- they were simply "Jacksonians". His opposition had a gaggle too but they also weren't an organized party --- they were simply the "anti-Jacksonians". Eventually the former evolved into "Democrats" and the latter evovled into "Whigs", the same year (1834). But when Jackson was running they didn't exist as such.

(/entirely offtopic)

Pogo STFU. You didn’t even know Hamas ran Gaza. Find the any key button.
I don't get it. Look at the disgrace at the DNC.



Look at what the Left has done at college campuses:

View attachment 212033

Opinion | The B.D.S. Movement and Anti-Semitism on Campus


Yet 70% still vote blue. I will NEVER vote blue again until they change their antisemitic rhetoric.

Thank you

I look forward to seeing the responses.

Because the Democratic Party best represents their issues and concerns.

Their concern is not Israel? The only Jewish state?

It may be one of their concerns, but certainly not the only one.
I don't get it. Look at the disgrace at the DNC.



Look at what the Left has done at college campuses:

View attachment 212033

Opinion | The B.D.S. Movement and Anti-Semitism on Campus


Yet 70% still vote blue. I will NEVER vote blue again until they change their antisemitic rhetoric.

Thank you

I look forward to seeing the responses.

Because the Democratic Party best represents their issues and concerns.

Their concern is not Israel? The only Jewish state?

It may be one of their concerns, but certainly not the only one.

Apparently Azzglug the Defibrillator wants Theocracy.
Wow. Another post to slam Jews. There is nothing to specifically link Jews to dems. And of course all the white trash can’t wait to come out and slam those types of Jews that they don’t understand. Thing is that most of the so called master race have never met anyone that was Jewish. Thing is that Jesus is a Jew. He is also black, as the Bible describes him as having skin of bronze. Blame the government for whatever issues you have. Jews have had no say in what has happened to them. And they have been the scapegoats and victims of everything. Throughout all the adversity, they have maintained as a strong culture, dedicated to their families.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I am Jewish?

Not directed to you. Just some of the ignorant responses received from lower IQ people responding. The Jews have always been on the top of the hit list for the Klan, above other cultures. That’s not going to change.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

And who started the Klan?

Oh, that's right, the Dims
Yes, in the conservative confederate south. They now vote Republican.
I don't get it. Look at the disgrace at the DNC.



Look at what the Left has done at college campuses:

View attachment 212033

Opinion | The B.D.S. Movement and Anti-Semitism on Campus


Yet 70% still vote blue. I will NEVER vote blue again until they change their antisemitic rhetoric.

Thank you

I look forward to seeing the responses.
Most Jews support the Democrat party because most Jews are smart enough to not support the Republican party of hate.

And what's wrong supporting human rights for Palestinians at the DNC? The Democrat party is truly the big tent party.
I don't get it. Look at the disgrace at the DNC.



Look at what the Left has done at college campuses:

View attachment 212033

Opinion | The B.D.S. Movement and Anti-Semitism on Campus


Yet 70% still vote blue. I will NEVER vote blue again until they change their antisemitic rhetoric.

Thank you

I look forward to seeing the responses.
Most Jews support the Democrat party because most Jews are smart enough to not support the Republican party of hate.

And what's wrong supporting human rights for Palestinians at the DNC? The Democrat party is truly the big tent party.

#1) no foreign flags should fly at our presidential conventions when we ban the Mississippi flag

#2) F U and your anti Jew views. Hamas and their followers can kiss my Jewish ass. So can you.
I don't get it. Look at the disgrace at the DNC.



Look at what the Left has done at college campuses:

View attachment 212033

Opinion | The B.D.S. Movement and Anti-Semitism on Campus


Yet 70% still vote blue. I will NEVER vote blue again until they change their antisemitic rhetoric.

Thank you

I look forward to seeing the responses.

Because the Democratic Party best represents their issues and concerns.

Their concern is not Israel? The only Jewish state?

It may be one of their concerns, but certainly not the only one.

Apparently Azzglug the Defibrillator wants Theocracy.

So angry? How is that any key button? Found it yet?
I don't get it. Look at the disgrace at the DNC.



Look at what the Left has done at college campuses:

View attachment 212033

Opinion | The B.D.S. Movement and Anti-Semitism on Campus


Yet 70% still vote blue. I will NEVER vote blue again until they change their antisemitic rhetoric.

Thank you

I look forward to seeing the responses.

Because the Democratic Party best represents their issues and concerns.

Their concern is not Israel? The only Jewish state?

It may be one of their concerns, but certainly not the only one.

Is it a concern? Do tell.
I don't get it. Look at the disgrace at the DNC.



Look at what the Left has done at college campuses:

View attachment 212033

Opinion | The B.D.S. Movement and Anti-Semitism on Campus


Yet 70% still vote blue. I will NEVER vote blue again until they change their antisemitic rhetoric.

Thank you

I look forward to seeing the responses.
Most Jews support the Democrat party because most Jews are smart enough to not support the Republican party of hate.

And what's wrong supporting human rights for Palestinians at the DNC? The Democrat party is truly the big tent party.

#1) no foreign flags should fly at our presidential conventions when we ban the Mississippi flag

#2) F U and your anti Jew views. Hamas and their followers can kiss my Jewish ass. So can you.

What a moron you are. Many Americans come from all over the globe. Only a conservative would shit on them.

And my views are hardly anti-Jewish. Many, many Jews believe in a two-state solution.
Not all of us do.

But, the reasons many do are mostly historical. American Jews have been on the forefront of this nation's labor and civil rights struggles.

However, as the Democratic Party takes a more and more antisemitic stance towards Israel, you see fewer and fewer Jews voting the straight Democrat ticket.

Old habits die hard, don't they?

I tend to see it in terms of the boiling lobster analogy. As the democratic party has shifted away from liberalism and towards racist identity politics, the shift has been gradual enough so that there was no one big jolt to really drive home the fact that it is now the left that is highly antisemitic rather than the right. I read Jewish voices on antisemitism all the time that STILL look only to the old fashioned neo Nazi type antisemitism while ignoring the leftist Islamist inspired variety.

Heck, in Britain it has become so bad that as photos have surfaced showing Jeremy Corbyn celebrating the mass murder of Jewish athletes at Munich, people STILL deny any antisemitism.

In the pecking order of leftist identity politics, there is only one identity that is actually less hip than "white male" and that is "Jew". It's about time more Jewish people started to realize that.
Not directed to you. Just some of the ignorant responses received from lower IQ people responding. The Jews have always been on the top of the hit list for the Klan, above other cultures. That’s not going to change.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

And who started the Clan?

Oh, that's right, the Dims

What "Clan" would that be? :dunno:

Clans were generally started by Scots.

The KKK.

Incidentally, here is a Jew who gets it and knows how the Left views Jews in general.

Ah, that one. Didn't realize your spelling was that bad.

That was started (originally) by six ex-CSA soldiers who were bored over a Christmas holiday. None of them had any known political affiliations nor did they start it for any such purpose, nor did political parties exist in that time and place anyway. That one fizzled out in a few years and was lost to the anals of history along with more than two dozen similar post-war groups, until "Birth of a Nation" came out in 1915 and an ex-Methodist minister decided he could make money by making the Klan pictured in the film into a real thing that people could join ---- and of course pay him membership fees. He too had no known political affiliations. That Klan went way bigger and more widespread and is the one we have all the pictures of.

That's who started the Klan(s). Want details, I got 'em. Names, dates, places in full. But I've done this a hundred times on this board, it's not like you couldn't look it up if the facts were what you were after.

And I already alluded to this in my first post in this thread but that 1915 Klan was started by remnants of a lynch mob who had murdered a Jewish factory manager in Georgia named Leo Frank. Jews were one of its prime targets. Along with blacks, immigrants and labor unions, all of which were and are Democratic Party constituents.

The DIms have a rich tradition in the Klan.

Just Like the Good Ol' Days... Democrats Dress as KKK to Protest Donald Trump (VIDEO)

Jim Fucking Hoft is a fraud, always has been. I've exposed him on this board without even addressing his shit.

And the video CLEARLY depicts it as a parody. That's apparently beyond your intellectual pay grade but we already knew that when we clicked a link that went to Hateway Pluderer. Dumbass.
I don't get it. Look at the disgrace at the DNC.



Look at what the Left has done at college campuses:

View attachment 212033

Opinion | The B.D.S. Movement and Anti-Semitism on Campus


Yet 70% still vote blue. I will NEVER vote blue again until they change their antisemitic rhetoric.

Thank you

I look forward to seeing the responses.

Well, Jewish culture is not 'uniform', for one, and for two they have their own demographic of hard core bigots and racists, but those not familiar with the many sects will wet themselves, babble some shit about 'The Holocaust N Stuff', and hope to shut down any discussion of it. right wing Jews don't have that problem, and niether do many Jewish intellectuals and scholars.

Here is a good general intro to these different mindsets, for the uninitiated. As for the stereotype of Jews being 'more intelligent n stuff', that's highly debatable, given their history; there is a difference between being educated and being intelligent, despite the noise to the contrary ... there is a lot of Stupid Jewish History' out there, which is why they got their asses kicked most of the time; they've had a hard time keeping their racism in check over the centuries; see all those 'Diasporas' and 'exiles', and why their Temples got burned down, etc., etc. etc. people who thought they could beat the Roman Empire with slingshots and rocks aren't really in the Top Ten on the intelligent peoples' list ... but anyway, here you go; enjoy ... it's an old link, maybe it still works? ...

Judaism, Culture and the Gentile World: A Conversation with Rabbi Mayer Schiller

Some highlights re 'voting Democrat':

Jewish Review: Could you comment on the contradiction which Rabbi Kahane has drawn between the Israeli state and democracy, or between the philosophy of Judaism and majority rule?

Rabbi Schiller: Kahane has asked a very simple question. He asks: if we believe in absolute truth how can we believe in majority rule? He's also asked another question, and that is whether a society which has a vision for itself (and in this particular case a religious vision, but I think this also applies to ethnic and cultural visions as well) allow for what I call ?1789? or French revolutionary political rights? This is a very big problem and I don't think that Jews have (confronted) or answered it honestly. On the one hand, for the past three or four hundred years of world history we have been in the forefront of those movements that have championed majority rule, pluralism, and ?bill of rights? type, 1789 rights. Yet when we get to Eretz Yisrael and we have our own country we're all of a sudden saying ?No, we don't believe in simple majority rule. We believe that a nation has the right to preserve its own identity.? Now, would we extend that right to Englishmen, to Frenchmen, to Germans, to Americans? I think Kahane is asking great questions. His answer is (and I'm just quoting him here from memory) that there are no nationalisms except Jewish nationalism.? Now that might be an answer, and if you follow the really hard line traditionalist approach the answer would be that there really are no other nationalisms in God's sight. All other nationalisms are a sham. So, when we're Jews in Western Europe and America we try to be liberal, pluralist and tolerant in order to protect ourselves, but not because we think societies ought to be that way in order to be healthy societies. We think healthy societies are non‑pluralistic, but when you're living amongst those ?crazy goyim? who can kill you at every turn you advocate political rights and pluralism.


Jewish Review: Yet you also argue that Jewish commitments on the left are an extension of a philosophy which places little or no value on the gentile, and are actually self serving commitments. How is this so?

Rabbi Schiller: Not always, just sometimes. Take, for example, Jewish involvement in the civil rights movements. Ask a Jew why he was in favor of civil rights and very often he'll come up with something like the following rationale: ?We could be next!? In fact recently there was a press report on Le Pen's movement in France which reported that French Jews are opposing Le Pen because they are afraid that after the Arabs they'll be next. Now this feeling is often subconscious and I'm not saying that there weren't also many Jews who were idealistic about their politics, but the question is did the Jew really feel that a white Protestant southerner should have an integrated society? Or did the Jew really feel that for our own political agenda their ought to be an integrated society. Would the Jews have wanted integration with the blacks if the southern whites were Jewish Orthodox?

Jewish Review: Perhaps the liberal Jews were sincere?

Rabbi Schiller: Many were, and the insincerity of others was largely subconscious. But as far as liberal Jews are concerned I think that we're seeing a split on that issue today. The sincere liberals are continuing on with Tikkun and things like that, but those who were full of baloney now support Commentary and Public Interest. Let's take the Tikkun people. Are they really serious? I can't believe that they really want the demographic/racial extinction of European man. Demographic trends seem to show that within the next century America will essentially be a third world nation. Does the Jewish liberal really welcome that? I think they may say they welcome that because they live in suburbia. Do they really believe that all nations, peoples and cultures should be obliterated in an egalitarian world? I don't know what they want. They're stuck because they took the notions of democracy and human rights so seriously.

Keep in mind the Rabbi is Hassidic; this is a post-WW II 'movement', it is now estimated to be over 10% of 'religious' Jews and many of those are racist and bigoted, some are more moderate, like this Rabbi, so one has to be careful and do some back-grounding on whatever is being said by someone who claims to be 'speaking for Jews'. Many practicing Jews are very patriotic, some are indifferent to Americans and cold care less, they're here for the money period, but so are many non-Jewish Americans. I don't care for Hasisidics, they are little different than Nazis as far as I'm concerned personally, but if you want to feel 'all diverse n stuff' and think any criticism of Jewish racism and bigotry is 'anti-semitic' then feel free to remain an moron. I don't care. My great-grandparents didn't have any problems assimilating, and we support Israel, with treasure and blood when the time comes; with these hard core Hassids they're just as likely to join Hamas; some of them cheer the Muslim bombings in Europe,s like I said, there is no 'Jewish Community' they all belong to, they have the same issues with idiots every other demographic does, and no one is required to blindly support them all.

Another thing to be concerned about is the IDF is now drafting these crazies, and making them officers as well. They are atrocities just waiting to happen, and not the fake ones we get from the left and right wing press, either.
American Jews have more loyalty to liberalism than Israel.

That's because they are cultural jews, and not religious jews. Most are agnostic or even atheist. Their hero's are Marx and Lenin, not Abraham and Moses. ... :cool:

I am not really all that religous. But we all suffered some due to WWII...that should unite us I would think considering there are so few of us. But I think you hit the nail on the head.

You are exactly right, everyone suffered in WWII and yet it seems it all about the holocaust which by the way Judea declared war on Germany in 1933.

Why of course; we've all seen those pics of those Jewish hordes on the borders of Germany, making scary faces n stuff.
American Jews have more loyalty to liberalism than Israel.

That's because they are cultural jews, and not religious jews. Most are agnostic or even atheist. Their hero's are Marx and Lenin, not Abraham and Moses. ... :cool:

I am not really all that religous. But we all suffered some due to WWII...that should unite us I would think considering there are so few of us. But I think you hit the nail on the head.

You are exactly right, everyone suffered in WWII and yet it seems it all about the holocaust which by the way Judea declared war on Germany in 1933.

Why of course; we've all seen those pics of those Jewish hordes on the borders of Germany, making scary faces n stuff.
Please be aware-----the source---JEWISH REVIEW---cited by the islamo-Nazi dog Picaro------is a kind of
joke----like the "ONION" and his citations is so chock full of grass error-----that discussing his pile of shit is beyond my patience. Note the idiocy >>>

From islamo Nazi Pic
"" Keep in mind the Rabbi is Hassidic; this is a post-WW II 'movement', it is now estimated to be over 10% of 'religious' Jews and many of those are racist and bigoted, ""

in fact Pic quotes a person who is NOT a rabbi ---
sorta an AL SHARPTON level "Christian minister"

the comment above is Pic's------very idiotic----IN FACT the Chassidic Movement dates back to early to mid 1700s and developed--first in Poland and Hungary in response to dogs like Picaro who were
making life so impossible for jews that they -----like the monastic jews of the time of Jesus in reponse to the filth or Rome------RETREATED INTO MYSTICISM. The movement remains alive----but the idiot Pic assertion that 10% of jews adhere----is a VERY GROSS overestimate-----not even 2%.
The hero of the Chassidic movement (it is, like Catholicism ---ALMOST A PERSONALITY CULT)
a person nick-named BAAL SHEM TOV (not his birth name which I have forgotten---but then "jesus"------is not some Galilean name from 2 BC
either. As to the assertion by the catechism poisoned Pic-----as to the characters of "chassidim"------he has never been in the same room with a chassid. Of course, I have. -----
a very noble people. Pic's catechism whore
attribution of "bigotry" ----is the projection of an
I don't get it. Look at the disgrace at the DNC.



Look at what the Left has done at college campuses:

View attachment 212033

Opinion | The B.D.S. Movement and Anti-Semitism on Campus


Yet 70% still vote blue. I will NEVER vote blue again until they change their antisemitic rhetoric.

Thank you

I look forward to seeing the responses.

Well, Jewish culture is not 'uniform', for one, and for two they have their own demographic of hard core bigots and racists, but those not familiar with the many sects will wet themselves, babble some shit about 'The Holocaust N Stuff', and hope to shut down any discussion of it. right wing Jews don't have that problem, and niether do many Jewish intellectuals and scholars.

Here is a good general intro to these different mindsets, for the uninitiated. As for the stereotype of Jews being 'more intelligent n stuff', that's highly debatable, given their history; there is a difference between being educated and being intelligent, despite the noise to the contrary ... there is a lot of Stupid Jewish History' out there, which is why they got their asses kicked most of the time; they've had a hard time keeping their racism in check over the centuries; see all those 'Diasporas' and 'exiles', and why their Temples got burned down, etc., etc. etc. people who thought they could beat the Roman Empire with slingshots and rocks aren't really in the Top Ten on the intelligent peoples' list ... but anyway, here you go; enjoy ... it's an old link, maybe it still works? ...

Judaism, Culture and the Gentile World: A Conversation with Rabbi Mayer Schiller

Some highlights re 'voting Democrat':

Jewish Review: Could you comment on the contradiction which Rabbi Kahane has drawn between the Israeli state and democracy, or between the philosophy of Judaism and majority rule?

Rabbi Schiller: Kahane has asked a very simple question. He asks: if we believe in absolute truth how can we believe in majority rule? He's also asked another question, and that is whether a society which has a vision for itself (and in this particular case a religious vision, but I think this also applies to ethnic and cultural visions as well) allow for what I call ?1789? or French revolutionary political rights? This is a very big problem and I don't think that Jews have (confronted) or answered it honestly. On the one hand, for the past three or four hundred years of world history we have been in the forefront of those movements that have championed majority rule, pluralism, and ?bill of rights? type, 1789 rights. Yet when we get to Eretz Yisrael and we have our own country we're all of a sudden saying ?No, we don't believe in simple majority rule. We believe that a nation has the right to preserve its own identity.? Now, would we extend that right to Englishmen, to Frenchmen, to Germans, to Americans? I think Kahane is asking great questions. His answer is (and I'm just quoting him here from memory) that there are no nationalisms except Jewish nationalism.? Now that might be an answer, and if you follow the really hard line traditionalist approach the answer would be that there really are no other nationalisms in God's sight. All other nationalisms are a sham. So, when we're Jews in Western Europe and America we try to be liberal, pluralist and tolerant in order to protect ourselves, but not because we think societies ought to be that way in order to be healthy societies. We think healthy societies are non‑pluralistic, but when you're living amongst those ?crazy goyim? who can kill you at every turn you advocate political rights and pluralism.


Jewish Review: Yet you also argue that Jewish commitments on the left are an extension of a philosophy which places little or no value on the gentile, and are actually self serving commitments. How is this so?

Rabbi Schiller: Not always, just sometimes. Take, for example, Jewish involvement in the civil rights movements. Ask a Jew why he was in favor of civil rights and very often he'll come up with something like the following rationale: ?We could be next!? In fact recently there was a press report on Le Pen's movement in France which reported that French Jews are opposing Le Pen because they are afraid that after the Arabs they'll be next. Now this feeling is often subconscious and I'm not saying that there weren't also many Jews who were idealistic about their politics, but the question is did the Jew really feel that a white Protestant southerner should have an integrated society? Or did the Jew really feel that for our own political agenda their ought to be an integrated society. Would the Jews have wanted integration with the blacks if the southern whites were Jewish Orthodox?

Jewish Review: Perhaps the liberal Jews were sincere?

Rabbi Schiller: Many were, and the insincerity of others was largely subconscious. But as far as liberal Jews are concerned I think that we're seeing a split on that issue today. The sincere liberals are continuing on with Tikkun and things like that, but those who were full of baloney now support Commentary and Public Interest. Let's take the Tikkun people. Are they really serious? I can't believe that they really want the demographic/racial extinction of European man. Demographic trends seem to show that within the next century America will essentially be a third world nation. Does the Jewish liberal really welcome that? I think they may say they welcome that because they live in suburbia. Do they really believe that all nations, peoples and cultures should be obliterated in an egalitarian world? I don't know what they want. They're stuck because they took the notions of democracy and human rights so seriously.

Keep in mind the Rabbi is Hassidic; this is a post-WW II 'movement', it is now estimated to be over 10% of 'religious' Jews and many of those are racist and bigoted, some are more moderate, like this Rabbi, so one has to be careful and do some back-grounding on whatever is being said by someone who claims to be 'speaking for Jews'. Many practicing Jews are very patriotic, some are indifferent to Americans and cold care less, they're here for the money period, but so are many non-Jewish Americans. I don't care for Hasisidics, they are little different than Nazis as far as I'm concerned personally, but if you want to feel 'all diverse n stuff' and think any criticism of Jewish racism and bigotry is 'anti-semitic' then feel free to remain an moron. I don't care. My great-grandparents didn't have any problems assimilating, and we support Israel, with treasure and blood when the time comes; with these hard core Hassids they're just as likely to join Hamas; some of them cheer the Muslim bombings in Europe,s like I said, there is no 'Jewish Community' they all belong to, they have the same issues with idiots every other demographic does, and no one is required to blindly support them all.

Another thing to be concerned about is the IDF is now drafting these crazies, and making them officers as well. They are atrocities just waiting to happen, and not the fake ones we get from the left and right wing press, either.
Observant Jews never discuss Goyim as we are way too busy working and paying the bills.
True story.
independent----you are talking to a wall
I don't get it. Look at the disgrace at the DNC.



Look at what the Left has done at college campuses:

View attachment 212033

Opinion | The B.D.S. Movement and Anti-Semitism on Campus


Yet 70% still vote blue. I will NEVER vote blue again until they change their antisemitic rhetoric.

Thank you

I look forward to seeing the responses.

Well, Jewish culture is not 'uniform', for one, and for two they have their own demographic of hard core bigots and racists, but those not familiar with the many sects will wet themselves, babble some shit about 'The Holocaust N Stuff', and hope to shut down any discussion of it. right wing Jews don't have that problem, and niether do many Jewish intellectuals and scholars.

Here is a good general intro to these different mindsets, for the uninitiated. As for the stereotype of Jews being 'more intelligent n stuff', that's highly debatable, given their history; there is a difference between being educated and being intelligent, despite the noise to the contrary ... there is a lot of Stupid Jewish History' out there, which is why they got their asses kicked most of the time; they've had a hard time keeping their racism in check over the centuries; see all those 'Diasporas' and 'exiles', and why their Temples got burned down, etc., etc. etc. people who thought they could beat the Roman Empire with slingshots and rocks aren't really in the Top Ten on the intelligent peoples' list ... but anyway, here you go; enjoy ... it's an old link, maybe it still works? ...

Judaism, Culture and the Gentile World: A Conversation with Rabbi Mayer Schiller

Some highlights re 'voting Democrat':

Jewish Review: Could you comment on the contradiction which Rabbi Kahane has drawn between the Israeli state and democracy, or between the philosophy of Judaism and majority rule?

Rabbi Schiller: Kahane has asked a very simple question. He asks: if we believe in absolute truth how can we believe in majority rule? He's also asked another question, and that is whether a society which has a vision for itself (and in this particular case a religious vision, but I think this also applies to ethnic and cultural visions as well) allow for what I call ?1789? or French revolutionary political rights? This is a very big problem and I don't think that Jews have (confronted) or answered it honestly. On the one hand, for the past three or four hundred years of world history we have been in the forefront of those movements that have championed majority rule, pluralism, and ?bill of rights? type, 1789 rights. Yet when we get to Eretz Yisrael and we have our own country we're all of a sudden saying ?No, we don't believe in simple majority rule. We believe that a nation has the right to preserve its own identity.? Now, would we extend that right to Englishmen, to Frenchmen, to Germans, to Americans? I think Kahane is asking great questions. His answer is (and I'm just quoting him here from memory) that there are no nationalisms except Jewish nationalism.? Now that might be an answer, and if you follow the really hard line traditionalist approach the answer would be that there really are no other nationalisms in God's sight. All other nationalisms are a sham. So, when we're Jews in Western Europe and America we try to be liberal, pluralist and tolerant in order to protect ourselves, but not because we think societies ought to be that way in order to be healthy societies. We think healthy societies are non‑pluralistic, but when you're living amongst those ?crazy goyim? who can kill you at every turn you advocate political rights and pluralism.


Jewish Review: Yet you also argue that Jewish commitments on the left are an extension of a philosophy which places little or no value on the gentile, and are actually self serving commitments. How is this so?

Rabbi Schiller: Not always, just sometimes. Take, for example, Jewish involvement in the civil rights movements. Ask a Jew why he was in favor of civil rights and very often he'll come up with something like the following rationale: ?We could be next!? In fact recently there was a press report on Le Pen's movement in France which reported that French Jews are opposing Le Pen because they are afraid that after the Arabs they'll be next. Now this feeling is often subconscious and I'm not saying that there weren't also many Jews who were idealistic about their politics, but the question is did the Jew really feel that a white Protestant southerner should have an integrated society? Or did the Jew really feel that for our own political agenda their ought to be an integrated society. Would the Jews have wanted integration with the blacks if the southern whites were Jewish Orthodox?

Jewish Review: Perhaps the liberal Jews were sincere?

Rabbi Schiller: Many were, and the insincerity of others was largely subconscious. But as far as liberal Jews are concerned I think that we're seeing a split on that issue today. The sincere liberals are continuing on with Tikkun and things like that, but those who were full of baloney now support Commentary and Public Interest. Let's take the Tikkun people. Are they really serious? I can't believe that they really want the demographic/racial extinction of European man. Demographic trends seem to show that within the next century America will essentially be a third world nation. Does the Jewish liberal really welcome that? I think they may say they welcome that because they live in suburbia. Do they really believe that all nations, peoples and cultures should be obliterated in an egalitarian world? I don't know what they want. They're stuck because they took the notions of democracy and human rights so seriously.

Keep in mind the Rabbi is Hassidic; this is a post-WW II 'movement', it is now estimated to be over 10% of 'religious' Jews and many of those are racist and bigoted, some are more moderate, like this Rabbi, so one has to be careful and do some back-grounding on whatever is being said by someone who claims to be 'speaking for Jews'. Many practicing Jews are very patriotic, some are indifferent to Americans and cold care less, they're here for the money period, but so are many non-Jewish Americans. I don't care for Hasisidics, they are little different than Nazis as far as I'm concerned personally, but if you want to feel 'all diverse n stuff' and think any criticism of Jewish racism and bigotry is 'anti-semitic' then feel free to remain an moron. I don't care. My great-grandparents didn't have any problems assimilating, and we support Israel, with treasure and blood when the time comes; with these hard core Hassids they're just as likely to join Hamas; some of them cheer the Muslim bombings in Europe,s like I said, there is no 'Jewish Community' they all belong to, they have the same issues with idiots every other demographic does, and no one is required to blindly support them all.

Another thing to be concerned about is the IDF is now drafting these crazies, and making them officers as well. They are atrocities just waiting to happen, and not the fake ones we get from the left and right wing press, either.
Observant Jews never discuss Goyim as we are way too busy working and paying the bills.
True story.
by the way------1933 is a HOLIDAY YEAR on the catholic calendar-------the year SAINT ADOLF
came to power over the third HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE
lol Rosie knows little about any of it, she's just happy with being an Xian bashing bigot, and Independent just likes believing his Jewish roots make him 'Special'. He likes the stereotypes and wants to believe them to be true.

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